Manager Magazin, 10.11.2016
Hedgefonds-Milliardär Carl Icahn klärt auf Warum Donald Trump der neue Liebling der Wall Street ist
Die Börse feierte den Mann, der als Schreck der Finanzelite angetreten war und den Wall-Street-Sumpf "trockenlegen" wollte, mit einer spontanen Party. Hedgefonds-Manager Carl Icahn, ein langjähriger Vertrauter Trumps, konnte sein Glück kaum fassen: Er habe bereits am Mittwochmorgen rund eine Milliarde Dollar auf steigende Kurse gesetzt, erzählte Icahn siegestrunken einem Reporter von Bloomberg TV.Dass er deswegen ein wenig früher die Feier seines Freundes Donald verlassen musste, entschuldigte der 80jährige Icahn mit den Worten: "Big Poppa" müsse jetzt mal richtig Geld verdienen.
Dass Donald Trump keineswegs ein Börsenschreck, sondern der neue Darling der US-Investoren ist, begründete Icahn per Telefon ausführlich gegenüber Bloomberg. Immer wieder beschwor Icahn mit heiserer Stimme die Schlagworte "Deregulation" und "Deficit Spending": Trump, der Businessman, werde Big Business endlich wieder in Ruhe machen lassen, ohne störende Regulierung. Und notfalls wird diese Party mit dem Geld der Steuerzahler, also einer höheren Verschuldung, in Schwung gebracht. Weg mit den Vorschriften aus der Obama-Zeit, her mit öffentlichen Aufträgen auf Pump: "Big Poppa" Icahn kam aus dem Schwärmen gar nicht mehr heraus.
Icahn war nicht der einzige Vertreter der Finanzelite, der Grund zum Jubeln hatte und feierte, als wäre Ronald Reagan wieder auferstanden. Die Party an der US-Börse zog sich durch alle Branchen, mit Big Pharma und den Großbanken vorneweg.
Big Money: Die Aktien der Großbanken Goldman Sachs Börsen-Chart zeigen, Wells Fargo Börsen-Chart zeigen, und Bank of America Börsen-Chart zeigen zogen am Tag nach Trumps Wahlsieg zwischen 5 und 7 Prozent an. Der Anlass: Trump will die Bankenkontrolle entschärfen und Teile des Dodd-Frank-Gesetzes zurücknehmen, das als Antwort auf die Finanzkrise verabschiedet worden war und den Banken verbietet, auf eigene Rechnung zu spekulieren. War Trump im Wahlkampf noch als Kritiker der Großbanken aufgetreten, dürfte er ihnen nun wieder mehr Freiraum einräumen. Seine Gegnerin Hillary Clinton hatte Trump noch als "Marionette" der Wall Street beschimpft. Er selbst könnte mit seiner geplanten Deregulierung zum Schoßhund der Wall Street werden. ...
Siehe auch ;
SPON 10.11.2016
AntwortenLöschenIm Wahlkampf hat Donald Trump kaum eine Gelegenheit ausgelassen, seine Rivalin Hillary Clinton in die Nähe der Finanzindustrie zu rücken. Er empörte sich über die millionenschweren Honorare, die Clinton für Auftritte bei Goldman Sachs und der Deutschen Bank erhalten hatte, behauptete, Clintons Werbespots seien von ihren "Freunden an der Wall Street" bezahlt worden. Trumps Botschaft: Clinton ist zu den Banken nett, ich: ein Bankenschreck. ...
Obwohl Trump sich während des Wahlkampfs als Bankenbändiger gebärdete, dürfte ausgerechnet seine Position zur Finanzmarktregulierung der Auslöser der Kurssprünge sein. Der künftige Präsident hat nämlich angekündigt, das Dodd-Frank-Gesetz, eine Reaktion auf die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise, zu kippen. Die Banker erhoffen sich von Trump laxere Vorschriften. ...
