Die ideellen Hintergründe zu den Attentaten in Norwegen sind nicht zu verstehen ohne Einblicke in die Bloggerszene des "Counter-Jihad", im Deutschen auch "Counter-Dschihad" geschrieben. Siehe dazu auf diesem Blog u.a. http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/07/weihnachtslekture-vom-fordman.html (in der Ergänzung unten auf dem genannten Post auch ein Hinweis auf eine mutmaßliche finanzielle Transaktion von dem Blogger und Netzwerker Edward S. May alias "Baron Bodissey" an den Blogger "Fjordman", dessen Texte der Attentäter Anders Behring Bleivik in seinem Bekenner-Manifest "2083" ausgiebig zitierte). Zum Thema Netzwerkbildung in der Counterjihadisten-Szene sind u.a. die Gruppe 910 ("910 Group") und das damit verbundene "Center for Vigilant Freedom" (etwa "Zentrum für wachsame Freiheit") mit seinem CounterJihad Europe Projekt zu erwähnen; Info dazu unter http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/910_Group;
http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Center_for_Vigilant_Freedom .
Pioneer Fund
Aus der Kurzbeschreibung des Buches "The Funding of Scientific Racism" von William H. Tucker, University of Illinois Press, 2007 (eigene Übersetzung)
"Der Pioneer Fund, 1937 etabliert von Wickliffe Preston Draper, ist eine der kontroversesten Nichtregierungsorganisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten... "http://www.amazon.de/Funding-Scientific-Racism-Wickliffe-Pioneer/dp/0252074637
Information des Southern Poverty Law Center: Erster Präsident des Pioneer Fund war Harry H. Laughlin, der enge Kontakte mit Nazi-"Rassenhygienikern" hatte. Eine Reihe von Werken von Nachkriegs-Eugenikern wurden und werden vom Pioneer Fund finanziert. Größter Geber ist heute Walter P. Kistler von Kistler Aerospace; gründete auch "Foundation for the Future".
Selbstdarstellung auf der Webseite de Pioneer Fund: Mit seinem Förderungsprogramm habe der Fond die darwinistisch-galtonianische Perspektive ("Darwinian-Galtonian perspective") wieder in den Hauptstrom traditioneller und neuer Wissenschaftsgebiete gebracht. Zu den vom Pioneer Fund geförderten Forschern, auf die sich Sarrazin wesentlich bezieht, gehören u.a. Eysenck und Lynn.
http://www.pioneerfund.org/; http://www.pioneerfund.org/Grantees.html
Buchbeschreibung "Race is a Four-Letter Word: The Genesis of a Concept" von C. Loring Brace; erwähnt die Rolle des Pioneer Fund und damit verbundene Namen und Begriffe (die auch für Sarrazins Thesen eine wichtige Rolle spielen): Arthur Jensen, The Bell Curve, J. Philippe Rushton
Kistler und ideologische Nachbarschaft (Richard Lynn, Jared Taylor, Guillaume Faye, Renaissance Magazine etc. - also "Pioneer Fund, "Neue Rechte" & Co.): http://conservativetimes.org/?s=derb
Ein gewisser James Fulford beklagt, dass Sarrazin in New York keinen Verleger fuer sein Buch faende. - Wer ist jetzt James Fulford? Mehr dazu auf http://conservativetimes.org/?s=srdja&paged=2
Da finden wir (hinter "Patrick J. Buchanan applauds the return of tribalism to Europe"): "James Fulford argues that current immigration policies have a dysgenic effect and discusses the late W.D. Hamilton’s views on dysgenics, eugenics, and educational romanticism."
"Dysgenischer Effekt" der gegenwaertigen Einwanderungspolitik (in den USA), aha. Wer hat bei wem abgeschrieben, Sarrazin bei Fulford oder Fulford bei Sarrazin - oder beide bei dem von Fulford gewuerdigten, verstorbenen W.D. Hamilton, wer immer das ist?
Da ist noch mehr in der gleichen Kolumne vom 26. Oktober 2010 ("From the Third Annual Mencken Club"): "Patrick Cleburne exposes Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8) for the open-borders traitor she is. - Volkmar Weiss, a German geneticist, social historian, and genealogist, reviews Thilo Sarrazin’s new book."
Auf die Abgeordnete Gabrielle Giffords, die hier als "open-boarders traitor" bezeichnet wird (also als eine Verraeterin, die fuer offene Grenzen eintritt) und ihre Zuhoerer wurde am 11. Januar 2011 bei einer politischen Veranstaltung ein Attentat veruebt. Sechs Menschen starben (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Tucson_shooting).
Ein gewisser James Fulford beklagt, dass Sarrazin in New York keinen Verleger fuer sein Buch faende. - Wer ist jetzt James Fulford? Mehr dazu auf http://conservativetimes.org/?s=srdja&paged=2
Da finden wir (hinter "Patrick J. Buchanan applauds the return of tribalism to Europe"): "James Fulford argues that current immigration policies have a dysgenic effect and discusses the late W.D. Hamilton’s views on dysgenics, eugenics, and educational romanticism."
"Dysgenischer Effekt" der gegenwaertigen Einwanderungspolitik (in den USA), aha. Wer hat bei wem abgeschrieben, Sarrazin bei Fulford oder Fulford bei Sarrazin - oder beide bei dem von Fulford gewuerdigten, verstorbenen W.D. Hamilton, wer immer das ist?
Da ist noch mehr in der gleichen Kolumne vom 26. Oktober 2010 ("From the Third Annual Mencken Club"): "Patrick Cleburne exposes Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8) for the open-borders traitor she is. - Volkmar Weiss, a German geneticist, social historian, and genealogist, reviews Thilo Sarrazin’s new book."
Auf die Abgeordnete Gabrielle Giffords, die hier als "open-boarders traitor" bezeichnet wird (also als eine Verraeterin, die fuer offene Grenzen eintritt) und ihre Zuhoerer wurde am 11. Januar 2011 bei einer politischen Veranstaltung ein Attentat veruebt. Sechs Menschen starben (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Tucson_shooting).
"Mankind Quarterly" und Pioneer Fund
Auszug aus Wikipedia zum Stichwort "Eugenik"
"(... Das in vielen US-Bundesstaaten seit 1924 geltende Verbot von Eheschließungen zwischen Schwarzen und Weißen wurde erst 1967 durch den Surpreme Court abgeschafft... Ein Gesetz von 1924 zur Verhinderung der Einwanderung von „dysgenischen Italienern“ und osteuropäischen Juden wurde 1965 abgeschafft.)
1994 erschien in den USA das Buch The Bell Curve mit Thesen zur Erblichkeit von Intelligenz, und deren ungleicher Verteilung im Vergleich verschiedener „Rassen“. In der folgenden Debatte wurden den Autoren Murray und Herrnstein unter anderem von Jeffrey Rosen und Charles Lane eugenische und rassentheoretische Motivationen vorgeworfen. So seien von den 17 Autoren, die im Buch zitiert wurden, etliche auch Autoren für das eugenische Journal "Mankind Quarterly". Dieses Journal, welches u.a. vom Münsteraner Eugeniker Verschuer (Doktorvater Josef Mengeles) 1961 mitgegründet wurde, geriet wegen rechtslastiger Texte und wegen der Finanzierung durch den umstrittenen Pioneer Fund in die Kritik."
Nach Informationen von Andreas Kemper auf Knol hat "Mankind Quarterly" wieder einen deutschen Mitherausgeber: Volkmar Weiss (URL: http://knol.google.com/k/manipulationen-in-wikipedia), Ideengeber für Thilo Sarrazin.
