Anschläge in Brüssel
Polizei fahndet nach Terror-Verdächtigen
Deutschlandradio Kultur
Beitrag vom 23.03.2016
Mindestens 34 Menschen kamen bei der gestrigen Terrorserie in Brüssel gestern ums Leben. International zeigt sich breite Solidarität mit den Opfern. Derweil droht die Terrororganisation IS mit "dunklen Tagen".
Mit solidarischen Botschaften haben Tausende Menschen in Belgien und aller Welt auf die Terrorserie in Brüssel reagiert. Vor der Brüsseler Börse malten etliche Menschen mit bunter Kreide Herzen auf den Betonboden und schrieben mitfühlende Worte. Zahlreiche Twitter-Nutzer brachten ihre Solidarität unter Hashtags wie #JeSuisBrussels (deutsch: Ich bin Brüssel) und #aufdieLiebe zum Ausdruck. Viele Wahrzeichen wie das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin, der Trevi-Brunnen in Rom und der Eiffelturm in Paris leuchteten am Abend in den belgischen Nationalfarben Schwarz-Gelb-Rot.
Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) rief zum entschiedenen Widerstand gegen den Terror auf. Der SPD-Politiker sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: "So brutal diese Anschläge waren, so entschlossen werden wir unsere Freiheit und unsere Demokratie verteidigen. Europa weicht nicht zurück und steht zusammen gegen den Terror." ...
Salafismus in Brüssel
Günstiges Öl gegen radikale Missionierung
Deutschlandradio KulturBeitrag vom 26.11.2015
... Belgien ... erhält bereits seit den 70er-Jahren günstiges Öl aus Saudi-Arabien. Im Gegenzug durfte Saudi-Arabien in der Hauptstadt ein westliches Mekka für radikal-islamische Prediger aufbauen, meinen Kritiker.
Für Belgiens Jugendminister Rachid Madrane ist es eine Kernverfehlung seines Landes:"Es geht um eine fatale politische Weichenstellung, fast ein halbes Jahrhundert alt, zu deren Langzeitfolgen die zunehmende Radikalisierung marokkanischer und algerischer Einwanderer in Belgien gehört."
Das, was Belgiens Jugendminister als grundlegende politische Fehlentscheidung aus den 70er-Jahren bezeichnet, begann de facto 1967 mit einem Tauschgeschäft zwischen Belgiens damaligem König Baudouin und dessen saudischem Königskollegen Faisal. Liefert uns preiswertes Öl, dann dürft ihr in Brüssel und ganz Belgien missionieren, lautete Beaudoins Angebot an Riad.
Das bereits damals chronisch finanzschwache Belgien bekam das saudische Öl zum Vorzugspreis. Und im Gegenzug überließ Baudouin den Saudis den orientalischen Pavillion in Brüssels berühmten Park Cinquentenaire - und zwar per Pachtvertrag für 99 Jahre. Aus dem Pavillion wurde das Islamische Zentrum, die größte Moschee Brüssels, mittlerweile seit Jahrzehnten ein westliches Mekka für radikal-islamische Prediger. ...
"Man hat den Schlüssel zur islamischen Unterweisung der Zuwanderer aus Subsahara- Afrika und aus den Maghrebstaaten ausgerechnet Saudi-Arabien überlassen - nur um an preiswerte Energielieferungen zu kommen."
kritisiert Belgiens Jugendminister.
Bezahlt werden die Imame und der Direktor von Brüssels größter Moschee mit saudischem Geld von der islamischen Weltliga.
Diese unsinnige Finanzierungspraxis muss nach Ansicht einiger belgischer Politiker beendet werden. Doch Saudi-Arabien finanziert nach Erkenntnissen des belgischen Geheimdienstes nicht nur Brüssels größte Moschee sondern seit Jahren auch mehrere radikale Schulen zur Verbreitung der saudischen Staatsreligion, des Wahabismus. ...
Bilderfolge zur Anbiederung "des Westens" an das wahabbitische Regime in Saudi-Arabien
zum gleichen Thema:
Prinz Bandar (langjaehriger Botschafter Saudi-Arabiens in den USA), Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and George W. Bush, auf einem Balkon (Truman Balcony) des Weissen Hauses am 13. September 2001.
![]() | soul-searching-for-kingdom-of-saudi.html |
Der belgische Jugendminister Rachid Madrane, der heftig den jahrzehntelangen Deal "Wahabbismus gegen billiges Oel" kritisiert (s. Post), ist Sohn marokkanischer Einwanderer.
AntwortenLöschen"C'est un honneur pour moi, fils d'immigrés marocains, d'être ministre, reconnaît Rachid Madrane. Pensez-vous que mon père, ouvrier dans une usine de caoutchouc, avait imaginé cela dans ses rêves les plus fous ?" Saïd rêvait pour ses fils d'une carrière d'ingénieur agronome, lui qui, au Maroc, avait été le chauffeur d'un ingénieur agronome français. A ses yeux, cette profession était une sorte d'idéal d'accomplissement. "Je ne veux pas jouer Cosette, enchaîne Rachid Madrane. Mais mes parents étaient analphabètes. Depuis le berceau, je dois tout aux services publics : à l'école, aux mutualités, aux hôpitaux... Ce qu'on m'a donné, j'ai envie de le rendre." ...
"La lutte antiraciste est le point de départ de mon engagement. Ce racisme que mon père vivait tous les jours..." Rachid Madrane prend sa carte au PS en 1985, mais il ne veut être qu'un élu belge, pas le représentant d'une minorité, et incarner une gauche "ouverte et généreuse". "J'en ai assez de ce procès en communautarisme. Le PS n'est pas le parti des étrangers. Non, il défend tout le monde", répète ce jeune père, marié à une Belge de souche, et laïque affirmé (comme sa "rivale" Fadila Laanan), qui appelle à "un islam conforme aux valeurs qu'on défend, comme la démocratie et l'égalité des hommes et des femmes". L'actualité, les attentats, la lutte contre le radicalisme ont mis sur orbite le ministre de l'Aide à la jeunesse, qui multiplie désormais les apparitions, alors que ses rares annonces passaient jusqu'ici presque inaperçues.
