The market is forecasting a Donald Trump victory
Joe Fahmy, Yahoo Finance Contributor
Oct. 2, 2016
... My reasoning is the INCREDIBLE number of people who are quietly supporting Trump but can’t voice their opinion. It is politically incorrect to publicly admit that you are supporting Trump. If you do so, you are instantly chastised and even viewed as a racist. The interesting thing is that many Trump supporters don’t agree with what he says; they simply think he will be better for Business.
For example, Carl Icahn recently said (and I’m paraphrasing): Do I agree with everything he says? Of course not. Do I think he says stupid things at times? Of course. But I don’t care about all that. I care about the economy and Trump will be better for business than Hillary.
In other words, many of Trump’s supporters are focused on the more important issues instead of obsessing over every foolish off the cuff remark. ...
"Der Markt" heißt Carl Icahn.
Carl Icahn ist einer der größten Anteilseigner von Cheniere, der Firma, die sich für das umstrittene "Fracking" einsetzt. Icahn ist ein Freund und politischer Unterstützer seines Milliardär-Kollegen Donald Trump.
Trump drohte, Hillary Clinton ins Gefängnis zu bringen, wenn er Präsident wird.
Ein Kommentator vergleicht Trump mit Putin, der seinen politischen Rivalen, Präsidentschafts-Bewerber Gary Kasparow, ins Gefängnis bringen ließ.
Keith Olbermann on Trump threatening to arrest Clinton
Jailing Hillary!? Trump’s Outrageous Case for Dictatorship
Striking Atlantic City casino workers slam The Donald, billionaire pal Carl Icahn in Manhattan: ‘Him and Trump bankrupt everything they touch’
Edgar Sandoval
Leonard Greene
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Striking Atlantic City casino workers Wednesday took their fair-wage fight from the Boardwalk to the office doorstep of gambling den owner, corporate raider and Donald Trump ally Carl Icahn.
The housekeepers, doormen, busboys and other service workers were gambling that their plea for job protection and better benefits, would be heard by Ichan and his presidential candidate friend.
Workers from the food and beverage and housekeeping departments at the Trump Taj Mahal walked off the job July 1st.
"We are not asking for handouts," said single father and casino worker Paul Smith, who was wearing a wolf mask and money suit to emphasize his point.
"The casino has been a big part of our lives for many years. Icahn wants to be Secretary of Treasury. Him and Trump bankrupt everything they touch.What are they going to do? Make America Bankrupt? We can see them treat Americans the way their workers."
Employees lost many of their benefits during bankruptcy proceedings in 2014, including company-sponsored health coverage, pension contributions and paid lunch breaks, according to the workers' union, Unite Here Local 54. ...
Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA: Gibt es Auswirkungen auf den Aktienmarkt ?
AntwortenLöschen19. März 2016 von Tokay
Im kommenden November wird in den USA ein neuer Präsident gewählt. Als Anleger fragt man sich, ob das Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung des Aktienmarktes haben könnte. Ich habe daher einige Erkenntnisse zusammengetragen, die vielleicht zur Beantwortung dieser Frage beitragen. Es gibt ja einige verbreitete Regeln über den Zusammenhang zwischen US-Präsidentschaftswahl und Börse. Was taugen diese Regeln ?
Regel 1: Wahljahre sind gut für den Aktienmarkt ...
... Regel 2: Republikanische Präsidenten sind gut für den Aktienmarkt
Tatsächlich läuft die US-Börse im Wahljahr signifikant besser, wenn ein Republikaner zum Präsidenten gewählt wird. Sie wächst dann meistens mit zweistelliger Rate; der mediane Ertrag 1900-2012 lag bei 12,4 Prozent. Über die gesamte Amtsperiode eines Präsidenten hinweg gesehen schneiden demokratische Präsidenten dagegen besser ab. Der Aktienertrag liegt dann bei 6,0 Prozent jährlich, bei Republikanern sind es nur 3,8 Prozent.
Republikanischen Präsidenten wird eine größere Nähe zu „Big Business“ nachgesagt. Typisch für Republikaner ist eine wirtschaftsliberale Politik im Innern, aber eine protektionistische Politik nach Außen. Dies liegt im Interesse der republikanischen Wählerklientel - „Main Street“ wählt republikanisch. Entsprechend sind die Erwartungen im Wahljahr freundlich.
