In the past 200 years
we have been in the vanguard of counterrevolution.
(Seit 200 Jahren sind wir in der Vorhut der Gegenrevolution.)
- Barry Garland, Großmeister des Sovereign Order
of Saint John in Jerusalem - Knights of Malta (OSJ)
(Seit 200 Jahren sind wir in der Vorhut der Gegenrevolution.)
- Barry Garland, Großmeister des Sovereign Order
of Saint John in Jerusalem - Knights of Malta (OSJ)
„Konservative Revolution“ und „Kreuzritternationalismus“: Zum Selbstverstaendnis des Norwegen-Attentaeters
Noch einmal Geschichtliches.
Durch die antiquarisch besorgte antisemitische Hetzschrift "The Gravediggers of Russia" aus den 1920er Jahren kam ich auf die - zumindest ideologische - Beziehung zwischen dem Trio Alfred Rosenberg, Otto von Kursell und Dietrich Eckart einerseits und dem russischen Exil-Agitator (Graf) Cherep Spiridovich andererseits. Die Verbindung wurde dadurch ersichtlich, dass ein Kleinverlag in Hollywood (wahrscheinlich verbunden mit fruehen Nazi-Sympathisanten um den Filmautor und Anfuehrer der "Silver Shirts", William Dudley Pelley) auf der Rueckseite des Pamphlets von Rosenberg, Kursell und Eckart fuer das Pamphlet von Spiridovich warb.
Siehe den Post "'Bolschewisten-Fratzen' in der Karikatur":
Ueber fruehe Nazi-Sympathisanten in Hollywood siehe auch den Post "McKiernan und das NS-Zitat" auf meinem anderen Blog; hier den Abschnitt ueber die "Murphy Ranch":
Auf diese unerwartete Verbindung aufmerksam geworden, stiess ich auf weitere Hintergruende zum Zusammenwachsen eugenischer, antisemitischer und antibolschewistischer Motive in der Zeit zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen. Der Einsatz deutscher Freikorps zur Bekaempfung des Kommunismus/ Bolschewismus auf dem Baltikum (1919) war mit Agitation verbunden, deren Bedeutung fuer die Entstehung des antisemitischen Antibolschewismus einige Aufmerksamkeit verdient.
Interessant ist auch der Hinweis - wenn er denn zutrifft - dass der Einsatz im Baltikum, bei dem (Fürst) Bermondt-Awaloff eine Streitmacht von rund 40.000 deutschen und deutsch-baltischen und rund 10.000 russischen Kaempfern führte, "unter anderem auch von einem obskuren Zweig des
Johanniterordens und von J.P. Morgan jun. finanziell unterstützt" wurde (Wikipedia).
Dazu hatte ich noch weitere Ausfuehrungen gefunden.
Gibt es eine Traditionslinie zwischen dem "Kreuzritternationalismus", der in der Bloggerszene des "Counterdschihad" und in neuen ultra-nationalen, islamfeindlichen Bewegungen entstanden ist, und dem "Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus", der 1919 im Baltikum begann? Einige immer wiederkehrende Muster in der Rhetorik der "Counterdschihadisten" (siehe z.B. Stichwort "Kulturmarxismus" auf diesem Blog) und, rein optisch, die dem Johanniter-/ Malteser-Kreuz aehnlichen Logos von Gruppierungen wie der "English Defense League" und auf Breiviks Pamphlet "2083", lassen daran denken.
Um der Frage, ob es eine solche Traditionslinie gibt, etwas weiter nachzugehen, lese ich gerade auf der Webseite, die in dem Wikipedia-Eintrag zu Bermondt-Awaloff als Quelle fuer das Zitat ueber finanzielle Unterstuetzung durch den Johanniterorden und J.P. Morgan genannt wurde.
"Sovereign Order of Saint John in Jerusalem - Knights of Malta" (OSJ)
Der Orden bezeichnet sich als katholisch. (Auf der Webseite ist noch ein Bild von Papst Benedikt. Es findet sich u.a. auch ein Anti-Modernitaetsgeluebde von 1910).
Es handelt sich hier offensichtlich um keinen der drei Orden, die bei Wikipedia (deutsch) unter "Johanniter" aufgefuehrt sind (Souveräner Malteserorden - katholisch; Johanniterorden - evangelisch; Order of Saint John - oekumenisch; Am ehesten handelt es sich um eine kleine Gruppe ohne Legitimation durch die Allianz der Malteser-/ Johanniterorden, die den Anspruch erhebt, in der historischen Kontinuität des Ordens zu stehen.
Aus Wikipedia zu „Souveräner Malteserorden“
(Hervorhebung mit Fettdruck von mir)
‚Der Souveräne Malteserorden (mit vollem Titel: Souveräner Ritter- und
‚Der Souveräne Malteserorden (mit vollem Titel: Souveräner Ritter- und
Hospitalorden vom Heiligen Johannes zu Jerusalem, genannt von Rhodos, genannt von Malta) ist eine katholische Ordensgemeinschaft, die im 11. Jahrhundert in Jerusalem gegründet und nach dem Ersten Kreuzzug zusätzlich zu einem geistlichen Ritterorden wurde. Neben der ursprünglicheren Bezeichnung Johanniterorden trat seit der Ansiedlung auf der Insel Malta um 1530 der heute gebräuchliche Name.
[Einschub aus der englischsprachigen Wikipedia, Bezeichnungen in Englisch: The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, auch bekannt als the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta; Anm.Blogger]
Völkerrechtlich wird der Orden im Allgemeinen als ein souveränes,
nichtstaatliches Völkerrechtssubjekt betrachtet. Ziel des Ordens ist es, Alte, Behinderte, Flüchtlinge, an tödlichen Krankheiten Erkrankte und Leprakranke – unabhängig von Religion oder Herkunft – weltweit karitativ zu unterstützen. [...]
Der Malteserorden erkennt die in einer Allianz von 1961 unter gegenseitiger Anerkennung zusammengeschlossenen evangelischen Johanniterorden in Deutschland, den Niederlanden (Johanniter Orde in Nederland), Schweden (Johanniterorden i Sverige) und in Großbritannien (Venerable Order of Saint John) als Ritterorden des heiligen Johannes mit „gemeinsamer Geschichte und gemeinsamem Auftrag“ an.“
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Graf v.d. Goltz und Prinz Awaloff |
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Chicago Daily Tribune Oct. 15, 1919 |
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"Im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus Erinnerungen von General Fuerst Awaloff Oberbefehlshaber der deutsch-russischen Westarmee im Baltikum |
For the past two hundred years we have been
in the vanguard of the Counter Revolution.
in the vanguard of the Counter Revolution.
Barry Garland, RN, OSJ
Grand Master
Grand Master
In 1912 the Order consisted of the Russian Grand Priory in Russia
and the new American Grand Priory and its subsidiary, the Catholic
Grand Priory of Russia, which included remnants of the Spanish
Caballeros Hospitalarios de San Juan Bautista. The Russian Grand
Priory was composed mainly of Slavic Knights of the Orthodox Faith.
The American Grand Priory leaders were mostly socially prominent
Protestant Episcopalians from New York City and Chicago. There was
also a small group of American descendants of Catholic Celtic
Jacobites, who were still followers of the old Stuart Pretender to
the throne of England and Scotland. The Pretender at the time was
Queen Mary IV of Bavaria, and an army physician named Edgar Erskine
Hume, OSJ was among those who later considered Mary’s successor,
Bavarian Crown Prince Rupprecht, as his “rightful sovereign.” The
American Grand Prior, William Nelson Cromwell, and Dr. Francis C.
Nicholas had had contact with Spanish Knights of St. John during
years of preparation work for the American Panama Canal project. [...]
American Grand Priory leaders, Nicholas Murray Butler, President of
Columbia University, Archer Huntington, founder of the Hispanic
Society of America, William Nelson Cromwell, Wall Street lawyer and
Francis C. Nicholas, founder of the American International Academy,
are among those who crafted the American Grand Priory into an
intelligence organization. Nicholas, a mining engineer and explorer,
had done Cromwell’s Panama Canal construction feasibility studies.
He had also done geological research in Central and South America
for Archer Huntington and Colonel William Lamb, who were supplying
fuel coal to the Russian Navy. These men wielded significant
influence in the United States during the late 19th through the mid
20th centuries.
Some results of their careers include the founding of the Republic
of Panama and the successful purchase and construction of the Panama
Canal. They were also responsible for the founding of the
Pan-American “Organization of American States” and directly
influenced the founders of the Central Intelligence Agency. Others
prominent in the OSJ at this time included John Jacob Astor until
his death on the Titanic, J. P. Morgan, J P Morgan, Jr. and the
extended Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chicago Crane families. The
Mexican White Cross association was promoted by Don Agustin
Yturbide, OSJ, Pretender to the royal throne of Mexico. [...]
On March 4, 1919 by Order number 24 Colonel Bermondt made the
Maltese cross breast badge the emblem of his SOSJ army and enameled
it black in memory of General Graf Keller. High level German
nationalists backed this re-establishment of the Russian Sovereign
Imperial Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Among them was General
Ludendorff who had been Chief of Staff of the German Army during
WWI. His chief intelligence officer Major Walter Nicholai was also
involved. The Protector of the Order was the legitimate heir to the
Russian throne, Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich. Grand Duke Cyril
continued to finance the SOSJ venture with the help of the American
Grand Priory. Prince Awaloff and Grand Duke Cyril planned to join
with German forces to drive the Bolsheviks out of the Baltic. This
idea to cooperate with Germany was unique to these Knights of St.
John who believed that Russian-German cooperation was the only way
to rid the world of the Bolsheviks.
In 1919 Colonel Prince Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt, supported by the
Johanniter Orden, the Romanoff Pretender Grand Duke Cyril, and
American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr., OSJ, became Commander in chief
of the Russian Imperial Army. He led the SOSJ and apparently
Johanniter-Orden plan, financed through attorney W. N. Cromwell,
OSJ, American Grand Prior, to clear the Bolsheviks from the Baltic
and to set up a pro-German government. Most of the officials of what
became known in the Fall of 1919 as the West Russian Government were
members of the OSJ. Prince Awaloff recorded much of this information
in his memoirs which he wrote in 1925 in Hamburg, Germany.
History and Lineage Charts Since 1797
2008-Present 78th Prince Grand Master Barry Garland, RN
1991-2008 77th Prince Grand Master Dr. John L. Grady, MD
1983-1991 General Benjamin von Stahl, President of the Sovereign Council
1976-1983 76th Prince Grand Master Don Roberto Paterno
1966-1976 75th Prince Grand Master Crolian Edelen
1962-1966 LGM Admiral Felix Count von Luckner
1960-1962 LGM Colonel Paul Cassagnac
1956-1960 LGM F. Graf von Zeppelin
1954-1956 LGM Scipio Baron von Engelhardt-Schnellenstein
1934-1954 74th Prince Grand Master General Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt
1913-1934 73rd Grand Master Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovich
1894-1918 Czar Nicholas II, Protector of the SOSJ
1881-1894 Czar Alexander III, Protector of the SOSJ
1855-1881 Czar Alexander II, Protector of the SOSJ
1825-1855 Czar Nicholas I, Protector of the SOSJ
1805-1825 Czar Alexander I, Protector of the SOSJ
1803-1805 72nd Prince Grand Master John Baptist di Tommasi
1801-1803 LGM Field Marshall Count Soltikoff
1798-1801 71st Grand Master Czar Paul I
1048-1798Historical List of Grand Masters
Interessantes Protokoll von einem Treffen des „Sovereign Order of Jerusalem -Knights of Malta“ (OSJ) im Waldorf-Astoria in New York am 24. Juni 1926:
Bei dem Treffen wurde ueber die Aufnahme von 25 neuen Mitgliedern enschieden, darunter Lord Alfred Douglas (!) und Prinz Rupprecht von Bayern.
Ein Graf von Moltke schlug vor, der Aufnahme gemaess der vorgelegten Liste zuzustimmen, was auch geschah. Der Vorsitzende liess sich besonders ausfuehrlich ueber die Ergebnisse der Ahnenforschung zur Abstammung eines Kandidaten mit ueberaus noblen Vorfahren aus (bei dem dies wohl nicht so offensichtlich war), Charles L. Thourot Pichel. - Pichel war ein fanatischer Anti-Kommunist (s. u. Artikel von Stair Sainty) und Nazi-Sympathisierer (siehe z.B. )
Zu Lord Alfred Douglas siehe auch ;
Grandiose Elchklubs:
Selbsternannte „Johannes-Orden“
Dieser Abschnitt bezieht sich auf den Bericht
"The self-styled Orders of Saint John" von Guy Stair Sainty (1991, mit Bearbeitungen 1996-2000)
Im November und Dezember 1976 veroeffentlichte der Heilige Stuhl im Osservatore Romano Erklaerungen, die klarstellten, dass der sogenannte "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem" nichts zu tun hat mit dem historischen, paepstlich anerkannten „Sovereign Military Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta“. Bei einer Bestandsaufnahme wurden, nach dem Bericht von Guy Stair Sainty (s.u.; mit Link und Wiedergabe von Auszuegen) seinerzeit 16 selbsternannte „Johannes-Orden“ aufgefuehrt.
[Inzwischen sind es nach Auskunft des „Ausschuss fuer die St. Johannes-Orden“ 24, kleine „folkloristische“ Gruppen nicht mitgezaehlt; die Zahl sei in den letzten Jahren weitgehend stabil geblieben.