Generalverdacht gegen Muslime, aber großes Entgegenkommen gegenüber saudischen Förderern eines muslimischen Extremismus - ein bemerkenswertes Phänomen nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001
AntwortenLöschenOmar und Abdullah bin Laden, Funktionäre einer radikalen Jugendorganisation: World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
LöschenKurz nach den Anschlägen gab es mehrere Flüge, mit denen Angehörige des saudischen Königshauses und der Familie Bin Laden in aller Eile ausgeflogen wurden. Einige der Ausgeflogenen wären ohne diese Sonderbehandlung bei normalen polizeilichen Ermittlungen höchstwahrscheinlich als Zeugen vernommen worden.
“On September 13 [2001], [..] Prince Bandar visited the White House and had a conversation with President Bush. [..]
The White House’s role in the evacuation remains unverifiable, but the FBI’s direct involvement is well documented. [..]
According to the manifest of the bin Laden flight, one of the passengers was Omar bin Laden, a nephew of Osama bin Laden. Omar was on the board of directors and his brother [..] Abdullah bin Laden was president of the US office of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth(WAMY), located in Falls Church, Virginia. WAMY, which has long been of interest to federal agents in terrorism investigations, is an international charity managed by the Saudi government’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs. Omar and Abdullah had been investigated by the FBI in 1996, and their case was reopened on September 19, 2001, precisely on the same day that the bin Laden flight left the United States. [..]
Another passenger of interest was Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen [..] The most curious detail [..] was his lodging on September 10, 2001—the night before the attacks—in the same Virginia hotel as three of the hijackers. [..]”
Global Relief Foundation (GRF)
LöschenAnother passenger of interest was Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen, who, following his return to Saudi Arabia, received a government appointment as minister of the affairs of the holy mosques in Mecca and Medina (the two most sacred sites of the Islamic world). Hussayen arrived in the United States on August 20, 2001 for meetings with several Saudi-funded charities suspected of links to terrorism. These included WAMY and the Global Relief Foundation (GRF), in Illinois, which according to the Treasury Department has “provided support for and assistance to, Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and other known terrorist groups.” The GRF office was raided and closed by federal authorities shortly after the attacks, in December, 2001.
The most curious detail about Hussayen’s travels around the United States was his lodging on September 10, 2001—the night before the attacks—in the same Virginia hotel as three of the hijackers. FBI agents subsequently interviewed the hotel guests, including Hussayen and his wife, but Hussayen’s interview was interrupted when he “feigned a seizure, prompting the agents to take him to a hospital, where the attending physicians found nothing wrong with him.” An agent recommended that Hussayen not be permitted to leave the United States until a follow-up interview could be conducted, but “for whatever reason” the recommendation “was not complied with.” This testimony, reported in the Washington Post, was offered by an FBI agent during the terrorism-related trial of Hussayen’s nephew. The nephew was acquitted in 2004.
Hatte auch ein Büro in Brüssel: Die "Wohlfahrtsorganisation" GRF, die der Verbreitung des JIHAD diente
LöschenGlobal Relief Foundation
From Wikipedia
The Global Relief Foundation (GRF), also known as Foundation Secours Mondial or FSM, was an Islamic charity based in Bridgeview, Illinois, until it was raided and shut down on December 14, 2001, and listed among the "Designated Charities and Potential Fundraising Front Organizations for Foreign Terrorist Organizations" by the United States Treasury Department in 2002. According to the US Treasury, “The Global Relief Foundation (GRF) … and its officers and directors have connections to, and have provided support for and assistance to, Osama bin Laden (OBL), al Qaeda, and other known terrorist groups.[1] It was one of the few organizations registered with the Taliban. ...
GRF described itself as a not-for profit, non-governmental organization established to provide humanitarian and charitable relief to Muslims in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kashmir, and Lebanon. In addition to undertaking charitable work, however, GRF served as an organization issuing propaganda for global jihad. The Magazine, Al Thilal, published by the GRF, did not spread messages of a humanitarian organization but rather served as anti-American and Anti-Semitic propaganda, calling for jihad throughout the world, especially in Palestine, Bosnia, and Kashmir. ...
The GRF began operations in the United States as a tax-exempt, non-profit, charitable organization in 1992 and quickly became the largest Islamic Charity in the U.S.[2] The organization initially has a budget of $700,000. By the end of the 1990 GRF was reporting $5 Million in annual donations, and 90% of that money was shipped abroad. Some materials distributed by GRF at this time glorify martyrdom though Jihad and state that donations will be used to support the Mujahedin. [2] GRF had overseas offices in Islamabad, Pakistan; Brussels, Belgium; Sarajevo, Bosnia; Zagreb, Croatia; and Baku, Azerbaijan. ...
Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning ISIL (Da'esh) Al-Qaida and associated individuals groups undertakings and entities
LöschenHome › ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee › Sanctions List Materials › Narrative Summaries › GLOBAL RELIEF FOUNDATION (GRF)
In accordance with paragraph 36 of resolution 2161 (2014) , the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee makes accessible a narrative summary of reasons for the listing for individuals, groups, undertakings and entities included in the Al-Qaida Sanctions List.
Date on which the narrative summary became available on the Committee's website:
07 September 2010
Reason for listing:
The Global Relief Foundation (GRF) was listed on 12 October 2002 pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of resolution 1390 (2002) as being associated with Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden or the Taliban for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf or in support of”, “supplying, selling or transferring arms and related materiel to” or “otherwise supporting acts or activities of” Al-Qaida (QDe.004), Usama bin Laden and the Taliban.
Additional information:
The Global Relief Foundation (GRF), and its officers and directors have had connections to, and have provided support for and assistance to Al-Qaida (QDe.004) and to Usama bin Laden (deceased).
