Siehe auch Stichwort "Rosenberg" auf diesem Blog; insbesondere
"Bolschewisten-Fratzen" in der Karikatur:
Das antisemitische Pamphlet des Trios Eckart, Rosenberg, Kursell
- und sein Einfluss bis heute
Rosenberg-Tagebücher an Holocaust-Museum
übergeben - Yahoo Nachrichten Deutschland
Aufzeichnungen des NS-Chefideologen in USA aufgetaucht
AFP – Di., 17. Dez 2013
Die lange verschollenen Tagebücher des NS-Chefideologen Alfred Rosenberg werden
fortan im Holocaust-Museum in Washington aufbewahrt. Die US-Zollbehörde ICE
übergab die historischen Schriftstücke, die Fahnder bei einem früheren Professor
im Bundesstaat New York beschlagnahmt hatten. Forscher erhoffen sich von der
Auswertung der Dokumente neue Erkenntnisse über die Planung des Massenmords an
den europäischen Juden im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die kompletten Tagebücher sind für
die Öffentlichkeit im Online-Archiv des Museums ( einsehbar.
"Die Rosenberg-Tagebücher werden dazu beitragen, dass wir die Ideen verstehen,
welche die extreme Nazi-Ideologie angeregt haben", erklärte Museumsdirektorin
Sara Bloomfield. Die Aufzeichnungen seien "eine bedeutende Ergänzung unserer
Bemühungen, die Beweise des Holocaust zu retten". Die US-Zollbehörde hatte den
Sensationsfund im Juni der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Neben den
handschriftlichen Notizen Rosenbergs stellte die ICE auch offizielle Dokumente
wie Akteneinträge und Lageberichte aus dem persönlichen Archiv der Nazi-Größe
Rosenberg galt als enger Vertrauter von Adolf Hitler, prägte mit seinen
Schriften die Rassentheorien der Nationalsozialisten und war als Reichsminister
für die besetzten Ostgebiete maßgeblich an der Ermordung von Millionen Juden
beteiligt. Außerdem war er für den systematischen Raub von Kulturgütern in
Osteuropa mitverantwortlich. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Rosenberg bei den
Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozessen zum Tode verurteilt und 1946 hingerichtet.
Seit dieser Zeit war der Großteil seiner Tagebücher aus den Jahren 1934 bis 1944
Nach ICE-Angaben befanden sich die Aufzeichnungen im Besitz des
deutsch-jüdischen Anwalts Robert Kempner, der während des Nationalsozialismus in
die USA geflohen war und später bei den Nürnberger Prozessen als US-Ankläger
arbeitete. Anschließend nahm Kempner tausende Nazi-Dokumente unerlaubt mit
zurück in die Vereinigten Staaten.
Nach Kempners Tod im Jahr 1993 gingen einige der Unterlagen an das
Holocaust-Museum, die Rosenberg-Tagebücher blieben aber verschollen. Im November
2012 erhielten die US-Behörden dann einen Hinweis, dass sich die Schriftstücke
im Besitz des früheren Professors Herbert Richardson befinden. Der in der Nähe
von Buffalo im Bundesstaat New York lebende Akademiker hatte sie offenbar von
einer früheren Assistentin Kempners erhalten. Im Frühjahr dieses Jahres
beschlagnahmte die ICE schließlich die Dokumente.ücher-holocaust-museum-übergeben-192955322.html
Von der Webseite des Holocaust Museums
Rosenberg was a defendant at the Nuremberg trials in Germany from 1945 to 1946. He was found guilty on all four counts of the indictment for conspiracy to commit aggressive warfare, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Rosenberg was hanged on October 16, 1946.
Allied forces advancing through Germany seized documents, books, and other records of strategic or tactical importance. After the surrender of Germany in May 1945, governmental authority for Germany was placed into Allied hands. This authority included ownership of all documents created by the defeated German government or captured by Allied forces. To prepare for war crimes trials after the cessation of hostilities, agencies of the US government examined and selected relevant documents as potential evidence.
Among the documents seized by Allied forces was the Rosenberg diary. On August 10, 1945, the Records Subsection of the Documents Unit of the War Crimes Branch, US Army, received from the Berlin Documents Control Center the private papers of Alfred Rosenberg, former Reichsminister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Among these papers, according to the receipt prepared August 15, 1945, were “handwritten diary notes” from the years 1934 to 1944. These included notes, dated 1941, “dealing in the early part of (Apr 41) with the conspiracy to dominate Russia and preparations for this occupation (conferences with HITLER and others).” ...
Dr. Robert M. W. Kempner was a German lawyer who fled Germany for the United States before the war. At the conclusion of the war, Kempner served as the deputy chief counsel and was the chief prosecutor in the “Ministries Case” at the Nuremberg trials. Kempner had access to seized Nazi documents in his official capacity as an employee of the US government. At the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials, Kempner returned to the United States and lived in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Contrary to law and proper procedure, he removed various documents, including the Rosenberg diary, from US government facilities in Nuremberg and retained them until his death in 1993. ...
In 1999, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum received a collection from the estate of Robert Kempner. Parts of the collection were missing from when the Museum had originally surveyed the material two years earlier. The Museum suspected Rosenberg’s diary was among the lost items and began searching for it.
In November 2012, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware and HSI special agents received information from an art security specialist, who was working with the Museum, regarding the search for the Rosenberg diary. Subsequently, HSI special agents located and seized the Rosenberg diary pursuant to a warrant issued by the US District Court for the District of Delaware.
Ich stelle hier nochmal das Bild von 1935 vom Besuch der
britischen Delegation (John Simon und Anthony Eden) bei Adolf Hitler ein, das
ich aus einem Reemtsa-Zigarettenalbum heraus kopiert hatte. – Siehe auch
Es steht nicht drunter, wer ausser Hitler, Simon und Eden
darauf zu sehen ist. Nach dem Protokoll des Treffens, das im britischen Nationarchiv aufbewahrt wird
nahmen an den Gespraechen am 25. und 26. Maerz 1935 folgende Personen teil:
United Kingdom.
Sir JOHN SIMON, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Mr. EDEN, Lord Privy Seal.
Sir ERIC PHIPPS, His Majesty's Ambassador, Berlin.
Mr. STRANG, Foreign Office.
Mr. WIGRAM, Foreign Office.
Germany.Sir JOHN SIMON, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Mr. EDEN, Lord Privy Seal.
Sir ERIC PHIPPS, His Majesty's Ambassador, Berlin.
Mr. STRANG, Foreign Office.
Mr. WIGRAM, Foreign Office.
Herr HITLER, Chancellor and " Fuhrer."
Baron VON NEURATH, Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Herr VON RIBBENTROP, Special Commissioner for Disarmament Questions.
Herr VON KOTZE, Baron von Neurath's Private Secretary.
Herr SCHMITT, Interpreter.
... Rosenberg war also doch nicht dabei und ergo wohl auch nicht auf dem Bild.Sein Name wird aber im Gespraech erwaehnt, im Zusammenhang mit seinem "Russland-Plan"
(s. Link oben)
Zu dem “mysterioesen” Englandflug von Rudolph Hess am 10.
Mai 1941 steht auch etwas in den Rosenberg-Aufzeichnungen, die auf der Webseite
des New Yorker Holocaust Museums veroeffentlich sind; zum Beispiel:
“Einmal wollte er für die Partei Geld verdienen durch einen Ozeanflug
nach Amerika! Jetzt wollte er die nordische Rasse retten helfen durch einen
Flug in das Land Winston Churchills.”
(Seite 563;
(Seite 563;
Allerdings kann von einem vollstaendigen Transkript, wie es
in Pressemeldungen verkuendet wurde, keine Rede sein. Nur der kleinere Teil der
Seiten ist abgebildet und transkribiert. Vielleicht kommt da ja noch mehr –
vielleicht aber auch noch lange nicht. Man darf gespannt sein.