Etliche davon nahmen fuer sich in Anspruch, aus einer 1908 in den USA gegruendeten Nachfolgerorganisation des russischen Grosspriorats hervorgegangen zu sein.
US Praesident Ronald Reagan setzte sich mit Erfolg dafuer ein, dass der „Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Malta“ (SMHOM) 1994 Beobachterstatus bei den Vereinten Nationen bekam (wie z.B. das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuzes). Damit wurden die Moeglichkeiten des SMHOM, mit staatlicher Unterstuetzung gegen selbsternannte „Johannes-Orden“ vorzugehen, gestaerkt.
In dem erstmals 1991 verfassten Bericht des Ordens-Experten Guy Stair Sainty wimmelt es nur so von echten und falschen Adeligen im Exil, die selbsternannten Orden „Glaubwuerdigkeit“ verleihen. Es geht um Titel, Eitelkeiten, Einflussnahme, Geld.
Es geht natuerlich auch um die formale und inhaltliche Abgrenzung der „echten“ von den „selbsternannten“ Johanniter-Orden; eine immerwaehrende Herausforderung. Personelle Ueberschneidungen zwischen „echten“ und „selbsternannten“ Johanniter-Orden sind von der Ordens-Allianz (unter massgeblicher Leitung des SMHOM) schon lange nicht mehr zugelassen; es gab sie aber in der Vergangenheit (Beispiel Felix Graf von Luckner).
Ein Graf Luckner (Hubertus von Metthingh Graf von Luckner) war übrigens auch wieder dabei, als Thilo Sarrazins Berater Friedrich Thelen (dankend erwähnt in DSSA) am 25.06. 2011 zum neuen Ehrenkommendator des Johanniterordens ernannt wurde.
Auf der Webseite Nobility News ist auch sonst manches Interessante nachzulesen, z.B. wurde der Jahresball 2012 der „Russian Nobility Association“ angekündigt. Es gibt viele Hinweise darauf, dass Nachfahren aus Königshäusern von Ländern, in denen die Monarchie längst abgeschafft wurde, sich immer noch über ihren Platz in der hypothetischen Thronfolge definieren.
Antisemitisch-antibolschewistische Denkmuster werden in Kreisen „selbsternannter“ Johanniter-Orden z. T. bis heute bewahrt.
"The self-styled Orders of Saint John " [1] (Part I)
©Guy Stair Sainty (1991, revisions 1996-2000)
When the machinations of one of the self-styled "orders" are exposed [...], there is an inevitable reflection on the name of Saint John which may injure the recognized Orders. The latter have made a concerted effort to publicly disassociate themselves from these organizations and, to this end, have formed a False Orders Committee which constantly updates the shifting allegiances between the different groups and attempts to warn the general public against them. They have been aided in this by the Holy See which, on 28 November 1976 and 1 December 1976, published statements in the Osservatore Romano, making it clear that the so-called "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem" was nothing to do with the Sovereign Military Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta.
Chaffanjon and Galimard Flavigny devoted an entire chapter to the self-styled Orders of Malta, listing sixteen organizations claiming to be Orders of Malta or Orders of Saint John. Many of these bodies were somehow connected with an institution purportedly "re-founded" in 1908 and professing to be the successor of the Russian Grand Priory [...]
Chaffanjon and Galimard Flavigny devoted an entire chapter to the self-styled Orders of Malta, listing sixteen organizations claiming to be Orders of Malta or Orders of Saint John. Many of these bodies were somehow connected with an institution purportedly "re-founded" in 1908 and professing to be the successor of the Russian Grand Priory [...]
Almost without exception, these enterprises are riven by factionalism and, as one individual began to resent the leadership position assumed by another (particularly when the claim to such position was so often based on a dubious claim to a high ranking noble title), schisms would occur and rival groups reform around another "Grand Master".
Despite the fact that generations of impoverished Europeans bearing both genuine and false titles have come to the United States and Canada to improve their fortunes with nothing other than their social pretensions to assist them, Americans seem peculiarly susceptible to accepting the most bizarre and unfounded claims by pseudo-princes and dukes whose claims to such titles could be verified in most major reference libraries. [...]
Fortunately, in two recent cases brought against self-styled Saint John Orders in US Federal Courts, the American Judiciary has shown itself willing to penalize these groups [...]
Despite the fact that generations of impoverished Europeans bearing both genuine and false titles have come to the United States and Canada to improve their fortunes with nothing other than their social pretensions to assist them, Americans seem peculiarly susceptible to accepting the most bizarre and unfounded claims by pseudo-princes and dukes whose claims to such titles could be verified in most major reference libraries. [...]
Fortunately, in two recent cases brought against self-styled Saint John Orders in US Federal Courts, the American Judiciary has shown itself willing to penalize these groups [...]
In the first of these cases, Alhadeff v. Georg, 30 November 1983, the Court decided in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant (Robert M.N.G. Bassaraba von Brancovan-Prince Khimchiachvili) who had supplied the plaintiff with a "passport" and made him a "knight of Malta" for which he had charged $20,000.
In the second case, W.D. X. et ux. v. Markovics, 27/28 February 1989, the Court gave judgment in favor of the plaintiffs against the principal defendant, Dr Ivan Markovics and his "Order", finding as a fact that the defendant had deliberately defrauded the plaintiffs by leading them to believe they were joining the genuine Catholic Order.[...]
Since the decision in these two cases, then serving President of the United States Ronald Reagan was invested with the Collar of Merit of the Ordine al Merito Melitense of the SMHOM by the Grand Master himself at a dinner in New York, providing added evidence of the recognition accorded to the SMHOM by the United States of America. In 1994 the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Malta was admitted to Observer status at the United Nations among the "intergovernmental" organizations, which include the International Committee of the Red Cross. This may entitle the SMHOM to demand protection from the state authorities in the various countries where self-styled "Orders of St John" are flourishing. The Court in the Markovics Case specifically recognized the legitimacy of the SMHOM and the Alliance Orders as the true historic successors of the crusader Order of Saint John. The self-styled Saint John "orders" will no longer get away with pretending that they are historically connected with the crusader Order; furthermore they and their officers now run the risk of criminal prosecution.
It is the deliberate intention of the organizers of most of the self-styled Saint John or Malta Orders to confuse their organizations with the name and work of the genuine, recognized Orders. An article in the New York Observer (October 1993) entitled "Dungeons and Dragons for Grown-ups: Knights of Malta Joust with 'Impostor'" by Robin Pogrebin muddled the name and activities of a completely spurious body headed by a self-proclaimed "bishop", Lorenzo Michel de Valitch and the SMHOM [...] Among those named as having been recruited into Valitch's group was the late J. Seward Johnson, describing the ridiculous ceremony and remarking that Mr Johnson's daughter depicted the organization her father had joined as "a glorified Elk's Club", a comment at which the Elk's might justifiably have protested.
It is the deliberate intention of the organizers of most of the self-styled Saint John or Malta Orders to confuse their organizations with the name and work of the genuine, recognized Orders. An article in the New York Observer (October 1993) entitled "Dungeons and Dragons for Grown-ups: Knights of Malta Joust with 'Impostor'" by Robin Pogrebin muddled the name and activities of a completely spurious body headed by a self-proclaimed "bishop", Lorenzo Michel de Valitch and the SMHOM [...] Among those named as having been recruited into Valitch's group was the late J. Seward Johnson, describing the ridiculous ceremony and remarking that Mr Johnson's daughter depicted the organization her father had joined as "a glorified Elk's Club", a comment at which the Elk's might justifiably have protested.
The origins and ultimate abolition and suppression of the Catholic Grand Priory of Russia and the (non-Catholic) Grand Priory of Russia have been discussed earlier and examined in detail by the late Frà Cyril Toumanoff, whose work was cited by the Court as an authoritative source in the Markovics Case. The so-called "hereditary commanderies" of the Russian Grand Priories, held by proponents of the modern "revivals" as evidence of their continue existence, were no more hereditary than the other still extant jus patronatus commanderies of the Order, which can only by invested in an heir who has already been received as a member of the Sovereign Military Order. The descendants of the founders of Russian (or any other) commanderies, all of which had been legally suppressed, cannot claim to be the successors to such commanderies, even had they been admitted to membership of the SMHOM, since a commandery of the Order of Malta exists as real property and not as an honorific title. If the properties of the commandery have disappeared or been confiscated, the commandery itself ceases to subsist.[...]
[I]ndeed the petty quarrels and grandiose pretensions of these groups may be seen as a dramatic contrast to the lives of those who serve in the ranks of the legitimate Orders of Saint John. In outlining the histories of these "orders", I initially followed the enumeration established by Fra' Norbert Kinsky when, in 1982, he charted the complex connections between these various groups, some of which are bitter rivals while others have combined to form an Anti-Alliance, the counterpart of the Alliance of the recognized Orders. [...]
Two works, both produced by the partisans of self-styled "Orders of Saint John", have been particularly useful in studying the various rumps and schisms among them: The Order of St John of Jerusalem of Malta: A study of its relations and developments from the fall of Hompesch; its revival in various forms in our times, by Harrison Smith, PhD, published in Malta by the "Progress Press" in 1964; and White Cross: Story of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, by Robert W.Y. Formhals, published in 1978. These and other such publications have attempted to buttress their own pretensions to legitimacy by stating that the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a recent Papal invention founded in 1802/3. The proponents of the Russian survival make persistent pseudo-historical claim that the Russian Grand Priories survived the legal suppression of the Commanderies by Emperor Alexander I and his decision to refuse further admissions to the membership. Several "historians" of these bodies do not hesitate to deceive their readers by claiming that the Papal decision to elect Tommasi established a new order, in opposition to the Russian Grand Priories [...]
The early history of the Most Venerable Order is compared by these authors to that of the modern so-called "Russian" revivals although, unlike the former, the first members of these 20th century inventions were not admitted by legitimate members of the Catholic Order but simply assumed the style of knight. It has frequently been mis-stated that the British Monarch is merely "protector" of the Most Venerable Order, in an attempt to parallel the British Royal Charter with that purportedly issued by the late King Peter of Yugoslavia. Since the reign of Queen Victoria the Monarch has enjoyed the title Sovereign Head, the title now held by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, while her title of "patron" merely applies to her separate role in the Saint John Ambulance Association.
[Examples of] [t]he self-styled Orders [...] (1) (The Shickshinny Order) The proponents of the survival of the "Russian" Grand Priories have claimed that, on 10 January 1908, a certain William Lamb, sometime Colonel and purported descendent of a General Ivan Lamb [...], who had been apparently received into the original Russian Grand Priory by Czar Paul, held a meeting at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, to form the "Grand Priory of America of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem". The claim is made that eight Russian noblemen, purported descendants of so-called "hereditary commanders", were present at this occasion. [...]
At a meeting held on 30 December 1910 an "Association of the knights of Malta" was allegedly constituted [...]; this was supposedly to become the "Association of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem". It was claimed that the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia (both cousin and brother-in-law of Czar Nicholas II) accepted the Grand Magistery in person in either 1913 [14] or on 1 September 1914. The Grand Duke Alexander was a serving rear-admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy and, as war broke out with Germany on 1 August 1914, he was unlikely to have been involved in such an irrelevant charade at this time.
At a meeting held on 30 December 1910 an "Association of the knights of Malta" was allegedly constituted [...]; this was supposedly to become the "Association of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem". It was claimed that the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia (both cousin and brother-in-law of Czar Nicholas II) accepted the Grand Magistery in person in either 1913 [14] or on 1 September 1914. The Grand Duke Alexander was a serving rear-admiral in the Imperial Russian Navy and, as war broke out with Germany on 1 August 1914, he was unlikely to have been involved in such an irrelevant charade at this time.
The Grand Duke Alexander died in 1933 and his purported successors as head of the American continuation of this group (according to the history produced by Charles Pichel, see below), calling themselves "Lieutenants of the Grand Master", were (possibly, although this has not been proved by any contemporary document) William Sohier Bryant (1933-1951), Scipio Engelhardt alias baron von Engelhardt-Schnellenstein (1951-1955), Frederick, Count von Zeppelin (1956-1960), and Paul de Granier de Cassagnac (1960-1962). In 1953 the name was changed to the "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Inc" [17] and the headquarters transferred to Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, the residence of its "Grand Chancellor" and general factotum, Charles Louis Thourot-Pichel, in 1956. Pichel was not only an adherent of the Old Catholic Church but a fanatical anti-Communist who apparently actually came to believe that the SMHOM was a nineteenth century Papal foundation and that his organization alone represented the true continuation of the ancient crusader Order. He became increasingly eccentric (forming the Galactic Powers Task Force described above) and, in 1969, announced that he was forming the "Maltese Cross Legionaries" to combat a secret alliance between the Holy See and the government of Malta to hand the island over to the Soviets. In 1967 Pichel became allied with a group of Catholic traditionalists who denied the authority of the US bishops and, in 1969, accused the Jesuits of manipulating the Papacy for their own ends. He also became associated with the "alternative medicine" movement, sponsoring nature cures and promoting what he described as "Cosmic Energy". After the numerous divisions and quarrels among his adherents, his group ultimately fragmented and he died in very distressing circumstances in 1982 aged ninety-two.