Hillary Clinton hat sich mehrfach über zu hohe Medikamentenpreise empört. Ihre Äußerungen sorgten sogar für Kursverluste des Nasdaq-Biotechnologie-Indexes; die Pharma-Branche fürchtete, Clinton könne geringere Arzneimittelpreise diktieren. Dazu wird es nun nicht kommen. ...
Wenn stimmt, was Trump in seinen Wahlkampfreden gesagt hat, dann dürften unter dem künftigen Präsidenten die Militärausgaben steigen. Die Flotte der Marine wolle er vergrößern, die Jets der Air Force erneuern, so Trump. Zudem sollten die Verbündeten für die Präsenz von US-Truppen aufkommen.
Am Tag nach der Wahl stieg die Aktie des US-Rüstungsherstellers Northrop Grumman um 5,4 Prozent, am Donnerstag legte sie weiter zu. Auch die Titel des Luftfahrtkonzerns Lockheed Martin und des Militärgeräteherstellers Raytheon profitierten. Zu den Gewinnern in Europa gehört der britische Konzern BAE Systems, der zum Beispiel Kriegsschiffe im Sortiment hat. ...
Besonders beliebt ist seit dessen Wahlsieg auch die Aktie eines anderen Unternehmens, der Corrections Corporation of America. Sie stieg am Tag nach Trumps Wahl um fast 50 Prozent. Das Unternehmen ist einer der größten Betreiber privater Gefängnisse.
Trump said he was "saddened" by reports that incidents of harassment and intimidation of minorities had spiked since his election -- and called for it to end.
14. November 2016
AntwortenLöschenUltrarechter Bannon im Beraterstab
Trump lädt die Wut ins Weiße Haus ein
Von Christoph Rieke
Mit einer aggressiven Kampagne gewinnt Donald Trump die US-Präsidentschaftswahl. Dahinter steckt vor allem Stephen Bannon. Der Medienunternehmer ist offen rassistisch und antisemitisch. Nun macht ihn Trump zum Chefstrategen. ...
Der nächste US-Präsident holt sich einen ultrarechten Demagogen ins Haus: Stephen Bannon, 62 Jahre alt, Gehirn der aggressiven Wahlkampf-Kampagne wird neuer Chefstratege im Weißen Haus.
Gemeinsam mit dem bisherigen Republikaner-Parteichef Reince Priebus ist Bannon der erste, den Trump in seinen Beraterstab beruft. "Steve und Reince sind hochqualifizierte Führungspersönlichkeiten, die gut in unserer Kampagne zusammengearbeitet und uns zu einem historischen Sieg geführt haben", sagte Trump. "Jetzt werde ich sie beide bei mir im Weißen Haus haben, wenn wir daran arbeiten, Amerika wieder groß zu machen."
Nimmt man Bannons bisherige politische Äußerungen und seine Weltanschauung als Maßstab, so wird dieses Amerika ein Land des "wütenden weißen Mannes" sein – und nicht ein Land der Muslime, Einwanderer, Frauen, Homosexuellen. "Die rassistische, faschistische, extremistische Rechte ist nur ein paar Schritte vom Oval Office entfernt. Sei sehr wachsam, Amerika.", twittert John Weaver, der politische Berater des republikanischen Ex-Präsidentschaftsbewerbers John Kasich.
Bannon verkörpert das, womit Trump seinen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf führte: Kampf gegen das politische Establishment und Ausgrenzung von Minderheiten. Bis zu seinem späten Einstieg ins Team von Trump im August 2016 betrieb er die rechtspopulistische Seite "Breitbart News" – ein Sprachrohr für die alternative Rechte ("alt-right") Amerikas. Rassistische und antisemitische Schlagzeilen gehören ebenso zum Programm von "Breitbart" wie Verschwörungstheorien. ...
LöschenAnti-Immigration Extremists Love Trump
The billionaire’s ultra-harsh immigration plank is getting a lot of love from groups tied to racists and advocates of eugenics.