Rabih Haddad, a senior GRF official who co-founded GRF and served as its president throughout the 1990s and into 2000, worked for Makhtab al-Khidamat (QDe.012), the precursor organization to Al-Qaida, in Pakistan in the early 1990s.
GRF has provided financial and other assistance to, and received funding from, individuals associated with Al-Qaida. Mohammed Galeb Kalaje Zouaydi, a suspected financier of Al-Qaida’s worldwide terrorist efforts, was arrested in Europe in April 2002. Zouaydi and his partners transferred approximately USD 600,000 to Al-Qaida-related organizations, including GRF. Along with these transfers, Zouaydi transferred over USD 200,000 to GRF’s Belgium Office. ...
GFR: Immer noch aktuell in einer EU-Verordnung, aktualisiert 2010
LöschenCommission Regulation (EU) No 290/2010 of 6 April 2010 amending for the 123rd time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban ...
Global Relief Foundation (GRF) (alias (a) Fondation Secours Mondial (FSM), (b) Secours mondial de France (SEMONDE), (c) Fondation Secours Mondial — Belgique a.s.b.l., (d) Fondation Secours Mondial v.z.w, (e) FSM, (f) Stichting Wereldhulp — België, v.z.w., (g) Fondation Secours Mondial — Kosova, (h) Fondation Secours Mondial ‘World Relief’). Address: (a) 9935 South 76th Avenue, Unit 1, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, U.S.A.; (b) PO Box 1406, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, U.S.A.; (c) 49 rue du Lazaret, 67100 Strasbourg, France; (d) Vaatjesstraat 29, 2580 Putte, Belgium; (e) Rue des Bataves 69, 1040 Etterbeek (Brussels), Belgium; (f) PO Box 6, 1040 Etterbeek 2 (Brussels), Belgium; (g) Rr. Skenderbeu 76, Lagjja Sefa, Gjakova, Kosovo; (h) Ylli Morina Road, Djakovica, Kosovo; (i) Rruga e Kavajes, Building No 3, Apartment No 61, PO Box 2892, Tirana, Albania; (j) House 267 Street No 54, Sector F — 11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan. Other information: (a) Other foreign locations: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Syria; (b) U.S. Federal Employer Identification: 36-3804626; (c) V.A.T. Number: BE 454419759; (d) Belgian addresses are those of Fondation Secours Mondial — Belgique a.s.b.l and Fondation Secours Mondial vzw. and Stichting Wereldhulp — België, v.z.w since 1998. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 22.10.2002.
IS nutzt in Video Trump für Propaganda
AntwortenLöschenDie Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) hat im Internet ein neues Propagandavideo veröffentlicht, das die Anschläge in Brüssel verherrlicht. Darin zitieren die Terroristen auch den US-Präsidentschaftsanwärter Donald Trump. Das Video zeigt ein Bild von Trump in einem Flammenmeer. Dazu ist Trumps Stimme zu hören. Er sagt: „Brüssel war eine der großartigen Städte. Sie war atemberaubend und sicher. Heute ist sie eine Horrorshow, eine absolute Horrorshow.“
Im weiteren Verlauf zeigt das Video Kampfhandlungen von IS-Dschihadisten in Syrien. Die arabisch gesprochenen Worte sind im Untertitel ins Englische übersetzt. Es gebe keinen Grund, am Dschihad – dem heiligen Krieg – zu zweifeln. Der Dschihad solle gegen alle „Ungläubigen“ geführt werden, denn die Militärflugzeuge bombardierten Muslime im Irak, töteten Kinder, Frauen und alte Menschen und zerstörten Moscheen und Schulen.
Trump selbst schürte Donnerstag die Angst vor dem Terrornetzwerk mit einem Tweet. Rund 5000 IS-Kämpfer hätten Europa unterwandert, viele seien auch in die USA gekommen, heißt es darin. „Ich hab’s euch gesagt, nur ich kann das Problem lösen.“ Allerdings: Die Zahl 5000 ist seit langem bekannt und beziffert nach offiziellen Behördenangaben die Islamisten, die aus Europa nach Syrien ausgereist sind.
Saudis Funding Islamist Centers Of Hate
AntwortenLöschenby Adrian Morgan
Saudi Arabia's influence in establishing mosques around the world has been condoned by the House of Saud. In 1963, Belgium had a small Muslim population, and in a small rented building in a Brussels suburb, the Islamic Center of Belgium (CIB) was born. The following year, King Faisal visited Belgium.
A virulent anti-Semite, Faisal is said to have been swayed by the 19th century anti-Semitic Russian forgery - "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and thus he disseminated copies throughout his kingdom. During the Saudi monarch's visit to Belgium, King Baudouin gave him a plot of land in a prime parkland site in Molenbeek, Brussels. In 1968, Faisal approved Saudi government funding of the construction of a CIB mosque in this new location.
After Faisal's assassination in March 1975, his successor, King Khaled Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Saud, opened the "Grand Mosque" of the CIB in 1978. It remains the largest mosque in Belgium. The CIB controls other smaller mosques. Despite royal patronage, the CIB is not exempt from accusations of extremism.
On January 26, 2006, 27-year-old Abdel Rahman Ayachi was arrested with 31-year old Raphael Gendron. The pair had maintained the CIB website,, which contained virulent propaganda. ... The material on the CIB website was first exposed in the Belgian press in February 2002, but it took four years for the webmasters to be arrested. The pair were sentenced to short jail sentences with fines on June 21.
Some of the tracts from the now-defunct website can still be found, and these come directly from the heart of Wahhabist Saudi Arabia. ...
King Fahd (who had been debilitated by a stroke in 1995) was said to have personally funded mosques in Toronto, Buenos Aires, the Maldives, N'djamena and Edinburgh, as well as the giant King Fahd Islamic Center in Malaga, Spain. ...
