Somalis in Kenya fear reprisals after mall attack
Somalis living in Kenya now fear for their lives in the streets of Nairobi after
the terrorist attacks, in light of previous attacks on their people.
NAN interviewed an ethnic Somali living in Kenya who spoke candidly about his
newfound fears.
The unnamed Somaili stated, "The Somalis have been blamed unfairly for any
terrorist attack where guns and grenades are used, even if it is not true".
Last year, Somali refugees faced angry Kenyan mobs in Nairobi suburbs who were
seeking revenge after a grenade blast killed several people.
"I have spoken with many of my friends. They fear going out. Personally, I'm
scared to venture out for fear of any attack, especially in crowded places."
After the Westgate shopping centre attack, which left at least 67 people dead,
he says the feelings have returned all over again - but even stronger.
"It is even more painful to think that it is your people who have caused all
this harm."
The Kenyan Muslim community has condemned the terror attack and has organised
charity drives to help the victims, as they present a united front with fellow
citizens of all backgrounds.
The government of Kenya is putting on a brave face and sending out messages of
unity, refusing to blame any particular community, and pinning responsibility
firmly on al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda.
President Uhuru Kenyatta had announced the end of the four-day siege in an
address to the Kenyan people."
It has strengthened us and renewed our resolve to live as one strong, open,
stable, democratic and prosperous republic, where people of all races, cultures
and faiths pursue happiness together," he said.
However, the government itself was accused of targeting Somali refugees living
in Nairobi at the end of last year, after grenade attacks.
Human Rights Watch said in May that police units used threats and violence to
extort money from people living in the Eastleigh neighbourhood of Nairobi, known
as "Little Mogadishu." There were rapes and torture by security forces.
More than half a million Somalis now live in Kenya, after fleeing war and
drought in their own country over the past two decades.
Many ethnic Somalis are Kenyan citizens, and there have been allegations that
they, too, have faced abuses.
"Al-Shabaab is rejected by an overwhelming number of Somalis, but reports are
already making links between Somalis and terror threats," said Mike Jennings, of
the Centre of African Studies at the University of London. (dpa/NAN)
Nairobi: Briten und Amerikaner fürchten Schabab-Nachahmer - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Attacke in Nairobi: Westliche Kämpfer im Dienst der Terrormiliz
Waren internationale Kämpfer an dem Blutbad von Nairobi beteiligt? Eine
kenianische Ministerin vermutet "Amerikaner und eine Britin" unter den
Angreifern. Großbritannien und die USA fürchten bereits Nachahmer - potentielle
Unterstützer gäbe es genug.
Nairobi - Als die Angreifer am Samstagmittag das Westgate-Einkaufszentrum in
Nairobi stürmten, brach binnen Sekunden Chaos aus. Menschen rannten um ihr
Leben, Verletzte und Tote lagen am Boden, immer wieder dröhnten die Salven der
Maschinengewehre. Augenzeugen, die diesem Alptraum entrinnen konnten, liefern in
ihren Berichten nur Bruchstücke der Situation. Doch nun, da sich das Geiseldrama
in den vierten Tag zieht, lassen die Schilderungen der Überlebenden zumindest
einen Schluss zu: Mehrere Angreifer wandten sich in englischer Sprache an die
verängstigten Mall-Besucher und schienen diese gut zu beherrschen.
Natürlich wird auch in Afrika die englische Sprache gelehrt und gesprochen. Ein
Interview der kenianischen Außenministerin Amina Mohamed nährt jedoch
Vermutungen, wonach sich auch Ausländer mit oder ohne somalische Wurzeln, an der
Attacke beteiligt haben könnten.
Mohamed hatte bereits in einer frühen Phase des Geiseldramas mitgeteilt, dass
sich "zwei oder drei Amerikaner" und eine "Britin" unter den Angreifern
In einem Interview mit dem US-Sender PBS präzisierte sie diese Angaben weiter.
Die Amerikaner seien "junge Männer, 18 oder 19 Jahre alt", so die Ministerin.
Zwar hätten diese somalische oder arabische Wurzeln, aber "in Minnesota und
einem anderen Ort" der USA gelebt.