Die Probleme treten dann auf, wenn der Wirtschaftsmotor und damit der Aktienmarkt nicht mehr rund läuft. Die laissez-faire-Politik republikanischer Präsidenten verkehrt sich dann ins Gegenteil. Immer, wenn es zu einem überhitzten Bullenmarkt kam, war ein Republikaner im Amt. Immer, wenn der darauffolgende Bärenmarkt sein Tief erreichte, war ein Demokrat im Amt. Offenbar ist in solchen Zeiten das Verlangen nach einer aktiveren Rolle des Staates größer, was von den Demokraten in der Regel nachdrücklicher vertreten wird als von den Republikanern. Das führt dazu, daß in der Vierjahresbetrachtung die Demokraten besser abschneiden als die Republikaner. ...
AntwortenLöschen#6.20 — 02.10.2016
... Eine Lücke im amerikanischen Steuerrecht dreist auszunutzen und dann später mit einem Vermögen von 10 milliarden dollar anzugeben ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht aller, die brav ihre 30 % zahlen während sie sich und ihre Familien über Wasser halten. In Deutschland und der EU ist eine vollständige Abrechnung geschäftlicher Verluste nämlich nicht möglich.
Was ist das überhaupt für ein Kapitalismusverständnis? Da wird gepredigt die schwachen scheitern zu lassen und die starken überleben zu lassen und sich bloß nicht einzumischen als Staat. Wenn dann aber mal ein Geschäft durch Risikomanagement scheitert wird die Hand aufgehalten und das Geld Stück für Stück zurückgeholt, vom Steuerzahler. Lobbyismus und Wahlkampfspenden haben in den USA ein System errichtet dass für die Reichen arbeitet, erfolgreich oder nicht. Das steht dem freien Wettbewerb orthogonal gegenüber.
Some in the evangelical community, which has established a tenuous alliance with the brash New Yorker, rushed to his defense.
AntwortenLöschen“I think it will have little or no impact. People of faith are voting on issues like who will protect unborn life, defend religious freedom, grow the economy, appoint conservative judges and oppose the Iran nuclear deal,” said Ralph Reed, the founder and chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition and a Trump supporter. “In their hierarchy of concerns, an 11-year-old tape of a private conversation with a talk show host on a tour bus ranks very low.”
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Löschen... The organization was founded in 2009 by Christian Coalition founder Ralph E. Reed, Jr., who described it as "a 21st century version of the Christian Coalition". Reed designed the coalition as a bridge between the Tea Party movement and evangelical voters.
The organization has grown quickly with hundreds of thousands of supporters and several hundred local chapters. Reed and his organization were a major supporter of the Romney-Ryan campaign in 2012 after organizing a debate for the Republican candidates, and a state chapter was also involved in state elections in 2011. ...
The coalition opposes abortion and same-sex marriage, and supports limited government, lower taxes, education reform, free markets, a strong national defense, and Israel. ...
Kapitalistischer Evangelikaler
LöschenWayne Allyn Root | Facebook
Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, national bestselling author, CEO, business speaker, and Capitalist Evangelist.
Trump-Unterstützer Root wünschte Hillary Clinton und Huma Abedin, sie sollten (im Thelma und Louise Stil) über eine Klippe fahren und in den Tod stürzen.
Angry White Male
Lö White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America—and What We Can All Do to Save the Middle Class [Wayne Allyn Root, Roger ...
MARK CUBAN: 'Bernie Madoff now has a better brand' than Trump, and there's going to be a 'mass exodus'
AntwortenLöschenAllan Smith
Oct. 10, 2016
Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban sounded off on Twitter late Friday about the shocking leaked 2005 recording of Donald Trump, in which he boasted he was able to "grab" women "by the p---y" because "when you're a star they let you do it."
The recording, which was picked up by a hot mic and published by The Washington Post on Friday, came from an interaction between Trump and television personality Billy Bush.
"Donald Trump's actions have made any Trump [employee] who doesn't quit immediately, toxic and unemployable by anyone else," the owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks and star of ABC's "Shark Tank" posted. "Expect a mass exodus."