Querverbindungen zwischen den deutschen Nationalsozialisten und Gesinnungsgenossen auf der anderen Seite des Aermelkanals und des Atlantik - unter dem Motto der Eugenik und des “nordischen Gedankens” - sind in der Geschichtsschreibung noch immer stark unterbelichtet.
Querverbindungen zwischen den deutschen Nationalsozialisten und Gesinnungsgenossen auf der anderen Seite des Aermelkanals und des Atlantik - unter dem Motto der Eugenik und des “nordischen Gedankens” - sind in der Geschichtsschreibung noch immer stark unterbelichtet.
Steht dazu was in den Tagebuechern? -
Alfred Rosenberg, Cherep Spiridovich und der obskure "Shickshinny" Johanniterorden
Siehe auch
History After Malta
von der Webseite
(gekuerzt; Hervorhebung in Fettdruck von mir)
... Shortly after their arrival in Russia, the exiled Knights of Malta
joined with the Catholic Grand Priory of Russia and elected their
Orthodox and married Protector, Czar Paul I, as the 71st Grand
Master. Grand Master Czar Paul I helped to settle the SOSJ in the
Russian capital city. He decreed that their Convent would remain at
the Imperial residence of St. Petersburg, and that his successors
would continue as its protectors. He created a second Grand Priory
principally for his Orthodox nobility. He then invited non-Catholic
Europeans, mainly Lutherans, to join this new priory for the purpose
of preserving the SOSJ and the Christian monarchies of Europe by
perpetual opposition to the Humanist Revolution. ...
Nevertheless, the Order became an influential institution in
Imperial Russia deeply involved with the preservation of the
European monarchies in general, and with the Romanoff dynasty in
particular. The two grand priories in Russia, one Catholic and the
other principally Orthodox, educated young men at their school, the
Corps des Pages, in St. Petersburg. The Corps des Pages was the
academy for the creation of new Knights of Malta. The graduates of
this school became leaders of the exclusive Guard Divisions and
thereby protectors of the Imperial Family of Russia. Their tradition
of health care was continued through the hospital and relief agency
known as the Russian White Cross. ...
In 1893 the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Prince
Cantacuzene, Russian Admiral Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovich and
Russian Transportation Commissioner Colonel A. Cherep Spiridovich,
introduced the Russian SOSJ White Cross at the Chicago World’s Fair
to American civic leaders. Pope Leo XIII promised prominent civic
leader Mrs. Potter Palmer of Chicago his support for her
chairmanship of “Women of the World” presentations at the Fair and
assigned Archbishop John Ireland of St. Paul, Minnesota to work with
her. Thereby began the SOSJ affiliation with an American White Cross
movement supported by the Catholic Church. ...
In 1903 the American Red Cross administrators restructured their
organization and curtailed the authority of their founder, Clara
Barton. Barton had been influenced in her famous work by the Russian
White Cross and by the Johanniter Orden relief services in Europe.
Her friend, Princess Louise of Baden, was the daughter of Germany’s
Kaiser Wilhelm II, Herrenmeister of the Johanniter Orden. ...
In 1904, R. T. Crane, U.S. Consul for Persia, built an emergency
hospital clinic in Chicago in memory of a niece killed in a
disastrous inner city fire. Mrs. Palmer sent funds from Chicago to
the Russian Czarina, Patroness of the Russian White Cross, to be
used for relief of victims of the Russo-Japanese War. St. Andrew’s
Ambulance Society of Scotland received its new name and independence
from the St. John’s Ambulance Association of England.
In December, 1904 the American White Cross First Aid Society was
started in Chicago by civic leader Mrs. Potter Palmer, Roman
Catholic Cardinal Gibbons, the industrialist Andrew Carnegie,
representatives of the U.S. Army and Edward Howe, formerly the
American Red Cross Field Superintendent. Edward Howe was thus the
field superintendant for both the National First Aid Association and
for the American White Cross First Aid Society. A similar
arrangement existed in England between the Venerable Order of St.
John of Jerusalem and the British Red Cross. The Catholic Church,
American civic leaders, the U.S. Army and the English St. John’s
Ambulance Association were thus working together with the Russian
White Cross. This was the “ecumenical beginning” of the Order in
America, which Grand Chancellor Pichel described in his history of
the SOSJ in 1958. ...
The Chicago Crane family affiliation with the White Cross
eventually led, in 1941, to their daughter Frances’ marriage to OSJ
Hereditary Knight Commander Belosselsky-Belozersky, in New York
City. The White Cross work of the Chicago Palmers was continued by
their relatives, the Cantacuzenes. Prince Michel Cantacuzene and
Julia Grant Cantacuzene were members of the Romanian Prince
Cantacuzene and President General Ulysses S. Grant families. An
early and prominent member of the American White Cross was Wall
Street lawyer William Nelson Cromwell, who was responsible for the
success of, among many other projects, McCormick Harvester,
Carnegie’s U.S. Steel Corporation and the Panama Canal. He became
Grand Prior of the American SOSJ in 1912. Charles R. Crane, son of
R. T. Crane, became a philanthropist, diplomat, and, unfortunately,
a financial supporter of the first Russian revolution of February,
1917. ...
The late 19th and early 20th century was an era of anarchist
activism. The SOSJ in Russia searched for potential allies in its
ongoing defense of Christendom. An epidemic of political
assassinations and the abortive Russian Revolution of 1905 prompted
the expansion of the Order into the United States. In 1905 Count
Alexis Ignatiev, Commander of the SOSJ Chevalier Guards, was
assassinated in Russia. Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was also
assassinated. The Grand Duke was the patron of the Slavonic Society
of Moscow, of which Cherep Spiridovich was president. As mentioned
previously, this agency was an intelligence organization funneling
arms into the Balkans in support of nationalists struggling against
the Turks, and is believed to have been an arm of the SOSJ. These
events hastened the development of a permanent presence of the
Knights of St. John in America, in addition to their White Cross
First Aid Society, to ensure the Order’s survival and to tap the
resources of the American Republic.
At the time of his death, Grand Duke Sergei was the Military
Governor General of Moscow and had worked to uncover the cells of
anarchists who were assasinating government officials which included
his own father Czar Alexander II. His wife Grand Duchess Elizabeth,
sister of Czarina Alexandra, was involved in the research to unmask
the anarchists and this interest brought them both into contact with
an Orthodox spiritual writer named Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus. Nilus
was one of the earliest men to produce a copy of the “Protocols of
the Wise Men of Zion” and Grand Duchess Ella introduced him and the
Protocols to her sister and to Czar Nicholas II. Major General
Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, President of the Slavonic Society, was
thereby one of the earliest members of any Intelligence Service to
see the Protocols. He was given the mandate by the Russian Imperial
family to investigate the matter fully and to spread the alarm about
“the hidden hand” of international Zionism and its plan to gain
global control through the elimination of the Christian Church. He
was made a Count of the Catholic Church by Pope Pius X about 1907.
He was President of the Catholic Grand Priory and was one of the
principal organizers of the American branch of the SOSJ. His
patronesses, Czarina Alexandra and Grand Duchess Ella, were
convinced of the authenticity of the international conspiracy and in
1918 both of these influential women were murdered by the Bolsheviks.
After the death of Dr. Nicholas Senn in 1908, the American White
Cross movement with headquarters in Chicago was expanded further by
union with the Knights of St. John and Malta Hospital and Relief
Association of Brooklyn, New York....
Major General Arthur Cherep Spiridovich, President of the remnant
Catholic Grand Priory of Russia, was among the coordinators of this
expansion. As mentioned, the General was also an emissary of Czarina
Alexandra of Russia, Patroness of the Russian SOSJ White Cross and
of her sister Grand Duchess Elizabeth, promoter of the Protocols of
the Elders of Zion and now an Orthodox nun and superior of an Order
in Moscow. As an intelligence operative, he was handled by the
Russian Ambassador to the U. S., Baron Rosen. He was also an agent
of the Serbian royal family. There began a long relationship between
the OSJ in America and the Yugoslavian and Roumanian royal families. ...