Der Name des Bundesstaats im Norden der USA fällt im Zusammenhang mit dem
Krisenland Somalia immer wieder. Laut den aktuellen Zensus-Zahlen lebt jeder
dritte Somali in den USA in Minnesota. Die somalische Enklave dort umfasst nach
Erhebungen des Zensus-Büros mehr als 25.000 Menschen. Mehr als 80.000 sind es
demnach in den kompletten USA.
Noch mehr Menschen mit somalischen Wurzeln leben laut der britischen "Times" in
Großbritannien. Dort sollen es mehr als 100.000 sein. Immer wieder gibt es
Berichte über Männer, die plötzlich aus ihren gewohnten Umgebungen verschwinden
und später in Somalia wieder auftauchen. Diese Männer gelten meist als sehr jung
und beeinflussbar. Am Horn von Afrika durchlaufen sie die Trainingslager der
Miliz, werden an der Waffe und in asymmetrischer Kriegsführung ausgebildet.
Konkrete Angaben über diese "Terror-Touristen" sind rar. Die "Times" gibt ihre
Zahl für Großbritannien mit 50 an.
Rätsel um Beteiligung von Samantha L.
Einen Sonderfall stellt sicher die britische Angreiferin dar. Über die
Beteiligung der Frau an der Bluttat von Nairobi sagte Ministerin Mohamed, diese
habe "so etwas schon oft getan".
Damit nährt die Ministerin Spekulationen, wonach sich die britische
Terrorverdächtige Samantha L. unter den Geiselnehmern befinden könnte. Diese
wird in Ostafrika vermutet, von afrikanischen und britischen Behörden gesucht,
und soll in mindestens einen weiteren Terroranschlag an der kenianischen Küste
verwickelt sein.
Augenzeugen hatten nach dem Angriff berichtet, in der Gruppe der Terroristen
habe sich auch eine "Mzungu" befunden. Das Wort gilt in vielen afrikanischen
Sprachen als Sammelbegriff für Menschen mit heller Haut.
Samantha L., von der britischen Boulevard-Presse zur "Weißen Witwe"
hochgeschrieben, soll sich im März 2012 nach Somalia abgesetzt haben. Im
weitgehend rechtsfreien Raum des Bürgerkriegslandes entzieht sie sich seitdem
des Zugriffs durch die internationalen Fahnder. Vor ihrer Flucht durch Afrika
war sie mit Jermaine Lindsay verheiratet, einem der Drahtzieher hinter dem
tödlichen Bombenanschlag in London im Jahr 2005.
Mysteriöse Liste per Twitter
Es gibt weitere Indizien für internationale Beteiligung an der Attacke. Über
einen Twitter-Account, der Schabab-Miliz zugerechnet wird, waren bereits am
Sonntag die Namen und Herkunftsländer von 17 Angreifern veröffentlicht worden.
Auf der Liste finden sich neben Finnen, Schweden und Russen auch sechs Männer
mit US-amerikanischen Wurzeln.
Zwar wurden die Namen von einer anderen Schabab-Twitter-Quelle inzwischen
dementiert. Dennoch wäre eine Zusammensetzung der Gruppe, wie in dem Posting
angedeutet, durchaus realistisch. Längst zählt die Schabab-Miliz nicht mehr nur
Somalis in ihren Reihen. Sympathisanten aus vielen Ländern lassen sich seit
Jahren in Somalia ausbilden und stellen ihre Dienste den radikalen Islamisten
zur Verfügung. ...
White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite's family torn apart by shame of terrorist link
to Nairobi attack - Mirror Online
By Tom Parry
White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite's family torn apart by shame of terrorist link
to Nairobi attack
25 Sep 2013
Her family have struggled to deal with the mum-of-three’s disappearance after
husband killed 26 people in the 7/7 London bombings
Daily Mirror
As a soldier who served in Northern Ireland during the 1970s at the height of
the Troubles, Andy Lewthwaite understands the dreadful toll of terror attacks.
But today he is carrying the burden of being the father of the world’s most
reviled international terrorist.
His daughter Samantha – dubbed the White Widow – is believed to have played a
key role in planning the Westgate mall massacre in Nairobi.
And she could even have died in a firefight with Kenyan soldiers.
Last night experts were still trying to determine if a white woman’s body found
among militants was the 29-year-old.