"Every single @realDonaldTrump hotel and golf course is toast," he continued. "Done. Over. Bernie Madoff now has a better brand."
Trump addressed the matter in a statement, in which he called the comments "locker room banter" and added that former President Bill Clinton has said "far worse to me on the golf course."
The Trump tape doesn't matter
AntwortenLöschenBy Mel Robbins, CNN Commentator
October 9, 2016
... At this point, I believe that Donald Trump, as he has suggested, could actually shoot someone and it would not matter to the 40-45% of Americans who still appear to be voting for him.
Pundit Dave Pell summed it up perfectly: "Trump's brand is a--hole. His speech is hate. His promise is ignorance. I don't dig it. And you probably don't dig it either. But .... he isn't playing to you or me. He's playing to the people who have been digging it."
If you think this latest controversy will finally beat him, you are wrong. If you can't understand how someone could "still" vote for Trump after all "this," consider what makes this such an unprecedented election.
To his supporters, a vote for Trump is a way to flip the middle finger to the system, the media, the elite, the liberals, the know-it-alls and the people who pretend they're better than "us." ...
Every dangerous and disgusting thing Trump says proves he's not fit -- and that's the point. He's not fit for the current "system." And that is exactly his appeal. When he opened his apology by saying, "I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not," he was making it clear:
I'm not "pretending to be perfect," like "Hillary Clinton and HER KIND."
Obama won his first election thanks to the emotions of hope and enthusiasm.
Trump could win this election on the emotions of frustration and resentment.
This election isn't about greatness, the future, or even Donald Trump. It's about defiance.
Feelings are powerful. According to research, 95% of our decisions are based on subconscious factors -- like how we feel. Not logic. Not what you "know" is right. We make decisions based on what we feel in the moment. ...
AntwortenLöschen#2.17 — 10.10.2016
Guantanamo? - Trump schlägt Konzentrationslager vor.
The Donald Unveils Plans “Camp Trump” for Muslim Americans
Posted about 10 months ago
One reporter asked if what Mr. Trump was proposing was just a dressed-up concentration camp. “Yes, of course it’s a concentration camp,” Trump bellowed, “We built it so that Muslims can concentrate on being less Muslimish.” Trump said that expecting people to “drop any and all cultural ties to their mother country helps create a homogenized environment where people who are different aren’t treated as well” and that this is “completely in line with what America is really all about.”
“This is going to be the very best in concentration camps; the most luxurious one out there,” Trump said pointing to the racquetball court that’s right next to the Christian church that camp goers will be expected to attend for “maybe six, seven hours a day, until they’re not so Muslim-y,” Trump explained.
Lynda Kelly 6 days ago
AntwortenLöschenYou may need to hold your nose to vote for Hillary but that's better than needing a gas mask to vote for Trump. Think about it.
Dan Rather: Trump's threats towards Hillary were of a despot, tyrant, or monarch - not a president
AntwortenLöschenBy Leslie Salzillo
Oct 10, 2016
... Trump by contrast boasts of how the law should not apply to him. As crude as the nouns were in that leaked audio tape, what was most offensive was the relish with which he outlined a host of actions - the verbs - for which the rule of law says he does not have the right to act without consent. Yet his voice reeked of the privilege of a man who believed his celebrity removed any such constraints. When he told HIllary Clinton in the debate she would "be in jail" if he were president, those are the threats of a despot, tyrant, or monarch - not a president governed by our Constitution.
It was John Adams who penned the phrase, "a government of laws, and not of men." This is how our Founding Fathers saw our national destiny. This is the spirit that our citizens, over the ages, have demanded of our political leaders follow. I suspect it is something most Americans still believe.
Trump: Loyal to law enforcement, wins endorsement from 354,200 officers
AntwortenLöschenBy Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Thursday, October 6, 2016
Donald Trump continues to win the confidence of the nation’s law enforcement officers — of particular interest to voters in a dangerous age. So far this year, Mr. Trump has been endorsed by the National Fraternal Order of Police, which represents 330,000 officers; the National Border Patrol Council, representing 16,500 Border Patrol agents; and the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, which counts 5,000 federal immigration officers in its ranks.
And new to the list Thursday, all in Colorado: Denver Police Protective Association, Aurora Police Association and Colorado Springs Police Protective Association, which collectively represent 2,700 officers.