Betsy Woodruff
(Breitbart, Pioneer Fund, Tanton)
"Hitler gave eugenics a bad name"
... In another report by the Southern Poverty Law Center titled, “The Puppeteer” which concerns Tanton and the intricate web of organizational funding of anti-immigrant groups, one can trace the money from right wing billionaires to organizations linked to Tanton, to the Republican Party and the seats of government power. ...
LöschenIt goes on to cite that a major funding arm U.S. Inc., is a Tanton creation, and millions of dollars in financing comes from just a few of his allies, far-right foundations like those controlled by the family of Richard Mellon Scaife. …
Also it mentions that many of these politically connected activists are moving increasingly into groups such as the Council of Conservative Citizens which has around 15,000 members whose website recently described African Americans as “a retrograde species of humanity.” …
But what is most disturbing for anyone that has studied the rise of fascism in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s as well as the US in the 20’s is the increasing connection to government these groups have. Many of the Constitutional protections put into the Constitution as a protection from tyranny have been removed since September 11th, 2001 and have not been restored even with the election of Obama and Democratic Party majorities. We still have prisons outside the rule of law where people are taken without charge or trial and are tortured or worse, extraordinary rendition, wiretapping without warrants, targeted killings, and “prolonged detention”. Following the post-9/11 sweeps of Arab American communities which resulted in indefinite detention of more than a thousand or two persons, many of these groups called for wider dragnets of Hispanic American communities. And in the wake of the plane attacks, there was rapid growth of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus led by right wing extremist (now former) Rep. Tom Tancredo (R), of Colorado. FAIR is considered legitimate to many members of the caucus.
The eugenics foundation that gave $1.2 million dollars to FAIR is called The Pioneer Fund. It has links to sterilization efforts based on race and disability in America’s past as well as the eugenics effort in Nazi Germany. This background can be examined in the piece by Barry Mehler of the Southern Poverty Law Center titled “Race and ‘Reason’ Academic ideas a pillar of racist thought“. The founder of the Pioneer Fund was one Wickliffe P. Draper. In 1935, he traveled to Nazi Germany with an associate, Dr. Clarence Campbell, to attend the International Congress for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems. In 1937, he founded the Pioneer Fund which was to fund race scientists and scholarships. It was headed by eugenicist Harry L. Laughlin, an advocate for restrictive immigration laws and compulsary sterilization of the mentally ill and mentally retarded. In 1938, he paid for and disseminated a book titled, “White America” written by white supremacist Earnest Servier Cox and sent a copy to Wilhelm Frick, the German Minister of the Interior. In later years, the fund has been intertwined in American politics and movements (beyond FAIR). As noted in the Southern Poverty Law Center report, Pioneer leaders such as Harry Weyher and Thomas F. Ellis have been part of an interlocking association of groups linked to the late former Senator Jesse Helms (R) NC. In fact, Ellis served as chairman of both the National Congressional Club and the Coalition For Freedom and he was a co-founder of Fairness In Media. ...
March 15, 1999
LöschenBarry Mehler
Some academic professionals use the 'genetic inferiority' argument to legitimize the white supremacist movement.
What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of "phasing out" of such peoples. If the world is to evolve more better humans, then obviously someone has to make way for them. ... To think otherwise is mere sentimentality.
— Richard Lynn, professor of psychology, University of Ulster-Coleraine, Northern Ireland
Not since the days of Jim Crow has academia been so much at the forefront of the white supremacist movement in the United States. Positions once thought to be the kiss of death for an academic reputation are today vigorously defended in the name of intellectual honesty.
In the first 60 years of this century, such thinking led to the sterilization of more than 100,000 Americans, and in Germany it resulted in death camps for the "genetically inferior." Today, it is legitimizing the white supremacist movement. ...
What the punditry and the establishment don't understand ...