In 1962 Granier had attempted to depose Pichel from his executive role but this backfired and Granier was himself overthrown, setting up his own "Order" (see below, 3). Granier's successor, effectively controlled by Pichel, was a certain Count Felix von Luckner (1962-1966). The next defection from this group occurred in the same year [...]
It is unclear which of the various groups now owns or controls the Shickshinny foundation and in 1981 the president of the corporation was a certain Salvatore T. Messineo [...] The "grand prior" of Europe of this group was a self-styled "count" Thorbjorn Wiklund, from Sweden, and other officers included Per-Axel Atterbom (Secretary-General, Europe), Major John F. Graham (Secretary), Colonel Benjamin von Stahl, and some twenty-one "priors of priories".
Another purported continuation of the Pichel Order can be found in Benton, Tennessee, run by two schismatic Catholic priests, one of whom was ordained by the late Archbishop Lefebvre and who maintain the Tridentine rite. Unfortunately these two have somehow claimed that they are Pichel's heirs of what they claim to be the legitimate Order [...]. Messineo and his associates took the precaution of making the cross and arms a trademark", and as they were a legal corporation this was duly registered; a challenge by the American Association of the SMHOM to overturn the registration was unsuccessful and Messineo has enforced his ownership against another self-styled Order, that headed by the notorious Dr Grady. [...]
In a letter addressed to Harrison Smith, Mr Edelen, Pichel's closest associate for many years, wrote (on January 22, 1980: "My problem with the history is that all seems to be false from 1908 to 1932 as published by Pichel. [...]
The apparent closest successor of the Shickshinny fantasy today is a body now particularly active in Canada, see under 11A, although several others among the self-styled Saint John Orders were formed from schisms within this and other groups.
A group still awarding the cross of Saint John was purportedly formed in Paris on June 24, 1928 by a group of Russian exiles in Paris as the "Union of Hereditary Commanders and Knights of the Grand Priory of Russia of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem" and looked to the Grand Duke Alexander as their head with the title of "Protector". By 1929 this body was named the Association Philanthropique Russe des déscendants des commandeurs héréditaires de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte" and on 21st September 1929, the Grand Duke along with several descendants of hereditary commanders (Prince Demidoff, Count Stoltykopff, Prince Bariatinsky and Count Oulsoufief) asked Baron Michael Taube to "solliciter l'autorisation du Grand Magistere de l'Ordre Souverain de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem à Rome de reconstituer la branche Russe de l'Ordre." This request was rejected by the Grand Master, as it was canonically impossible to establish a non-Catholic Grand Priory within the Order. Since the Grand Duke's death in 1933, two other members of the Romanov dynasty have been associated with the perfectly legitimate "association of descendants of hereditary commanders;" the late Grand Duke Andrew Wladimirovich (uncle of the late Grand Duke Wladimir, head of the Romanov Dynasty), elected in 1933, and later the most junior member of the dynasty, the late Prince Vassili Alexandrovich.
The transformation of this from an association of descendants, into an association of "hereditary commanders" and then a body which actually admitted new members and knights, calling itself the Russian Grand Priory, however, did not legally recreate or revive the former non-Catholic Russian Grand Priory. [...] Rev Michael Foster [...] cites a letter from the Grand Duke Kyrill to the Grand Duke Andrew asking the latter to look after this group. There is no evidence that either Kyrill or Wladimir intended to recognize this body as an "Order of Chivalry," but rather as a group descended from the members of the former Grand Priory - a "Union of Descendants" as it continued to be styled. [...]
In 1977 Count Nicholas A. Bobrinskoy [...] established himself as Grand Prior of "The Sovereign Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of Saint John of Jerusalem - Former Russian Grand Priory of the Order of Malta in Saint Petersburg" which he stated to be under the "High Protection" of the late Prince Vassili of Russia. Count Bobrinskoy, then living in New York [...] listed a number of "hereditary commanders" on his stationary and even attempted to be accredited to the United Nations, but this came to nothing. Among the "hereditary commanders" of this body are several Russian nobleman who apparently credit the claims to historical continuity of the "Russian Grand Priories" despite the expert analysis of Fra' Cyril Toumanoff [...].
A nephew of Count Nicholas Bobrinskoy, also called Count Nicholas Bobrinskoy, was until recently Prior of Russia and since his death has been succeeded by his son, Count Alexei; Prince Michael Romanov (alias Prince Michael of Russia, morganatic son of the late Prince Andrew of Russia) is now "Protector" of the Order. This body also claims the protection of the Patriarch of Moscow, who has conferred his patronage as this Order has done some charitable work in Russia, but His Holiness does not claim that this patronage gives any legal validity to the body's claims to be an "Order of Knighthood". This is the most "respectable" of the self-styled Saint John Orders. It has also formed relationships with several other branches of "self-styled" Saint John orders, which have now acknowledged Bobrinskoy as "Grand Prior"; these bodies have permitted a more honest appraisal of the claims of the self-styled Orders, although sticking to their claim that the Grand Priory survived as an autonomous and independent Grand Priory during the last century of the Russian Empire.
In 1962 Granier had attempted to depose Pichel from his executive role but this backfired and Granier was himself overthrown, setting up his own "Order" (see below, 3). Granier's successor, effectively controlled by Pichel, was a certain Count Felix von Luckner (1962-1966). The next defection from this group occurred in the same year [...]
It is unclear which of the various groups now owns or controls the Shickshinny foundation and in 1981 the president of the corporation was a certain Salvatore T. Messineo [...] The "grand prior" of Europe of this group was a self-styled "count" Thorbjorn Wiklund, from Sweden, and other officers included Per-Axel Atterbom (Secretary-General, Europe), Major John F. Graham (Secretary), Colonel Benjamin von Stahl, and some twenty-one "priors of priories".
Another purported continuation of the Pichel Order can be found in Benton, Tennessee, run by two schismatic Catholic priests, one of whom was ordained by the late Archbishop Lefebvre and who maintain the Tridentine rite. Unfortunately these two have somehow claimed that they are Pichel's heirs of what they claim to be the legitimate Order [...]. Messineo and his associates took the precaution of making the cross and arms a trademark", and as they were a legal corporation this was duly registered; a challenge by the American Association of the SMHOM to overturn the registration was unsuccessful and Messineo has enforced his ownership against another self-styled Order, that headed by the notorious Dr Grady. [...]
In a letter addressed to Harrison Smith, Mr Edelen, Pichel's closest associate for many years, wrote (on January 22, 1980: "My problem with the history is that all seems to be false from 1908 to 1932 as published by Pichel. [...]
The apparent closest successor of the Shickshinny fantasy today is a body now particularly active in Canada, see under 11A, although several others among the self-styled Saint John Orders were formed from schisms within this and other groups.
A group still awarding the cross of Saint John was purportedly formed in Paris on June 24, 1928 by a group of Russian exiles in Paris as the "Union of Hereditary Commanders and Knights of the Grand Priory of Russia of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem" and looked to the Grand Duke Alexander as their head with the title of "Protector". By 1929 this body was named the Association Philanthropique Russe des déscendants des commandeurs héréditaires de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte" and on 21st September 1929, the Grand Duke along with several descendants of hereditary commanders (Prince Demidoff, Count Stoltykopff, Prince Bariatinsky and Count Oulsoufief) asked Baron Michael Taube to "solliciter l'autorisation du Grand Magistere de l'Ordre Souverain de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem à Rome de reconstituer la branche Russe de l'Ordre." This request was rejected by the Grand Master, as it was canonically impossible to establish a non-Catholic Grand Priory within the Order. Since the Grand Duke's death in 1933, two other members of the Romanov dynasty have been associated with the perfectly legitimate "association of descendants of hereditary commanders;" the late Grand Duke Andrew Wladimirovich (uncle of the late Grand Duke Wladimir, head of the Romanov Dynasty), elected in 1933, and later the most junior member of the dynasty, the late Prince Vassili Alexandrovich.
The transformation of this from an association of descendants, into an association of "hereditary commanders" and then a body which actually admitted new members and knights, calling itself the Russian Grand Priory, however, did not legally recreate or revive the former non-Catholic Russian Grand Priory. [...] Rev Michael Foster [...] cites a letter from the Grand Duke Kyrill to the Grand Duke Andrew asking the latter to look after this group. There is no evidence that either Kyrill or Wladimir intended to recognize this body as an "Order of Chivalry," but rather as a group descended from the members of the former Grand Priory - a "Union of Descendants" as it continued to be styled. [...]
In 1977 Count Nicholas A. Bobrinskoy [...] established himself as Grand Prior of "The Sovereign Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of Saint John of Jerusalem - Former Russian Grand Priory of the Order of Malta in Saint Petersburg" which he stated to be under the "High Protection" of the late Prince Vassili of Russia. Count Bobrinskoy, then living in New York [...] listed a number of "hereditary commanders" on his stationary and even attempted to be accredited to the United Nations, but this came to nothing. Among the "hereditary commanders" of this body are several Russian nobleman who apparently credit the claims to historical continuity of the "Russian Grand Priories" despite the expert analysis of Fra' Cyril Toumanoff [...].
A nephew of Count Nicholas Bobrinskoy, also called Count Nicholas Bobrinskoy, was until recently Prior of Russia and since his death has been succeeded by his son, Count Alexei; Prince Michael Romanov (alias Prince Michael of Russia, morganatic son of the late Prince Andrew of Russia) is now "Protector" of the Order. This body also claims the protection of the Patriarch of Moscow, who has conferred his patronage as this Order has done some charitable work in Russia, but His Holiness does not claim that this patronage gives any legal validity to the body's claims to be an "Order of Knighthood". This is the most "respectable" of the self-styled Saint John Orders. It has also formed relationships with several other branches of "self-styled" Saint John orders, which have now acknowledged Bobrinskoy as "Grand Prior"; these bodies have permitted a more honest appraisal of the claims of the self-styled Orders, although sticking to their claim that the Grand Priory survived as an autonomous and independent Grand Priory during the last century of the Russian Empire.
(2) Independent of the Russian foundation is the "Sovereign Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem of Denmark" or "Ordo Domus Hospitalis Sancti Joannis Hyerosolomitani", founded on 31 August 1934 on the basis that the Order had never been abolished in Denmark. [...]
Without the recognition or patronage of the Danish Crown or Government either, it cannot be considered to be a Danish Order, merely a private association which has adopted the name of a genuine Order of Chivalry. This group apparently denies that it is an "Order of Chivalry", stating that it needs neither the recognition of the SMHOM, because it is ecumenical, nor the Danish Crown and explains its use of the name "Sovereign" because "it is not directly subordinated to any ecclesiastical or temporal authority". It claims to be registered as a charity [...]. It apparently acquired Sostrup Castle in 1954 (it is not known whether it still owns this), which was converted into a Convent in 1955, and claims to have "commanderies" and associated groups in Sweden (a "Priory" of Saint Erik established in 1974), Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, USA, Costa Rica (this group has set itself up independently as the "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem in the Americas") and Venezuela. [...] The late Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark (who died in 1981) was associated with this group as "Prior of the Metropolitan Priory of Saint Ansgarius" (and also sometime "Grand Chancellor") and it claims to have made some contributions to worthy causes; most recently it was closely associated with the purchase and renovation of a hospital in Gram. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the legitimate Johanniter Order in Sweden, nor the commandery of the Johanniter Order in Finland. [...]
(2A) Deriving indirectly from (2) is a "Grand Priory of Dacia or Denmark", otherwise called the "Ecclesiastical Knightly Order of Malta of Saint John of Jerusalem, Priory of Saint Andrew, as it was first styled when formed on April 10, 1939. The first "prior" was a certain Prebend Wenck von Wenckheim (1939-1957), who loosely associated his group with the Union of Russian Commanders. [...]
(2B) Another Danish "Order" was set up on 24 June 1946 by a certain "count" Paul Mikhailovich Bermondt, who also assumed the title "prince Avaloff-Bermondt". This organization had originated in 1920 as the "Sovereign Imperial Russian Chivalric Order of Malta" (Souveraner kaiserliche-russischer Malteser-ritter-orden) with a black Maltese cross as its badge (Bermondt had acquired these as military surplus). Bermondt and his associates (former Russian or Baltic officers who had fought the Soviets in the 1919-1920 civil war) first placed themselves under the authority of the Grand Duke Alexander (see 1 above) and, following the Grand Duke's death in 1933, elected the new Head of the Imperial Dynasty, the Grand Duke Cyril, to be his successor - unfortunately for them Grand Duke Cyril declined this dubious honor. In 1951 Bermondt formed an association with another self-styled Danish Priory formed by a Danish architect named Carl Christensen who succeeded him as Prior. The more recent survivors of this body were for a while in partnership with Pierre du Chelas (see 3) and Christensen's successor was a Mr Carl Wilhelm Lehman until 1975 and then Mr Ove Petersen. In 1984 a substantial group of the members joined 2 above.
(2C) A break away group from one of the above was incorporated on 12 March 1954 by Jens Ole Rostock, alias "Count of Hermosa", as the "Sovereign Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in Denmark", and Rostock, a well-regarded biologist, became "Grand Prior" with "Episcopal and princely" rank. According to Chairoff, priories were established in Oslo (Saint Hallvard), Barcelona (Saint George) and Caracas (Saint Barjal) and an investiture was held in Geneva on 28 January 1982 when twenty-seven would-be knights were admitted after payment of a fee. Mr Erick af Lindenstjerna (actually Matthiesen) was at one time head of a Danish Saint John Order of which Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark was briefly associated; this group may have been connected with (2B).