The four orders of St. John jockeyed for positions of influence in
American society. These included the SOSJ, the SMOM, The German
Order of St. John and the British Venerable Order of St. John. The
constant interaction with the aristocracy, nobility and royalty of
the Old World motivated some American members to become involved in
genealogical and racial studies. ...
German influence on the new OSJ American Association through the
Johanniter Orden Protector Emperor Wilhelm II and his brother Prince
Henry of Prussia was evident before World War I with exchange visits
by the industrialist Cornelius Vanderbilt and President of Columbia
University Nicholas Murray Butler, Director of OSJ Education from
1912 to 1928. German influence also came from the Czarina and her
sister Ella who were both members of German royalty. That
relationship, which developed with both the Protestant Johanniter
Orden and with the Catholic Malteser Orden, continued from joint
efforts in the Baltic during the Russian Civil War through the
redevelopment of the German Intelligence Service after WWII.
Colonel Dr. Wm. Sohier Bryant, MD, of New York City, and lawyer Wm.
B. Stites of New Jersey wrote a constitution in 1911 to form an
American Grand Priory of the Sovereign Order of St. John of
Jerusalem from members of the American White Cross. The American
Grand Priory constitution was accepted by the membership in 1912.
The new Grand Priory included the Grand Priory of Russia, i.e., the
former Catholic OSJ Grand Priory of Poland. The headquarters of the
knights was initially the meeting hall of the Knights of St. John
and Malta at Wurzler’s Building, 315 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn,
New York. Most early meetings were held at Joseph Burrows office at
56-58 Pine Street, near Wall Street. Wall Street lawyer William
Nelson Cromwell became American Grand Prior in 1912, and meetings
thereafter were usually held at his offices in the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel. According to Pichel, this continued until 1929, after which
the meetings were held at Dr. Bryant’s office in the Murray Hill
section of New York City. That address was the address of the
American Heraldry Society at 1730 Broadway, and later, by the mid
1930’s, was 30 East 40th Street, the address of Dr Bryant’s medical
office. ...
The English started a private intelligence gathering operation
supported by their government in 1904 called the Legion of
Frontiersmen. This organization, composed of wealthy patriotic
English volunteers, prefigured MI6. Members of this group, traveling
worldwide as was their customary lifestyle, became an important
source for the British Empire’s constant need for information. The
American White Cross was being used in similar fashion, and the new
American Grand Priory expanded on that practice. The most prominent
families in the United States joined the American Grand Priory of
the SOSJ, and thereby developed the first American civilian foreign
intelligence network.
American Grand Priory leaders, Nicholas Murray Butler, President of
Columbia University, Archer Huntington, founder of the Hispanic
Society of America, William Nelson Cromwell, Wall Street lawyer and
Francis C. Nicholas, founder of the American International Academy,
are among those who crafted the American Grand Priory into an
intelligence organization. Nicholas, a mining engineer and explorer,
had done Cromwell’s Panama Canal construction feasibility studies.
He had also done geological research in Central and South America
for Archer Huntington and Colonel William Lamb, who were supplying
fuel coal to the Russian Navy. ...
Some results of their careers include the founding of the Republic
of Panama and the successful purchase and construction of the Panama
Canal. They were also responsible for the founding of the
Pan-American “Organization of American States” and directly
influenced the founders of the Central Intelligence Agency. Others
prominent in the OSJ at this time included John Jacob Astor until
his death on the Titanic, J. P. Morgan, J P Morgan, Jr. and the
extended Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chicago Crane families. ...
The American Grand Priory also had a history of cooperation with
members of the monarchist and anti-Semitic Russian Black Hundred’s
Movement due to their association with Cherep Spiridovich. Admiral
Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovich, OSJ, was the head of Russian
Naval Intelligence. He spent time in the United States developing
relationships with the wealthiest people in American society. His
regular traveling companion became Major Barclay Harding Warburton
of the U.S. Army Military Intelligence community. Warburton was a
member of the “East Coast Establishment,” and was closely related to
the Wannamaker and Vanderbilt families. The American Grand Priory
cooperated with Russian Naval Intelligence and the Russian Secret
Service directed by Baron Rosen. Grand Duke Alexander was elected
the 73rd Grand Master of the SOSJ in September, 1913 during meetings
in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
The First World War found the American Grand Priory allying itself
with the Entente against Germany. Major General Cherep-Spiridovich
had been spreading the alarm about a global supra-national plan to
gain ultimate world power through financial and political control of
the military forces of Germany and England. He tried to warn the
Americans and to strengthen the bonds between the United States and
Russia in an effort to keep Christians from slaughtering each other.
In 1915 Colonel Robert R. McCormick, of Chicago Tribune fame,
reported from the Russian front lines while interviewing Knights of
Malta who were graduates of the SOSJ Corps des Pages. The White
Cross Hospital and Relief Association of the American Knights of
Malta named its overseas work “The American Ambulance”. Members of
the American Grand Priory quickly became the leaders of massive
relief efforts during WWI. ...
Grand Prior W.N. Cromwell helped to start the Lafayette Escadrille
Flying Corps with Cornelius Vanderbilt and Dr. Ed Gros of the
American Ambulance. This Corps was later supported by the Order of
Lafayette. Rep. Hamilton Fish III of New York was both a member of
this order and the reinstituted Order of Lafayette following WWII.
Unfortunately, the SOSJ is implicated in the support and possibly in
the direction of the “bloodless revolution” in Russia in the opening
months of 1917. ...
Until the First World War, relations between the German Order of
St. John, the English Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem, and the SOSJ were mostly cooperative. The leaders of
these organizations, many of them members of royal houses, were
often close family relatives and/or financially interdependent....
Some prominent members appear to have persisted in the Freemasonic
quest for humanistic “freedoms” which had caused the downfall of so
many Christian kingdoms and as noted previously was one of the
principle reasons for the loss of their predecessor’s citadel home
on Malta in 1798. Their personal philosophies also supported the
exportation of “democratic” ideals of the United States of America,
which did not translate peacefully into the needs for social change
in Imperial Russia. In Russia it was widely known that Freemasonry
had been prohibited because it is a fraternity designed for
Revolution against Christianity and against Christian monarchs. The
Knights failed to recognize the danger which they brought upon the
Order and upon Christendom by amalgamating Freemasons into the ranks
of the Knights Hospitaller. ...
Grand Duchess Ella was the head of the White Cross Supreme Council
in Russia which oversaw all Hospitaller activity during WWI. In
1916, the OSJ “American Ambulance in Russia,” which was organized by
Hamilton Fish III, Dr. Philip Newton, Capt. Philip Lydig, Nicholas
Murray Butler, Colonel Robert McCormick and Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt of New York City and Chicago, started service on the
Russian Front. Their patroness was a daughter of the Czar, Grand
Duchess Tatiana Romanoff. ...
The Knights may have also tactically supported the first Russian
revolution in the early months of 1917 which placed Kerensky at the
head of a new Democratic government. Prime Minister Kerensky was on
the payroll of the American Ambulance. Grand Duke Cyril was in
charge of the troops available to defend the Czar in St. Petersburg.
He used his naval guard corps to passively support the forced
abdication of Czar Nicholas II. Many blamed both the February and
later the October Revolutions completely on Jewish revolutionaries
supported by Germany which was controlled by kindred forces. However
both Grand Prior Grand Duke Cyril and Grand Master Grand Duke
Alexander had naively allied themselves with the Freemasons and
other social humanists and were thus ostracized by many Russian
monarchists. ...
A Counter Revolution was soon planned by Russian Guard officers
under Generals Kornilov, Markov and Keller in August/September of
1917. General Count Keller, OSJ, an intimate of the Russian Imperial
family and friend of German monarchists, was the only general who
immediately refused to accept the abdication of the Czar to the
Kerensky regime. ...