Foundation for the Future
Webseite der "Foundation for the Future"; Walter P. Kistler Book Award (s. auch Kistler u. Pioneer Fund)
Ku Klux Klan
Über die Wieder-Erstarkung des Ku Klux Klan (auch im Rahmen der Einwanderungsdebatte in den USA)
American Renaissance Magazine und New Century Foundation
Nach Informationen des Southern Poverty Law Center treffen sich auf den jährlichen "American Renaissance" Konferenzen, die von der New Century Foundation ausgerichtet werden, rassistische "Intellektuelle" und Mitglieder des Ku Klux Klan. Auch Richard Lynn, eine der von Sarrazin bevorzugt genannten Quellen, dessen Aktivitäten und Veröffentlichungen auch vom Pioneer Fund gefördert wurden, veröffentlichte im "American Renaissance Magazine".
Der Gründer Jared Taylor trat für die Sterilisation von "Wohlfahrtsmüttern" ein. In einer Selbstdarstellung im Gründungsjahr 1990 verkündete die New Century Foundation, Schwarze und Amerikaner lateinamerikanischer Abstammung (Hispanics) neigten stärker zu Armut, Analphabetismus, Abhängigkeit von Transferzahlungen, Drogenabhängigkeit, hätten häufiger AIDS und uneheliche Kinder und seien häufiger im Gefängnis; die Gegenwart dieser Bevölkerungsgruppen sei daher im internationalen Wettbewerb nichts als ein Nachteil.
Interne Auseinandersetzungen zwischen rassistischen Gruppen, die mit der Stiftung verbunden sind, sich z.B. an den jährlichen Konferenzen beteiligen, sind nach Informationen von Beobachtern (Southern Poverty Law Center) u.a. davon geprägt, dass sowohl antisemitische Gruppen als auch solche, die einen jüdischen Suprematismus vertreten, sich um diese Initiative sammeln.
Nachträglich gefunden auf der Webseite des American Renaissance Magazine: Ein begeisterter Review von Volkmar Weiss zu Thilo Sarrazins Buch "Deutschland schafft sich ab" unter dem Titel "Ignoring Biological Reality Means Social and Economic Catastrophe" (Die biologische Realität nicht zur Kenntnis zu nehmen bedeutet soziale und wirtschaftliche Katastrophe), datiert 15. September 2010
Über den Einfluss von Arthur Jensen und rassenideologische Einflüsse in der Wissenschaft: Jerry Hirsch, "Jensenism: The Bankruptcy of Science without Scholarship"
Über die Förderung der Eugenik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts durch Rockefeller, Carnegie und Harriman siehe z.B. (in englischer Sprache, mit weiteren Quellen und Informationen)
und auf auf diesem Bloghttp://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/04/am-fittesten-sind-die-millionare.html
zu ergänzen: Galton Institut
Siehe auch auf diesem Blog
(mit historischen Beispielen, wie Wissenschaftler mit eugenischem und sozialdarwinistischem Gedankengut bei Stiftern punkten konnten - etwa Sumner, der Millionäre damit für seine Theorien einnahm, dass er Millionär-Sein zum Ausdruck besonderer Tüchtigkeit und Überlegenheit im darwinistischen Wettbewerb erklärte)
Nachdenkliches über den Einfluss, den große private Stiftungen und "Think Tanks" auf die politische Landschaft ausüben können (allgemein/ nicht auf Eugenik bezogen) siehe z.B.
Finanzierung Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland
SPIEGEL ONLINE - 14.11.2009
Nach dem Tod des NPD-Funktionärs Jürgen Rieger mehren sich nach Informationen
des SPIEGEL die Indizien, dass ein obskurer Verein in den vergangenen Jahren das
heimliche Finanzzentrum deutscher Neonazis war: die "Gesellschaft für
biologische Anthropologie, Eugenik und Verhaltensforschung e.V." ...
Rieger wiederum verwaltete das Stiftungsvermögen
des Gründers besagter Gesellschaft, Wilhelm Tietjen, wahrscheinlich identisch
mit SS Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Tietgen, der in Norwegen den „Lebensborn“
geleitet hatte.http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/11/zwickau.html
Nachtrag 14.03.12
Vermutete Verbindugen des Attentaeters von Tucson, Jared Lee Loughner, “zur rechtsradikalen American Renaissance”:
Und ausgerechnet “Patrick Cleburne” erscheint auf einschlaegigen Webseiten als fachkundiger und unabhaengiger Analyst, der dies als absurd zurueck weist – offenbar derselbe, der die Abgeordnete Gabrielle Giffords wenige Monate vor dem Attentat als “Verraeterin“ (open-boarder traitor) dem Hass von Gesinnungsgenossen anempfohlen hatte.
http://federaleagent86.blogspot.com/2011/01/boy-did-i-call-this-one.html; http://www.vdare.com/posts/federale-on-american-renaissance-lynch-mob-trigger
http://federaleagent86.blogspot.com/2011/01/boy-did-i-call-this-one.html; http://www.vdare.com/posts/federale-on-american-renaissance-lynch-mob-trigger
Der Focus, in der schon erwaehnten subventionierten Jubilaeumsausgabe vom 17. Januar 2011 (http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/11/kulturtrager-kulturbereicherer-zynische.html) wies ebenfalls jegliche Moeglichkeit einer Verbindung zwischen dem Schueren von Hass und dem Attentat als absurd zurueck (ohne auch nur darueber zu informieren, dass der Wahlkreis der Abgeordneten auf der Facebook-Seite des Politstars der Tea Party Bewegung, Sarah Palin, mit einem Fadenkreuz gezeichnet gewesen war). Aus welchen Quellen informieren sich eigentlich einflussreiche und angesehene deutsche Medien?
Immer die gleichen “Experten” wuerden in den US Medien zum Thema Immigration befragt, findet Kommentator “LatinoDem” auf dem Diskussionsforum “Daily Kos”. Und sie kaemen aus der gleichen Ecke – von drei Aktionsgruppen (Numbers USA, FAIR, Center for Immigration Studies), die von ein und demselben Verfechter der eugenischen Ideologie, John Tanton, gegruendet wurden. Die Finanzierung stamme teilweise vom “Pioneer Fund”.
Immer die gleichen “Experten” wuerden in den US Medien zum Thema Immigration befragt, findet Kommentator “LatinoDem” auf dem Diskussionsforum “Daily Kos”. Und sie kaemen aus der gleichen Ecke – von drei Aktionsgruppen (Numbers USA, FAIR, Center for Immigration Studies), die von ein und demselben Verfechter der eugenischen Ideologie, John Tanton, gegruendet wurden. Die Finanzierung stamme teilweise vom “Pioneer Fund”.
Nachtrag 23.03.13
Die American Freedom Defense Initiative bezahlte für eine Anzeigenkampagne der Bloggerin Pamela Geller auf städtischen Bussen in San Francisco im Sommer 2012.
Text der Anzeige: “In
any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.
Support Israel Defeat Jihad.“ („In jeglichem Krieg zwischen dem zivilisierten
Menschen und dem Wilden, unterstützt den zivilisierten Menschen. Unterstützt Israel. Besiegt den Dschihad.“)
Nachtrag 23.03.13
Die American Freedom Defense Initiative bezahlte für eine Anzeigenkampagne der Bloggerin Pamela Geller auf städtischen Bussen in San Francisco im Sommer 2012.