(2D) Separated from (2) in 1993 is the "Autonoma Prioratet Sancti Iohannis Baptistae, Riddarbröder af St Johannes af Jerusalems Hospital", a Swedish "Johanniter Order" unrecognized by the Alliance. Its Prior is the Rev Ulf Berwill and the Secretary Thor, Baron von Rahden.
(3) In 1962 Paul de Granier de Cassagnac formed an important new connection with the unfortunate exiled King Peter II of Yugoslavia, then living in reduced circumstances in the United States. Despite the fact that the Order of Saint John had never had a Yugoslavian membership and that the Karageorgevich dynasty had no historic connections with the Order of Saint John, King Peter was persuaded in 1962 to declare this "Order" to be under his "High Hereditary Protection". Granier formed a French branch of this group, the "Ordre Souverain de St-Jean de Jerusalem, chevaliers de Malte" or "Chevaliers hospitaliers O.S.J." which had little success, however, since France has very strict laws regarding Orders of Chivalry, and King Peter detached himself from Granier to set up his own group. In 1965 Granier resigned the "Grand Magistery" to King Peter as a gesture of reconciliation, but the two soon fell out and King Peter took his organization under his own control [...], with a Mr Otto Schobert.
On Granier now resumed the title of "grand master" once again, retaining it until his death in 1967. With Granier's death the "Grand Magistery" of his group was assumed by Mr Carol Hohenzollern, ex-Lambrino, son of King Carol II of Roumania by his unrecognized wife [...] Zizi Lambrino, who styled himself "Prince Carol of Roumania". Prince Carol fell out with some of Granier's associates and set up his own group [...]
(2A) Deriving indirectly from (2) is a "Grand Priory of Dacia or Denmark", otherwise called the "Ecclesiastical Knightly Order of Malta of Saint John of Jerusalem, Priory of Saint Andrew, as it was first styled when formed on April 10, 1939. The first "prior" was a certain Prebend Wenck von Wenckheim (1939-1957), who loosely associated his group with the Union of Russian Commanders. [...]
(2B) Another Danish "Order" was set up on 24 June 1946 by a certain "count" Paul Mikhailovich Bermondt, who also assumed the title "prince Avaloff-Bermondt". This organization had originated in 1920 as the "Sovereign Imperial Russian Chivalric Order of Malta" (Souveraner kaiserliche-russischer Malteser-ritter-orden) with a black Maltese cross as its badge (Bermondt had acquired these as military surplus). Bermondt and his associates (former Russian or Baltic officers who had fought the Soviets in the 1919-1920 civil war) first placed themselves under the authority of the Grand Duke Alexander (see 1 above) and, following the Grand Duke's death in 1933, elected the new Head of the Imperial Dynasty, the Grand Duke Cyril, to be his successor - unfortunately for them Grand Duke Cyril declined this dubious honor. In 1951 Bermondt formed an association with another self-styled Danish Priory formed by a Danish architect named Carl Christensen who succeeded him as Prior. The more recent survivors of this body were for a while in partnership with Pierre du Chelas (see 3) and Christensen's successor was a Mr Carl Wilhelm Lehman until 1975 and then Mr Ove Petersen. In 1984 a substantial group of the members joined 2 above.
(2C) A break away group from one of the above was incorporated on 12 March 1954 by Jens Ole Rostock, alias "Count of Hermosa", as the "Sovereign Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in Denmark", and Rostock, a well-regarded biologist, became "Grand Prior" with "Episcopal and princely" rank. According to Chairoff, priories were established in Oslo (Saint Hallvard), Barcelona (Saint George) and Caracas (Saint Barjal) and an investiture was held in Geneva on 28 January 1982 when twenty-seven would-be knights were admitted after payment of a fee. Mr Erick af Lindenstjerna (actually Matthiesen) was at one time head of a Danish Saint John Order of which Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark was briefly associated; this group may have been connected with (2B).
(2D) Separated from (2) in 1993 is the "Autonoma Prioratet Sancti Iohannis Baptistae, Riddarbröder af St Johannes af Jerusalems Hospital", a Swedish "Johanniter Order" unrecognized by the Alliance. Its Prior is the Rev Ulf Berwill and the Secretary Thor, Baron von Rahden.
(3) In 1962 Paul de Granier de Cassagnac formed an important new connection with the unfortunate exiled King Peter II of Yugoslavia, then living in reduced circumstances in the United States. Despite the fact that the Order of Saint John had never had a Yugoslavian membership and that the Karageorgevich dynasty had no historic connections with the Order of Saint John, King Peter was persuaded in 1962 to declare this "Order" to be under his "High Hereditary Protection". Granier formed a French branch of this group, the "Ordre Souverain de St-Jean de Jerusalem, chevaliers de Malte" or "Chevaliers hospitaliers O.S.J." which had little success, however, since France has very strict laws regarding Orders of Chivalry, and King Peter detached himself from Granier to set up his own group. In 1965 Granier resigned the "Grand Magistery" to King Peter as a gesture of reconciliation, but the two soon fell out and King Peter took his organization under his own control [...], with a Mr Otto Schobert.
On Granier now resumed the title of "grand master" once again, retaining it until his death in 1967. With Granier's death the "Grand Magistery" of his group was assumed by Mr Carol Hohenzollern, ex-Lambrino, son of King Carol II of Roumania by his unrecognized wife [...] Zizi Lambrino, who styled himself "Prince Carol of Roumania". Prince Carol fell out with some of Granier's associates and set up his own group [...]
3A) In 1968 Prince Carol set himself up independently as head of a separate "Order". The organizers behind this group were Robert Baden von Badische [...], Eimi Eisenstatter styled "Henry Erdesz", Sidney Garber and Frary (von) Blomberg. The headquarters were established in UN Plaza and they admitted many non-Christians and appointed women members both knights and dames. According to Formhals candidates were paying as much as $5000 for membership and $25,000 for the grand cross (in 1969!).
It is claimed that they received a charter from King Peter II of Yugoslavia in 1969 and a renewal of this in 1970, purportedly signed by the King when he was in extremis in hospital in Chicago. Prince Carol broke with this group fairly soon and apparently began to award this "Order" from a base in Europe, founding his own "Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta", in Rome in 1968/69 but was unable to have significant success recruiting members. His son, styled Prince Paul of Roumania, is now actively engaged in Roumania, promoting his claim to be a member of the Roumanian royal family, but is not believed to have any connectio with a self-styled Saint John Order..
(4) Otto Adrian Schobert (or Schubert), alias "Baron de Choibert" had been associated with Pichel and, in 1961, was appointed the latter's "Observer" at the United Nations. Energetic protests by the SMHOM led to this gentleman's name being withdrawn from the list of representatives of unofficial organizations to which the UN issued entry passes and news bulletins and Schobert soon fell out with Pichel. Eisenstatter, Ernst Jochen and Michael Gordon, on 18 May 1964 incorporated the "Sovereign Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem - knights of Malta - O.S.J. Inc" in New York, "to solicit, collect and otherwise raise funds in order that Society may make grants of money and/or equipment to duly authorized hospitals and other agencies of charitable endeavor in any part of the world ... in furtherance of the humanitarian tasks and endeavors of the Ancient Knightly military religious Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John the Baptist, founded in 1048 in Jerusalem". While not directly associated with this incorporation, King Peter was apparently persuaded to give it his patronage as "Protector" (although he was at the same time giving his protection to another, rival group), and it had widespread success in recruiting members in the late 1960's, since King Peter had considerable personal prestige as a formerly reigning Monarch. This corporation was continued under different management [...] and in 1989 the plaintiff in the Markovics case obtained a $40,000 judgment against it.
It is claimed that they received a charter from King Peter II of Yugoslavia in 1969 and a renewal of this in 1970, purportedly signed by the King when he was in extremis in hospital in Chicago. Prince Carol broke with this group fairly soon and apparently began to award this "Order" from a base in Europe, founding his own "Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta", in Rome in 1968/69 but was unable to have significant success recruiting members. His son, styled Prince Paul of Roumania, is now actively engaged in Roumania, promoting his claim to be a member of the Roumanian royal family, but is not believed to have any connectio with a self-styled Saint John Order..
(4) Otto Adrian Schobert (or Schubert), alias "Baron de Choibert" had been associated with Pichel and, in 1961, was appointed the latter's "Observer" at the United Nations. Energetic protests by the SMHOM led to this gentleman's name being withdrawn from the list of representatives of unofficial organizations to which the UN issued entry passes and news bulletins and Schobert soon fell out with Pichel. Eisenstatter, Ernst Jochen and Michael Gordon, on 18 May 1964 incorporated the "Sovereign Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem - knights of Malta - O.S.J. Inc" in New York, "to solicit, collect and otherwise raise funds in order that Society may make grants of money and/or equipment to duly authorized hospitals and other agencies of charitable endeavor in any part of the world ... in furtherance of the humanitarian tasks and endeavors of the Ancient Knightly military religious Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John the Baptist, founded in 1048 in Jerusalem". While not directly associated with this incorporation, King Peter was apparently persuaded to give it his patronage as "Protector" (although he was at the same time giving his protection to another, rival group), and it had widespread success in recruiting members in the late 1960's, since King Peter had considerable personal prestige as a formerly reigning Monarch. This corporation was continued under different management [...] and in 1989 the plaintiff in the Markovics case obtained a $40,000 judgment against it.
(4A) Directly connected with the above was the now independent "King Peter" group, combining rumps of 1, 3 and 4, of which King Peter appointed Edelen "Grand Chancellor" and, on 13 March 1965, himself became "Grand Master". [38] The bulk of the membership came from a group based in Pittsburgh (under Franklin West) which was the successor of an earlier Masonic organization. The Formhals group (see below) now united itself under King Peter, briefly creating the largest of the self-styled Saint John Orders. On 15 February 1967 the King himself broke with the parent group and dismissed West (who died the following October), changing the name of his organization to the "Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, the Hospitallers, Knights of Malta". Within months there was a further schism with a rump branch setting itself up under Prince Belosselsky-Belozersky as "Lieutenant-grand Master" on 9 January 1968 but this problem was settled the following September and the King recognized as "Grand Master" by the rebels.
Shortly afterwards, following an awkward meeting between the King and the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, the King ordered that the word "Sovereign" be dropped from the name and his own title was changed from "Grand Master" to "Royal Head", as he wished to distance himself from the increasingly embarrassing feuds between members of his "Saint John Order". [...]
In June 1970 King Peter's principal aide-de-camp, General Melitchovitch, stated that the King had completely broken all connection with every so-called "Order of Saint John" and confirmed that any "protection" that he may have extended to such organizations was permanently revoked. [...]
Shortly afterwards, following an awkward meeting between the King and the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, the King ordered that the word "Sovereign" be dropped from the name and his own title was changed from "Grand Master" to "Royal Head", as he wished to distance himself from the increasingly embarrassing feuds between members of his "Saint John Order". [...]
In June 1970 King Peter's principal aide-de-camp, General Melitchovitch, stated that the King had completely broken all connection with every so-called "Order of Saint John" and confirmed that any "protection" that he may have extended to such organizations was permanently revoked. [...]
The unfortunate King having contracted a serious kidney ailment then spent two months in hospital, leading ultimately to his death on 3 November, during which period he was frequently visited by the representatives of various rumps of his "Order", several of whom were later to claim that they alone represented the legitimate continuation of the group he had founded.
The issue of "recognition" remains an ongoing source of contention; the King Peter followers state that the King was received at Saint James's Palace by H.R.H. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, then Grand Prior of the Most Venerable Order of Saint John [... in] 1965 and the King was purportedly given the decorations of a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order, while H.R.H. supposedly accepted the same distinction from King Peter. [...]
While the Duke may have wished to appear gracious to H.M., it would not have been the first time that the proponent of an unrecognized Order attempted to gain recognition by conferring their decoration on a member of the British Royal Family. [...]The issue of "recognition" remains an ongoing source of contention; the King Peter followers state that the King was received at Saint James's Palace by H.R.H. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, then Grand Prior of the Most Venerable Order of Saint John [... in] 1965 and the King was purportedly given the decorations of a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order, while H.R.H. supposedly accepted the same distinction from King Peter. [...]
Any Yugoslavian connection with these groups purportedly under the protection of the late King Peter has been once again disavowed and condemned by the present Head of the Karageorgevich family, Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia, in a February 992 letter addressed to the Episcopalian Bishop of San Francisco. This reads (in part) "....As the only son and heir of His Majesty the late King Peter II .... I can state categorically that none of the various bodies claiming to function under a "Charter" purportedly granted by my late father have any validity. [...] I do not recognize the validity of any "Charter" purportedly issued to organizations misusing the name "Order of Saint John". Furthermore, junior members of the Royal House of Yugoslavia do not have any legal right to act in the name of the Royal House". Copies of this letter were sent to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior of Saint John, His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Most Rev Bishop Edmond Browning, Presiding Episcopalian Bishop. In a letter to this author dated January 27th, 1992, Crown Prince Alexander wrote "the whole affair was a sad period in my late father's life ..... unfortunately my late uncle, Prince Andrej,, picked up the pieces upon my father's death and got deeply involved. [...] As head of the Serb and Yugoslav Royal Family and future King, I do not recognize or authorize the use of any connections to my dynasty by these orders set up in the United States and Belgium. ... Prince Andrej's son is acting without my permission and I am not pleased".