The Monarchists managed to place many of their sympathizers in
command of the armed forces in St. Petersburg. Colonel Pavel
Bermondt, who served in an Ussuri Cossack unit of Keller’s 3rd
Cavalry Corps, was one of these officers and was given command of an
Ulan cavalry regiment in St. Petersburg. Captain Sidney Reilly of
British MI6 was also in charge of a cavalry contingent during this
conspiracy. Their plan was to coordinate the armed members of a
large number of Russian patriotic societies which would join with an
approaching Guard army under General Kornilov in order to impose a
military junta which would ‘restructure” the Provisional Government
and quell the Bolsheviks. Kerensky was forewarned and he armed the
Bolsheviks to defend his government and the city against the
Monarchists. The Kornilov uprising attempt failed and most of the
conspirators, including Bermondt, were jailed. Many were able to
escape with the assistance of sympathizers. Kerensky had armed the
Bolsheviks and the failed Kornilov Affair had thus prepared the way
for a third, but violent revolt, in October of 1917. The October
Revolution of the atheistic Bolsheviks was successful and ultimately
merciless. ...
As noted, the first response against the socialist revolutionaries
of the Kerensky Provisional Government came from Count Keller, OSJ.
The Count immediately started working with German General Rudiger
Von der Goltz to build a German-Russian army of monarchist
volunteers in the Baltic. This cooperation between the German and
Russian orders of St. John was the attempt to return both Germany’s
Kaiser Wilhelm II and a Romanoff Czar to their respective thrones.
On September 15, 1917, J. G. B. Bulloch, MD, first cousin of
President Teddy Roosevelt, incorporated the Order of Lafayette in
New York City with an international membership as a recruiting front
for the SOSJ. An American counter revolutionary effort became
immediately prominent since it became apparent from both government
and military intelligence reports that Jewish anarchists were in the
majority in the new Bolshevik government in St. Petersburg. The
revolutionaries had developed their operational base in the Lower
East Side district of New York City and both the American and
Russian Imperial secret services frantically worked to prevent an
expected Bolshevik revolution in the United States. The American
Grand Priory became isolated due to its support of the first
“Bloodless Revolution” in Russia and thereafter remained in the
hands of operatives of the anti-Bolshevik intelligence communities.
The American Grand Priory of the SOSJ concentrated its activities in
NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. It worked
to defeat the international anarchist movements and to expose their
aligned secret societies. ...
The Imperial family was murdered by the Bolsheviks in July,
1918. The Czarina had reportedly used the symbol of the swastika
repeatedly during her captivity, had often referred to the Brothers
of the White Cross and had only two books in her possession during
her final captivity. One of them was the Nilus book containing the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These findings fueled the hatred of
the Bolsheviks and of their conspiracy for global domination. ...
General Keller used a large plain white Maltese cross breast
badge for all officers under his command. The belief in an
international socialist conspiracy led by Zionists was central to
their understanding of the revolution. Count Keller also worked with
monarchist German General Rudiger Von der Goltz to start a German
backed government in the Baltic and recruited Russian POW’s in
Germany for this army. As noted earlier their combined plan was to
join their forces in an attempt to replace the rightful monarchs
both in Germany and in Russia. Colonel Bermondt was the chief of
counter intelligence for the Southern Army under Hereditary Knight
Commander George Duke Leuktenburg, OSJ. Major Walter Nicolai, head
of all German military intelligence during World War I, was assigned
to work with Bermondt by the famous German General Ludendorff. They
promoted the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion and the international
conspiracy theory widely among the White Russian and later among the
German troops in the Baltic. ...
Metropolitan Tikhon, who was the Patriarch
of the Russian Orthodox Church, had previously reserved his personal
involvement in the counter revolution. He significantly gave his
personal blessing to Count Keller as the leader of the crusade
against the Bolsheviks. This blessing by the Patriarch of the
Eastern Catholic Church and later the support of the Russian
Orthodox Church Abroad, which recognized Grand Duke Cyril as the
heir to the Russian throne, helped to sustain the Order of St. John
during the difficult years which followed. Keller adopted a white
Maltese Cross breast plate for his officers and planned to lead a
Russian monarchist army led by Knights of the Sovereign Order of
Saint John of Jerusalem in the crusade against the Bolsheviks.
General Keller was soon fighting Ukrainian Socialist formations and
was captured in Kiev with the remnant of the anti-Bolshevik army in
December 1918. Colonel Bermondt had joined Keller's forces in the
Ukraine. Bermondt and many of his fellow Monarchists were once again
jailed. This time they were scheduled for execution. Count Keller
was shot by the Bolsheviks while in captivity. Fortunately a German
army freed many of the Russian officers, including Bermondt, and
took them back to Germany where they were interned near Berlin in
Camp Salzvedel. German Monarchists had taken up the cause of the
Russian White Guard because they faced the same threat of
international Bolshevism from their own Socialist Weimar Government. ...
Beside his association with Grand Prior William Nelson Cromwell, Colonel
Bermondt now became connected with other members of the American
Grand Priory and to Boris Brasol and Major General Count Cherep
Spiridovich due to their mutual work against the globalist’s agenda. ...
It was in Camp Salzvedel, near Berlin,
during January to April 1919 that Colonel Bermondt re-organized
Russian Guard officers to continue the crusade of the Sovereign
Russian Imperial Order of Saint John of Jerusalem against the
Bolsheviks. ...
It is important to state here that the historic Sovereign Order of
St. John of Jerusalem was legitimately continued outside of Russia
by Grand Duke Cyril, the legal heir to the deceased Czar Nicholas
II. ...
The Order recognized Grand Duke Cyril as the legal heir and the
leaders of the OSJ field forces were in turn recognized by the Grand
Duke Cyril. The principals of this recognition have handed down the
Order in unbroken fashion to the Knights of Justice who have
continued their work into the 21st century. ...
The West Volunteer Army was led by officers who were Knights of
Malta. The Russian formations were led by Knights of the Sovereign
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. The German formations were often
led by men who were both Knights of the German Order of St. John,
the Johanniter Orden and of the Sovereign Order of St. John of
Jerusalem. ...
Grand Duke Cyril
continued to finance the SOSJ venture with the help of the American
Grand Priory. Prince Awaloff and Grand Duke Cyril planned to join
with German forces to drive the Bolsheviks out of the Baltic. This
idea to cooperate with Germany was unique to these Knights of St.
John who believed that Russian-German cooperation was the only way
to rid the world of the Bolsheviks.
In 1919 Colonel Prince Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt, supported by the
Johanniter Orden, the Romanoff Pretender Grand Duke Cyril, and
American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr., OSJ, became Commander in chief
of the Russian Imperial Army. He led the SOSJ and apparently
Johanniter-Orden plan, financed through attorney W. N. Cromwell,
OSJ, American Grand Prior, to clear the Bolsheviks from the Baltic
and to set up a pro-German government. Most of the officials of what
became known in the Fall of 1919 as the West Russian Government were
members of the OSJ. Prince Awaloff recorded much of this information
in his memoirs which he wrote in 1925 in Hamburg, Germany. ...
Bermondt was first addressed by the royal title of Prince Awaloff in
September, 1919. Prince Awaloff states that he was adopted at this
time by Prince Michael Awaloff from whom he gained the royal title. ...
During the Baltic campaign, Rudolf Baron von Engelhardt
and Baron Engelhardt-Schnellenstein, both close relatives of Lt.
Grand Master Alphons Heribert Scipio Baron von
Engelhardt-Schnellenstein (1954-1956) and Admiral Felix Count von
Luckner, who also became the Lt. Grand Master of the OSJ (1962-1966)
worked with Prince Awaloff in the Baltic venture. The Bavarian
Freikorps, some of whom were associated with the Stewart Pretender,
Crown Prince Rupprecht, wore the Maltese Cross. (The connection
between the Royal Stuart Jacobite Pretender in Bavaria and the Order
is not fully understood. We do know that General Hume did have a
relationship with the Crown Prince.) ...