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Photo: Mike Koozmin; gefunden auf http://mondoweiss.net/2012/08/gellers-savage-bus-ad-meets-strong-resistance-from-the-bay-area.html
Darunter: „Paid for by the American Freedom
Defense Initiative“ und Angabe der Webseiten ATLASSHRUGS.COM und JIHADWATCH.COM
Siehe auch auf diesem Blog http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2012/08/romney-und-ryan.html
Und auch das:
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Unite Against Fascism 31 January 2012
AntwortenLöschenEDL strategist ‘Alan Lake’ suspended from manager job in City
EXCLUSIVE: by Tash Shifrin
A key strategist and funder behind the English Defence League has been suspended from his management post at a major international development bank.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development suspended Alan Ayling after he was named as the EDL founder who uses the alias ‘Alan Lake’.[...]
We can reveal that Ayling is the manager in charge of the team that runs the EBRD’s Oracle databases [...] He was suspended after his ‘Lake’ identity became public at the end of last year.
‘Lake’ was named in the Sunday Times in December as 57-year-old Alan Ayling, who until January 2011 was a director of City investment fund Pacific Capital Investment Management, which was wound up in August.[...]
Ayling has a well paid City job as well as his former company directorship – and his political activity as a key figure in the shadowy network of far-right and Islamophobic groups who call themselves ‘counterjihadists’.
Ayling is no stranger to multiple identities. In 2009, he told a seminar organised by leading members of the fascist Sweden Democrats party: You’ve got to have pseudonyms, you’ve got to have, you know, five email addresses, one for your friends, one for your counterjihad, one for your really extreme counterjihad comments, and all the rest of it.
As ‘Alan Lake’, Ayling has hosted and spoken at EDL demos. He has admitted funding the EDL, telling Norway’s TV2 channel: ‘I have given some money to help some EDL things happen.’It was at Ayling’s Barbican flat that the EDL was established in 2009, according to disaffected founder member Paul Ray. The founding meetings brought together Lake and the counterjihadists together with Ray, Stephen Yaxley Lennon – AKA ‘Tommy Robinson’, the former BNP member
who now leads the EDL leader – and his cousin Kevin Carroll.[...]
Ayling has also been interviewed as a witness as part of the Norwegian police investigation into the massacre by fascist gunman Anders Behring Breivik. Although Ayling/Lake denies having met Breivik, he has admitted meeting the
deeply Islamophobic Norwegian blogger ‘Fjordman’ – real name Peder Jensen – who is cited repeatedly in the manifesto issued by Breivik.
‘Alan Lake’ has described Breivik’s massacre of 76 people, mainly members of a socialist youth camp, as chickens ‘come home to roost’ on his 4Freedoms website – remarks that sparked a bust-up with EDL leaders in August.
He has also used the site to issue predictions that the UK would fragment into ‘Islamic enclaves’ in 20 to 30 years’ time and discussed the possibility of executing prime minister David Cameron, his deputy, Nick Clegg, and the
Archbishop of Canterbury.[...]
Meanwhile, Leeds City Council has suspended Chris Knowles from his post in the children’s services department after he was identified by UAF as ‘Aeneas’, another key “counterjihadist” backer of the EDL.
We revealed Knowles was director of the well funded US-based organisation, the Centre for Vigilant Freedom, which exists to promote Islamophobia internationally. The CVF operates as the International Civil Liberties Alliance, whose website is run by Knowles in his ‘Aeneas’ guise. Knowles coordinates the CVF/ICLA’s European work from his West Yorkshire base.
Ray names Aeneas/Chris Knowles among the clique who met to set up the EDL. And Knowles has remained an important behind-the-scenes figure and a link between the EDL, the moneyed CVF strategists and other racist and far right groups internationally.
LöschenUK: Neo-Nazi Former BNP Members Launch New Far-Right “British Democratic Party”
By Matthew Collins / New Statesman February 8th, 2013
Follow @constantineRPT
Andrew Brons, a former Chair of the National Front and until recently one of the British National Party’s MEPs, will launch a new far-right party this weekend – one he and his supporters hope will finally kill off the BNP.
The British Democratic Party (BDP) launches tomorrow in a village hall in Leicestershire, as the hardline alternative for disillusioned BNP members and supporters.
Security for the meeting is being provided by EDL activists, bussed into the area from as far as Newcastle, to provide protection from the possibility of attack – not from antifascists, but from the rival BNP who are meeting in nearby Leicester.
Ageing Brons, who is 66 this year, has positioned himself as the new party’s ideological mentor and president.
The interim chairman of the new party is former BNP organiser Kevin Scott from Newcastle. ...
The new party comes eighteen months after Brons failed to unseat BNP leader and fellow MEP, Nick Griffin, in a bitter leadership election for control of the ailing party. Since the party’s disastrous showing in the 2010 General and Local elections, hundreds of disillusioned BNP members have made their way to smaller parties like the English Democrats. ...
In over fifty years of far-right activity, Brons has maintained an impressive collection of hardline “admirers”. A speaking tour last year drew audiences from such groups as the National Front, British Movement and Combat 18. Many of those attendees were former BNP members who either left or were driven from the BNP during its drastic modernisation in the 2000’s. Brons did not join the BNP himself until 2005. He and Griffin had previously shared a passionate hatred of each other during their time together in the NF during the 1980’s.
Brons began his political career way back in the 1960s when he joined the openly Nazi National Socialist Movement, before going on to become Chairman of the National Front in 1980. Under Brons’s tutelage, the BDP is expected to re-focus efforts on promoting scientific racism, calling for the compulsory repatriation of non-whites and push heavily the notion that the Holocaust is a hoax – core policies that Nick Griffin tried to either disguise or extinguish entirely after taking over the BNP in 1999.
Others backing Brons include London-based Barrister Adrian Davies who registered the party and is a long-term opponent of Griffin. As well as registering the party and writing its constitution, Davies most recently defended (unsuccessfully) a businessman from Northern Ireland convicted and jailed for sending death threats to Griffin and his family.
John Bean, a former Mosleyite who previously edited the BNP’s monthly periodical and was often and openly lauded by Nick Griffin, has also now thrown his weight in with Brons, as has Dr James Lewthwaite, who split from the BNP to form his own, Bradford-based, National Democratic Party in 2010. Andrew Moffat who works for Brons in Brussels, and has previously worked closely with Holocaust Denier David Irving, will be the party’s Deputy Chairman.
Despite claiming it will be a democratic party, the new party has no plans to hold elections for posts. All positions in the party were decided weeks ago.
Nick Lowles of the antifascist campaign group Hope not Hate says the new party will be a serious challenge to Nick Griffin’s BNP. “The BDP brings together all of the hardcore Holocaust deniers and racists that have walked away from the BNP over the last two to three years, plus those previously, who could not stomach the party’s image changes.
Patrik Brinkmann und "Kontinent Europa Stiftung"
AntwortenLöschenVerfasst von Redaktion (Netz gegen Nazis)
24. Februar 2010
“Der schwedische Unternehmer Patrik Brinkmann (Jg. 1966) gründete 2004 die "Kontinent Europa Stiftung", die Publikationen und Forschung im Sinne der "Neuen Rechten" fördern sollte. 2007 verlegte er seinen "Wohn- und Lebensmittelpunkt" nach Berlin und sucht seitdem eine Partei, die nach dem Vorbild der österreichischen FPÖ oder der Schweizer SVP eine wählbare rechtspopulistische Alternative für Deutschland sein könnte. Nach Kontakten zur NPD (2008) und Eintritt in die DVU (2009) ist er 2010 bei "Pro Deutschland" angekommen.
Patrik Brinkmann, […] Sohn einer deutschen Mutter und eines schwedischen Vaters, gilt als millionenschwer und potenzieller Finanzier der Szene, der bei seiner Unterstützung allerdings offenbar ein deutliches Auge auf Kosten und Nutzen seines finanziellen Engagements achtet, was innerhalb der rechtsextremen Szene zu Diskussionen über seine Zahlungsfähigkeit führte.