Mr. Trump has won their support with his vow to “make America safe again,” along with succinct proposals to enforce existing immigration laws and “move criminal aliens out day one, in joint operations with local, state, and federal law enforcement” — this according to a statement of campaign positions.
One law enforcement organization explains the candidate’s appeal.
“We need a person in the White House who doesn’t fear the media, who doesn’t embrace political correctness, who doesn’t need the money, who is familiar with success, who won’t bow to foreign dictators, who is pro-military and values law enforcement, and who is angry for America and not subservient to the interests of other nations. Donald Trump is such a man,” noted the National Border Patrol Council in its endorsement.
"Vor Obama gab es keinen Rassismus", sagte Trump-Wahlhelferin
AntwortenLöschenNo racism until Obama, says Kathy Miller, Trump campaign chair in Mahoning County, Ohio
Paul Lewis and Tom Silverstone in Youngstown, Ohio
22 September 2016
... Miller also dismissed the racial tensions of the 1960s, when she said she graduated from high school. “Growing up as a kid, there was no racism, believe me. We were just all kids going to school.”
Asked about segregation and the civil rights movement, she replied: “I never experienced it. I never saw that as anything.”
Miller added: “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this ... Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America.”
Miller dismissed the suggestion that Trump was exploiting racist or prejudiced views among some voters as “the media making stuff up”. Instead, she said of the Republican nominee: “He’s very willing to talk about issues that have never been discussed publicly.” ...
Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a crucial Ohio county has resigned after an interview with the Guardian in which she said there was no racism in America until the election of Barack Obama. ...
LöschenKathy Miller, who was coordinating the Republican nominee’s campaign in Mahoning County, apologized for her “inappropriate” remarks on Thursday and said she would no longer have a role with the campaign.
Her resignation came just hours after the release of the first film in a series of election videos, Anywhere but Washington.
The video included an interview with Miller in which she said there was “no racism” during the 1960s and claimed black people who have not succeeded over the past half-century only have themselves to blame.
“If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you,” she said. ...
Mark Munroe, the Mahoning chair for the GOP, said he immediately contacted the Trump campaign in Ohio asking for Miller to be dismissed over her “insane comments”. ...
... He told the Guardian that Trump had undertaken impressive steps to appeal to minority voters and that Miller’s remarks risked jeopardizing his standing in Ohio. “We should not let those really inappropriate comments affect the Trump campaign.”
LöschenMiller’s resignation follows in the wake of months of commentary from Trump about race that African American commentators have widely interpreted as offensive.
During the primaries Trump was condemned for initially failing to disavow support from a former Ku Klux Klan leader and last month asked black voters “what do you have to lose?” by supporting his bid for the White House.
On Tuesday, Trump told supporters in North Carolina: “African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they’ve ever been in before. Ever, ever ever.”
Mahoning, the eastern Ohio county where Miller was coordinating Trump’s campaign, is a historically Democratic stronghold that includes Youngstown, a former steel city that has experienced decades of economic decline.
The county is reputedly “ground zero” for disaffected white, working-class Democrats who are drawn to Trump’s promise to boost manufacturing by renegotiating international free-trade agreements.
Before the primaries, some 6,000 Democrats in Mahoning switched party affiliation to Republican, reportedly to vote for Trump. ...
Twostones00 2 weeks ago
LöschenI'm surprised Kathy Miller didn't say the people of color were better off a slaves picking cotton like Cliven Bundy said. ...
"Miller ist eine Metapher für die Trump-Kampagne, sie ist die Kampagne"
Löschen... But as Olbermann points out, Miller resigning doesn’t change one simple fact about her involvement with the Trump campaign: “[Kathy Miller] is the Trump campaign. She is him. She is all of them. Living a whole life made up of, ‘If it didn’t happen to me, it didn’t happen.'”
Trump glücklich, dass er den Feind ausgelöscht hat (Hillary Clinton), denn mit Clinton als Präsidentin würde ISIS die USA erobern
AntwortenLöschenTrump says Isis will conquer US if Clinton wins
Isis wants Clinton to win, Trump said, at which point “they’ll take over this country”. Referring to his last debate with her, Trump said: “That’s why I was so happy with what I did to annihilate the enemy the other day. So happy.”