The publication of The Orders of Saint John by this author, named a number of those associated with the San Francisco Commandery. It was apparent to the author that this group sincerely believed in the worth of their charitable efforts but did not want to face the true facts about the origins of the body with which they had become associated. The author received a letter dated January 21st, 1992, from a Mr Richard D. Murray, "Regent O.S.J.", written from his home, the "Palais de Medart, of which he enclosed a photograph revealing it to be a grandiose classical style house situated in a prosperous Ohio suburb. The letter paper, bearing the logo "H.R.H. Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia, Grand Master O.S.J." (without mentioning that he had died) politely suggested I obtain an apologia for the "Order" [..] In response to this author's reply to Dr Murray, a vitriolic attack followed in which the latter insulted Crown Prince Alexander, stating that "God is now not looking favorably on Alexander's action" (one may legitimately question by what authority he was able to know the mind of the Almighty), and continued by stating that Czar Paul created hereditary commanderies "and their descendants are listed in the Almanacs of the Imperial Court throughout the 19th century until the Zionist (sic) controlled Russian Revolution. It may interest you to know that out of the present situation in Russia there is to be a military coup from which a new ruler of Russia is to emerge..... watch for that coup this summer" (he was right about the coup, although it failed and led to the new Russia under President Yeltsin). He enclosed a copy of a bizarre book entitled "The Harlot and the Scarlet Beast" an anti-Semitic diatribe which repeated the La Rouche allegations of an international conspiracy of which former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was a part, along with Queen Elizabeth II, to hand over the island of Malta to the Soviets. One cannot help but question why these ravings did not arouse the suspicions of the respectable Californians seduced into believing the fantasy history claimed by this "Order". The Secretary-General of the Grand Priory of the Americas of this body was named as being Klaus H. E. Priebe, of Vancouver, BC, Canada. In recognition of his determination to disassociate himself from these self-styled "orders", Crown Prince Alexander has received the grand cross with gilt star of the Order Pro Merito Melitense of the SMHOM (his uncle, Prince Tomislav, is a member of the Most Venerable Order) and, more recently, the dignity of Bailiff Grand cross of Honor and Devotion "ad honorem". Crown Prince Alexander, in a letter addressed to Grand Master de Mojana dated 14 August 1979, has stated that "the pretension to be under the protection of the Royal House of Yugoslavia .... is totally false" and appointed a personal representative to ensure that in the future all such organizations "usurping the name pertaining to the Sovereign Order, and pretending to be under the protection of the Royal House of Yugoslavia" would be branded as false. [...]
ZEIT ONLINE Tempelritter Breiviks Armee
AntwortenLöschen22. 5. 2012
"... Die Videos auf [Nick} Gregers Website sind geistesverwandt mit Breiviks Manifest und Paul Rays Blog-Einträgen:
Aufgabe von Order777 ist es, die Bedrohung durch den islamistischen Terrorismus auf drei Ebenen zu bekämpfen: Operationen, um islamistische Terroristen, ihre Operationen und ihre Aktivitäten offenzulegen; spirituelle Kriegsführung gegen den Islam; Hilfe bei der Gründung von christlichen Bürgermilizen mit dem Ziel der Selbstverteidigung von Communitys, die direkt durch Dschihadisten terrorisiert werden... Order777 hat eine Vision, moderne Ritter und christliche Freiheitskämpfer zu vereinen. [...]
Im Februar 2011, fünf Monate bevor Breivik loszog, tauchte im Internet ein aufsehenerregendes Video des Order777 auf. Titel: The Gathering– Die Zusammenkunft.
In dem Video laufen der deutsche Exnazi Nick Greger, der englische Defence-League-Gründer Paul Ray und der nordirische Exterrorist Johnny Adair, früher Brigadier der Ulster Freedom Fighters und Freund von Greger, gemeinsam
durch Malta. Sie besuchen Kirchen, beten, diskutieren. Die Szenen der drei Männer in Ehrfurchtshaltung werden mit alten Bildern von Tempelrittern in ähnlichen Posen gegengeschnitten, dazu Filmausschnitte von Ulemeks Brigade. Greger wird als »Commander« vorgestellt. [...]
Im August 2011, nur Wochen nach Breiviks Massenmord, legte Greger mit einem neuen Video nach. Darin stieg Paul Ray zum »Freedom Fighter« auf. Und Greger sagte: »Die Kriege der Zukunft werden nicht zwischen den Rassen, sondern zwischen den Religionen stattfinden: Christen gegen Muslime.« [...]
Anders Behring Breivik sagte Mitte April vor Gericht: »Man muss mich als Vertreter betrachten. Ich verkaufe eine Ideologie.«
Die Analyse seines Videos gefiel Nick Greger so gut, dass er sie in sein nächstes Video schnitt. Er baute auch unkommentiert ein Zitat des arabischen Senders Al-Dschasira ein, in dem sein Order777 als Organisation beschrieben
wird, die »den gewaltsamen Kampf gegen Muslime unterstützt«. [...]
Anders Behring Breivik hat mit kreuzgeschmückten Fantasie-Uniformen vor der
Kamera posiert. Paul Ray glaubt wirklich, dass er ein Tempelritter ist. Nick Greger sagt eine Nuance abgeklärter: »Diese Symbolik ist die Antwort auf die Muslime und ihren Dschihad.«
Ihr Spiel mit Identitäten mag lächerlich erscheinen, ihr Vereinfachen aller Komplexitäten auf einen Konflikt zwischen »denen« und »uns« jämmerlich wirken.
Doch wie viele dieser durchgeknallten, sechsjährigen Erwachsenen gibt es noch da
draußen, die sich im Krieg wähnen?
Der schwedische Terrorexperte Magnus Ranstorp, einer der weltweit führenden Fachleute auf dem Gebiet, beobachtet voller Sorge, dass die Zahl der Neotempler wächst, und rät dringend, »die Szene international zu beobachten«. Ansätze dafür bietet zum Beispiel die Lektüre des virtuellen Gästebuchs von Paul Ray oder des Mitglieder-verzeichnisses von Gregers Order777. 46 Personen haben sich dort registriert, anonym. 1200 Menschen habe er außerdem in seinem E-Mail-Verteiler, sagt Greger.
In Rays Gästebuch schreibt ein Leser seines Blogs: »Lass es mich ganz offen sagen: Wenn meine Regierung weiterhin darin versagt, mich vor dem radikalen Islam zu beschützen, dann werde ich selbst zum Terroristen und werde so viele von diesen Hurensöhnen abschlachten, wie Gott zulässt.« Der Absender dieser Zeilen gehört zu einem zweiten Ring von Personen, die bisher noch unbekannt sind. Auch Greger und Ray kennen nicht alle ihre Anhänger.
Wie lange bleibt ein Ritter ohne Schwert?
Anders Behring Breivik setzt auf Ritter, die noch im Verborgenen kämpfen. Er hat angekündigt, dass er seinem Manifest einen zweiten Teil hinzufügen will. Briefe von Fans hat er bereits bekommen. In verschiedenen Sprachen, aus verschiedenen Ländern. Breivik hat damit begonnen, sie zu beantworten."
Kriege der Zukunft nicht mehr zwischen Rassen, sondern zwischen Religionen ... als ob Religion nicht immer schon ein Vorwand fuer Kriege gewesen waere. Und als ob "Rasse" keine Rolle mehr spielen wuerde, wenn Muslime zu Feinden erklaert werden - die meisten Muslime sind eher nicht blond oder hellhaeutig; die andere Religion ist oft eine Chiffre fuer anderes Aussehen (auch bei Sarrazin geht's ja um die vermuteten schlechteren Gene muslimischer Menschen).
LöschenDass Greger sich vom Rassismus abgewendet zu haben meint, nachdem er in Namibia eine afrikanische Frau gefunden hat (wie in der Presse berichtet), ist schoen fuer ihn. Aber es scheint, er hat sein "Hassmuster" nur ein wenig umgebogen (und wie er sich seiner Frau gegenueber verhaelt, wissen wir natuerlich auch nicht).
Im Kampf gegen – was denn nun, genau?
LöschenAus einem Kommentar auf
„... Ich wähle die Pro-Partei. Man sollte m. E. aber in der Zukunft nicht so sehr den Kampf des Christentums gegen den Islam in den Vordergrund stellen. Sondern auch der christliche Glaube muss durch eine alternative Religiosität abgelöst werden. Es geht eher um einen Kampf Europas gegen eine Afrikanisierung und Asiatisierung.“
Eso-Policier 31. März 2013 - 16:11
"Sovereign Order of St. John in Jerusalem - Knights of Malta" (OSJ)
AntwortenLöschen"Kleine" Gruppe (s. Post) nehme ich zurueck.
OSJ mag als "self-styled" (selbsternannt) gelten, aber nach einem Amateurclub sieht der Vorstand ("Sovereign Council") nicht aus.
Es gibt sogar einen "Chairman of the Military Affairs Committe"; was immer auch die Funktion des "Komites fuer militaerische Angelegenheiten" sein mag.
Hat ein Unternehmensberater den Herren gesagt, sie muessten moderner werden und soziale Medien einsetzen, um den Bolschewismus bzw. Islam zu besiegen?
LöschenUnd ist dabei mit Hilfe von Paul Ray u.a. "Order777" rausgekommen?
Nur ein "Brainstorming".
Merkzettel: Die Suche nach dem Messias
AntwortenLöschenDer biblische Prophet Johannes war der Kuender des Messias.
Der "selbsternannte" Johannes-Orden "Sovereign Order of St. John in Jerusalem - Knights of Malta" (OSJ) praesentierte in den 1920er Jahren "General Fuerst Awaloff" und "Graf Cherep Spiridovich", denen ihre Adelstitel wohl vom OSJ selbst verliehen worden waren, als Messias-aehnliche Gestalten im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus (s. auch Post "Bolschewisten-Fratzen ...").
Auch ueber Hitler wurden quasi-religioese Lobeshymnen verbreitet; z.B. mit dem Begriff "ist dem deutschen Volk erstanden (!)".
Koennte(n) der OSJ (und aehnliche Gruppierungen) da mitgewirkt haben?
Wurde "Im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus" zu "Mein Kampf"?
Mit seiner 2005 erschienenen Untersuchung über den Einfluss militanter "weißer" (antibolschewistischer) russischer Emigranten auf das Erstarken des Nationalsozialismus hatte Michael Kellogg wohl doch Wichtigeres herausgefunden, als die strenge Reviewerin Annemarie Sammartino (s.u.) zugestehen wollte.
AntwortenLöschenZumindest ein gewichtiges Indiz in diese Richtung ist die um 1921 in deutscher und englischer Sprache erschienene antibolschewistisch-antisemitische Hetzschrift "Die Totengräber Russlands" - bei der englischen Ausgabe mit Werbung für eine andere Hetzschrift von Graf Cherep Spiridovich auf der Rückseite. (Siehe Post "Bolschewisten-Fratzen in der Karikatur").
Spiridovich, ein russischer Emigrant von umstrittener adeliger Herkunft, wurde von einem selbsternannten, in den USA gegründeten Johanniter-Orden promotet, der für sich in Anspruch nahm, in der Nachfolge des russischen(zaristischen) Zweigs des historischen Johanniter-Ordens aus der Kreuzritter-Zeit zu stehen.
Die Karikaturen in dem "Totengräber"-Pamphlet des Trios Rosenberg/ Eckart/ von Kursell brachten eine neue, biologistische Dimension der Gleichsetzung von Bolschewismus und Judentum ins Spiel: Sie stellen einen Durchbruch des Ansatzes dar, verhasste Akteure des Kommunismus als "rassisch minderwertig" zu porträtieren.
Im Folgenden (s.u.) stelle ich Ausschnitte aus dem Review von Kelloggs Buch über die "russischen Wurzeln des NS" ("The Russian Roots of Nazism") ein.
The Russian Roots of Nazism [Archive] -
AntwortenLöschenetoile noir - 13th September 2006
The Russian Roots of Nazism: Michael Kellogg
White Russians and the Making of National Socialism, 1917-1945. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Reviewed for H-German by Annemarie Sammartino, Department of History, Oberlin College - source (
"This book is a published version of Michael Kellogg's 2002 dissertation and a provocative attempt to rewrite the intellectual origins of the National Socialist movement. Kellogg draws attention to intellectual and practical links between the early Nazi movement and focuses especially on a group of hard-line Russian émigrés in Munich in the early 1920s. In 1998, Johannes Bauer published a book on this same population; yet, while Bauer focused on the émigrés themselves, Kellogg is more interested in their collaboration with the German far Right in the city.
Kellogg begins by examining Russo-German right-wing contacts in the Baltics and Ukraine, but the bulk of his study concentrates on Aufbau, a group dedicated to the "national interests of Germany and the Russian area of reconstruction" and consisting of a wealthy membership of White émigrés - mostly Russians, Ukrainians and Baltic Germans.
Aufbau, Kellogg argues, exercised a crucial intellectual influence on the young Adolf Hitler and was the source of two of the ideological concepts most commonly associated with Nazism: the idea of Jewish Bolshevism and an apocalyptic world view. […] His choice of Aufbau as an organization quixotically dedicated to a Russian-German anti-Bolshevik alliance allows him a good vantage point from which to witness both the crisis of conservatism after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the Socialist Revolution in Germany, and the unlikely (and unstable) coalitions and fantasies that this crisis inspired.