Awaloff proclaimed
himself Governor-General of Western Russia for a brief time in late
1919. The short-lived government in the Duchy of Courland, Latvia,
with headquarters in Mitau, was the closest that the Order had come
to gaining a permanent sovereign territory since the loss of Malta
in 1798. ...
There were other plans by Russian exiles to retake their country.
One of them was planned and undertaken by Baron Taube as potential
Secretary of State who enlisted Russian Jewish bankers to fund
General Yudenitch in an attempt to retake St. Petersburg with a
Northwestern Army. They also would have supported Grand Duke Cyril
as the new Czar. Their White Russian army in northwestern Russia
ultimately failed in its attempt to take St. Petersburg. Awaloff
refused to place his command under General Yudenitch and Baron
Taube, whom he considered to be controlled by “conspiratorial
forces,” that is, the Jewish bankers. Baron Taube eventually became
an antagonist of the SOSJ. ...
The Western Russian Volunteer Army of Prince Awaloff initially
gained advantage and took Riga from the Bolsheviks. However, the
British Naval Squadron that had been supporting the left flank of
General Yudenitch’s drive into St. Petersburg for political reasons
abandoned Yudenitch and directed its guns upon Awaloffs’ forces.
This intervention caused the defeat of both the SOSJ anti-Bolshevik
force of Prince Awaloff and of the drive into St. Petersburg by
General Yudenitch. The Knights of St. John ultimately retreated into
Germany due to lack of support from the socialist Weimar Government
and the treason of the Entente British and French governments. These
entities propped up the Bolshevik regime which was about to crumble.
The result of this intervention was 75 years of Communist
dictatorship for a large portion of the world. The Knights of this
army of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem became known as
the “Baltic Brotherhood.” ...
Grand Duke Alexander and his immediate family survived the Bolshevik
purge of the Romanovs during a long captivity in the Crimea. Grand
Master Grand Duke Alexander’s friend, Major Warburton, was the U.S.
Military Charge d’Affaires in Paris at the end of the war. When
rescued by the British navy Alexander went straight to Paris. He
attempted to get into the international peace talks which followed
WW I to plea for help for those trapped inside Russia. He was
refused admission to the peace conference and all of his personal
efforts failed to save any of the Russian Imperial Family, who had,
unknown to him, already been murdered by the Bolsheviks. Thereafter,
it appears that Grand Master Grand Duke Alexander could not cope
with his involvement in the first revolution which installed the
Provisional Government. All of his brothers were killed by the
Bolsheviks soon after they seized power from the Kerensky regime.
The Grand Duke spent the rest of his life involved in spiritualism,
apparently attempting to gain forgiveness from his murdered
brother-in-law, Czar Nicholas II. ...
The American Grand Priory was peopled with the scions of Wall Street
and the “Eastern Establishment”. These men and women, many of them
active or reserve officers in the military, worked with the
fledgling western military intelligence communities and made the
Grand Priory the first civilian foreign intelligence organization in
the United States. Their intimate associates included the brothers
John Foster and Allen Welsh Dulles who were nephews of U.S.
Secretary of State Robert Lansing. Both were Wall Street lawyers who
worked directly for William Nelson Cromwell, OSJ. John Foster Dulles
eventually became President Eisenhauer’s Secretary of State, and
Allen Welsh Dulles was instrumental in founding the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency. One of the Chicago Crane sons became Asst.
Secretary of State under Lansing. Another close associate was Wall
Street lawyer “Wild Bill” William J. Donovan, who founded the Office
of Strategic Services, and eventually became a knight of the SMOM.
As a result of the “success” of SOSJ international ventures
President Woodrow Wilson and his friend Colonel Edward M. House had
created “The Inquiry” at the American Grand Priory headquarters on
upper Broadway in New York City in 1917. This early “think tank”
became the internationalist advisory Council on Foreign Relations in
1921, which, ironically, is widely thought to be one of the
controlling institutions of the “One World Conspiracy.” The American
Knights of Malta continued to be active in humanitarian affairs to
provide relief for the refugees, the poor and the disabled which the
war had created. ...
Grand Duke Cyril became the head of a secret army scattered around
the world in which the SOSJ played a significant role. In New York
City alone there were reportedly three thousand former White Russian
military officers organizing for counter-revolution. The SOSJ was an
important participant in counter-revolutionary engagement in Eastern
Europe throughout the 20th century. It engaged in small unit warfare
in the regions controlled by the Communists.
Cherep Spiridovich was personally presented to J. Edgar Hoover by
the US Ambassador to Romania, T. Tileston Wells, and was supported
by Grand Duke Cyril’s U.S. representative, Boris Brasol, OSJ, by
U.S. Treasury Secretary, Robert McAdoo and of course by the Chicago
Crane family. Many of the White Russian armed forces were encamped
in the Balkan countries after the Russian Civil War. These forces,
often led by Knights of Malta, represented the “fifty American
oriented strongholds” which were promised in Eastern Europe by
Cherep Spiridovich to Hoover and Lansing during his presentations.
Presented as a private alternative to the League of Nations, the
A-L-S (Anglo-Latino-Slavic) League, which was the remnant of the
SOSJ in Eastern Europe, had been a bulwark against the spread of
Islam. It now was promoted as a force against the new menace of
Bolshevism. This A-L-S League was soon being called the
Anti-Bolshevist League. Cromwell, the Dulles brothers, and the
Masonic Knights Templar T. Tileston Wells founded, in 1920, the
Society of Friends of Romania as a successor to the American
Romanian Relief Council with the help of the Romanian Royal Family.
Queen Marie was a prominent member of the OSJ. There is evidence
that Count A. Cherep-Spiridovich’s presentation of the
Anglo-Latino-Slavic League to J. Edgar Hoover of the Justice
Department’s Bureau of Investigation, and to Secretary of State
Robert Lansing was the impetus for founding the Society of Friends
of Albania, and later the Society of Friends of Yugoslavia. In 1941,
the American Friends of Yugoslavia was begun by Wm. J. Donovan,
founder of the OSS and Hamilton Fish Armstrong, long serving First
Secretary of the CFR. At this time, the “Little Entente” was created
by the Balkan countries as a mutual protection pact, and the
American “societies of friends” allowed for civilian “access” in the
fledgling efforts to contain the Bolsheviks.
The Order gathered intelligence on the international revolutionary
movements. The SOSJ, under Czar Kirill I, engaged in psychological
warfare operations including the distribution of anti-Bolshevist
information such as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” This
document allegedly details a plot by elite Jews to control the world
through finance, and it has been the cause of political and social
unrest during the past one hundred years. Because it was an
incontrovertible fact that the Communist movement in Russia was
dominated by Jews from New York, the American military intelligence
community continued to join the ranks of the SOSJ as sworn enemies
of the “International Conspiracy.” Among those included were the
following: Colonel Harris Ayres Houghton, MD, Colonel John Jacob
Astor, Major General Ralph Van Deman, Colonel William Sohier Bryant,
MD, Major General Frederick Dent Grant, Colonel Nicholas Biddle,
Major Barclay Harding Warburton, Major Walter Miller, Colonel Robert
R. McCormick, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Major John B. Trevor and
Captain Sidney Reilly. All of these prominent members of the armed
forces have close association with their successors in the Military
Affairs Committee of the SOSJ that are found in the Order records
well into the 1980’s.
Civilian experts in the early 20th century on the so-called “Jewish
Problem” became involved with the SOSJ. Among them were Paquita de
Shishmareff, Fr. Denis Fahey, Lady Edith Starr Miller Queenborough,
John B. Trevor, Jr. and Princess Julia Grant Cantacuzene. Much of
their knowledge had been gained from the work of Monseigneur Jouin
of France, who, with the blessing of the pope, researched and wrote
about secret societies involved with the occult and humanist
movements. Father Ernest Jouin appears to have been associated with
A. Cherep Spriridovich, OSJ in this research during the early
decades of the last century. All the work of the knights of the SOSJ
to include research and education efforts did help the Vatican and
the monarchies of Sweden, Spain and Denmark to survive.