...Sheikh Abdur-Rahman al-Sudais, senior imam at the Grand Mosque of the Ka'abah at Mecca ... told worshippers that the UK Muslim community had taken "great steps towards achieving community cohesion." ...
The mosques funded by Saudi money promote, almost without exception, a strict interpretation of Sunni Islam that is close to Wahhabism. Azzedine Gaci, head of a regional Muslim Council in the Rhone area of southern France stated: "When Saudi Arabia gives you 1 million euros with one hand, with the other they give you a list you must or must not say."
In the United States, Saudi-funded mosques have been at the forefront of controversy. The US-born individual who now manages the propaganda videos produced by Al Qaeda is 29-year-old Adam Gadahn. His first introduction to practicing Islam was at the Saudi-built mosque of the Islamic Society of Orange County, California in 1995, when he was 17. He became part of a group of radicals at the mosque and soon fell out with Haitham Bundakji, the imam, and went on to Pakistan.
The imam at the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, Los Angeles was Fahad al Thumairy , an accredited diplomat at the Saudi consulate from 1996 to 2003. He was barred from re-entering the US on May 6, 2003, after the US State Department suggested he could be linked to terrorist activity.
One of the largest mosque building projects in the United States involves the Islamic Society of Boston, which is currently involved in a lawsuit against 14 individuals and organizations whom it accuses of "defamation." According to the Boston Globe, the plan to build the Roxbury mosque was financed by the Islamic Development Bank. On January 9 this year, the society admitted that in late 2005, it had received a loan of $1 million from this bank, funds which paid for construction costs. ...
Brussels attacks: How Saudi Arabia's influence and a deal to get oil contracts sowed seeds of radicalism in Belgium
AntwortenLöschenRadical Salafist teachings came from a very different tradition to the Islam of the city's North African immigrants
Leo Cendrowicz | 23 March 2016
There are many reasons why Belgium has become a hotbed of radical Islamism. Some of the answers may lie in the implanting of Saudi Salafist preachers in the country from the 1960s.
Keen to secure oil contracts, Belgium’s King Baudouin made an offer to Saudi King Faisal, who had visited Brussels in 1967: Belgium would set up a mosque in the capital, and hire Gulf-trained clerics. ...
Dear Trump & Cruz: Muslim Turkey arrested Brussels Terrorist & Gave him to European Authorities
AntwortenLöschenBy Juan Cole |
The paroxysms of hatred and bigotry spewed by the two GOP frontrunners in the 2016 presidential campaign probably do not need any pretext ... But the Brussels airport and metro attacks gave them another excuse to blame all Muslims for the actions of a tiny fringe.
Trump accused Muslims of not reporting terrorist activity to the government, and suggested that torture would be useful, and then wanted to put all mosques under surveillance, and again called for a Muslim exclusion act regarding Muslims coming to the US. Cruz appears to think that Muslim Americans live all together so that their ‘neighborhoods’ can be patrolled. But most Muslims in the US are not segregated in that way, living in amongst all other kinds of Americans. Most terrorism in the US is anyway by white nationalists and anti-abortion nuts.
Ripping up the Bill of Rights is an odd platform for “conservative” candidates. What is it that they want to conserve if not the Constitution? Arbitrary search and seizure of personal papers and effects, which is what they mean by surveillance, was the technique used by George III, against whom the American Revolution was fought to stop such abuses. Trump and Cruz want to go back to those George III techniques.
But in any case, it turns out that the central premise of this sort of hate speech toward Muslims is simply incorrect.
Turkey, a Muslim-majority state, arrested one of the Brussels attackers (Ibrahim El Bakraoui?) in summer of 2015, in Gaziantep not far from Syria. Turkey determined that the individual had links to terrorist groups and posed a danger. It then turned him back over to Europe with a warning that he was, in Ankara’s view, a very dangerous individual.
Turkey alleges that Belgium blithely declared that there was no evidence El Bakraoui was a radical and let him go. ...
Moreover, it has come out that the brothers were a petty thiefs, burglars and carjackers, not pious men who showed up to mosque much.
So the hateful and unconstitutional methods of Trump and Cruz wouldn’t have done anything to identify the El Bakraoui brothers. And it turns our that Trump is dead wrong that Muslims did not finger the El Bakraouis. A Muslim government and Muslim police arrested one of them, sniffed out his terrorism, turned him over to European authorities, and explicitly warned them that he had been trying to join Daesh in Syria.
El Bakraoui was clearly depressed and filled with despair about his future, fearing a lifetime in jail for his Daesh associations. But if he had just been investigated, tried and incarcerated, he could not have lashed out against innocents in this way. ...
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
AntwortenLöschenBrussels' largest mosque is bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, a Salafist regime. Mosque leaders have dissociated themselves from terrorism - but are not revealing everything. Barbara Wesel reports from Brussels.
DW, 21.11.2015
... The Islamic Center, situated in Brussels' (and Belgium's) largest mosque, stands at the edge of the Cinquantenaire Park in the center of the city's EU quarter, just a few minutes walk from the European Commission. ...
The center's director, Jamal Momenah, doesn't want the mosque to be seen as being connected to the radical Islamists of Molenbeek ... The situation, he says, is much like in a family in which some members do bad things. Momenah is the Saudi representative of the group, Sewif hails from Egypt.
Momenah deflects a question asking why his mosque, with its privileged position, has not undertaken steps to exert its influence over the hate preacher of Molenbeek, whose views have been known for years. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, he says ...
Just days before the Paris attacks, the French daily newspaper "Libération" wrote, "For thirty years, the Great Mosque of Brussels has been an active Salafist refuge, offering fertile soil for their networks to grow."
The paper quoted Islam expert Michel Privot of the European Network Against Racism: "Salafist sentiments are solidly anchored in the minds of Muslims in the Belgian capital." ... "Belgian authorities have been playing with fire (regarding this issue) for 30 years."
The Great Mosque of Brussels is financed by the Muslim World League, which receives most of its money from the Saudi Arabian government. The story of the mosque began in 1967, when Belgium's state coffers were empty and the nation was looking for access to cheap oil.