AntwortenLöschenBernie Sanders: The Democrats Have To Become A Grassroots Party
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Published on 15 Nov 2016
"Trump touched a nerve ..."
LöschenBernie Sanders On The View (November 2016)
"I don't call it the left - I call it the vast majority of the American People ..."
AntwortenLöschen#24.1 — 22.11.2016
Es spricht einiges dafür, dass Trump "denen" nicht nur den kleinen Finger gereicht, sondern seinen ganze Kampagne auf ihre Ideologie und Unterstützung aufgebaut hat.
Aus einem Interview mit Buch-Autor Bruce Wilson:
"... you’ve pointed he has strong affinities for paleoconservative ideas, particularly as laid out in the 2009 book, “The Next Conservatism” by Paul Weyrich and William Lind — a copy of which Lind recently gave to Trump. ...."
"Trump advances core paleoconservative positions laid out in “The Next Conservatism” — rebuilding infrastructure, protective tariffs, securing borders and stopping immigration, neutralizing designated internal enemies and isolationism. ...
The Lind/Weyrich cultural Marxism/PC/multiculturalism conspiracy theory is radically anti-immigrant. ...
Indeed, one plot line in William Lind’s 2014 race-war novel “Victoria” is the invasion of Boston by Muslim troops under the auspices of the UN. At the close of the novel, the victorious white Christian insurgents prepare to launch a 10th Crusade against Islam."
Hier rächt sich, dass die Regierungen der letzten Jahrzehnte die Infrastruktur verkommen ließen, während sie Milliarden in fragwürdige Militäraktionen versenkten und Super-Reiche, wie Trump selbst, von Steuern befreiten. Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen für populistische Versprechungen, Ablenkungen und Wut-Umlenkungen.
Antwort auf #24 ...
The far right
The Guardian
28 November 2016
‘Alt-right’ online poison nearly turned me into a racist
It started with Sam Harris, moved on to Milo Yiannopoulos and almost led to full-scale Islamophobia. If it can happen to a lifelong liberal, it could happen to anyone
... I was curious as to the motives of leave voters. Surely they were not all racist, bigoted or hateful? I watched some debates on YouTube. Obvious points of concern about terrorism were brought up. A leaver cited Sam Harris as a source. I looked him up: this “intellectual, free-thinker” was very critical of Islam. Naturally my liberal kneejerk reaction was to be shocked, but I listened to his concerns and some of his debates.
This, I think, is where YouTube’s “suggested videos” can lead you down a rabbit hole. Moving on from Harris, I unlocked the Pandora’s box of “It’s not racist to criticise Islam!” content. Eventually I was introduced, by YouTube algorithms, to Milo Yiannopoulos and various “anti-SJW” videos (SJW, or social justice warrior, is a pejorative directed at progressives). They were shocking at first, but always presented as innocuous criticism from people claiming to be liberals themselves, or centrists, sometimes “just a regular conservative” – but never, ever identifying as the dreaded “alt-right”.
For three months I watched this stuff grow steadily more fearful of Islam. “Not Muslims,” they would usually say, “individual Muslims are fine.” But Islam was presented as a “threat to western civilisation”. Fear-mongering content was presented in a compelling way by charismatic people who would distance themselves from the very movement of which they were a part.
At the same time, the anti-SJW stuff also moved on to anti-feminism, men’s rights activists – all that stuff. I followed a lot of these people on Twitter ...
About a week before the US election, I heard one of these YouTubers use the phrase “red-pilled” – a term from the film The Matrix – in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: “This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I’m turning into an arsehole.”
I unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything, and told myself outright: “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person.” Until that moment I hadn’t even realised that “alt-right” was what I was becoming; I just thought I was a more open-minded person for tolerating these views. ...
The 'alt-right' thrives in opposition. What happens now it's the establishment?
LöschenThe far right defines itself by railing against political correctness and the establishment. What happens now its hero, Donald Trump, has triumphed?