For years her family, of Aylesbury, Bucks, have struggled to deal with the
mum-of-three’s disappearance after husband Germaine Lindsay killed 26 people in
the 7/7 London bombings.
Now builder Andy, 57, who has two other children with Lewthwaite’s mum Christine
Allen, has to come to terms with how his happy little girl became apparently
capable of slaughtering children. ...
Lewthwaite’s transformation into one of terror group al-Shabaab’s figureheads on
the run in East Africa is something few can comprehend.
She was still at primary school when her family moved from her birthplace in
Northern Ireland to Buckinghamshire. Her parents split in 1995.
Raj Khan, an Aylesbury councillor, said: “I knew her when she was a child.
"She was very innocent, lacking confidence, shy and very easy to get on with.
She was a follower not a leader.
“That’s why I find it absolutely amazing that she is supposed to be the head of
an international criminal terrorist organisation.” ...
She met Jamaican-born Muslim convert Lindsay through an Islamic internet
chatroom the same year and they married a few months later. ...
After being quizzed over the 2005 London suicide attacks, in which 52 people
lost their lives, the White Widow returned to her family, who were convinced of
her innocence.
Andy, together with Lewthwaite’s older brother Allan and younger sister Sabrina,
condemned the bombings, but were shocked about “loving husband” and “brilliant
father” Lindsay’s role.
Lewthwaite vanished soon after her third child was fathered by Habib Ghani, of
Hounslow, West London, in 2009.
Ghani was shot dead in Somalia two weeks ago in what was understood to be a row
between al-Shabaab factions.
It is thought this could have spurred grieving Lewthwaite to urge terror chiefs
to push ahead with the Kenya atrocity.
And it is also believed to be no coincidence that the Nairobi attack came on the
eve of the trial of another al-Shabaab Briton, Jermaine Grant, in Mombasa.
The White Widow and Grant allegedly planned to bomb Kenyan beach resorts before
police swooped on their rented flat in December 2011.
Cops found bomb-making equipment and chemicals but Lewthwaite escaped
The only clues about her whereabouts since have come through her occasional
taunts against the West on Twitter.
Terrorist zu mutigem Vierjaehrigen:
"Bitte vergib mir"
Nairobi attack: Family of Elliott Prior who told militant 'you’re a very bad
man' relieved to have survived - Mirror Online
By Damien Fletcher
25 Sep 2013
Father of four-year-old Elliott Prior who confronted militants speaks of sadness
about 'senseless atrocity'
The father of a four-year-old boy who stood up to the Nairobi shopping mall
attackers spoke out about his son last night.
Elliott Prior, who had been shopping with his mother and sister at the Westgate
mall when it came under attack on Saturday, confronted one of the militants,
telling him “you’re a very bad man”. ...
Elliott , from Windsor, Berkshire, was with his mum Amber, who had been wounded
in the leg, when a crazed-gunman armed with an AK47 approached.
But instead of cowering from the terrorist, Elliot stood up to him as he battled
to protect his mum and six-year-old sister Amelie.
Incredibly, the terrorist backed down and allowed the family to escape.
He even gave them Mars bars before saying: “Please forgive me, we are not
Mindestens 70 Opfer der Terroristen;
ein Polizist starb wahrscheinlich im Kugelhagel des Militaers (“friendly fire”)
Standard Digital
Standard Digital
Best city cops join America’s school of terrorism
updated on 27 Sep 2013
By Hudson
Scores of
security agents are in Washington DC to be trained on crisis management in the
wake of the Westgate Shopping Mall attack.
The trip to America came amidst an intelligence profile showing that six of the terrorists who carried out the attack were from the US.
They include Abdishakur Sheikh H. from Maine, Abdifita Osman K. (Minneapolis), Ahmad Mohamed (Saint Paul), Mustafa N. (Kansas City), Abdikarem Ali M. (Illinois) and Shafie D. from Tushon.
According to a preliminary intelligence brief seen by The Nairobian, the six Americans are suspected to be among 13 terrorists who raided the mall, holding captive shoppers and tenants at the building.
The elusive Samantha Lewthwaite is identified as the leader of the gang. It is not clear whether she managed to escape or was killed during a joint operation to liberate the mall.