This motivated Belgium's King Baudoin to cut a deal with Saudi Arabia's King Faisal Ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Saud: In exchange for cheap oil, Baudoin gave the Saudis a 99-year lease on the former Oriental Pavilion from the 1880 National Exhibition in Brussels, situated in Cinquantenaire Park.
At the same time, the Belgians allowed their Saudi friends to train Muslim Imams to preach to the growing numbers of African and Maghrebi immigrants coming into the country. It gave the House of Saud carte blanche to spread the message of Salafism. ...
Last summer, WikiLeaks brought a dark chapter of the mosque's history to light ... In April 2012, the Saudi Arabian ambassador was informed that the Belgian government had a problem with mosque director Khalid Alabri.
"His sermons were Salafist, anti-Israel and anti-West. The guiding principle was the primacy of Salafism above all else," said a witness who spoke with the Belgian television station RTBF at the time. Alabri's sermons were so extreme that they even crossed the Belgians' generously drawn red line. Alabri was quietly removed from his post.
For years, the official representative body of Belgian mosques, the Muslim Executive in Belgium, has felt that it has been forced to go on the offensive because of the Great Mosque of Brussels. The council intends to reorganize itself by the end of the year in order to counter the Saudi Arabia-controlled mosque. Moroccan Imams on the council claim that Salafists have also gained too much influence with the government in Rabat as well.
Belgian journalist and terrorism expert Claude Moniquet thinks that Belgium's particularly liberal interpretation of freedom of speech has led the state to be overly tolerant of radical teachings for decades. Further, politicians sought social harmony and thus steered clear of conflicts with immigrants. But now, it will be that much more difficult to get control of the situation and gain back all of the ground lost in the fight against Islamist sentiment over the years.
Begehrter Koenig Faisal Preis
AntwortenLöschenCrown Prince Salman presents The King Faisal International Prize for Science (Mathematics) to Professor Gerd Faltings of Germany.
Saudi Award Goes to Muslim Televangelist Who Harshly Criticizes U.S.
MARCH 2, 2015
BEIRUT, Lebanon — He has publicly declared that “the Jews” control America, that apostates can be killed, that the United States is the world’s “biggest terrorist” and that the Sept. 11 attacks were an “inside job” by President George W. Bush.
But last weekend, Dr. Zakir Naik, a prominent Muslim televangelist from India, appeared at an elaborate ceremony at a luxury hotel in Saudi Arabia, where the new monarch, King Salman, gave him one of the country’s highest honors.
The award for “service to Islam” highlighted the conflicted position of Saudi Arabia as an American ally that continues to back Islamists who espouse hatred of the West.
Scrutiny of Saudi Arabia’s role in shaping thought in the Muslim world has grown with the rise of the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq and Syria, which shares some aspects of the fundamentalist Islam propagated by the Saudi state.
Saudi officials reject any comparison to the Islamic State, noting that they are on its hit list and that they have joined the American-led coalition that is bombing the group.
But despite longstanding ties between the United States and the Saudi royal family, the gap between what the two countries consider appropriate religious rhetoric was clear in the public celebration of Dr. Naik.
Reached by phone in Saudi Arabia on Monday, Dr. Naik said he was proud to join the “icons of the Muslim world” who had received the award. He remained harshly critical of the United States.
“I am absolutely against Muslims who kill, but what is the U.S. doing?” Dr. Naik asked, saying that the United States had killed Afghan, Iraqi and Palestinian Muslims. “Is the U.S. really bothered about human rights? No!”
Saudi Arabia is not alone in seeing Dr. Naik as a vital spokesman for Islam. In 2013, he was named the Islamic Personality of the Year by a religious association in Dubai, an honor bestowed upon him by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates, which has also joined the coalition against the Islamic State.
Dr. Naik, 49, was trained as a medical doctor but now heads the Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation, whose website says it seeks to spread “the proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam.”
Hauptsache, beim Bombardieren dabei?
LöschenSaudi-Arabien hat einige Aspekte mit der Terrororganisation IS gemeinsam, schreibt die New York Times (s.o.). Aber saudische Regierungsvertreter weisen jeden Vergleich zurueck. Saudi-Arabien sei selbst Zielscheibe von IS und haette sich der US-gefuehrten Koalition angeschlossen, die diese Gruppe bombardiert.
"Scrutiny of Saudi Arabia’s role in shaping thought in the Muslim world has grown with the rise of the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq and Syria, which shares some aspects of the fundamentalist Islam propagated by the Saudi state.
Saudi officials reject any comparison to the Islamic State, noting that they are on its hit list and that they have joined the American-led coalition that is bombing the group."
Launched by the King Faisal Foundation (KFF) and granted for the first time in 1979, the King Faisal International Prize (KFIP) recognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science. Its aim is to benefit Muslims in their present and future, inspire them to participate in all aspects of civilization, as well as enrich human knowledge and develop mankind. KFIP winners are evaluated only based on merit and their works are meticulously examined by specialized selection committees. The strict selection procedure meets international standards, and many of the laureates who have been awarded the prize went on to receive other prestigious prizes, such as the Nobel Prize.
Faisal’s legacy lives on with coveted award
Löschen2 March 2015
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman presented awards to the winners of the King Faisal International Prize (KFIP) 2015, on Sunday.
Ministers, members of the royal family, senior government officials, academics and elite scholars were present.
Each prize consists of a handwritten Arabic certificate indicating the laureate’s achievements, a commemorative 24-carat 200-gram gold medal and SR750,000.
In his opening speech, Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, who is the chairman of the KFIP board, said the establishment of the King Faisal Foundation, and the inception of the King Faisal International Prize grew out of the humanitarian and noble values of Islam, which King Faisal held in utmost regard throughout his life.
“The prize seeks to realize some of his aspirations for the progress of mankind, and particularly to realize his desire to increase the role of Arabs and Muslims toward that collective progress,” Prince Khaled said.