The Guardian
15 November 2016
Nicky Woolf in San Francisco
You will have seen Patriotic Pepe’s tweets.
They are set up to automatically reply whenever Donald Trump tweets; more often than not, they are the very first reply. After Trump’s first tweet as president-elect, in which he described his meeting with Barack Obama, Patriotic Pepe again responded first.
Patriotic Pepe is part of the alt-right, a loosely defined rightwing part of the internet firmament.
It lives, among other places, on 4chan’s political message board – /pol/ – on several boards on Reddit including r/the_donald, and in media organizations like Alex Jones’s Infowars, and Breitbart News.
Its adherents are, by instinct and philosophy, a group of outsiders, defined by their opposition to things – feminism in video games, say, or the “political correctness” of “social justice warriors” on the left – and of course, the political establishment itself.
A search for the term “mainstream media” on Breitbart returns more than 10,000 results – but their contemptuous use of the term seems odd now that Stephen Bannon, the CEO of Breitbart, has been appointed a senior adviser to the White House. Breitbart itself was ranked top for the most shared Facebook content on the day of the third presidential debate.
Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist, is now in the bizarre position of being a cheerleader for the same federal government he has long treated as his ultimate nemesis.
The alt-right can no longer hit out at the establishment. They are the establishment now.
“Before Trump, the Alt Right could be criticized for being a ‘head without a body’; it was engaged in meta-political and scientific discussion, but lacked a real connection with practical politics and the hopes and dreams of average Americans,” wrote prominent white nationalist and self-described alt-right member Richard Spencer the day after the election.
“In turn, Trump’s populism – with its half-baked policy ideas and sketchy vision of the future – could be criticized as a ‘body without a head’. Now we are the whole man.” ...
Who is Palmer Luckey, and why is he funding pro-Trump trolls?
LöschenUnder the name NimbleRichMan, Oculus founder secretly funded Reddit users dedicated to electing Trump by flooding threads with negative Clinton memes
Julia Carrie Wong in San Francisco
The Guardian
23 September 2016
It’s hard to love a 20-something multi-millionaire, but Palmer Luckey’s introduction to the mainstream consciousness helped cement his image as the good kind of tech industry titan: the adorkable garage tinkerer we can root for.
There he was on the cover of Time magazine, barefoot and leaping ...
That wholesome image was complicated yesterday when the Daily Beast revealed that the Oculus founder has been secretly funding a group of Reddit trolls dedicated to electing Donald Trump by “shitposting” negative memes about Hillary Clinton.
Under the name NimbleRichMan, Oculus founder secretly funded Reddit users dedicated to electing Trump by flooding threads with negative Clinton memes.
“We know Hillary Clinton is corrupt, a warmonger, a freedom-stripper. Not the good kind you see dancing in bikinis on Independence Day, the bad kind that strips freedom from citizens and grants it to donors,” Luckey wrote on a Reddit thread introducing his initiative, using the pseudonym NimbleRichMan. ...
We may be used to the incredibly wealthy supporting pro-business politicians by writing checks to the Republican party, but the full-on embrace of “shitposting” and the bigoted online harassment that so often comes with it is something else entirely.
Shitposting is not intended to add to an online discussion but to shut it down with, well, shit. It is the opposite of the ideals of good faith, open discussion made possible by the internet.
Since the Daily Beast report, Luckey has received scrutiny by reporters seeking evidence of an affinity between the man who invented Oculus Rift and the candidate whose campaign has centered on attacks on immigrants and Muslims. Among the revelations is the fact that Luckey’s long-time girlfriend, Nicole Edelmann, is an apparent supporter of GamerGate, the anti-feminist online harassment movement that erupted in 2014. ...
(More from same article)
LöschenAs virtual reality and Oculus have risen in stature in the technology world, Luckey has made gestures toward the higher purpose we like our tech moguls to embrace – the narrative about changing the world for the better. Facebook has been “mak[ing] the world more open and connected”. Google has been “organiz[ing] the world’s information and mak[ing] it universally accessible and useful”.