... Stephen Bannon and Rudy Giuliani are not attempting to keep Trump in check. They are feeding his manias. Trump is completely unmoored from restraining influences, and would be as president.
AntwortenLöschen(3) Trump’s closing case is a version, not of movement conservatism or tea party conservatism, but of crackpot conservatism — an alt-right rage against a vast, scheming establishment that includes the liberal media, global financiers and a growing list of women making accusations of sexual assault. All this was previewed during Trump’s political rise, which included birtherism, vaccine denialism and insinuations of foul play in the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. ...
... There are certain qualities of heart and mind that allow for self-government — civility, tolerance and mutual respect. In his rage and ruthlessness, Trump is inviting Americans to drink from a poisoned well. One problem is the risk of physical violence — the possible influence of unhinged rhetoric on an unbalanced mind. The broader result is radical polarization in which citizens question the legitimacy of elections and view some fellow citizens as enemies. ...
Löschen(Washington Post 2016/10/17)
Giuliani: "socialized medicine"
AntwortenLöschenI was with Donald Trump all day yesterday. ...
He pointed out that, she's told us what we have always known, that she prefers socialized medicine. I find WikiLeaks very refreshing. This is the Hillary Clinton I always knew existed. I just never had proof of it.
People would say to me, she's a socialist, and I would say, okay, but you can't prove it. Well, she was in Canada. She was talking to the Canadian bank or whatever. She says, I like your system, your socialized system of medicine a lot better than ours.
Löschen... I want you to take a look at what a Trump supporter, Dan Bowman of Ohio, told "The Boston Globe" -- quote -- "If she's in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot." He's a 50-year-old contractor. "There's going to be a lot of bloodshed, but that's what it's going take. I would do whatever I can for my country."
Washington Post 2016/10/17/
"Ich ertrage all diese Pfeile und Schleudern gerne für euch", deklamiert er mit einem Zitat aus Hamlets "Sein oder nicht sein"-Monolog. "Ich ertrage sie für unsere Bewegung, damit wir unser Land zurückhaben können."
AntwortenLöschenNie hat Trump seinen messianischen Anspruch schamloser formuliert als in dieser Rede, seiner wütendsten, härtesten bisher, verfasst von Wahlkampfchef Stephen Bannon, dem Paten der rechtsextremen Verschwörungsfanatiker. Und nie ist der Unterton der Gewalt lauter gewesen.
As the social psychologist Jesse Graham has noted, Trump appeals to an ancient fear of contagion, which analogizes out-groups to parasites, poisons, and other impurities. In this regard, it is perhaps no psychological accident that Trump displays a phobia of germs, and seems repulsed by bodily fluids, especially women’s. He famously remarked that Megyn Kelly of Fox News had “blood coming out of her wherever,” and he repeatedly characterized Hillary Clinton’s bathroom break during a Democratic debate as “disgusting.” Disgust is a primal response to impurity. On a daily basis, Trump seems to experience more disgust, or at least to say he does, than most people do.
The most prominent donor families behind Trump -- the Mercers, Ricketts and Adelsons -- on Saturday gave no indication they would ditch the GOP nominee, despite the endless string of mass defections by senior Republicans caused by his latest scandal: the emergence of a decade-old video in which Trump callously spoke about a married woman with whom he had tried to have sex.
AntwortenLöschenIn a remarkable and lengthy statement, the generally reclusive Rebekah and Bob Mercer vociferously defended Trump, who they have dedicated millions to supporting through a super PAC and retain enormous influence.
Hillary Clinton Doll With Noose Held Aloft at Trump Rally
North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr was captured in leaked audio obtained by CNN implying a picture of Hillary Clinton's face should be used for target practice.
AntwortenLöschenBurr made the comment while visiting a gun shop and with a crowd of Second Amendment supporters. He apparently noticed a magazine about rifles with Clinton's face on the cover.
"I was a little bit shocked at that — it didn't have a bullseye on it," Burr said to the crowd.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made a similar remark in August when he implied advocates of the Second Amendment could shoot Clinton to stop her from appointing Supreme Court justices with anti-gun rights agendas.
Signs with bullseye marks affixed over Clinton's face have been seen at Trump's campaign rallies in recent days.
