Aus: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Online-Ausgabe, 28. Juli 2011
Anfindsen ist Herausgeber und - zusammen u.a. mit dem Blogger "Fjordman", aus dessen Texten sich der Attentäter von Norwegen in seinem Bekenner-Manifest ausgiebig bediente - Mitautor des 2010 erschienenen Buches "Selvsmordparadigmet" (Selbstmordparadigma). "Selvsmordparadigmet" kann wohl mit einiger Berechtigung als norwegisches Äquivalent zu Sarrazins "Deutschland schafft sich ab" betrachtet werden.
Ein Interview mit Anfindsen in englischer Sprache vom April 2011 findet sich auf Webseiten der Bloggerszene des "Counter-Dschihad"; zum Beispiel:
The Suicidal Paradigm - A Conversation With Ole Jørgen Anfindsen
From the desk of Svein Sellanraa on Mon, 2011-04-25 15:34
Anfindsen sprach darin von der angeblich erwiesenen "Existenz rassischer Unterschiede, einschließlich in Bezug auf die durchschnittliche Intelligenz und andere geistige Fähigkeiten und Neigungen". Ähnlich wie Sarrazin unterstellte er, die herrschende Ideologie sei, dass es keinerlei erbliche Unterschiede zwischen Menschen gäbe, und alle Unterschiede nur auf die Umwelt zurückzuführen seien. Vor diesem selbst gezeichneten Hintergrund stilisierte er sich, auch hierin ähnlich wie Sarrazin argumentierend, als Tabubrecher. Die Unterstellung ist jedoch irreführend, denn dass es bezüglich geistiger Fähigkeiten und Neigungen eine Wechselwirkung zwischen Erbanlagen und Umwelt gibt, war niemals umstritten. Umstritten sind die Annahme einer allumfassenden Aussagekraft von IQ-Tests und fragwürdige Methoden der Testung und "Hochrechnung". Umstritten sind auch Annahmen wie: Der jeweilige Anteil von Erbe und Umwelt könne mit Prozentangaben wissenschaftlich exakt voneinander abgegrenzt werden; es gäbe erblich festgelegte kollektive Unterschiede zwischen Menschengruppen verschiedener Herkunft, die bedeutender seien als Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Menschen; Investitionen in Bildung seien bei vermeintlich minderwertigen Erbanlagen verschwendet.
Svein Sellanraa selbst, von dessen "Schreibtisch" das Anfindsen-Interview kam (was immer "from the desk of" hier auch heißen soll), verbreitete u.a., das Ziel norwegischer linker Entscheidungsträger im Erziehungsbereich sei nicht die Vermittlung von Wissen, sondern "ein Hass im Bauch gegen weiße Europäer" ("a bellyfeel hatred of white Europeans”). Also wieder das Thema, "Politische Korrektheit" sei in Wirklichkeit Hass gegen Weiße - wobei dieser "Hass" allein schon darin gesehen wird, dass Überlegenheit und Vorrechte "weißer" Menschen nicht als naturgegebene Tatsache gelten, sondern alle Menschen unabhängig von Hautfarbe oder "Rasse" für gleichwertig und gleichberechtigt gelten.
Auf der o.g. Webseite werden ehrfürchtig eine Reihe von "Größen" der amerikanischen Szene des weißen Suprematismus aufgeführt, darunter Jared Tayler, Proponent des von ihm so genannten "rassischen Realismus" (Wikipedia). Tayler kam auf diesem Blog schon vor ( ).
Henryk M. Broder, der im Attentäter-Manifest zustimmend zitiert wurde, sieht seinen bisherigen Äußerungen zufolge keinen Anlass, von ihm stammende Parolen zu überdenken.
Bemerkenswert eine Zusammenstellung von Zitaten in der Frankfurter Rundschau, bei denen ohne nachzusehen nicht zu unterscheiden ist, welches Zitat von Broder stammt und welches aus dem Attentäter-Manifest. ; siehe auch
Neue Szene der Islamhasser übersehen?
Ueber Weglassen jeglicher Information ueber die Bloggerszene, in der Breivik sich bewegte (und ein klein bisschen Verstaendnis?) in einem Leitartikel der FAZ
"Breivik war mein Facebook-Freund. Ich habe gesehen, was seinen Hass gefuettert hat."
„Sarrazin und andere haben ein Klima vorbereitet, das dem Äußersten günstig ist“
"Sarrazin („Deutschland schafft sich ab“) eine indirekte Mitschuld an den Massenmorden in Norwegen zu geben, das gehe eindeutig zu weit, sagt der Rechtsextremismusforscher Prof. Klaus Ahlheim. „Aber natürlich haben Sarrazin und andere ein Klima vorbereitet, das dem Äußersten günstig ist“, sagt Ahlheim der WAZ. Sarrazin habe das rassistische Denken in den öffentlichen Diskurs eingespeist, fremdenfeindlichen Vorurteilen und tief sitzenden Ressentiments eine „seriöse“ Stimme gegeben. Mit seinen Thesen von besserem und schlechterem Erbgut sei Sarrazin nah an den Gedanken, die man in der Nazi-Literatur zuhauf finde."