Patrik Brinkmann verdient sein Geld mit Erzabbau und Immobiliengeschäften. Aktien seiner Firma "International Gold Exploration" veräußerte er für 23 Millionen Kronen, hält heute 27 Prozent der Aktien von "Wiking Mineral". […] Allerdings geriet Brinkmann in Schweden auch mit Steuerverfahren und Konkursen in die Schlagzeilen […] 2006 wurde er zu 8 Monaten Gefängnis wegen Steuerhinterziehung verurteilt, im Berufungsverfahren allerdings wegen Verjährung freigesprochen. […]
Politisch verortet sich Patrik Brinkmann, inspiriert von der 'Neuen Rechten' Frankreichs, als "Rechter", auch "konservativ" und "Patriot" (im Interview mit den islamfeindlichen "PI-News"), aber ein "Neonazi" will er nicht sein - und spricht sich deshalb gern für einen "Kurs ohne NS-Irrsinn" aus - eine beliebte neurechte Rhetorik, um sich von missliebigen Traditionen frei zu sprechen, ohne Ideologie bearbeiten zu müssen. Wiederkehrende Themen sind ein ethnopluralistisches "Europa der Völker", das Brinkmann anstrebt, dessen Kernproblem "nicht die Juden, sondern die Muslime" seien (redok). […]
Flexibel zeigt sich Brinkmann […] im Blick auf die USA - war die in älteren Wortbeiträgen Brinkmanns noch ein Feind des gleichberechtigten "Europas der Völker", dass in starker Bindung zu Russland entstehen sollte, sieht er sie heute als "natürlicher Verbündeter" Europas.
Später kam es zu Richtungskämpfen, besonders wegen Brinkmanns projüdischer und prochristlicher Einstellung. […]
Bei einer KES-Tagung in Schwerin 2008 übernahm der NPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende Udo Pastörs die Schirmherrschaft der Veranstaltung. Auch Andreas Molau war damals noch bei der NPD-Fraktion Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns aktiv - und zugleich Deutschlandbeauftrager und Vorstandsmitglied der KES. Rechte Medien berichten, dass sich die rechtsextreme Partei damals finanzielle Unterstützung von dem schwedischen Unternehmer erhoffte, aber nur zwei Darlehen erhielt. Im Nachhinein bezeichnete Brinkmann die NPD als "rückwärtsgewandt, zum Teil pro-islamisch, anti-europäisch". Auch störte der bekennende Christ sich an NS-Verherrlichung und Neuheidentum.
[Nach einer Episode mit der DVU sicherte Brinkmann] … seine Unterstützung nun der Kleinpartei "Pro Deutschland" zu, dem Versuch der "Pro Köln"-Initiative, ihre islamfeindliche Politik auch deutschlandweit zum Erfolg zu führen und die aktuell für ihn die "moderne, demokratische Rechte ohne Antisemitismus" verkörpert. […] Den Anfang soll[te] ein "Zentrum für Opfer der Islamisierung" im Ruhrgebiet machen […]
Simone Rafael
Richtungskämpfe unter Rechtsextremen
AntwortenLöschen(s. auch auf diesem Blog den Post “Seltsame Bettgefährten”)
Der Hass auf den Islam - Von Rassisten geschürt und instrumentalisiert. Von Janka Kluge, 3.4.2011
“Manfred Rouhs, über Jahre die treibende Kraft und führende Person bei […] Pro-Köln, hat sich […] mit seinen Mitstreitern überworfen, als er in Berlin die deutschlandweite Pro-Bewegung als Partei ins Leben rief. […] Er fand aber schnell in dem schwedischen Millionär Patrick Brinkmann einen finanzstarken Mitstreiter. […] Mit den inzwischen fast bedeutungslosen Republikanern hat Rouhs eine Vereinbarung getroffen. Sie werden bis zur nächsten Europawahl 2013 ihre Zusammenarbeit intensivieren um dann gemeinsam zur Wahl anzutreten.
Mit Rene Stadtkewitz hat […] ein neuer Akteur die antiislamische Bühne betreten. Der ehemalige CDU-Stadtrat hat in Berlin die Partei »Die Freiheit« gegründet. Auch sie will mit antiislamischer Hetze in den Wahlkampf gehen.
Sowohl Rouhs, als auch Stadtkewitz und Brinkmann waren Ende 2010 bei einem Treffen europäischer Anti-Islam-Politiker in Israel anwesend. Sie unterzeichneten gemeinsam die »Jerusalemer Erklärung«. In diesem Papier erklären sie, im Namen der Aufklärung an der Seite Israels gegen jeden Fundamentalismus kämpfen zu wollen.
Die NPD nahm diese Erklärung zum Anlass, um sich deutlich von den Unterzeichnern abzugrenzen. Janus Nowak, Wahlkampfleiter der NPD Baden-Württemberg, hat für den Landtagswahlkampf angekündigt, die Angst vor den Muslimen zum zentralen Wahlkampfthema machen zu wollen. Schließlich seien sie, so Nowak, die einzige Partei der eine»Rückführung« der Muslime wirklich zugetraut wird.
Folgt man der Argumentation der Islamfeinde zeigen sich deutliche Parallelen zwischen dem modernen Antisemitismus (1879-1945) und der Islamfeindlichkeit. Bei beiden wird eine Gruppe definiert, die nicht hierher gehört. Sowohl bei den Juden, als auch bei den Muslimen wird dabei mit der Religion und der Kultur argumentiert. Wolfgang Benz, damals noch der Leiter des Zentrums für Antisemitismusforschung, hat auf einer Tagung Ende 2008 auf diese Parallelen aufmerksam gemacht. Er wurde vor allem auf islamfeindlichen Internetseiten wegen dieser Äußerungen beschimpft. Diese Seiten wie »PI«(Politically Incorrect), oder die »Grüne Gefahr« sind Medien, mit denen sich die Islamfeinde koordinieren und austauschen.
Merkzettel zu Stadtkewitz/ "Die Freiheit"/ Jerusalemer Erklaerung
Löschen"Islamkritikern" geht es doch ganz vordringlich um die Rechte der Frauen, oder? - Dafuer setzen sich die 14 Vorstandsmitglieder der Stadtkewitz-Partei "Die Freiheit" ein. Alle 14 sind Maenner.
Die englische Fassung der "Jerusalem Declaration" liest sich wie eine vom Computer erstellte, nur wenig bearbeitete Uebersetzung aus dem Deutschen.
International agierende Nationalisten -
AntwortenLöschenBeispiel Ann Marchini
Ann Marchini, eine gutsituierte Immobilienmaklerin (von der Sunday Times, s. Link unten, vielleicht etwas uebertrieben als “Tycoon” bezeichnet), hat die rechtsextreme “English Defence League” (EDL) mit aufgebaut und auch finanziell mit unterstuetzt. Der “Kreuzritternationalismus”, wie er von der EDL und ihrem norwegischen Ableger Norwegian Defence League (NDL) propagiert wird, inspirierte den Norwegen-Attentaeter Breivik. (Ann Marchini wurde deswegen auch als Zeugin im Breivik-Prozess vernommen. )
Marchini gilt auch als eine wichtige Verbindungsperson der EDL zu “respektableren” Finanzierern und Politikern in Nordamerika und Europa. “Hope Not Hate” schreibt:
Ann Marchini (aka Dominique Devaux aka Gaia)
One of Britain’s leading ‘counter-jihadists’ who was at the founding meeting of the EDL but is also a crucial link between more respectable counter-jihadist funders and politicians in North America and Europe.