Unfortunately, the knights failed to prevent the collapse of the
Balkan monarchies that resulted from the Allied “victory” after
WWII. ...
The Russian Grand Priory of the Sovereign Order of St. John of
Jerusalem had been first re-organized by the monarchists in the
Ukraine as an anti-Bolshevik army. German General Ludendorf assigned
Walter Nicholai, the leader of German Military Intelligence during
WWI, to develop the Order’s intelligence service for Grand Duke
Cyril Vladimirovich. After the defeat of the army in the Baltic
campaign the OSJ essentially became a paramilitary intelligence
agency. In 1916 Russian Secret Service Lieutenant Boris Brasol had
been stationed permanently in New York City. He developed a career
as an anti-Bolshevik expert and informer with American Military
Intelligence and the fledgling intelligence department of the United
States Department of State after the Bolshevik Revolution. Boris
Brasol and Cherep Spiridovich were the principal SOSJ intelligence
operatives in the United States. Brasol helped Major General Cherep
Spiridovich redirect SOSJ activities in the West against
international anarchism and the globalist agenda. They both
championed the validity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. An
associate of Prince Awaloff, General Constantin Sakharov, was head
of the military division of the Russian Grand Priory. That division
came to be known under the front name of Russian National Society.
The Russian National Society worked from offices at 5 Columbia
Circle in Manhattan from 1921. ...
Grand Duke Cyril, the Heir Apparent, declared himself Protector of
the Russian Throne in July, 1922. He positioned his government in
Lubeck, Germany where he was titled from 1918 to 1938 as Sovereign
Prince Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. His wife’s ancestral
home was a castle in Coberg, Bavaria, and this became his initial
residence. He created his Court and permanent residence on the
seacoast of France in St. Briac, Brittany. Supported by nationalist
elements of the German government since the Russian Civil War, he
had been the nominal head of the pro-German Western Russian
Government in northwest Europe in 1919. Walter Nicholai, the leader
of German Military Intelligence during WWI, expanded the SOSJ
intelligence service for Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich in order to
closely cooperate with Aufbau. Aufbau was the White Russian
monarchical organization which was founded to coordinate the future
economic recovery of Russia.
Colonel Nicholai founded Organization Consul (C), a “full-service”
intelligence operation which matched the Bolsheviks in ability to
assassinate leaders of the opposition. The strategy used for the
anti-Bolshevik campaign was taken from the Kornilov Affair. A
coalition of patriotic societies had been made to ensure the
allegiances of the participants in the planned St. Petersburg coup.
A similar strategy was repeated in the United States by John B.
Trevor’s Coalition of Patriotic, Fraternal and Civic Societies.
During the Munich “Beer Hall Putsch” of 1923 the National Socialists
used the United Patriotic Associations of Bavaria. Numerous small
organizations, all dedicated to patriotic causes, but invariably
anti-Bolshevik, were being organized for future use by militant
The OSJ propaganda effort continued both in the United States and in
Europe with centers in Belgrade, Paris, Erfurt, Hamburg, Chicago and
New York City. Nicholas Markov II edited in 1920 the White Cross
anti-Bolshevik journal in Hamburg and later moved to Paris. Still
later, in the 1930’s he joined Ulrich Fleischauer’s Welt Dienst in
Erfurt. Henry Ford from the United States published his own
literature and financed a detective agency with headquarters in
Chicago and New York City to assist in uncovering the global plans
of “The International Jew”. He helped to finance the similar
pursuits which came under the direction of Grand Duke Cyril’s
intelligence service. This expanded and culminated in a vast
propaganda arm which worked against the international conspiracy
from government run offices in the German Third Reich throughout
WWII. Beside Markov II, the Baltic Germans Ullrich Fleischauer,
Shabellski-Bork, Alfred Rosenberg, Fedor Vinberg and Eugen von
Engelhardt, of the Fichte-Bund, were among those active in the
information campaign until the closing days of WWII. All over Europe
and the United States, small print shops produced information which
was distributed at cost in an effort to stay the spread of militant
Socialism. The headquarters for the centralized educational campaign
during the lifetime of Czar Kirill I was in Erfurt, Germany. Until
his death in 1938, Grand Duke Cyril had been the chosen candidate of
Hitler for Czar of Russia when the Soviet Union was defeated. After
his death the center for the propaganda campaign was moved to
Hamburg, Germany under the direction of Alfred Rosenberg. ...
Because many exiled Russians were seeking permanent residence in the
United States and Canada, from where much of the financial support
for the exiled Russian Imperial Court originated, the shift of SOSJ
leadership to the American Grand Priory was a natural process. Baron
Rosen, former Russian Ambassador to the United States, and now head
of Grand Duke Cyril’s Intelligence operation in the United States,
was run down and killed by an automobile in New York City on
December 31, 1921. Prince Awaloff was accused as a terrorist in
connection with Organization Consul and expelled from Germany in
1922 by the Socialist Weimar Government. He and Ataman Semenoff
traveled to New York City and were involved with meetings at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel offices of American Grand Prior William Nelson
Cromwell. This resulted in the formal re-establishment of the
Sovereign Council of the Order on September 5, 1922. Cromwell became
the President of the Sovereign Council of the SOSJ. Prince Awaloff
returned to Europe later that year to continue the work of the
Counter-Revolution, and the American Grand Priory assumed
operational control of the SOSJ. ...
The Order was re-organized after the establishment of the Sovereign
Council in New York City. The plan centered on strategies to counter
the Bolshevist threat to Christendom and was patterned on Major
General Arthur Cherep Spiridovich’s Anglo- Latino-Slavic League and
on the patriotic organization coalitions. Patriotic organizations in
the United States were associated with John B. Trevor’s American
Coalition of Patriotic, Civic and Fraternal Societies. During most
of the interwar years they were under the direction of the President
of the Sovereign Council, Cromwell, who had his offices at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Dr. James Gaston Baillie Bulloch, MD was the archivist of the Order
from 1922 to 1928 and the Grand Chancellor from 1928 until his death
in 1934. Bulloch was one of the principals who chartered the
American Heraldry Society in 1924 in the District of Columbia from
which were recruited candidates for the Order of St. John. Charles
Pichel and William Sohier Bryant, MD operated the American Heraldry
Society in New York City out of an office in the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel with which they attempted to provide the necessary noble
titles to prospective American Knights from 1925 to 1931. Cromwell
apparently resigned from the Council at about the same time, circa
1931, that Pichel and Bryant moved their office to 1730 Broadway in
New York City. ...
In 1925 Captain Sidney G. Reilly, founder of the
Anti-Bolshevist League, was lured from the United States into Russia
and killed by the Bolsheviks. The exploits of Reilly later prompted
the “James Bond” series. In 1926 Cherep Spiridovich incorporated the
Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association of the Anti-Bolshevist League
in Albany, N.Y. with H. V. Broenstrupp and G. M. Sykes. This was an
SOSJ project of the Kirill intelligence service planned by Captain
Reilly and by Cherep Spiridovich. It was intended to provide
propaganda about the danger of the internationalist’s agenda and was
the continuation of the publishing operation of Cherep Spiridovich
in Paris from 1904 to 1920, known as the Agence Latine. It had been
continued in 1921 for a few years by Henry Ford and his newspaper
the Dearborn Independent. Major General Cherep Spiridovich, OSJ was
assassinated at his residence on Staten Island, N. Y., a few months
after re-starting the publishing operation. Boris Brasol provided
the funds to bury this leader of the SOSJ. Cherep Spiridovich was
one of the principal founders of the American Grand Priory of the
Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. H. V. Broenstrupp, OSJ
published “The Hidden Hand” by Cherep Spiridovich shortly after the
assassination of his adoptive father.