However, Kellogg's lack of contextualization [is a weaknesses of his book ...].
Kellogg places inordinate weight on a mention by Heinrich Class (the leader of the Pan-German League) to Ludendorff that he should replace Kaiser Wilhelm II in a coup, and argues that Ludendorff's reluctance to do so demonstrates the failures of the German Right during the war. The fact that Ludendorff already controlled either indirectly or directly many of the reins of government is unmentioned. Kellogg also does not have anything else to say about World War I, although the story of the rise of the German Fatherland Party, the coordinated propaganda efforts by conservatives inside and outside the government, the fracturing of the "Burgfrieden" and the German military occupation regime of "Ober Ost" in the Baltics all have much to bear on the story that Kellogg is trying to tell.
For example, in spring 1918, a wide variety of Germans celebrated Germany's victory in the East -even the socialist newspaper "Vorwärts" printed paeans to Germany's military victory [...]
Furthermore, although Kellogg sees Nazi-era plans for the remaking of eastern Europe as a direct result of White émigré influence, these plans also can claim to have inherited much from long-standing ideas of a German "Drang nach Osten, Ober Ost" and World War I era "Russian experts," none of which appear in Kellogg's text.
At the same time, Kellogg states that there was an "official German alliance with the Bolshevik regime" after Brest-Litovsk; however, considering the highly punitive terms of that treaty, it is hardly surprising that no such alliance actually existed.[...]
Moreover, antisemitism was hardly a trait shared solely by the White émigrés and the Freikorps. [...] Kellogg's contention that Hitler's "telling" name for his plan for the remaking of eastern Europe ("Aufbau Ost") was intended as an homage to their early collaboration with Aufbau is not based on any evidence, aside from the fact that the name "Aufbau" is repeated."
Continued: Annemarie Sammartino´s Review (2006) of
AntwortenLöschen„White Russians and the Making of National Socialism, 1917-1945“ by Michael Kellogg (2005)
„ [...] as Roger Chickering has demonstrated, an apocalyptic worldview was [already] crucial to the nineteenth-century Pan-Germans.[...]
Kellogg's own evidence points to the disproportionate role of Baltic Germans such as Alfred Rosenberg and Max von Scheubner-Richter as the "White" émigrés with the most important connections to Hitler and the nascent Nazi Party.
The role of Baltic Germans in the German Right long predates the Bolshevik Revolution. Their particular situation as "Russian experts" and sometimes collaborators with the Pan-German Right in the years before World War I is not discussed in this book.
Kellogg's most sensational claim - and also his most problematic- is his argument that the very fear of Bolshevism and the idea of a connection between Judaism and Bolshevism (which lay at the heart of Nazi ideology) were legacies of the close collaboration between White Russians and early National Socialists. First of all, considering the wave of revolutionary energy that subsumed the European continent in the years 1917-19, the German Right hardly needed the Russian émigrés to inform them of the dangers of Bolshevism. In Germany itself, the SPD was by no means foreign to expressions of hysterical anti-Bolshevism, despite the fact that they were hardly friends of the Russian émigrés.
Indeed, one did not have to live in Germany or have an intimate contact with the émigrés to fear Bolshevism -consider the American Palmer Raids of 1919.
Furthermore, Kellogg's supposition that the equation of "Bolshevik" with "Jewish" is a consequence of the Russian émigrés' combination of antisemitism and anti-Bolshevism ignores a long history of rhetorical connections between left-wing activism and Judaism. Even Bismarck stated in one of his first public speeches in 1847 that the Jews were "prone to political subversiveness“; and stereotypes of "Jewish Bolsheviks" permeated not merely the discourse of the Nazis and Aufbau but also found their way into countless government documents of the post-World War I period.
Germany, moreover, had enough of its own Jewish communists, including Eugen Leviné and Rosa Luxemburg, to provide fodder for the paranoid fantasies of German antisemites without requiring the assistance of the Russians. That the Russian Revolution could be used as evidence for the perfidy of Jews is indisputable and unsurprising, but it is also not proof that Russian émigrés
were the ideological forefathers of the Nazis.
Unfortunately, in writing this book Kellogg has missed a chance to tell a much more interesting story. The end of World War I and the revolutions across the European continent bore witness to a reshaping of the political and ideological map of Europe. Kellogg's history of Aufbau is the story of a fantasy of anti-Bolshevik international collaboration in the wake of this reconfiguration.
The seemingly ridiculous claim by communists of an international "counter-revolution" with its headquarters in Munich gains a certain amount of plausibility when one reads this book.
[…] the Right's radicalization needs to be understood in the context of European-wide political and ideological shifts. One does not need unsubstantiated claims about the influence of Russian émigrés on National Socialism to recognize that there is a story worth telling here. “
Möglicherweise interessante Quellen u.a.
AntwortenLöschen#Bobrinskoy Count Nicholas A, Informal and Confidential History of the Revival of the Order of the Orthodox Knights Saint John of Jerusalem by Count Nicholas Bobrinskoy" - not dated but circa 1994;
#Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, The Hospitallers, Knights of Malta, Bulletin, Special Issue in Honor of the newly elected Lieutenant Grand Master H.S.H. Prince Serge Belosselsky-Belozersky, 475 Fifth Avenue - New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A. 1968
#Conference Report. Report of Conference on June 28, 1994 between Representatives of the Sovereign Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of Saint John of Jerusalem and the Order of St John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller, Under the Constitution and the Royal Charter of his late Majesty, King Peter II of Yugoslavia, Russian Grand Priory, Malta. July 5, 1994
LöschenWas um die Zeit im ehemaligen Jugoslawien geschah
Löschen18.03.1994: Kroaten und Muslime in Bosnien-Herzegowina schließen einen Waffenstillstand und vereinbaren die Gründung einer Föderation.
10.04.1994: NATO-Luftangriffe auf serbische Stellungen bei Gorazde.
06.07.1994: Friedensplan der Bosnien-Kontaktgruppe (USA, Russland, Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien).
04.08.1994: Nach Ablehnung des Friedensplans durch die bosnischen Serben verkündet die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien den Abbruch der Beziehungen zu den bosnischen Serben.
Dezember 1994: Die bosnische Zentralregierung und die bosnischen Serben einigen sich unter Vermittlung durch Jimmy Carter auf einen Waffenstillstand.
März 1995: Großoffensive der bosnischen Regierungstruppen in Nordost- Bosnien.
Mai 1995: Kroatische Truppen rücken in Westslawonien vor. Serbische Angriffe auf Tuzla.
12.07.1995: Serbische Einheiten erobern die Schutzzone Srebrenica und vertreiben die muslimische Bevölkerung. Dabei kommt es zu Gräueltaten.
KÖNIGE ohne Land - Ausland - FOCUS Online
LöschenMontag, 03.03.1997, 00:00 · von FOCUS-Redakteurin Gudrun Dometeit und Nicole Herzog, Marco Ljubic, Martin Ohnweiler und E.Popowa
"Exilmonarchen aus Osteuropa drängt es in die Heimat: Sie wollen ihren Ländern auf dem Weg zur Demokratie helfen
Alexander Karadjordjevic zählt die Schar seiner Verehrer seit neuestem mit dem Computer. Der Kronprinz von Jugoslawien wirbt auf einer Web-Seite im Internet für sich. „In den vergangenen zwei Monaten sind wir fast 30 000mal angewählt worden“, bilanziert er stolz. Moderne PR für eine alte Idee – die Wiederherstellung der Monarchie auf dem Balkan....
Jugoslawiens Thronfolger Alexander, der sich heute de facto nur noch für Serbien zuständig fühlt, glaubt an die Wohltaten einer modernen Monarchie. „Was nötig ist, ist ein Individuum, das neutral ist, keiner Partei angehört und unbelastet von den Problemen der Vergangenheit – jemand wie ich“, erklärt er selbstbewußt in seinem bescheidenen Londoner Büro. Der 53jährige Unternehmensberater, der sich „gelegentlich“ mit seiner Patentante, Queen Elizabeth, trifft, sieht seine Chancen aber realistisch. „Da muß noch eine Menge getan werden. Der Startschuß fällt für mich, wenn Milosevic geht.“ ..."
Eine der größten Straßen in Finnlands Hauptstadt Helsinki ist nach Marschall Mannerheim benannt, einem Volkshelden und "Kämpfer gegen den Bolschwismus" - und Verbündeten der Armeeführer Hitlers und Mussolinis
AntwortenLöschenAus der Litzmannstädter Zeitung ("Die große Heimatzeitung im Osten des Reichsgaues Wartheland") vom 4. Juni 1942
Marschall Mannerheim 75 Jahre
Berlin, 3. Juni
Der Befreier Finnlands und Schöpfer der finnischen Wehrmacht, Generalfeldmarschall Freiherr Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim, feiert am Donnerstag, dem 4. Juni, seinen 75. Geburtstag.
In Italien, wo Marschall Mannerhelm genau wie in Deutschland glühende Bewunderer hat und reiche Sympathien im Volke genießt, wurde die ihm zuteil gewordene hohe Auszeichnung mit dem Großen Offizierskreuz des Savoyschen Militärordens freudig begrüßt. Man erblickt in dem 75jährigen volkstümlichen Oberbefehlshaber, der bereits zum dritten Male im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus steht, einen wertvollen Bundesgenossen, dem auch der warme Dank und die Anerkennung des italienischen Volkes gebühre.
Briefmarke Lettland, 1920, Rotes Kreuz, gedruckt auf Banknote Bermondt-Avaloff Armee
More about Pichel
AntwortenLöschenMillenary chronology of the hospitallers of St John by Guy Jean Joly. Notes on "Millenary Chronology of the Hospitallers of Saint John OSJ" Guy Jean Joly
... The Author, 65 year old Guy Jean Joly began his membership as a Serving Brother 40 years ago, becoming a Knight of the Order in 1963. His career before retirement was as a Manager in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Currently he is the Conventual Grand Curator, and edits the Journal "Les Cahiers de Saint Jean". ....
In the late 1950s an organisation emerged led by a Charles Louis Thourot-Pichel; "The American Grand Priory of The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta". Pichel had a reputation of allegedly selling false titles, and other criminal activities. ...
The alleged founding fathers of Pichel's group had died long before the claims were made.
Pichel had the additional benefit of being acquainted with the history of the genuine group of Russian Hereditary Commanders in Paris, written by Professor Baron Michael de Taube, a Russian exile in Paris. ...
The whole story of Pichel's inventiveness was recorded by Pichel's closest associate for many years, Crolian Edelen de Burgh. In a letter addressed to Harrison Smith, the Historian to the King Peter Order in Malta, Mr Edelen, wrote on January 22, 1980;
"My problem with the history is that all seems to be false from 1908 to 1932 as published by Pichel. I know his Minutes are false. Dr Bulloch was never Grand Chancellor of the Order. He was the Archivist of the old Scottish-American Order of St John and kept these records at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. When he was old and blind, in the early 1950's, Pichel went to him with a story that he was writing a history of the Knights of Malta and needed some records from the Archives. Dr Bulloch let him borrow whatever he fancied and then obligingly died while Pichel had the most important records. We took the material, twisted it around, took names of noblemen from the Times Index and created an Order stemming from the Grand Priory of Russia, all a hoax.... The Scottish-American Order went out of business in New York about 1909 following a suicide of the Grand Chancellor, as well as a scandal involving payment (or non-payment) of life insurance policies on the lives of members. Some members in New Jersey tried to save the situation by securing a charter as the "Knights of Malta" in Trenton in 1911. Their effort failed and by 1912 was abandoned. Then Pichel came along in the 1950's and claimed to be the duly elected officer of that Corporation to give his Order some evidence of antiquity and to substantiate the false Minutes".
- Archives OSJ World Headquarters, St Pauls Street Valetta.
The same confession was given by Edelen to a Sovereign Council meeting of one of the many King Peter Orders.
- "Combined Minutes Meetings of Sovereign and Little Councils April 10-14, 1981 New York Athletic Club."
Edelen's confession is given from page 18 onwards, and was brought about by a well researched account provided by Robert Formhalls, who had access to records of the Knights of St. John and Malta and the Royal Black Association of the Ancient, Exalted, Illustrious Religious and Military Order of the Knights of Malta, and who had published an account of Pichel's myths in 1978.
- Formhals, Robert W. Y. White Cross : story of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, with particular emphasis on the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller since 1964 under Royal Charter of Peter II, King of Yugoslavia. Sanghals Publishers, Camarillo, California, USA, 1978.
From Joly's Chronology (link above)
Löschen-November 1798
"An anonymous Brother addresses a memorandum proposing the Tsar to gather around the Order all the forces, military, intellectual and religious of Europe, with no distinction of nationality, class, or denomination, to curb the revolutionary movement" ...
"First resurgence of a Russian Priory in Germany, that will give birth to the GRAND PRIORY IN DENMARK"
Only scant information survives about the origins of the Den Danske Maltesorden. The founder was Colonel Paul Mikhailovitch Bermondt, who was a White Russian adventurer who sought under the German/Polish General Rüdiger von der Goltz to create a German controlled Latvia and to restore a Russia Czar in the Baltic Provinces, in 1919. Defeated he fled to Denmark. He adopted his maternal uncle's name and rank, to become Prince, or Count, Colonel Paul Mikhailovitch Avaloff . In Denmark circa 1920, Bermondt set up the "Sovereign Imperial Russian Chivalric Order of Malta"(Souveraner kaiserliche-russischer Malteser-ritter-orden).