Luckey has spoken about the potential value of virtual reality for education, and VR boosters tend to hype its potential to increase human empathy by expanding our ability to experience other people’s lives.
Still, at heart, Luckey doesn’t appear as invested in the transformative possibilities of his technology as we might hope. Asked by the Telegraph what aspect of VR he was most excited about, he responded: “Video games. I’m a shallow person.”
Video games don’t have to be shallow, and gamers don’t all agree with GamerGate, but Luckey’s involvement in the Trump meme machine suggests that his investment in the social good of technology is indeed shallow.
“I thought it sounded like a real jolly good time,” he told the Daily Beast about the shitposting organization.
“The worst part is that I bought into VR and Oculus bc it has the potential to change how people view the world. It’s an empathy headset,” wrote one disappointed VR enthusiast on Reddit.
“VR has the potential to make internet communication more heartfelt and real. But Palmer has decided to use his capital to support a fucking meme factory that delves online discussion into racist, angry, anti-intellectual bullshit.”
Nigeria’s Soyinka bins ‘green card’ over Trump
AntwortenLöschenBy AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, JOHANNESBURG, S. Africa, Dec 2, 2016
Nigerian Nobel prize-winning author Wole Soyinka said Thursday he has fulfilled his pledge to throw away his US residency green card and leave the country if Donald Trump won the presidential election.
Shortly before the vote, Soyinka had vowed to give up his permanent US residency over a Trump victory to protest against the Republican billionaire’s campaign promises to get tough on immigration.
The prolific playwright, novelist and poet won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986 and has been a regular teacher at US universities including Harvard, Cornell and Yale.
He however said he would not discourage others from applying for a green card.
“I have already done it, I have disengaged (from the United States). I have done what I said I would do,” the 82-year-old told AFP on the sidelines of an education conference at the University of Johannesburg.
“I had a horror of what is to come with Trump… I threw away the (green) card, and I have relocated, and I’m back to where I have always been” meaning his homeland Nigeria.
The prolific playwright, novelist and poet won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986 and has been a regular teacher at US universities including Harvard, Cornell and Yale. ...
This is What Happens When You Criticize Donald Trump | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
"New Alien and Sedition Act"?
AntwortenLöschen11/29/2016 4:16 AM GMT+0300
A WaPo article in the Sunday paper offered a better assessment of Trumps victory. Hillary won 500 counties while Trump won 2,500 but the 500 counties that Hillary won represented 64% of the nations economy while the 2,500 counties represented 36% of the economy. This was an election of the have's vs the have-nots. The have-nots have a right to be angry and the democrats at fault for not recognizing and responding to the plight of working whites torched by globalization. But mixed in with legitimate angry working class whites is a toxic brew of racism and bigotry that tends to breed in an economic landscape where a portion of the population feels cheated and neglected. What this population has dismissed is the gross unsuitability of the Trump President elect. Trumps ignorance of the economic realities that governs today globalized industries puts that very same population at risk. Beyond his lack of intelligence Trump dog whistles to racist and bigots hardly suggest that he will be a President for all American's. His appointment of Bannon as his chief advisor, Jeff Sessions as attorney general and Mike Flynn who would make all of Islam the enemy of the United States makesTrump's dangerous agenda clear for anyone that is reasonable and not so drenched in conspiracy theory and alt -right propaganda that they can't think. If we add to that Trump pathological issues with truth telling and child like temper tantrums we can understand why so many on the left are fearful for the country and why they are aghast that so many American's have dismissed the obvious. There is for good reason great fear in the United States today that we have made a terrible mistake that will cost all of us dearly. Many of us will be witness to wreckage wrought but President Trump. It saddens me and alarms greatly me that our children will have to live in that wreckage.
"Alternative Fakten"