The SOSJ continued to raise funds for the relief of Russian exiles.
The “Monday Supper Opera Club” was one of the society programs.
Leaders of the relief fund drives included the following: Captain
George Djamgaroff, Mrs. Henry P. Loomis, Princess Julia Grant
Cantacuzene, Representative Hamilton Fish, III, Count Paul
Ignatieff, President of Columbia University Nicholas Murray Butler
and many of the displaced former royals of Russia and Eastern
Europe. ...
In 1927, after the assassination of Count Cherep-Spiridovich, the
SMOM started their American Association. This founding of the
American Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta was
the unintended result of SOSJ success at fund raising. The new
Catholic association overshadowed the SOSJ and placed its future in
jeopardy. ...
Fr. J. P. Chodkiewicz and exiled Polish leaders started the Polish
Nobility Association in 1927. He continued Cherep Spiridovich’s
Slavonic Society work, which focused on pan-Slavism and he named it
the Pan-Slavic Commonwealth of Nations. Cherep-Spiridovich’s work
had resulted in the Intermarium Movement. ...
Grand Duke Cyril declared himself Czar Kirill I on August 31, 1924.
The White Russians in exile had a power struggle for the throne
which started during the Russian Civil War. ...
The senior Knights of Malta on the Sovereign
Council in the United States always supported Grand Duke Cyril, and,
as noted, they became very influential because of financial support
to his cause from men as prominent as Henry Ford. ...
An Officer Candidate School similar to the Corps des Pages had been
started in Belgrade. Many of the cadets from the Russian military
academies had been sent there after the defeat of the White
Russians. (The cadets from this school fought as a corps for the
Nazi’s in 1945 during the fall of Berlin). The Yugoslavian capital
was becoming the White Russian center for military activity. Charles
Pichel, OSJ directed a study on the Maltese Nobility done by Lord
Dorchester of England which assisted Grand Duke Cyril and Grand
Duchess Victoria Melita. For this research, he was named Grand
Chancellor of the SOSJ in 1934 upon the death of J.G.B. Bulloch. ...
The SOSJ made alliances with various National Socialist movements
believing this to be the best solution to defeat “Jewish
Bolshevism.” Grand Master Prince Awaloff focused on developing the
military activities and intelligence work of the Order probably as a
consequence of his long military and paramilitary career. The Order
started a Grand Priory in Denmark in 1934 named the Sovereign Order
of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Denmark. It was founded
by Prince Awaloff and was led by Danish National Socialist,
Episcopalian Archbishop Preben Wencke. Prince Peter of Greece and
Denmark was once Grand Chancellor of the Grand Priory.
Grand Master Prince Awaloff became head of the Russian Fascist
Party in Germany, called the Russian National Liberation Movement
(ROND). Awaloff was named to this position by the German Chancellor,
Adolf Hitler. Awaloff was apparently a double agent, as he is known
to have been associated with “Wild Bill” William J. Donovan, founder
of the Office of Strategic Services, and American spy-masters W N
Cromwell, OSJ and Allen Welsh Dulles before, during and after WWII.
Awaloff’s friend, Constantin Sakharov, was again named the military
leader of this organization (ROND), which was the successor to
Kirill’s secret army organization in Germany. Prince Anastase
Vonsiatsky and Howard Broenstrupp led the fledgling Russian
Nationalist field force in the United States, which was
headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. Paul Winter, OSJ, long time
associate of Grand Chancellor Pichel and former KKK leader from New
York and Philadelphia, was involved with the American Nationalists.
In 1933, Pichel contacted Germany through Hitlers’s friend Putzi
Hanfstaengel in an effort to become the German Chancellor’s personal
representative in the United States. These Russian and American
Nationalists were now coordinating their anti-Bolshevik publishing
activity with Ulrich Fleischauer’s Welt Dienst with offices in
Erfurt, Germany.
German Lt. Ulrich Fleischauer was in charge of this Welt Dienst
publishing concern which inherited the campaign of the American
Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association of Cherep Spiridovich and
Sidney Reilly. Translated as World Service, and known before this
time in France as Service Mondial, the SOSJ publishing effort had
actually been started in 1904 by Cherep Spiridovich in Paris. At
that time it was called Agence Latine. When the Paris operation of
Cherep Spiridovich was exposed by the Bolshevists in 1919, he was
able to convince Henry Ford to succeed him by using the Dearborn
The German agency Welt Dienst had originated in Hamburg
where it published a journal called the White Cross in 1920. Baltic
Germans of the SOSJ to include Fleischauer and Markov II had
originated the anti-Bolshevist journal sharing information with
Cherep Spiridovich. Eventually the Welt Dienst operation came under
the administration of Alfred Rosenberg after the death of Czar
Kirill I but operations continued in Erfurt.
The American Grand Priory also restarted this propaganda in the United
States in 1936, and it was called Edmondson Economic Service.
Pichel operated a similar “information service” for the SOSJ called
“Crux New Service” from Leonia, New Jersey from 1939 to 1945.
Due to pressure from the government and from the press both Edmondson
and Pichel moved the Order operations into the Pocono Mountains of
Pennsylvania after 1945.
The efforts to expose a Jewish controlled world conspiracy,
considered by many as anti-Semitic, were continued by the SOSJ into
the 1950’s. Thereafter it became politically and economically
impossible due to the use of the court system by the liberal
establishment. ...
The alliance with fascist organizations cast doubts on the honorable
purposes of the Order. As a result of this, exposure by the Dies
Committee in 1939 and later the Great Sedition Trials of the 1940’s,
a second exodus from the Order occurred. While the politically
connected members of the Order including W. N. Cromwell, the Dulles
Brothers, Representative Hamilton Fish, III, Senator Jack B. Tenney,
Clarence “Buzzy” Hewes and Robert R. McCormick were insulated due to
their celebrity, other Knights were easy targets for the liberal
In 1939 the Order of St. John of Jerusalem was mentioned in
Congressional hearings investigating pro-fascist American movements.
The Order leadership then made the decision to conceal information
and though Pichel edited the SOSJ publication, Crux New Service,
from Leonia, New Jersey between 1940 and 1945, there is little
evidence of the Order’s activities during the Second World War. ...
Continuing Grand Master Prince Awaloff’s lead, many knights started
“right-wing” organizations as a means of providing a militant
response to the rapid growth of international Communism.
In the 1940’s, twenty-seven Americans were charged by the U. S.
Attorney General with conspiring to destroy the morale of the
American armed forces. A massive show trial, known as the Great
Sedition Trial, was conducted for the purpose of connecting these
individuals to a conspiracy thought to involve the German Propaganda
Ministry and anti-Communists in the United States. The facts
immediately were brought out in well publicized show trials that
many of these Americans were involved in efforts, being orchestrated
by the German World Service, to expose the international conspiracy
of the Bolsheviks, Zionists and Socialists. The unintended backlash
of the trial was that these defendants were shown to be mostly
Christian American patriots who were determined to expose the
Communists, Internationalists and atheists who were radically
changing society in the United States and in Allied countries.
Charges were dropped by the government, but not before the
defendants were ruined financially. This led to the “McCarthy Era”
and further “show trials” that were, this time, aimed at the Left.
California State Senator Jack B. Tenney, OSJ, Attorney General of
the Order from 1938 to 1944, headed a state commission to ferret
subversives, such as Communists, Zionists and Fascists, in
California, especially from the media industry. Of course most of
his efforts were directed against the Communists and Zionists. ...
Bryant became implicated in the Great Sedition Trial when his name
appeared on anti-government correspondence involving William Dudley
Pelley and Howard Victor Broenstrupp. Trevor’s American Coalition of
Patriotic, Civil and Fraternal Societies was also named during the
proceedings. ...
By 1944, the SOSJ was working closely with German General Reinhard
Gehlen’s “Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost Gehlens” (Foreign Forces East).