It is alleged that Bermondt acquired the patronage of King Alexander of Yugoslavia. By name, Bermondt's Order lay claim in part to the Russian tradition. However, neither Bermondt, nor his maternal uncle (Avaloff), were Hereditary Commanders of, or had been previously connected to, the Russian Grand Priory. Bermondt's creation was simply of analogous nature. ...
In 1950 a refutation to the claims of Bermondt's Order was given jointly by the brother to the successor to the Russian Throne, and by a legal expert in Russian Law. Grand Duke Andrew and Baron Michel de Taube repudiated any claim of the Bermondt Order via the patronage of King Alexander of Yugoslavia to be a "so-called" restoration of the Russian Grand Priory as being "null and void in the legal context".
On the 31 August 1934, in Copenhagen a private non-political Christian organisation was created claiming an Imperial Russian foundation via the Bermondt Order called the "Den Danske Maltesorden" From this venture, on the 24th June 1946, one of the members - Mr. Grundall Sjallung founded the Grand Priory of the Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem in Denmark. In 1973, the membership of the original group founded in 1934, was reconciled with Sjallung's group under the name "Sovereign Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of Denmark". For a brief period the "Grand Chancellor" of this group was HRH Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark. The group today is known as the "Den Danske Johanniterorden". A further schism occurred in Den Danske Maltesorden in 1982, when aout half the membership seceded and joined the Sjallung's united 'Order' of 1973. This group no longer claim the Russian "legend", but claim to be a 1934 revived foundation of the ancient Order of Denmark.
In 1948 a Danish Architect - Charles P Christensen formed his own Order of St John - a schismatic element of the 1934 foundation. In 1951 Christensen obtained a decree issued in Leipzig, Germany from "The Sovereign Russian Imperial Order of Knights of Malta", which was signed by Max Schiffel von Frauenstein who had been a member of the Schismatic Order created in 1946.
In that year the Grand Master of the Sovereign Russian Imperial Order of Knights of Malta was given as Prince Paul Avalov-Bermondt. Thus Christensen's group inherited the mantle of the original group founded by Bermondt. The 1948 Order continued with the name and mantle of the "Den Danske Maltesorden" - The Danish Order of Malta. In 1967, the Order joined forces with Cassagnac's French Order. After Christensen's death in 1963 Carl Wilhelm Lehman became Prior until 1969, followed by Poul Hall Jensen to 1990, then Ove Petersen until 1994, Johan A. Johansen until 1996. The present Prior is David K Svarre. Claimed by the group, as the first Prior in 1934 was Poul von Reitzel, followed by Charles P Christensen in 1939.
Nach der Revolution von 1917 wurde der Orden 1920 in Deutschland durch Prinz Awaloff und Graf Schiffel von Frauenstein, bevollmächtigt durch Kyrill Wladimirowitsch Romanow, den Thronanwärter auf den russischen [...]
Then, after the revolution the Order was reconstituted in Germany in 1920 by Prince Avaloff and Count Schiffel von Frauenstein as a Grand Priory empowered by Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich Romanov, pretender, [...]
Found with Google Search (on Linguee, in cache - no longer directly retrievable)
#1 dante
LöschenPosted 30 March 2008 - 10:59
I would be grateful for any details of the Bermont Avalov Verdienstkreuz mit Totenkopf or any of the myriad awards to the West Russian Volunteer Army /Iron Division circa 1919, German ebay seem to have them but I am guessing they are all fakes, thanks, Paul
From the Website of the "Gentleman's Military Interest Club (GMIC)", UK
James J. Algrant, C.St.J
Copyright 1995
A remarkable burgeoning of chivalric "orders" of all kinds on both sides of the Atlantic began in the late nineteenth century and continues to this day. Many of these orders took on the appellation "of St.John" ...
For some, the attraction of these orders may simply be a nostalgia for aristocratic tradition in an increasingly materialistic world or a desire to
serve a special charitable cause. For others, however, they provide a venue for a lucrative trade in false titles and distinctions. ...
The genuine orders are in the order of their establishment: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, headed by its 78th Prince Grand Master His Most Eminent Highness Fra' Andrew Bertie; The
Bailiwick of Brandenburg of the Knightly Order of St.John of the Hospital in Jerusalem, known as the Johanniter Order, headed by its Herrenmeister, H.R.H. Wilhelm Karl, Prince of Prussia; the Grand Priory of the Most Venetrable Order of the Hospital of St.John of Jerusalem, of which H.M.Queen Elizabeth II is Sovereign Head and H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester is Grand Prior; the Johanniterorder I Sverige, which is under the high protection of the King of Sweden and the Johanniter Orde in Nederland, under the protection of H.M. Queen Beatrix. All other self-styled chivalric groups which use the name of St.John in their appellation are, in my view spurious. ...
... in the United States any legally-constituted, but not necessarily historically authentic association or sodality can take on the trappings of chivalry, add St.John to its name and, so long as it is not involved in fraudulent activity, obtain tax-exempt status if it meets the relatively simple requirements. ...
I. The Hospitaller Knights of St.John the Baptist (ca. 1875); Sovereign Order of St.John the Baptist (ca. 1975); Order of St.John the Baptist in America
(ca.1975) .... In 1908 its adherents claimed a number of Russian émigrés residing in New York
said to be descendants of titulars of "hereditary commanderies" of the Russian Grand priories along with some American friends created this group. The promoter was William Lamb who pretended to be of Russian origin and a "general" .
In 1911 this group incorporated itself in New York as "The Association of the Sovereign Order of St.John of Jerusalem." (In 1936 the seat of the association was transferred to the residence of Charles Louis Thourot-Pichel, its "Grand Chancellor" and de facto head in Shickshinny, Pa. Pichel used the styles of "Baron de Thourot, Lord of Estagel" and officiated in a number of independent "orders of chivalry").
Allegedly "Grand master" from 1913 to 1933: Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia. Lieutenants of the grand magistery : William Sohier Bryant (1933-1951), Baron von Engelhardt-Schnellenstein (1951-1955), Count von Zeppelin (1956-1960), Paul Granier de Cassagnac, residing in France (1960-1962), Count Felix von Luckner (1962-1966).
Grand master since 1966: Crolian William Edelen, who styled himself "Count de Burgh, descendant of Frankish kings of Jerusalem, of the emperors of Byzantium, of Charlemagne, etc.etc." an officer of various independent "orders of chivalry". He left this group in 1962 but was later reintegrated into its ranks. ...
... The Order of St.John the Baptist in America attracted some attention at about the same period. According to Robert Formhals(2) this organization appears to be an offshoot of a Masonic Templar body which allegedly received its charter from the Congress of the United States in 1923. Formhals has some doubts as to the continued validity of its original charter but adds that since 1939 it has been active in Southern California and is restricted to citizens of the Western Hemisphere.(3) At the outset and until 1939, its head was Dr. Francis Nicholas.
LöschenLieut.Col. Federico M. Dimas-Aruti followed as Grand master from 1939 to 1945.
Alan Weaver-Hazleton from 1945 to 1974 and finally by Robert Gamble. Some evidence indicates that this institution may be connected to that of Colonel Count Poziemski, since both he and Dimas-Aruti have served on the "Supreme Council" of an "Interallied Military Organization Sphinx (I M.O.S.) ...
Charles Louis Thourot Pichel, author of Samogitia: The Unknown in History
LöschenVyda Ragulskienė
From Wikipedia
Professor Vyda Kęsgailaitė-Ragulskienė (June 4, 1931 – January 4, 2009) was a Lithuanian scientist, inventor, the first woman to become Dr.habil. of technical sciences in Lithuania. She was wife of engineer Kazimieras Ragulskis. ...
Ragulskienė translated from English Samogitia: The Unknown in History by French historian Charles Louis Thourot Pichel.
She was active in the collection of data for the encyclopedia The Officers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces 1918–1953. She also prepared materials about the history of her native village of Dapšiai. Many prominent Lithuanian people hailed from this village, including Kazimieras Simonavičius, the creator of the science of artillery and multi-stage rockets. ...
LöschenFrom Wikipedia
This article is about the ethnographic region of Lithuania. ...
For more than two hundred years, old Samogitia played a central role in Lithuania’s wars against the crusading order of the Teutonic Knights (Knights of the Cross and Knights of the Sword). Invasions started in Lithuania in 1229. ...
In the 15th century, Žemaitija was the last region in Europe to be converted to Christianity. ...
"1933 - 4. Januar
AntwortenLöschenFranz von Papen, Ritter vom heiligen Grab zu Jerusalem, und der kath. Adolf Hitler verhandeln im Haus Kurt Freiherr von Schröder (Bankier und Mitglied in zahlreichen Aufsichtsräten) über eine faschistisch geführte Regierung.
- Das Treffen endet mit der Einigung, dass Adolf Hitler Reichskanzler werden soll.
Joseph Goebbels, Tagebucheintrag: Wenn dieser Coup gelingt, dann sind wir nicht mehr weit von der Macht entfernt.
Kurt Freiherr von Schröder 1947 im Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozess: Bevor ich diesen Schritt unternahm, besprach ich mich mit einer Anzahl von Herren der Wirtschaft und informierte mich allgemein, wie sich die Wirtschaft zu einer Zusammenarbeit der beiden stellte. Die allgemeinen Bestrebungen der Männer der Wirtschaft gingen dahin, einen starken Führer in Deutschland an die Macht kommen zu sehen, der eine Regierung bilden würde, die lange Zeit an der Macht bleiben würde. Als die NSDAP am 6. Nov. 1932 einen ersten Rückschlag erlitt und somit also ihren Höhepunkt überschritten hatte, wurde eine Unterstützung durch die deutsche Wirtschaft besonders dringend.
Hitler-Biograph Joachim Fest: Mit gutem Grund ist die Zusammenkunft als "Geburtsstunde des Dritten Reiches" bezeichnet worden, denn von ihr führt eine unmittelbare kausale Geschehensfolge bis zum 30. Januar."
At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds [Archive] - DEEP POLITICS FORUM
AntwortenLöschenJohn Bevilaqua
... Anastase Vonsiatsky has finally been linked to Wickliffe Draper's Pioneer Fund cronies like Major John B. Trevor, Sr., Lt. Gen. Pedro A. del Valle, Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, OSJ and even to John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles as well as to "Wild Bill" Donovan, OSJ through even more pro-Nazi White Russian Spies involved with either The Knights of Malta or the even more sinister Shickshinny Knights of Malta chapter. And the threads from Boris Brasol through The Coudert Brothers Law Firm include both a young Robert J. Morris who worked on the Rapp-Coudert Committees in the early 1940's and later to William F. Buckley, Jr. whose NYC Mayoralty
campaign was run by a partner in the Coudert Brothers Law firm who ran the White Russian Rat Lines from Paris, France to either the USA or Canada. This means that at least 10 of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen from The Manchurian Candidate, were part of this document and part of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta. And both identified participants in The Winnipeg Airport incident are referenced here, too. GLK Smith via Wm. Dudley Pelley and The Silver Shirts plus Wickliffe Draper, of course. ...
1) Draper and his evil cronies at The Pioneer Fund like Pedro Augusto del Valle, and the Trevors Sr. and Jr.
2) Richard Condon and the Manchurian Candidate Dirty Dozen ...
3) The Shickshinny Knights of Malta (Philip J. Corso, Pedro del Valle, Charles Willoughby, Bonner Fellers, Sir Barry Domville)
4) Anastase Vonsiatsky and his ROND friends plus the Russian Orthodox Church.
5) The Dulles Brothers and William J. Donovan, OSJ who was a Knight of Malta first and foremost ...
Holier than though Nazi Super-Catholics, and Conservative Military Right Wingers who took their role as the Protectorate of the Holy See saw JFK as an obstacle to the removal of the Communists in Korea, Viet Nam and Latin America. ...
Even David Guyatt has a trusted informant who told him that The Shickshinny Knights of Malta were behind the entire JFK plot with some influence by Opus Dei as well. ... And even Richard Condon identified his Dirty Dozen with no direct mention of their links to SMOM which he may not have been privy to at that time. ... But his references to Eugenics, White Supremacy and The Pioneer Fund were as plain as the nose on your face. ...
Noch zum Stichwort (Namen) "De Valitch"; siehe oben/ Post
(Gefunden ueber Cyclopedia; die rechtsextreme Wikipedia)
Brief History of the University
The University was created as a Religious University by His Eminent Highness Archbishop Count Lorenz Michael De Valitch. Archbishop of
the American Catholic Orthodox Church and Grand Master of the
Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint
John of Jerusalem – Knights of Malta, who become its first Magnificent Rector. [...]
On the 20th day of November 1974, H.E.H. Archbishop De Valitch registered the “Universitas Internationalis Studiorum Superiorum
Pro Deo” , in accordance with the american legislation, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York. [...]
On May 1st of 1998 H.E.H. and Beatitude Dom Lorenzo O.S.B., registers officially the change of the name [...]to “PATRIARCHAL STUDIUM GENERALE UNIVERSITAS PRO-DEO”. [...]
The Federation, respecting the necessary academic autonomy of the institution and paying due respect to the past of the actual University, has started in 2007 a total reorganisation of the old University, including the change of its designation to “Pro Deo State University” and maintaining it as an institution of the State.