Activist, British Freedom Party (BFP).
Co-founder and funder, English Defence League (EDL), in 2009.
Co-organiser, Vigilant Freedom Europa, UK branch of the Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF), since renamed the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA), 2007-
Organised meeting between members of the English and Welsh Defence League (EWDL) and counter-jihadist activists in July 2009.
One of the core group involved in Alan Ayling’s 4 Freedoms Community (4F) website.
Attended UK and Scandinavia CounterJihad summit in Copenhagen on 14 April 2007.
Attended inaugural CounterJihad conference in Brussels on 18-19 October 2007.
Addressed conference in Bologna on 30 November 2007 representing Vigilant Freedom Europa/Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF).
Attended pro Köln conference in Cologne on 20 September 2008 [CHECK it wasn’t 16 June 2007 pro Köln event]
Attended CounterJihad conference in Zurich on 12-13 June 2010.
Attended CounterJihad conference in London on 24 September 2011.
Attended meeting in the West Midlands on 19 November 2011 at which the English Defence League (EDL) and British Freedom Party (BFP) agreed to enter into a political alliance.
Organised link between Patrick Brinkmann and Bjorn Larsen, which resulted in the Geert Wilders rally in Berlin in 2010.
Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF)
AntwortenLöschen“A proactive stance against the Great Jihad and its enablers on the Left” /
“Eine proakive Position gegen den Grossen Dschihad und seine Foerderer auf der Link-en”
Auszuege aus
http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Center_for_Vigilant_Freedom (Hyperlink im Post; oben). Gekuerzt; Hinweise auf Fussnoten entfernt. Original Englisch; aus Zeitgruenden zunaechst ohne Uebersetzung
According to its website, the Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF) was founded in September 2006 with 28 members in the "910 Group", its citizens' network.
CVF claims to be a 'fast-growing international citizen's network' with a mission to 'to protect liberty, counter sharia laws that oppose human rights, and defeat terrorist and extremist ideologies.'
According to the Gateway Pundit, CVF co-operated with Freedom's Watch in releasing videos in support of the US presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The CVF runs the CounterJihad Europa project, a website intended as a "clearinghouse for national initiatives to oppose the Islamisation of Europe." […]
Origins: The 910 Group
[…] According to 910 Group blogger KG, the 910 Group began in the comments on a Gates of Vienna post.
In this post, "Baron Bodissey" (Edward S. May) stated:
We agree with Fjordman and many others that the Jihad is just a symptom, and that the enemy lies within. This war is a civil war within the West, between traditional Western culture and the forces of politically correct multicultural Marxism that have bedeviled it for the last hundred years. It is being fought in the back halls and cloisters of the culture, with untenured nobodies like me wielding a salad fork against the broadswords and maces of the fully-armored knights of the media and the academy.
In a subsequent 5 October 2006 post, Bodissey/May stated:
A group of commenters, more or less led by Vicktorya and Beach Girl, became ener-gized by the idea of taking a proactive stance against the Great Jihad and its enablers on the Left. Vicktorya opened a discussion group on Yahoo (so far known only by its number, “910”, although its members like to refer to it as “VRWC”), invited all interested parties to join, and a new and vigorous initiative has started rolling. […]
On 8 October 2006, May/Bodissey announced the formation of the 910 Group at Gates of Vienna, dismissing the notion that its phoenix logo might have neo-Nazi connotations:
The group’s intent is to gather together a lot of the strands of the counter-jihad and anti-PC resistance, in order to form a decentralized “network of networks” with a global reach. No board of directors. No hierarchy of command. It’s simply an affiliation of like-minded people, sharing information and planning proactively to reframe the concept of the current war and rise up to help defend the West.
On 27 November 2006, members of the 910 Group met in Northern Virginia with conservatives Jack Wheeler and Steve Baldwin of the Council for National Policy to discuss plans for an "infrastructure to combat Islamofascism" modelled on
cold war anti-communism.
Center for Vigilant Freedom established
The website of the Center for Vigilant Freedom (which now redirects to the rebranded International Civil Liberties Alliance) was registered on 12 December 2006, also by Christine Brim. Brim gave an email address at the Envoy Group, a private consultancy company based in her home town of Fairfax, Virginia. […] According to Zoom Infor-mation Inc, the President of Envoy Group is/was Dr. Thomas Blau (the information is current as of 30 May 2005). The contact details given for Blau included a now defunct page on the website of George Mason University. Thomas Blau now works at the National Defence University.
Center for Vigilant Freedom was set up as a non-stock incorporated company, Center for Vigilant Freedom Incorporated, on 1 March 2007 […]
Merkzettel zu "Bodissey"-Zitat vom "Buergerkrieg innerhalb des Westens":
LöschenDer wahre Kampf faende zwischen den Vertretern der traditionellen westlichen Werte und den multikulturellen politisch korrekten Marxisten statt, sagte der Counterjihad-Netzwerker.
Das ist auch deshalb interessant, weil an anderer Stelle auch gegen israelische/ juedische "Linke" gewettert wird, die ihr eigenes Land, ihre eigenen Leute verraten wuerden etc pp. Es gab in juengerer Zeit eine Debatte darueber, ob man weiterhin vom "Existenzrecht des Staates Israel" oder ausdruecklich vom "Existenzrecht des juedischen und demokratischen Staates Israel" sprechen sollte. Viele, auch juedische Israelis sind der Meinung, dass Israel nicht-juedischen Buergern gleiche Rechte geben sollte, wie es in der Gruendungserklaerung des Staates urspruenglich auch vorgesehen war (und sind deshalb gegen die von Aktivisten propagierte Ergaenzung). Einzelne gingen sogar so weit zu sagen, statt des Existenzrechts von Staaten sollte das Existenzrecht von Menschen betont werden; Staaten haetten demgegenueber nur eine dienende Funktion.
Moeglicherweise traegt diese Debatte zur Verteufelung der "multikulturellen politisch korrekten Marxisten" bei.
Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF)
AntwortenLöschenContinued / Fortsetzung
Early contacts
In January 2007, the CVF attempted to make contact with Stop the Islamification of Denmark, although it initially contacted the rival Den Danske Forening.
Also that month, Baron Boissey and Christine Brim visited May's Congressman, Virgil Goode, along with Gary Olds and Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Network.
Members of the 910 Group attended a London debate between Ken Livingstone and Daniel Pipes on 20 January 2007, and videoed the exchange.
CounterJihad Summit Copenhagen 2007
On 14 April 2007, the Center held a 'CounterJihad summit' in Copenhagen, with representatives from the US, UK, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Christine Brim and Kyle Shideler were designated as the center's press contacts for the event.
There were two British and two American representatives of CVF present, according to blogger Baron Bodissey (Edward S May), who spoke at the event.
July 2007 donation and project announcement
The CVF announced significant funding in its July 2007 newsletter:
Good news! The Center for Vigilant Freedom has received a contingent pledge from a benefactor of $70,000, to be paid in six equal payments over six months. Projects will be shared between the U.S./Canada and Europe. The CVF Board is preparing project plans in the following areas, based on your suggestions over the last few months in the forum and email exchanges: 1. Infrastructure 2. Legislative clearinghouse (national, state, province and local governments) - defense & offense 3. Political coalition building (national, state, province and local governments) 4. International alternative media network We hope that you will be interested in working on these projects. We are looking for part-time contractor assistance for each project area in the U.S. and in Europe, both to do most of the project work and to work with volunteer staff and our many coalition partners. If you are interested in helping on these projects either as a hard-working underpaid contractor (for really low fees - $70,000 doesn't go far in four project areas across two continents over six months) or as a volunteer, please send your resume, or an email with contact information and a description of your interests, background and skills, to christine@vigilantfreedom.com […] We still need people in the U.S. and Europe to help build the legislative clearinghouse, technical assistance on the joomla website, political coalition building in the U.S. and building the alternative media network in Europe.