Two internationally acclaimed scholars of chemistry, Prof. Omar Mwannes Yaghi from the US, and Professor Michael Gratzel from Switzerland, were cowinners of the award for the science category (chemistry).
Dr. Zakir A. Naik, president of the Islamic Research Foundation of India, received the 2015 King Faisal International Prize (KFIP) for Service to Islam. Dr. Naik has contributed to the conversion of about 34,000 Americans to Islam. In addition to his program 'Peace TV', many of Naik's speeches and debates have also focused on correcting misconceptions about Islam in the minds of Muslim youths.
The award for Islamic studies was taken by Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Kaki, a consultant at Madinah Development Authority, who has produced many works that have focused on researching, illustrating and documenting the cultural heritage of Madinah.
Professor Jeffrey Ivan Gordon from the United States was declared the winner of the prize for medicine. Approximately 239 laureates from 42 nationalities have received KFIP awards so far, and 17 of them have subsequently gone on to win nobel prizes.
Preistraeger Dr. Zakir A. Naik habe 34.000 Amerikaner zum Islam bekehrt, hiess es u.a. in der Laudatio.
Löschen("Dr. Naik has contributed to the conversion of about 34,000 Americans to Islam.", s.o.)
Leading Genetics and Cancer Researchers Honoured with King Faisal International Prize
LöschenRiyadh, 18 February 2016 - Spanning the fields of science, literature and Islamic thought, the seven recipients of this year’s King Faisal International Prize – the most prestigious award in the Islamic world – have been announced. ...
This year’s winners are:
King Faisal International Prize for Medicine
Jointly awarded to Professor Han Grrit Brunner (Professor of Medical Genetics at the Radboud University, part of Nijmegen Medical Center) and Professor Joris Andre Veltman (Professor of Translational Genomics at Radboud University), both of whom are from the Netherlands, for their research into the clinical application of next generation genetics.
King Faisal International Prize for Science
Jointly awarded to the UK’s Professor Stephen P. Jackson (Professor of Cancer Research at the Gurdon Institute) and US-Indian Professor Vamsi K. Mootha (Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School), for biological research.
King Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam
Sheikh Dr Saleh Abdullah bin Humaid (Saudi Arabia) – Consultant, Saudi Royal Court; Member of the Commission of Senior Religious Scholars, Imam and Preacher of the Holy Mosque in Makkah and President of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy Jeddah – who was recognized for his leadership and commitment to Islamic understanding and education.
King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies
Awarded to Professor Abdullah bin Yousif Al-Ghunaim (Kuwait) – President of the Kuwaiti Studies and Research Center – for his study of Muslim Geography Heritage.
King Faisal International Prize for Arabic Language and Literature
Jointly awarded to Professor Muhammad Muftah (Morocco) and Professor Mohammad Abdul Muttalib (Egypt), in recognition of their analysis of Arab poetic texts.
"International Islamic Fiqht Academy Jeddah"?
LöschenIn 1994, Mohammed al-Khilewi, the first secretary at the Saudi Mission to the United Nations, defected and sought political asylum in the United States. He brought with him, according to his New York lawyer, Michael J. Wildes, some fourteen thousand internal government documents depicting the Saudi royal family's corruption, human-rights abuses, and financial support for terrorists. He claimed to have evidence that the Saudis had given financial and technical support to Hamas, the extremist Islamic group whose target is Israel. There was a meeting at the lawyer's office with two F.B.I. agents and an Assistant United States Attorney. "We gave them a sampling of the documents and put them on the table," Wildes told me last week. "But the agents refused to accept them." He and his client heard nothing further from federal authorities. Al-Khilewi, who was granted asylum, is now living under cover. The Saudis were also shielded from Washington's foreign-policy bureaucracy. A government expert on Saudi affairs told me that Prince Bandar dealt exclusively with the men at the top, and never met with desk officers and the like. "Only a tiny handful of people inside the government are familiar with U.S.-Saudi relations," he explained. "And that is purposeful." In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the royal family has repeatedly insisted that Saudi Arabia has made no contributions to radical Islamic groups. When the Saudis were confronted by press reports that some of the substantial funds that the monarchy routinely gives to Islamic charities may actually have gone to Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks, they denied any knowledge of such transfers. The intercepts, however, have led many in the intelligence community to conclude otherwise. REFERENCE: ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY King’s Ransom How vulnerable are the Saudi royals? by Seymour M. Hersh OCTOBER 22, 2001 Seymour M. Hersh, Annals of National Security, “King’s Ransom,” The New Yorker, October 22, 2001, p. 35
Saudi-Arabien und sein Koenigshaus: Partner gegen den Terror - oder stille Allianz mit Terrorpaten?
AntwortenLöschenPre-9/11 Ties Haunt Saudis as New Accusations Surface
FEB. 4, 2015
Photo: President George W. Bush being welcomed in Riyadh in 2008. Bush and Obama administration officials say the Saudis are valuable in aiding the war on terror. ...
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — During the 1980s and ’90s, the historic alliance between the wealthy monarchy of Saudi Arabia and the country’s powerful clerics emerged as the major financier of international jihad, channeling tens of millions of dollars to Muslim fighters in Afghanistan, Bosnia and elsewhere. Among the project’s major patrons was Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who last month became Saudi Arabia’s king.
Some of those fighters later formed Al Qaeda, which declared war on the United States and later mounted major attacks inside Saudi Arabia as well. In the past decade, according to officials of both the George W. Bush and Obama administrations, the Saudi government has become a valuable partner against terrorism, battling Al Qaeda at home and last year joining the American-led coalition against the extremists of the Islamic State.
Yet Saudi Arabia continues to be haunted by what some suspect was a tacit alliance with Al Qaeda in the years before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Those suspicions burst out in the open again this week with the disclosure of a prison deposition of a former Qaeda operative, Zacarias Moussaoui, who claimed that more than a dozen prominent Saudi figures were donors to the terror group and that a Saudi diplomat in Washington discussed with him a plot to shoot down Air Force One.