The University is an academic community that follows the ancient vocation of the Sovereign Order and the modern principles stipulated by the United States of America, by the European Union, by the recent Bologna Process, respecting at the same time the legislation in force in the countries where it’s branches are established.
The University has the aim of contributing to the global Development by the means of a high quality education and professional oriented training at international scale and level.
Presently the Pro Deo State University is preparing the opening in a very near future a Campus in Florida- USA dedicated to Physical Sciences, Security and Alternative Medicine, another Campus in Hungary for international professional courses and a School for Arts and Handcrafts in Angola and is also establishing agreements of cooperation with several renown Universities in different countries.
The Pro Deo State University has recently finished a course of Municipal Management that took place in the Police Academy in Budapest, Hungary, and is running and preparing other courses in several areas from Diplomacy and International Relations, Management, Emergency Medicine, Development, Security to Music and Arts, among others.
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Link zu einem Blog ueber den "Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem" (VOSJ)
AntwortenLöschenVOSJ Source London, United KingdomTo protect our sources, we are choosing to remain anonymous. We are all middling confrères of the Venerable Order of St John, but we've been around a while and know something of its workings.
"But less well-known is that the Bolsheviks too were entirely a creature of Western financial interests (see Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution)"
Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association
AntwortenLöschenCharles Pichel and William Sohier Bryant, MD operated the American Heraldry Society in New York City out of an office in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with which they attempted to provide the necessary noble titles to prospective American Knights from 1925 to 1931. ... circa 1931 ... Pichel and Bryant moved their office to 1730 Broadway in New York City. ... Pichel converted to Catholicism in 1932 and soon became a principal of the SOSJ through his mentor Grand Prior Fr. Joseph Paul Chodkiewicz, a leader of the Polish White Cross in upstate New York. Pichel became Grand Chancellor of the SOSJ in the heyday of the National Socialist Movement after the death of J. G. B. Bulloch, MD in 1934. The President of the Sovereign Council from 1932 to 1944 was Colonel Dr. William Sohier Bryant, MD, OSJ. After Cromwell stepped down from the Sovereign Council in 1932 and Czar Kirill I died in 1938, Dr. Bryant and Grand Chancellor Pichel gained complete control of the Order.
On June 24, 1925 Eleazar Wilson of Philadelphia became Grand Prior of America. In 1925 Captain Sidney G. Reilly, founder of the Anti-Bolshevist League, was lured from the United States into Russia and killed by the Bolsheviks. The exploits of Reilly later prompted the “James Bond” series. In 1926 Cherep Spiridovich incorporated the Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association of the Anti-Bolshevist League in Albany, N.Y. with H. V. Broenstrupp and G. M. Sykes. This was an SOSJ project of the Kirill intelligence service planned by Captain Reilly and by Cherep Spiridovich. It was intended to provide propaganda about the danger of the internationalist’s agenda and was the continuation of the publishing operation of Cherep Spiridovich in Paris from 1904 to 1920, known as the Agence Latine. It had been continued in 1921 for a few years by Henry Ford and his newspaper the Dearborn Independent. Major General Cherep Spiridovich, OSJ was assassinated at his residence on Staten Island, N. Y., a few months after re-starting the publishing operation. Boris Brasol provided the funds to bury this leader of the SOSJ. Cherep Spiridovich was one of the principal founders of the American Grand Priory of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. H. V. Broenstrupp, OSJ published “The Hidden Hand” by Cherep Spiridovich shortly after the assassination of his adoptive father.
The American Jewish Year Book
Moses Moskowitz
The American Jewish Year Book
Vol. 41 (September 14, 1939 to October 2, 1940 / 5700), pp. 374-391
Published by: American Jewish Committee
Stable URL:
... The resulting unrest and disorder caused the Egyptian government, on March 27, 1939, to ban Colonel Ulrich Fleischauer's Weltdienst, anti-Semitic news service published in Erfurt, Germany, and to proscribe "anti-Semitism" in general. ...
Spaniards and Nazi Germany: Collaboration in the New Order
LöschenWayne H. Bowen - 2000
Only the indecisiveness of Spanish dictator Franco and diplomatic mistakes by the Nazis, argues Bowed (history, Ouachita Baptist U., Arkadelphia, Arkansas) prevented the Nazi supporters in the Spanish fascist party from bringing Spain into World War II on the side of the Axis. Still, he points out, Spaniards helped Germany by serving in its armies, working in its factories, and promoting its ideas to other nations. The study began as a doctoral dissertation for Northwestern University. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR
... In February 1937, the secretary of exchanges began correspondence with the German Service Mondial. As Ulrich Fleischauer, the head of the Erfurt-based organization indicated, the agency's purpose was fighting "the world Jewish press" and "Judeo-Muscovite imperialism" by providing articles and information to receptive newspapers and publications around the world. ...
VII. Sovereign Order of St.John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller (1965)
AntwortenLöschenKing Peter, although "Hereditary High Protector" of Cassagnac’s group, came to oppose the latter and created his own order in new York with the help of Otto Schobert and a Maltese French teacher, Gasto Thona-Barthet, both defectors from the original Shickshinny group (see II) and that of de Cassagnac.(see VI).
In 1968, while remaining "High Protector", Peter turned over the grand magistery to Prince Serge Troubetzkoy, formerly "Prior of the Russian Langue" of the original Shickshinny group (see II) but Troubtezkoy now calls himself "Lieutenant of the Grand Magistery".
In 1970 following the denmise of King Peter, the latter’s younger brother Prince Andrei of Yugoslavia, lent his own name to the group, which he later abandoned in order to become "High Protector", first of Sanguzko-Formhals (see XV) then of that of Thona-Barthet (see XII).
During the same year, Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark became "Grand Prior" of this order but left it in 1971 to become "Grand Chancellor" of the "Order of the Hospital of St.John of Jerusalem of Denmark (see IV a).
From 1966 to 1970 the "Chancellor" of this assemblage was "Prince Robert M.N.G. Bassaraba von Brancovan". He was expelled and then created the "Ecumenical Knights of Malta" (see XI)
A commandery of San Francisco was established in 1988 allegedly under the protection of the late "Grand Master" H.R.H. Prince Andrei of Yugoslavia by Mr. Antonio Cortese.(6) It is currently under the "protection" of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia, mother of the actress Catherine Oxenberg.
II. The Grand Priory of America of the Sovereign Order of St.John of Jerusalem (1908)
LöschenIn 1908 its adherents claimed a number of Russian émigrés residing in New York said to be descendants of titulars of "hereditary commanderies" of the Russian Grand priories along with some American friends created this group. The promoter was William Lamb who pretended to be of Russian origin and a "general" .
In 1911 this group incorporated itself in New York as "The Association of the Sovereign Order of St.John of Jerusalem." (In 1936 the seat of the association was transferred to the residence of Charles Louis Thourot-Pichel, its "Grand Chancellor" and de facto head in Shickshinny, Pa. Pichel used the styles of "Baron de Thourot, Lord of Estagel" and officiated in a number of independent "orders of chivalry").
Allegedly "Grand master" from 1913 to 1933: Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia. Lieutenants of the grand magistery : William Sohier Bryant (1933-1951), Baron von Engelhardt-Schnellenstein (1951-1955), Count von Zeppelin (1956-1960), Paul Granier de Cassagnac, residing in France (1960-1962), Count Felix von Luckner (1962-1966).
Grand master since 1966: Crolian William Edelen, who styled himself "Count de Burgh, descendant of Frankish kings of Jerusalem, of the emperors of Byzantium, of Charlemagne, etc.etc." an officer of various independent "orders of chivalry". He left this group in 1962 but was later reintegrated into its ranks. Edelen passed on in the early 1990s.
We recently came across a most interesting and important exchange of correspondence between a disgruntled Crolian William Edelen and a disillusioned Prof. Harrison Smith, a one-time professor of history at the University of Maryland and a long-time strong proponent of the legend of the authenticity of the Russian-American Priory. Edelen writes:
"My problem with the history is that all seems to be false from 1908 to 1932 as published by Pichel. I know his minutes are false. Dr. Bulloch was never Grand Chancellor of the Order. He was the archivist of the old Scottish-American Order of St.John and he kept those records at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. When he was old and blind, in the early 1950s, Pichel went to him with a story that he was writing a history of the Knights of Malta and needed some records from the archives. Dr. Bulloch let him borrow whatever he fancied and then obligingly died while Pichel had the most important records. He took the material, twisted it around, took names of noblemen from the Times index and created an order stemming from the Grand Priory of Russia, all a hoax. The Scottish-American order went out of business in new York in about 1909 following the suicide of the Grand Chancellor, as well as a scandal involving payment (or non-payment) of life insurance policies on the lives of the members. Some members in New Jersey tried to save the situation by securing a charter as "The Knights of Malta" n Trenton in 1911. Their effort failed and by 1912 was abandoned. Then Pichel came along in the 1950s and claimed to be the duly-elected officer of that corporation to give his order some evidence of antiquity and to substantiate the false minutes from 1908 to 1932."
Smith replied on 20 February 1980:
Löschen"I am somewhat puzzled by the information about Pichel. I remember his ways well, and you will note a sense of caution in my using his sources, but I think the question you raise is: Is everything he writes about the Foundation in America, the role of Grand Duke Alexander, and the role of his successors down to the arrival of Pichel on the scene - is all that a total fabrication? I can conceive of distortion, twisting and misuse of facts, but are we conclude there is no foundation whatsoever to an American Grand Priory of Order coming out of the successors to Czar Paul in the time of Nicholas II!!??
If this is true, then the revived modern order has no descent to fall back on in historical evolution other than to cling to, merge with the Hereditary Knights in Paris after the fall of the Czar."
It would appear that Prof. Harrison Smith finally saw the light although he still appeared to be laboring under the misapprehension that the Union of Descendants of Hereditary Commanders and Knights of the Russian Grand Priory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (see III below) was itself an order. If nothing else, this exchange of correspondence should put an end to the myth, so long-maintained by its proponents, of the survival in America of the Russian Grand priory.
Among the "dignitaries" of this association were: Prince Serge Troubetzkoy (Grand prior of the Russian Langue) ca 1967; "Baron K. Vella-Haber d’Alaro (Prior ca.1967); Otto Adrian Schobert, a.k.a. "Baron de Choibert" (Prior and Ambassador in 1958). "Hereditary High Protector since 1973: Roberto Paterno, self-styled "H.R.H. Prince Paterno d’Emmanuel, Duke of Perpignan, pretender to the thrones of Aragon and the Balearics", "Grand Master of the Order of St. Agatha of the Paternos" and of the "Royal Crown of the Balearics", who left the association in 1971 to join the "International Grand priory" of Baron K. Vella-Haber d’Alaro (see XIV). He subsequently reconciled with Thourot-Pichel. Later he created his own "Royal Order of the Hospital of Jerusalem in Aragon" (see under Miscellany).
AntwortenLöschenAntisemitismus und Antibolschewismus
KAISER UND JUDE, „Das Ende der Romanows und der Aufbruch des Bolschewismus“, F. Schulz, Fritsch Verlag, Leipzig 1936, 80 S., 10 Abb., Karton <962222F
Mal kurz zusammen gefasst:
AntwortenLöschenEin gewisser "Prinz Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt", auch Avalov geschrieben, war 1919 Kommandant einer anti-bolschewistischen Koalition von (para-)militärischen Einheiten im Baltikum, an der deutsche Freikorps – mit Zustimmung und aktiver Unterstützung aus UK und USA - wesentlich beteiligt waren. Awaloff-Bermondt schrieb ein Buch mit dem Titel „im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus“, von dem ich meine, dass es ein anderes Buch mit dem Titel „Mein Kampf“ mit inspiriert hat.
Finanziert wurde der anti-bolschewistische Einsatz mit Hilfe eines obskuren Zweigs der sehr verzweigten Johanniter-Orden, Sovereign Order Of Saint John in Jerusalem (SOSJ), der in den USA auf Veranlassung adeliger und pseudo-adeliger russischer Emigranten und amerikanischer Finanziers (u.a. J.P. Morgan), gegründet wurde und später seinen Hauptsitz nach Malta verlegte.
Der Orden besteht bis heute. Wenn heute rechtsextreme Bewegungen Tempelritter-Fahnen duch die Gegend tragen, und Breivik sich als Tempelritter stilisiert hat, so hat dies auch mit bestehenden Verbindungen des neuen Rechtsextremismus nach Malta zu tun. Ein Breivik-Inspirierer, Paul Ray, der selbst mehrer Jahre in Malta lebte oder dort noch lebt (und von Breiviks Taten entsetzt war), berichtete darüber.
Antisemitischer Antibolschewismus
Der ewige Jude 256 Bilddokumente, gesammelt von Dr. Hans Diebow
Published by Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. G. M. B. H., München Munich, Germany, 1938
"Man verhaftet zehn Kommunisten und findet - neun Jüdinnen unter ihnen! Träger der marxistischen Pest sind fast ausnahmslos Juden und Judenweiber"
Hetze mit angeblicher pro-jüdischer Voreingenommenheit von Gerichten:
Löschen"Schalom Schwarzbart ermordete 1926 in Paris den Het man der Ukraine, Petljura. Das Gericht sprach den jüdischen Mörder frei."
Seinerzeit gedruckt als Begleitbroschüre für die am 8.11.1937 in München eröffnete Ausstellung "Der ewige Jude" und Grundlage für den gleichnamigen Propagandafilm (1941). Bookseller Inventory # 008236