Organisation: A Network of Networks
New media and and an associated 'networked philosophy' have been central to the self-representations of the CVF and associated projects. In an early post on the 910 Group, Baron Bodissey stated:
The group’s intent is to gather together a lot of the strands of the counter-jihad and anti-PC resistance, in order to form a decentralized “network of networks” with a global reach. […] It’s simply an affiliation of like-minded people, sharing information and planning proactively to reframe the concept of the current war and rise up to help defend the West.
An October 2006 blogpost by former 910 Group participant 'Abu Nopal' quoted similar ideas attributed to 'Christine', presumably Christine Brim:
what I think is happening is an “open source” movement in public diplomacy – sort of like the open source software movement of the last decade […]
If, as Clausewitz said, “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means…”, then the asymmetric warfare being waged against Western civilization requires a countering asymmetric “politics” – an internet based, “open source” movement committed counter-attack against the internet based jihadist ideologues. […]
Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF)
AntwortenLöschenContinued / Fortsetzung
May reiterated the networked philosophy of CVF during the 2007 Counterjihad summit in Copenhagen:
CVF is not an alternative news outlet — we are an entirely new form for the propagation and dissemination of information. […] Anders and Ted are here to represent their respective organizations, Stop Islamisering Af Danmark and SverigeDemokraterna.
Vigilant Freedom exists to coordinate their communications with others and their ac-tions on behalf of the Counterjihad. […] No one in control of what happens. Our unity and mission arise from a common goal: to resist the Jihad in all its forms. Anything else is details.
Bodissey/May has described the counterjihad as a 'distributed network':
We — the European Counterjihad — are compelled by necessity to form a distributed network, because we operate without funding. Whenever funding is available, a hierarchical network naturally results, because one person (or a small group) controls the flow of money, and the other nodes in the network are answerable to him. A hierarchical tree forms, based on the distribution of monetary resources.
This strategy allows for tactics employed in one country to be duplicated across the EU, Bodissey/May argues:
Another advantage of a distributed operation is that our networks, once they are well-established as a web of trusted contacts, can help coordinate events in advance. For example, if Sverigedemokraterna are about to present a complaint to the police accus-ing the Swedish prime minister of treason, the same kind of initiative can be mounted simultaneously in Denmark, Britain, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, and any other countries whose constitutions or statutes forbid the surrender of sovereignty to the EU.
However, one blogger formerly associated with the 910 Group, Abu Nopal claimed as early as December 2006 that "the group has abandoned most of its original open source ideas":
Indeed, there is now clear hierarchy, with more and less privileged classes, staff and subgroup designations, a chain of command. Among the privileges of staff, the most visible and touted perk in fact, is the ability to delete and edit other people's posts in the forum. […]
Abu Nopal also questioned the picture of an unfunded movement:
[…] Gearing up the old anti-communist machine might be a great way to raise money, as is revving up the right wing on any of its favorite subjects, but conflating this conflict with the priorities of the conservative movement in general will hand the enemy a victory he has been working hard for, a divided society with its left wing exposed. […]
The CVF's structure is strikingly at odds with, Bodissey's original claim that the 910 Group would have "No board of directors."[30] So to is the fact that Christine Brim, a key member of CVF and the ICLA is a senior officer of the Center for Security Policy, a well-funded US conservative foundation.
Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF)
AntwortenLöschenContinued / Fortsetzung
In a speech at Ground Zero on 31 March 2007, Christine Brim claimed:
Even as we meet, in London our British Vigilant Freedom Coalition is leading a rally to free the fifteen sailors and Marines kidnapped by the Iranian Republic Guard — we are putting feet on the street now.
910 Group - CVF citizens network
International Civil Liberties Alliance CVF project
Christine Brim - Registered Agent
Vicky Marlene Kaufer - Director
Christopher Knowles - Director
Edward S May - Director
Kyle Shideler […]
Notes […]
Pro-US Freedom's Watch Releases Video to Support Troops, The Gateway Pundit, 22 August 2007. […]
Baron Bodissey, The Coalition to Preserve Civilization, Gates of Vienna, 30 November 2006. […]
Screengrab of Thomas Blau's biography from the National Defence University, created 4 June 2009 […]
Baron Bodissey, Freedom of Speech — If Nobody Complains, Gates of Vienna, 16 January 2007. […]
Baron Bodissey, Report on the Counterjihad Summit, Gates of Vienna, 19 April 2007.
Vigilant Freedom Newsletter, 21 July 2007, archived at the Internet Archive. […]
Abu Nopal, Citizen action, or something. an open source model for war, No910, 13 October 2006.
UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007
Baron Bodissey, Building a Distributed Counterjihad Network, Gates of Vienna, 1 June 2009.
Baron Bodissey, Distributed Emergence: Networking the Counterjihad, Gates of Vienna, 8 May 2008.
Abu Nopal, This ain't your daddy's (global battle to save mankind against a hegemonic foe with a totalitarian ideology ...., No910, 13 December 2006. […]
Baron Bodissey, Slouching Towards Copenhagen, 23 May 2009. […]
Baron Bodissey, Vigilant Freedom at Ground Zero, Gates of Vienna, 31 March
2007. […]
Retrieved from "http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Center_for_Vigilant_Freedom"
Edward S May and "Baron Bodissey" are identical.
LöschenAndreas Molau hat inzwischen beim Verfassungsschutz angeheuert.
AntwortenLöschenΑt this timе it sounds likе Expгesѕіon Enginе is the preferred
AntwortenLöschenblogging plаtform out thеre right now.
(from what I've read) Is that what you are using on your blog?
my web site; LED Puck Lights []
1937-ongoing: UNITED STATES.
AntwortenLöschenThe Pioneer Fund, yet another of the countless fascist funds, trusts and "think tanks" which mold the intellectual landscape of America at the taxpayers' expense, is established as a charitable trust. The Fund's stated purpose, based on the Third Reich's Lebensborn breeding program, is to "improve the character of the American people" by encouraging breeding by those "descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and/or from related stocks, or to classes of children, the majority of whom are deemed to be so descended". The Pioneer Fund is also committed to facilitating research on "race betterment with special reference to the people of the United States."
It should surprise no one that two of the founders of the Pioneer Fund are Harry Laughlin and Frederick Osborn.
Laughlin is Director of the Rockefeller-Harriman-Carnegie master race project, the Eugenics Record Office. Laughlin proposes research in support of "race integrity laws" in the American South by developing techniques to identify any "pass-for-white" who may be able to "successfully hide all of his black blood" and be in a position to slip some of that nigra genetic material into the Aryan gene pool. Laughlin also has his little problems with Jews. When the University of Heidelberg in Nazi Germany awards Laughlin an honorary doctorate for his efforts on behalf of the master race, he writes that the U.S. and the Third Reich share "a common understanding of...the practical application" of eugenic principles to "racial endowments and...racial health."
Frederick Osborn is Secretary of the Harriman-Rockefeller funded American Eugenics Society.
November 9, 2008
"Kameradenhilfe" per Spendenkonto - ein Beispiel
AntwortenLöschenvon der Webseite
"Auf Wunsch einiger Leser haben wir hiermit ein Spendenkonto eingerichtet.