Saudi officials have staunchly denied those claims, noting that Mr. Moussaoui was a convicted terrorist with a history of mental troubles and little to lose by spreading lies about Saudi officials. On Wednesday, experts on the kingdom also expressed strong doubts about Mr. Moussaoui’s claims.
Brussels Raids Continue as Police Disperse Crowds of Self-Described Fascists
AntwortenLöschenBy DAVID CAPLAN
Mar 27, 2016,
Raids targeting terror suspects continued Sunday across Belgium as riot police used water cannons to disperse a group of self-described fascists damaging memorials in the capital.
At Place de la Bourse, police broke up crowds who authorities said were throwing rocks and bottles and trampling on tributes to the 31 victims of Tuesday's bombings. ...
While anti-terrorism operations continued across Europe, Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon acknowledged decades of neglect had hurt the country's ability to respond to violent extremism despite the government's recent spending on security services.
Jambon said errors were made leading up to last week's attacks in Brussels and the government had invested 600 million euros ($670 million) in the last two years on anti-terror mechanisms, but those investments needed time.
"It is also not because you put the money in now that tomorrow all this is visible on the ground," he said, adding hiring anti-terror specialists could not happen in weeks or months.
According to Belgium’s Crisis Center, 31 victims were killed in the two Brussels attacks, not including three suicide bombers, and 28 of the victims have been identified so far. Victims' nationalities include Belgian, American, Dutch, Swedish, German, French, Chinese, Italian and British.
Ostersonntag: Terroranschlag in Pakistan
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, durch ein Terrorattentat ums Leben zu kommen, ist geringer, als die, durch einen Haiangriff zu sterben - in Deutschland.
AntwortenLöschenPufpaffs Happy Hour - Folge 27 (2016-03-20)
Alexis Myers
AntwortenLöschenChicago Tribune
April 1, 2016
Muslim family kicked off flight
A Muslim family of five from Libertyville wants an apology from United Airlines after the family was removed last month from a plane at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.
The removal came after the parents requested an additional strap for their youngest daughter's booster seat, according to Ahmed Rehab, executive director of Chicago's Council on American-Islamic Relations. ...
The mother posted a video of the interaction with the plane's crew on Facebook, where it has been viewed over 2 million times and shared more than 38,000 times.
"Shame on you #unitedAirlines for profiling my family and me for no reason other than how we look and kicking us off the plane for 'safety flight issues' on our flight to DC for the kids spring break," she posted. "My three kids are too young to have experienced this." ...
This is not the first time United has been accused of mistreating Muslim customers. Last May, Northwestern University chaplain Tahera Ahmad was flying from Chicago to Washington, D.C., on a United flight operated by Shuttle America when a flight attendant refused to bring her an unopened can of soda. When Ahmad pointed out that another passenger had received one, the flight attendant abruptly opened the soda and told Ahmad it was so she would not use it as a weapon.
Adopting the hashtag #UnitedforTahera, thousands tweeted messages of support and calls for a boycott after Ahmad detailed the confrontation on Facebook. The controversy ended nearly a week later with an apology from United and the company's promise that the attendant would not work on United express flights until she had undergone more training. ...
Kenya to honor Muslim hero who protected Christian bus passengers
AntwortenLöschenPublished April 02, 2016
Muslim teacher Salah Farah stood in the way as Islamist militants stormed his bus in Kenya in December -- refusing their demands to split from Christian passengers and instead taking a bullet that would later kill him.
Now, three months after the attack, the father of five will be honored posthumously by Kenya for his act of courage, the country's president announced this week.
President Uhuru Kenyatta told parliament during his state of the union address Thursday that he is awarding the Order Of The Grand Warrior -- one of the country's highest honors -- to Farah, according to multiple media reports.
Farah and about 60 other passengers were traveling from the capital, Nairobi, to the town of Mandera, on Dec. 21 when Somalia-based al-Shabab militants began firing shots at the bus.
The gunmen forced the bus to stop and told the Muslims and Christian passengers to separate. Farah, who was the deputy head of the Mandera township primary school, and other Muslim passengers refused to cooperate -- instead telling the insurgents to kill all the passengers or leave them alone. Al-Shabab militants have been known to execute Christians and spare Muslims in previous attacks in the region.
Farah, who was shot in the hip and suffered shrapnel wounds to his arm, died during surgery one month later. Prior to his death, Farah told Kenya's The Daily Nation that, "We asked them to kill all of us or leave us alone." ...
How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11
AntwortenLöschenBy Paul Sperry
April 17, 2016
In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in 9/11, “60 Minutes” last weekend said the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s delicate alliance with the oil-rich kingdom.
That’s quite an understatement.
Actually, the kingdom’s involvement was deliberately covered up at the highest levels of our government. ...
Some information has leaked ..., including a flurry of pre-9/11 phone calls between one of the hijackers’ Saudi handlers in San Diego and the Saudi Embassy, and the transfer of some $130,000 from then-Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar’s family checking account to yet another of the hijackers’ Saudi handlers in San Diego. ...
Former FBI agent John Guandolo, who worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office, says Bandar should have been a key suspect in the 9/11 probe.
“The Saudi ambassador funded two of the 9/11 hijackers through a third party,” Guandolo said. “He should be treated as a terrorist suspect, as should other members of the Saudi elite class who the US government knows are currently funding the global jihad.”
But Bandar held sway over the FBI.
After he met on Sept. 13, 2001, with President Bush in the White House, where the two old family friends shared cigars on the Truman Balcony, the FBI evacuated dozens of Saudi officials from multiple cities, including at least one Osama bin Laden family member on the terror watch list. Instead of interrogating the Saudis, FBI agents acted as security escorts for them, even though it was known at the time that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. ...
“The FBI covered their ears every time we mentioned the Saudis,” said former Fairfax County Police Lt. Roger Kelly. “It was too political to touch.” ...