„Islamkritiker“: Wo verläuft die Grenze zwischen Kritik und Hetze?
Zum Beispiel Bruce Bawer
Zum Beispiel Bruce Bawer
Durch einen Link auf einer Webseite, die der Politsekten-Gründerin Ayn Rand gewidmet ist
(; s. auch Stichwort „Ayn Rand“ auf diesem Blog)
kam ich auf die Webseite .
Auf der Sappho-Webseite prangt ein Bild von drei Herren an einem Podium, von denen einer eine Ausgabe der norwegischen Zeitschrift „Aftenposten Innsikt“ vom Oktober 2008 in die Höhe hält. Das ist laut Bildunterschrift Bruce Bawer, und neben ihm sitzt Henryk Broder.
Wie Broder wurde auch Bawer knapp drei Jahre später im Bekenner-Pamphlet des Norwegen-Attentäters Breivik zitiert. Und nicht nur das, er äußerte sich darüber, so scheint es (wie Broder) mit einem gewissen Stolz.
Lesenswert z.B. dieser Artikel von Jee Heer, "The Strange Career of Bruce Bawer
"... Bawer’s political evolution took another turn after he moved to Europe in 1999
and after the events of 9/11. Suddenly, rather like Christopher Hitchens and
Mark Steyn, Bawer became an instant expert on radical Islam, quick to issue
warnings about how the Muslim hordes were destroying the West. [...] his
work was marked by a nasty xenophobic tendency to lump all Muslims into one
category and to deny any gradations to the Muslim experience. This stands in
sharp contrast to Bawer’s writings on Christianity, where he often tries to
distinguish between what he sees as the true loving heart of the faith (liberal
Christianity) from various pharisaical pretenders.
On July 22 2011, as everyone knows, the right-wing terrorist Anders Behring
Breivik went on a killing spree in Norway, targeting those associated with the
Norwegian Labour Party, which he thought was destroying Norway by letting in
Muslim immigrants. In his manifesto Breivik cited numerous sources for his
thinking including Mark Steyn, Geert Wilders, Theodore Dalrymple, Robert Spencer
and Bruce Bawer.
On finding himself on Breivik’s reading list, Bruce Bawer should have simply
written a note saying, “I’m horrified that this evil man has linked himself to
my work, but no author can be responsible for how his words are used. Mr.
Breivik’s actions are his own.”
Instead Bawer has penned two very disturbing responses. On the website Pajamas
Media he listed off the faults of Norwegian society. And then he wrote the
article “Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer” which appeared on July 25th in
the Wall Street Journal.
In this article Bawer writes that Breivik is “highly intelligent and very well
read in European history and the history of modern ideas” and has “legitimate
concerns with genuine problems” about the Islamification of Europe but of course
Breivik’s methods are beyond the pale. Breivik is guilty of offering an
“unspeakably evil solution” to those “genuine problems”.
Having waded my way through Breivik’s turgid and verbose Manifesto, I’d dispute
the idea that we are dealing with an intelligent man. It’s true that Breivik was
a voracious reader of Anglo-American right-wing journalism and he could expertly
regurgitate standard talking points about the evils Eurabia, feminism,
multiculturalism, and political correctness. Repeating such tired political
jargon hardly constitutes intelligence.
A curious pride of authorship runs through the piece as Bawer notes, “Breivik
quotes approvingly and at length from my work, mentioning my name 22 times.”
But Bawer’s main concern, which takes up the bulk of the column is that this
massacre will discredit more reasonable Islamophobes like Bawer himself (who
merely want to limit migration of certain religions and deport people, not
commit mass murder).
In this article and elsewhere Bawer draws on his own years of living in Norway
to criticize that society for being too open to undesirable immigrant groups. It
is perhaps worth pointing out that people of non-European ancestry make up less
than 7% of Norway’s population and Muslims make up less than 4% of Norway’s
population. It is one of the whitest societies on the face of the earth but
still too “multicultural” for the likes of Bawer and Breivik.
Worth recalling is the fact that Bawer’s Breivik article was written two days
after a killing spree that among other things involved the use of explosive dum
dum bullets against children so that their wounding and death would be
especially excruciating.
What Bawer’s article reveals is that he’s so entirely consumed by his
anti-Muslim obsession that he can’t process new information. Everything Bawer
sees – even a news report of an anti-Muslim terrorist on a killing spree –
serves simply serves as fodder for a pre-existing political agenda.
It is hard for me to reconcile the Bruce Bawer I remember – an elegant and
humane essayist – with the Bruce Bawer who authored this Wall Street Journal
column and is entirely concerned with protecting his intellectual assets than in
bearing witness to those wounded and killed by a hate-filled terrorist.
Here is Bruce Bawer writing about the plight of being gay in a homophobic
society: “Straight Americans need an education of the heart and soul. They must
understand – to begin with – how it can feel to spend years denying your own
deepest truths, to sit silently through classes, meals, and church services
while people you love toss off remarks that brutalize your soul.”