Sofern Ihr das im Verwendungszweck nicht anders bestimmt, wird der Betrag zu gleichen Teilen auf Kameradenhilfe, Technik und Rechtsbeistand verteilt."
William H. Draper III
AntwortenLöschen“Gen. William H. Draper, Jr. was founder and chairman of the Population Crisis Committee and Draper Fund to promote eugenics as ‘population control.’ Vice chairman of Planned Parenthood Federation, VP and Asst. Treas. of the German Credit and Investment Corp. [front for Dillon Reed, New York investment bankers] which in partnership with Prescott Bush handled the account of Fritz Thyssen who financed Hitler.
“After several years of government service (often working directly for Averell Harriman in the North Atlantic Alliance), Draper was appointed in 1958 chairman of a committee which was to advise President Dwight Eisenhower on the proper course for U.S. military aid to other countries. At that time, Prescott Bush was a U.S. senator from Connecticut, a confidential friend and golf partner with National Security Director Gordon Gray, and an important golf partner with Dwight Eisenhower as well. Prescott's old lawyer from the Nazi days, John Foster Dulles, was Secretary of State, and his brother Allen Dulles, formerly of the Schroder bank, was head of the CIA.
“This friendly environment emboldened our General Draper to pull off a stunt with his military aid advisery committee. He changed the subject under study. The following year, the Draper committee recommended that the U.S. government react to the supposed threat of the ‘population explosion’ by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries. The growth of the world's non-white population, he proposed, should be regarded as dangerous to the national security of the United States!...
“President Eisenhower rejected the recommendation. But in the next decade, General Draper founded the ‘Population Crisis Committee’ and the ‘Draper Fund,’ joining with the Rockefeller and DuPont families to promote eugenics as ‘population control.’
Hass-Propaganda im Namen der Anti-Hass-Propaganda:
AntwortenLöschenJetzt auch auf Washingtoner Bussen
(AFP) - Bus ads linking "Islamic Jew-hatred" Islam with Adolf Hitler are out on the streets of Washington, and the US capital's mass transit authority said Tuesday it is legally powerless to ban them. [...]
"Islamic Jew-hatred: It's in the Quran. Two-thirds of all US aid goes to Islamic countries. Stop racism. End all aid to Islamic countries," the ad states, over a fine-print disclaimer from the Metro transit authority.
The ads, which are to run until mid-June, were placed by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which aims to "raise awareness of the depredations of Islamic supremacism," according to its website.
20. Mai 2014
Die American Freedom Defense Initiative bezahlte für eine Anzeigenkampagne der Bloggerin Pamela Geller auf städtischen Bussen in San Francisco im Sommer 2012. (Siehe Post).
LöschenAlso jetzt die gleiche Initiative in Washington.
Clarion Fund
AntwortenLöschen"Meet The Donors Behind The Clarion Fund’s Islamophobic Documentary ‘The Third Jihad’"
(Screen capture from the "Third Jihad" showing an Islamic flag over the White House)
The New York Times reports today on how the New York Police Department and the producers behind a controversial film are stonewalling on why the movie was screened to NYPD officers. The Times reports:
In January 2011, when news broke that the department had used the film in training, a top police official denied it, then said it had been mistakenly screened “a couple of times” for a few officers.
A year later, police documents obtained under the state’s Freedom of Information Law reveal a different reality: “The Third Jihad,” which includes an interview with Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, was shown, according to internal police reports, “on a continuous loop” for between three months and one year of training.
During that time, at least 1,489 police officers, from lieutenants to detectives to patrol officers, saw the film.
The film, the Third Jihad, was created by the shadowy Clarion Fund, which did not return the Times’ requests for comment.
Coupling today’s Times report, ThinkProgress is releasing a list of grants directed to the Clarion Fund. The document, which discloses that Manhattan attorney Allen I. Gross contributed $100,000 to the Clarion Fund in 2007, is the most comprehensive mapping of Clarion’s donor base to date.
Clarion burst onto the scene in 2006 with the movie Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. In 2008, more than 20 million copies of the film were distributed to homes in presidential election swing states thanks to a $17 million donation, reportedly by right-wing and GOP donor Barre Seid. (Another U.S. group that aided the release later denied involvement but was found to be misleading reporters in order to cover up its role. The head of the group now sits on Clarion’s advisory board.)
But the Third Jihad is not Clarion’s latest project: its focus since shifted to Iran with the 2011 doc Iranium. Written and directed by Alex Traiman, “Iranium” prominently features hawkish experts from two right-wing Washington think tanks, Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
Just before the launch of Iranium, Clarion, which shares a “virtual office” with Aish Hatorah in New York, announced a new advisory board including Gaffney and other prominent Washington hawks.
Clarion’s ongoing production of Islamophobic films and nearly continuous screenings of Iranium no doubt requires constant fundraising efforts. As highlighted in the Center for American Progress’ report, “Fear, Inc.,” the Islamophobia network — including Clarion — raises large sums of money from a combination of high-profile and under-the-radar donors.
City: 2 gunmen killed outside Muhammad cartoon contest
May 4, 2015
GARLAND, Texas (AP) — Two armed men who opened fire on a security officer outside of a provocative contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad have been killed, authorities in the Dallas suburb of Garland said Sunday night. ...
Pamela Geller, president of the AFDI, told the AP before Sunday's event that she planned the contest to make a stand for free speech in response to outcries and violence over drawings of Muhammad.
In January, 12 people were killed by gunmen in an attack against the Paris office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which had lampooned Islam and other religions and used depictions of Muhammad.
Though it remained unclear several hours after the shooting whether it was related to event, she said Sunday night that the shooting showed how "needed our event really was."
Police: No explosives found in car used in Texas attack
LöschenAssociated Press
May 4, 2015
GARLAND, Texas (AP) — U.S. agents searched an apartment in Phoenix as part of an investigation into a shooting outside a suburban Dallas venue hosting a provocative contest for Prophet Muhammad cartoons, the FBI confirmed Monday.
A police officer shot and killed two gunmen who opened fire outside the event Sunday night. A security officer was wounded in the shooting.
Garland police officer Joe Harn says the men had used assault rifles, and that one officer had fatally shot both gunmen. Harn also said investigators searched the men's car and detonated several suspicious items, but no bombs were found in the
the vehicle.
"We were able to stop those men before they were able to penetrate the area and shoot anyone else," Harn said.
The event Sunday featured speeches by American Freedom Defense Initiative president Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders, a Dutch lawmaker known for his outspoken criticism of Islam. Wilders received several standing ovations from the crowd and left immediately after his speech.
Wilders, who has advocated closing Dutch doors to migrants from the Islamic world for a decade, has lived under round-the-clock police protection since 2004.
The FBI said the Phoenix residence was being searched for indications of what prompted the attack, and FBI spokeswoman Katherine Chaumont said no other locations in Phoenix are being investigated.
Texas gunman had happy childhood in Pakistan but struggled in U.S.
By Katharine Houreld
May 5, 2015
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Nadir Soofi, a gunman shot dead after opening fire at a Texas exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad, was a popular schoolboy in Pakistan but struggled to adjust to the United States after moving there as a teen, friends said on Tuesday.
Soofi's story appeared to trace a familiar arc for some Western Islamists - disappointment, alienation, and a search for belonging that ended with the embrace of militancy.
That is what police say inspired Soofi and his roommate, Elton Simpson, to attack the exhibit and contest to draw Prophet Mohammad cartoons on Sunday.
Such depictions are offensive to Muslims and often spark violence. Event organizers said the event was defending free speech.
The two gunmen were shot dead by a police officer before they could kill anyone.
Friends in Pakistan, who studied with Soofi at the elite International School of Islamabad, were stunned to discover that police had identified him as was one of the attackers.