Anwar al-Awlaki, the hijackers’ spiritual adviser, escaped our grasp. In 2002, the Saudi-sponsored cleric was detained at JFK on passport fraud charges only to be released into the custody of a “Saudi representative.”
Two commission lawyers investigating the Saudi support network for the hijackers complained their boss, executive director Philip Zelikow, blocked them from issuing subpoenas and conducting interviews of Saudi suspects.
9/11 Commission member John Lehman was interested in the hijackers’ connections to Bandar, his wife and the Islamic affairs office at the embassy. But every time he tried to get information on that front, he was stonewalled by the White House.
“They were refusing to declassify anything having to do with Saudi Arabia,” Lehman was quoted as saying in the book, “The Commission.”
Did the US scuttle the investigation into foreign sponsorship of 9/11 to protect Bandar and other Saudi elite? ...
“We made an ally of a regime that helped sponsor the attacks,” said Ali al-Ahmed of the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs. “I mean, let’s face it.”
Paul Sperry is a former Hoover Institution media fellow and author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”
Obama fordert von Saudi-Arabien demokratische Reformen
AntwortenLöschenObama hat bei seinem Besuch des Golf-Kooperationsrats demokratische Reformen gefordert. Die aktuelle Situation in den Golf-Monarchien führe zur Destabilisierung des gesamten Nahen Ostens.
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | 22. April 2016 |
Diese Woche hat US-Präsident Barack Obama den Golf-Kooperationsrat (GCC) in Riad besucht. Die Mitglieder des Rats sind Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi-Arabien, Katar, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate und Oman. Mit dem Besuch wollte die US-Regierung deutlich machen, dass sich Washington nach wie vor für die Sicherheit der Golf-Staaten einsetzt, berichtet Reuters.
„Ich habe die Politik der USA bekräftigt, wonach wir alle Elemente unserer Macht nutzen, um unsere Kerninteressen in der Golfregion zu sichern, und um äußere Aggressionen gegen unsere Verbündeten zu begegnen“, sagte Obama über den Zweck seines Besuchs.
Allerdings äußerte der US-Präsident auch Kritik an den Golf-Staaten. „Wohlstand und Stabilität in der Region hängt davon ab, ob die Länder ihre Bürger gerecht behandeln (…) Das Sektierertum ist ein Feind des Friedens und des Wohlstands“, so Obama.
Der saudische König Salman lobte den GCC-Gipfel und das Treffen mit Obama als „konstruktiv“. Er sagte, dass die GCC-Staaten den Wunsch hätten, ihre Beziehungen mit den USA zu vertiefen.
Zuvor wurde bekannt, dass der US-Kongress ein Gesetz verabschieden will, wonach saudische Regierungsbeamte ihre Immunität verlieren sollen. Einem Geheim-Dossier zufolge sollen saudische Agenten an den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 beteiligt gewesen sein. Präsident Obama blockiert die Maßnahme bisher.
Ben Rhodes, Obamas nationaler Sicherheitsberater, sagte, dass König Salman und Obama über zwei Stunden lang ein Zweiergespräch geführt hätten. Es soll nach Angaben von Rhodes eine „sehr offene und ehrliche Diskussion“. Rhodes wörtlich: „Der amerikanische Präsident sagte, dass er von den Golf-Staaten mehr demokratische Reformen und die Verbesserung der Menschenrechte erwarte.“
Die GCC-Staaten befinden sich im Nahen Osten im Wettbewerb mit dem Iran um Macht und Einfluss. Im Syrien-Konflikt stehen sich die beiden Blöcke feindlich gegenüber.
Aus Saudi-Arabien kommend, traf Obama am Freitag in Europa ein. Bis Sonntag macht er in London Station, bevor er nach Hannover weiterreist.
Senate approves Sept. 11 legislation despite Saudi threats
AntwortenLöschenMay 17, 2016
By RICHARD LARDNER - Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would allow families of Sept. 11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, rejecting the fierce objections of a U.S. ally and setting Congress on a collision course with the Obama administration.
The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, approved by voice vote, had triggered a threat from Riyadh to pull billions of dollars from the U.S. economy if the bill is enacted.
The legislation, sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gives victims' families the right to sue in U.S. court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the 2001 attacks that killed thousands in New York, the Washington, D.C., area and Pennsylvania.
The House still must act on the legislation.
Relatives of Sept. 11 victims have urged the Obama administration to declassify and release U.S. intelligence that allegedly discusses possible Saudi involvement in the attacks.
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir denied earlier this month that the kingdom made any threats over the bill. He said Riyadh had warned investor confidence in the U.S. would shrink if the bill became law. ...
What Saudi Arabia gets away with ...
AntwortenLöschenWelsh schoolgirl was 'kept prisoner in a cage, starved and abused because of her un-Islamic lifestyle'
msn news
by Cristina Criddle
A Welsh schoolgirl was starved, physically abused and kept in a cage during a series of alleged offences by her father who disagreed with her un-Islamic lifestyle, a court heard.
Amina Al-Jeffrey, 21, was born in Swansea but moved to Saudia Arabia aged 16 as her father objected to her western lifestyle. She has been held captive in her academic father's home ever since, the family division of the High Court was told yesterday.
Saudi authorities would not recognise Miss Al-Jeffery's British citizenship, the forced marriage unit of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) said, adding that "steps need to be taken to ensure Amina is returned to the UK where her safety can be guaranteed".
According to The Times, her father, Mohammed al-Jeffrey, 62, works at the Abdulaziz University in Jeddah and is reportedly receiving funding from the Saudi Arabian government to contest the court order to return his daughter to Britain. ...
Mr Justice Holman said that the jurisdiction of the British courts was unclear because Miss Al-Jeffery was now an adult with dual Saudi and UK citizenship. He said: "We have to be careful about asserting the supremacy our cultural standards." ...
The Real Secret Behind Trump’s Terrorism Plan | The Closer with Keith Olbermann | GQ