Other terrorists inside the building were Sayid N from Kismayu in Somalia, Zaki Juma (Hargesia, Somalia), Said D. (Damascus), Qasim Said M. (Garissa, Kenya, Ismail G. (Helsinki, Finland) and Ahmed Nasir S. (London).
Within the security circles, there were concerns that the death toll could have been minimised had there been proper coordination.
Some police officers claimed that they lost a colleague to friendly fire by the military, which also injured five more officers.
“When they arrived, they were shooting at the slightest provocation. They thought that our officers who were in uniform were part of the terrorists. We were forced to retreat, leaving the operation to the military when the situation became unbearable,” said an officer.
But a military source denied the claims, saying he was hearing it for the first time.
“The way operations are done you cannot just go and shoot because every team has its commander who issues instructions,” said the source who did not wish to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.
Richard Tutiah, an expert in national security and counter-terrorism praised security agents for a job well done but accused the media of irresponsible journalism for “dedicating acres of space and time dwelling on the incident”.
“It is
impossible to offer a 100 per cent security. The same case applies to
intelligence. It is the work of probability because terrorists have their own
counter intelligence capacity. Unfortunately, we cannot fight with an
irresponsible media. The terrorists got the publicity that they wanted,” said
the Israeli-trained expert.The trip to America came amidst an intelligence profile showing that six of the terrorists who carried out the attack were from the US.
They include Abdishakur Sheikh H. from Maine, Abdifita Osman K. (Minneapolis), Ahmad Mohamed (Saint Paul), Mustafa N. (Kansas City), Abdikarem Ali M. (Illinois) and Shafie D. from Tushon.
According to a preliminary intelligence brief seen by The Nairobian, the six Americans are suspected to be among 13 terrorists who raided the mall, holding captive shoppers and tenants at the building.
The elusive Samantha Lewthwaite is identified as the leader of the gang. It is not clear whether she managed to escape or was killed during a joint operation to liberate the mall.
Other terrorists inside the building were Sayid N from Kismayu in Somalia, Zaki Juma (Hargesia, Somalia), Said D. (Damascus), Qasim Said M. (Garissa, Kenya, Ismail G. (Helsinki, Finland) and Ahmed Nasir S. (London).
Within the security circles, there were concerns that the death toll could have been minimised had there been proper coordination.
Some police officers claimed that they lost a colleague to friendly fire by the military, which also injured five more officers.
“When they arrived, they were shooting at the slightest provocation. They thought that our officers who were in uniform were part of the terrorists. We were forced to retreat, leaving the operation to the military when the situation became unbearable,” said an officer.
But a military source denied the claims, saying he was hearing it for the first time.
“The way operations are done you cannot just go and shoot because every team has its commander who issues instructions,” said the source who did not wish to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.
Richard Tutiah, an expert in national security and counter-terrorism praised security agents for a job well done but accused the media of irresponsible journalism for “dedicating acres of space and time dwelling on the incident”.
While at University of Maryland, the 11 senior police officers will undergo a one-week course on crisis management akin to that witnessed at Westgate where, during the orgy of their violence, the terrorists left about 70 people dead. …
Kenyan security chiefs must testify in Nairobi mall attack
A Kenyan parliamentary panel wants answers on reports of unheeded terrorism warnings and turf wars between police and army units during the siege.
By Nicholas Soi and Robyn Dixon
September 27, 2013
NAIROBI, Kenya — Amid reports that there were unheeded warnings of a terrorist attack on Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall, turf wars between police and army units and friendly fire fatalities, a Kenyan parliamentary committee has summoned security chiefs to explain what went wrong. ...
Several Kenyan news reports Friday cited sources saying that intelligence chief Michael Gichangi had warned police chiefs about a possible terrorist attack on the mall. Police denied the allegation in comments to the Daily Nation.
The Star and Daily Nation both reported that a pregnant woman was warned by her brother, an intelligence officer, not to visit the mall because it would be attacked. She usually shopped there on Saturdays.
Disputes over who was in charge delayed the rescue of civilians, according to local media.
"Inquiries by the Nation indicate that a coordinated rescue mission was badly delayed because of disputes between the Kenya Police and KDF [Kenya Defense Forces] officers commanding their units on the ground," the Daily Nation reported.
A police unit that had begun evacuating civilians had a group of militants
pinned down near the Nakumatt Supermarket, the newspaper reported, but the officers walked out after their commander was killed by friendly fire from a Kenyan army unit.