"When he was in Islamabad, he had a great life. His mom was an American who taught art at the school, he was in plays, popular with girls," said one of Soofi's best friends at school.
"His nickname was Goofy" because of his sense of humor, said the man, who declined to be identified to preserve his privacy.
Another classmate said Soofi played the lead in the school's production of the play "Bye Bye Birdie".
"He was a popular kid, the opposite of a radical extremist," she said.
Soofi's parents divorced around the time he was in tenth grade, the friend said, and he moved to Utah with his mother.
Over the years, Soofi told his old friends he did not fit in and had many disappointments. ...
Zwei durchgeknallte Typen, Islamisten, die aus ihrem Auto heraus Schusswaffen abfeuerten, wurden von der Polizei erschossen, bevor sie den Teilnehmern an einem Mohammed-Cartoon-Wettbewerb in den USA gefährlich werden konnten.
AntwortenLöschenDer Wettbewerb war von der Counterjihad-Aktivistin Pamela Geller angeregt worden (s. auch Suchwort Geller auf diesem Post).
Geller rühmt sich jetzt, der Welt etwas Gutes getan zu haben, indem zwei gefährliche Islamisten sich aufgrund des Wettbewerbs selbst entlarvten und getötet werden konnten.
Gibt es jetzt wieder einen "Je suis Charlie" Effekt - Solidarisierung der Anständigen mit Counterjihad-Aktivisten?
Überwiegend scheinen die Medien auch hier die Idee zu schlucken, dass die Verbreitung von Hassparolen gegen Islam und Muslime ein Ausdruck von Meinungsfreiheit sei, und man sich automatisch auch inhaltlich mit denen solidarisieren müsse, die Ziel von tödlichen oder potenziell tödlichen islamistischen Angriffen seien.
Zu den Zeitungen, in denen auch etwas differenziertere Beiträge zu finden waren, gehört die Washington Post.
LöschenPamela Geller’s abuse of free speech
By Kathleen Parker
May 8 2015
The recent spectacle of Pamela Geller … who organized a provocative contest in Texas of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, gives pause to even the most passionate defenders of the First Amendment.
Not since Westboro Baptist Church’s “God Hates Fags” message and Florida pastor Terry Jones burning the Koran has the principle of free speech been so sullied and abused.
... Geller says she wanted to draw a line in the sand and demonstrate to terrorists that, when it comes to free speech, America bows to no one. Okay, we get your point. It’s an American point, actually.
And Geller’s contribution to these protections and our unwavering dedication to its preservation is, exactly, what? A taunt. Shouldn’t one at least aspire to some originality? It’s been done. And each time, the result is the same. You haul out a picture of Muhammad; “they” haul out a fatwa. Cat puts out cheese; mouse gets eaten. What does one expect?
Indeed, two would-be terrorists presented themselves at the exhibition and were quickly dispatched to their just rewards.
Well, that’s two down, I suppose.
This is certainly the way Geller thinks, as her comments confirm. She has declined to apologize for instigating this unnecessary clash — remember when we preferred to take the fight to the terrorists over there? She even claims to have saved lives by luring two terrorists to their deaths. Geller baited the field, in other words.
As an operating principle, mightn’t we try less incendiary means of problem-solving? … maybe something less likely to lead to violence?
But Geller is a media creature and knows how to bait a media field as well. Make noise and the media will come. Draw a crowd and the cameras will roll. Become the “victim” of death threats — in essence, a fatwa — and, voilà, you’re on TV. …
Geller got exactly what she wanted. You’re nobody in this town until you’ve been fatwa-ed. Pray that no harm comes to her, I hasten to say.
I take a back seat to no one when it comes to defending free speech — even that of the worst sorts. We let neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan march … because the true test of free speech is that unpopular speech is tolerated.
That said, we needn’t embrace or celebrate people like Geller, who try to provoke a confrontation. She’s welcome to sponsor a cartoon contest, but we don’t have to attend. …
Sometimes the messenger really is the problem. And oftentimes, the medium is, too.
… First Amendment warriors are forced to defend not only undesirable sorts but also really bad art. When a Danish cartoonist was forced into hiding following an earlier Muhammad cartoon challenge, I raced to the front lines in his defense. But I was painfully aware that most of the cartoons were amateurish and witless.
A good cartoon isn’t just a drawing but also offers layers of meaning that illuminate in subtly humorous ways. The best ones are often wordless and artfully combine more than one thought or event. This seems rarely the case with Muhammad caricatures. Perhaps this is because the driving force behind such drawings lacks the wryness required of the dispassionate disposal of one’s target. …
The same, regrettably, can be said of Charlie Hebdo, if we can intellectually separate the horror of what happened to the magazine’s staff in Paris in January from the work that provoked the savage attack. Not all satire is equal.
Even so, the protection of free speech isn’t only for the genius mind but for all equally. And though it takes little talent to draw attention to oneself these days, it is sad when someone flaunts America’s first principle as an accessory to ambition or violence.
Our Founding Fathers bequeathed not only the freedom of religion and expression from government tyranny but also the freedom to think …
It is easy to imagine their disappointment at the character of today’s debate.
Link auf der gleichen Webseite zu diesem Artikel:
LöschenChristopher Ingraham: Americans overwhelmingly support Muhammad cartoonists’ right to offend
In den USA gibt es eine überwältigende Unterstützung für das Recht, durch Mohammed-Karikaturen zu beleidigen.
Wenn so gefragt wird - das Recht auf Satire, die Religion beleidigt, gehört natürlich zum Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung. Aber der Fehlschluss ist oft, dass man solche Karikaturen auch gut finden müsste. In Deutschland wurde dem ursprünglicher Zeichner von Mohammed-Karikaturen sogar von der Bundeskanzlerin ein Preis verliehen.
Auf einer der sogenannten "Counterjihad"-Webseiten im Stil von Fjordman (der nach den Breivik-Morden in Norwegen aufgehört hat, unter diesem Namen zu schreiben), wurde rühmend erwähnt, dass diese Karikaturen und ihr Erfolg ein Ergebnis der Counterjihad-Blogger-Kampagne seien. (Quellen an anderer Stelle auf diesem Blog, suche ich im Falle von Nachfragen gern heraus.)
American Freedom Defense Initiative [edit]
LöschenThe AFDI was organized by Geller and Robert Spencer in 2010 to oppose the building of Park51, an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site.[27] The AFDI, which describes itself as a "human rights organization dedicated to free speech, religious liberty and individual rights", says "creeping jihad" is a problem in America.[28] The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists AFDI as an "anti-Muslim hate group".[29][30]
Vom Leserbrief-Blog der ZEIT
AntwortenLöschenLeserbrief zum Titelthema „Die Macht der Gene“ von Ulrich Bahnsen
Meine Söhne würden Ihre Hingabe für das Thema Genealogie mit einem einfachen Kürzel belegen: wtf – what the fuck? Ich meine, ein anderes Wort wäre angemessener: Agenda-Setting. Fragt sich also: Was bewegt Sie, „die Macht der Gene“ so nachhaltig herbei zuschreiben? Nur um all jenen Lesestoff zu liefern, die die Welt so artenrein wie möglich sehen wollen? Ich freue mich auf Ihren Artikel über den Missbrauch von Genen. Gott spielen wollten schon viele, wir wissen, wie das ausgeht. Reaktionär, weltoffen, aufgeklärt, als diskussionsoffene Antipode zu sozialliberalen Denkschulen – so sah ich Ihr Medium. Sind Sie das noch? – oder schon am Weg zu what the fuck? – Jörg Schorn