Gewaltfantasien bei Trump-Anhängern
AntwortenLöschenzufällig gesehen in einem Youtube Kommentar zu einem Video, bei dem es darum geht, dass Obama dem FBI-Chef Comey sein Vertrauen ausspricht,
Ein Kommentator lässt seinen Hass- und Gewaltfantasien freien Lauf:
"... Trump will surgically dismember Obama and then shit on him ..."
Elementary school cancels mock election after kids chant 'Trump'
By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times
November 3, 2016
A New York elementary school has canceled its traditional mock presidential election after kids chanted “Trump” and repeated “negative rhetoric about minorities,” according to the school principal.
Children at Jericho Elementary School in Centereach will be voting for their favorite school lunch instead of their favorite presidential candidate after their mock campaign season got too heated. ...
“Teachers have said they’ve heard some kids in the cafeteria chanting ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ or saying they don’t want Muslims here,” Mr. Rogers told ABC News.
“I mean, kids often repeat what they hear on the TV or the news, but it doesn’t mean it’s OK,” he said. “We have a diverse community here. We want all our students to feel valued.” ...
Make America white again
Peter Schneider, 06.11.2016
... Donald Trump hat sich im Vorwahlkampf und in den Wochen danach nicht etwa trotz, sondern wegen seiner zahllosen Blamagen und Fehlleistungen, seinen Beleidigungen von Frauen, Mexikanern und Muslimen durchgesetzt. ...
Denn all diese Entgleisungen haben ihn nicht nur mit der demokratischen, sondern auch mit der republikanischen Prominenz in Konflikt gebracht und ihm den – in den Augen seiner Klientel – höchsten Titel eingebracht: ein unerschrockener Kämpfer gegen das verhasste Establishment zu sein.
So kommt es zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein größenwahnsinniger Bankrotteur/Milliardär, ein pathologischer Lügner und Narziss, der auf die Frage nach seinen liebsten Büchern die zwei (angeblich) von ihm geschriebenen nennt, zum Held der Verlierer und Abgehängten wird und ihnen zurufen kann: „Ich bin eure Stimme! Ich werde euch alles geben, was ihr in fünfzig Jahren erhofft habt. Und nur ich kann es euch geben!“ ...
Wenn sich herausstellt, dass ein Kandidat damit Punkte macht, dass er keine Steuern zahlt, haltlose Behauptungen aufstellt und nicht den Schatten eines Plans für das Land vorweist, dann hat es wenig Sinn, ihn immer wieder genau dieser Schwächen zu zeihen. ...
Zwar ist es Obama gelungen, die Wirtschaft aus der schweren Krise von 2008/2009 herauszuführen, Vollbeschäftigung herzustellen und das Wirtschaftswachstum in den letzten Jahren um rund 2,5 Prozent zu steigern. Aber von diesem Wachstum kommt so gut wie nichts bei den mittleren und unteren Haushalten an. ...
Die reale Kaufkraft der mittleren Haushalte der USA ist heute wieder auf dem Stand von 2007 angelangt, die des unteren Viertels der mittleren Haushalte auf dem Stand der Sechzigerjahre. ...
Ein anderes Motiv, das den aktuellen Wahlkampf zusätzlich erhitzt, wird explizit nie genannt. Die Dominanz der Weißen nähert sich in den USA ihrem Ende. Im Jahre 2060 wird der Anteil der Hispanics und Asiaten 56 Prozent betragen.
In einigen Staaten – Kalifornien, Texas, Hawaii, New Mexiko – sind die Weißen bereits in der Minderzahl, in Nevada und Maryland wird es bald so weit sein.
Guido Goldman, Gründervater des Center for European Studies in Harvard, empfiehlt, das Wort „great“ in Trumps Parole „Make America great again“ durch das Wort „white“ zu ersetzen. ...
Ein flüchtiger Blick auf das Publikum, das Trump zujubelt, und auf das andere, das Hillary Clinton den Sieg wünscht, schafft Klarheit: Hier stehen sich zwei Seiten Amerikas gegenüber, die sich seit den Tagen Ronald Reagans immer fremder geworden sind. Das Lager der Trump-Anhänger dürfte inzwischen entschieden rechts von der AfD stehen.