"The pullout left a vacuum that apparently allowed the terrorists to regroup and move through the mall slaughtering many captives. It also allowed the terrorists to deploy heavy-caliber machine guns that they had not used in the earlier shootout," the report said. "The teams also appeared to have had different aims.
One officer involved said that some units had a priority to locate and rescue a specific group of VIPs."
An unidentified Kenyan official reportedly told the Associated Press on Friday that the actions of the Kenyan military caused the collapse of a section of the mall, which may have buried some hostages and militants.
The official told the AP that Kenyan troops fired rocket-propelled grenades
inside the mall, but did not explain what caused four explosions Monday. Many observers believe it is likely that the building collapse occurred after the explosions.
Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku had said that a mattress fire set by
militants had structurally weakened the mall, causing its collapse. He retreated from that statement Wednesday, saying engineers were examining the causes, but he insisted that the number of hostages' bodies buried in the rubble was "insignificant."
The forensic investigation and excavation of the mall, to search for more bodies and to try to establish attackers' identities, is expected to take more than a week.
Forensic experts from the United States, Israel, Germany, Britain and Canada are involved in the investigation.
Copyright © 2013, Los Angeles Times,0,6190235.story
Kenyan Hero's Harrowing Tale of Rescues in Mall Massacre - Yahoo
AntwortenLöschenKenyan Hero's Harrowing Tale of Rescues in Mall Massacre
By Alexander Marquardt | ABC News – 18 hours ago
"In one of the most memorable images to emerge from inside the Nairobi mall
attacked last weekend by Islamic extremists, a 4-year-old girl is seen running
toward a man who is reaching out a hand to pull her to safety.
The man was Abdul Haji, a 39-year-old real estate executive who rushed to the mall as the attack got underway. He managed to evacuate scores of people to safety, including that young American girl, Portia Walker, and is being hailed in Kenya as a hero.
As the gunmen began their rampage in Nairobi's upscale Westgate Mall early
Saturday afternoon, Haji got a short text from his brother who was at the mall.
"I'm stuck at the Westgate. It's probably a terrorist attack. Pray for me."
Haji's immediate thought was that militants had gone to assassinate his brother.
Until just a few weeks ago, his brother was an undercover counterterrorism
official battling organizations like al Shabab, the al Qaeda-linked group that
has claimed responsibility for the four-day siege that left almost 70 people
dead. But a local media outlet had recently revealed Haji's brother's identity
and the family - including their father, a former defense minister - had started
receiving death threats. ...
When he arrived he quickly figured out his brother was not the target. Haji
joined up with a group of around 15 men outside, including some security
officers, most of them armed and some wearing body armor, and headed into the mall with workers from the Red Cross. ...
Nearby, a woman was trapped behind a table. Haji yelled at her to run to them
but the woman, 39 year-old Katherine Walker, said she couldn't because she had three young children with her. Haji told her to send the eldest, 4-year-old
Portia, who ran across. ...
Walker and another woman followed close behind with the other two children who then re-united outside with the family's two teenage sons who had been shopping elsewhere in the mall. ..."
How Kenyan Muslims saved Christians from extremist militants
AntwortenLöschenIslamic attackers attempted to cull Christians out of a group of bus travelers in Kenya.
Christian Science Monitor
By Beatrice Gitau
Christian passengers were spared likely death after the bus they were traveling in was ambushed by suspected Islamic militants – thanks to the actions of a group of Kenyan Muslims.
The terrorists, thought to belong to the Somali-based Al Shabab militant group, killed two people in the attack before ordering the Muslim passengers to split away from the Christians – but the Muslims on board refused their demands.
Julius Otieno, the deputy county commissioner, confirmed the account, saying that the militants "were trying to identify who were Muslims and who were not," and that the Muslim passengers had refused to help. ...
AntwortenLöschen#1.44 — vor 1 Woche
Der muslimische Lassana Bathily aus Mali hatte wohl unter Einsatz seines eigenen Lebens anderen Menschen wohl deren Leben gerettet, als er sie im Keller eines Supermarktes nicht den islamistischen Terroristen auslieferte welche den Markt gestürmt und bereits etliche Anwesende ermordet hatten. ...