This is a very different tenor from the Bawer who offers the following solution
for Europe’s supposed Muslim problem: “European officials have a clear route out
of this nightmare. They have armies. They have police. They have prisons.
They’re in a position to deport planeloads of people everyday. They could start
rescuing Europe tomorrow.”
As a gay man Bawer quite rightly wants to be treated with dignity and respect
but he refuses to extend this courtesy to European Muslims, preferring instead
to write about them in the language of fear and incomprehension. [...]
I’m wondering why I’ve been so saddened by Bawer’s churlish response to
Breivik’s crimes. […] now, post-Breivik, I feel that the readerly trust I had given
Bawer was entirely misplaced, that he is much more of an ideologue than I had
been willing to acknowledge, a writer mainly winning intellectual chess games in
his own mind rather than paying attention to reality as it offers itself to us. "
Bruce Bawer – Auszug aus dem Eintrag in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia
(Hervorhebungen in Fettdruck von mir)
"Bruce Bawer (born ...1956 ...) is an American literary critic, writer and poet.
In While Europe Slept, … Bawer states that rising birthrates among Muslims and their "refusal" to integrate will allow them to dominate European society within 30 years, and that the only way to avoid such a disaster is to abolish the politically correct and multicultural doctrines that, according to him, are rife within the continent.
While Europe Slept was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award for 2006 in the criticism category, which led to controversy. Eliot Weinberger, one of the board members of the Circle, stated when he presented the list of nominations that Bawer's book was an example of "racism as criticism".The President of the Circle, John Freeman, declared: "I have never been more embarrassed by a choice than I have been with Bruce Bawer's When Europe Slept," and claimed that "its hyperventilated rhetoric tips from actual critique into Islamophobia."
Since 2009, Bawer has also been an associate of the Oslo-based organisation Human Rights Service. ...
In 1998, he moved from New York to Amsterdam, where he felt that he could live better as a gay man in a more liberal society. He then moved to Oslo in 1999.
Since then, he has translated several books from Norwegian into English. He currently lives with his partner in Oslo."
Kein Anlass zum Nachdenken waren fuer Broder und seine Fans auch Appelle wie die des Verlegers Abraham Melzer, Hetzrede zu unterlassen. Melzer hatte bereits nach der Gerichtssaal-Ermordung Marwa el-Sherbinis durch Alex Wiens darauf hingewiesen, dass Wiens in seiner "Argumentation" anti-islamische Schablonen verwandte, wie Broder sie in seinen Artikeln lieferte.
AntwortenLöschenRobert Spencer (siehe Post)
AntwortenLöschengeifert gegen Obama, nennt ihn "den Mann der Muslimbrueder im Weissen Haus"
"Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book, Did Muhammad Exist?, is now available."
Auch hier: Das Volksselbstmord-Thema
AntwortenLöschen(vgl. Sarrazin in Deutschland, Anfindsen in Norwegen)
Israel won't commit suicide (JERUSALEM POST) - United ...
Aug 25, 2013 - The event was organized by the Facebook group “My Israel,” which has ... Elsner told The Jerusalem Post that he would be willing to accept Obama's vision ... One of the rally's organizers, Ayelet Shaked, addressed the crowd, ...
Ayelet Shaked und Nietzsche
Löschen"Furthermore, at the induction ceremony to the Knesset, the party presented her with a gift of the complete writings of Friedrich Nietzsche"
Charleston Victim's Mother Tells Dylann Roof 'I Forgive You' as He's Sentenced to Death
AntwortenLöschenEMILY SHAPIRO,ABC News Wed, Jan 11
Lenny 1 day ago
nobody wants to admit this, but we all don't live in a social vacuum. The Roof's of this world didn't come out of nowhere. His racism was nourished by a lot of terrible influences in the media, in our politics, and in many other venues. Instead of throwing stones at Roof, we might want to exercise some self reflection and understand how this society was able to produce A Dylann Roof.
Cat D 14 hours ago
Dylan Roof is a sociopath who happens to be racist.He was completely aware and sane when he committed these crimes,as most people with this disorder are.. He posed as a person interested in bible study to gain his victims trust. They are able to mask abnormal behavior and wear a mask of sanity. Regardless of media influence he would've committed similar crimes against humanity in some fashion. Its not all rooted in environmental factors but organicity. These people have no capacity for empathy or remorse and are beyond rehabilitation. He has admitted no remorse nor apologized for his heinous crimes. Its better to terminate them . They have no redeeming values or could never make any constructive contribution to society. His photos tell the story of his brain defect. Notice the flat expressionless face and scowling in all his photos? The eyes are vacant . They don't connect to others and people are just objects to them. If anything his brain should be studied postmortem for detailed analysis of brain defects. That's the only useful things he could contribute to prevent these tragic outcomes in the future. People that are sociopaths have tangible physical deficiencies in their brain structure.