Robert Edmondson of Scranton, Pennsylvania was President of the
Sovereign Council from 1944 to 1948, but the control of the Order
was firmly in the hands of Grand Chancellor Pichel. The Convent was
moved to Shickshinny, Pennsylvania in 1945. ...
The SOSJ had lost the majority of its Russian and European
membership during the last phases of WWI when the Russian Guard
Divisions were thrown into battle in tragic fashion. British and
French General Staffs directed all battlefield strategy, and
therefore, many suspected that the slaughter of the elite of their
allied Russian forces was part of the globalist’s agenda. This
carnage was followed in 1919 by further military betrayal which
permanently defeated the SOSJ Knights and the forces of Prince
Awaloff in the Baltic. The English and French navies bombarded his
anti-Communist army resulting in decisive defeat outside of Riga,
Latvia. Much later, the intervention of British and Americans on the
side of the Soviet Union during WWII culminated in the great victory
for international Communism that was the Second World War. The
Allies rounded up and incarcerated free White Russians for
deportation to Stalin’s death camps in Operation Keelhaul, a result
of an agreement made between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at the
Yalta Conference. Forced repatriation by the Allies resulted in the
deaths of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands, of White
Russians by firing squads or deportation to the Gulag archipelago
labor camps. This consistent action during the 20th century in favor
of the Communists with the obvious goal of creating high mortality
among anti-communists was conclusive proof to the SOSJ that the
western governments were controlled by Internationalists and
Communists. Because of this, the SOSJ continued to attract patriotic
and nationalistic western military men to its membership, and to
operate as an anti-Communist intelligence agency. Admiral Barry
Domville, former head of British Naval Intelligence, was a long
serving member of the SOSJ. It appeared that General Douglas
MacArthur’s entire senior staff was in the Order. The Order became
involved in Operation Paperclip and the famous “Rat Lines” which
spirited Nazi anti-Communists out of Europe. ...
The Order was engaged worldwide in anti-Communist activities. Former
SS Major General Boris Holmston-Smyslovsky, alias Colonel von
Reganau, and U.S. Marine Lieutenant General Pedro Del Valle spurred
renewed SOSJ activity in opposition to the Communists in Europe
after 1948. Holmston-Smyslovsky was an old associate of Prince
Awaloff. These men were involved with the Gladio program which
prompted the founding of the U.S. Army Special Forces. The secret
army of Czar Kirill I formed a nucleus for Gladio “stay behind”
operations which were designed to wage perpetual war on the
Communists. As successor to SOSJ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations
operations, Allen W. Dulles, Colonel William J. Donovan, Gen.
Reinhard Gehlen and Lt. General Pedro Del Valle initiated NATO’s
Operation Gladio during the era of the founding of the U. S. Central
Intelligence Agency and German BND. The U. S. Counter-Intelligence
Corps, the Gehlen Organization and the Knights of Malta started the
Volunteer Freedom Corps otherwise known as Operation Gladio. Ten
thousand men were descendants of the secret army of Czar Kirill I
and the fifty garrisons of East European Freikorps mentioned by
Cherep Spiridovich in the 1920’s and by Phillip Corso, OSJ in the
1950’s. Even in the United States, some knights started
anti-Communist domestic militias and supported conservative
publications to increase public awareness of the agenda of
International Socialism. ...
A succession of German Lieutenant Grand Masters during the 1950’s is
evidence of the continued close ties Grand Master Prince Awaloff had
to the German Order of St. John. Scipio Baron von
Engelhardt-Schnellenstein from the Palatinate contacted Grand
Chancellor Pichel during the period 1949 to 1951 with the offer to
help reinvigorate the SOSJ. He was an old associate of Prince
Awaloff from the Baltic Brotherhood and a veteran of the Welt Dienst
and Fichte Bund propaganda services. He served as Lt. Grand Master
from 1954 to 1955. Grand Master Prince Awaloff was brought to the
United States from Austria by Operation Paperclip in 1952. His
stepson, a former German SS officer with the Russian Volunteer Army
of Major General Holmston-Smyslovsky, had been captured by the
Communists while working behind the lines for the U.S.
Counter-Intelligence Corps in 1949. Grand Master Prince Awaloff died
September 30, 1954 in the United States and is reportedly buried at
Arlington National Cemetery. Many of the remaining members of
Awaloff’s Grand Priory of Columbia were taken onto the roles of the
American Grand Priory in 1955. The Grand Priory of Columbia
consisted of most of those Knights of European descent on the roles
of the Russian National Society at 5 Columbia Circle in New York
City under the leadership of Brasol and Sakharov. Their contribution
to the defense of the West and to war relief led members of the SOSJ
to believe that they would be recognized as equal partners among the
national orders of Malta. Therefore, the election of a new Grand
Master to replace Prince Awaloff was postponed.
Frederick H. Count von Zeppelin served from 1956 to 1960 as Lt.
Grand Master. Franklin Allen West of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania became
President of the Sovereign Council in 1956. Pichel wrote an
inaccurate history of the SOSJ in 1958 designed to conceal the
fascist ties of the SOSJ but complementary to the SMOM, and the
English and German orders of St. John. The hope of acceptance of the
SOSJ by these orders would again prove to be futile. The Prussian
Prince Wilhelm Karl, the head of the German Order of St. John,
visited Grand Chancellor Pichel in Pennsylvania in 1961 after the
death of Grand Duke Cyril’s eldest daughter. She was the wife of the
Hohenzollern Pretender to the throne of Germany, the Prussian Prince
Louis Ferdinand. Prince Louis Ferdinand had been a life-long
intimate, and employee, of Henry Ford and the Ford family. Wilhelm
Karl ended Johanniter Orden association with the SOSJ when he
learned that there were no charitable activities undertaken by the
SOSJ and that most members appeared to be connected to military and
government Intelligence. Scipio Baron von Engelhardt-Schnellenstein
and F. H. Count von Zeppelin were forced to resign from the SOSJ at
the risk of their membership in the German Order. ...
The ancient Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem continues as a
hospitaller service organization structured as an army of the Catholic
Church. The Headquarters of the Order is in Jupiter, Florida, U.S.A.
The Convent of the Order is located in Benton, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Alfred Rosenberg und die Nordische Gesellschaft Der „nordische Gedanke“ in Theorie und Praxis
Birgitta Almgren / Jan Hecker-Stampehl / Ernst Piper
Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Entstehung, der „Gleichschaltung“ sowie dem Ausbau und Niedergang der Nordischen Gesellschaft mit besonderem Fokus auf ihre führende Gestalt Alfred Rosenberg. Dabei werden zunächst der ideengeschichtliche Hintergrund und die organisationsgeschichtlichen Grundlagen dargelegt. Im Kern des Textes geht es um die Tätigkeit der Nordischen Gesellschaft in der Zeit des „Dritten Reichs“ unter der Schirmherrschaft Rosenbergs. Als Quellenmaterial werden neben Archivmaterial auch die Veröffentlichungen der Nordischen Gesellschaft herangezogen.
This contribution traces the emergence, Gleichschaltung, expansion and demise of the Nordische Gesellschaft [Nordic Society] with a special focus on its leading protagonist Alfred Rosenberg. In the beginning of the article, the history of ideas and the organisational foundations of the society are being set as a background. In the main part of the text the Nordische Gesellschaft’s activity during the “Third Reich” and under Rosenberg’s auspices is being analysed. Sources used comprise both archival material as well as the NG’s own publications.
Rosenbergs geistige Erben
"1955 kam es zu einem Skandal, über den auch im Deutschen Bundestag diskutiert wurde. [Der Historiker Hans] Koch hatte dem Buch Marxismus, Leninismus, Stalinismus. Der geistige Angriff des Ostens, erschienen in München beim Hoheneichen-Verlag, eine offizielle Empfehlung gegeben. Bei näherer Untersuchung stellte sich aber heraus, dass es sich bei dem Namen des Autors, Helmut Steinberg, um ein Pseudonym von Heinrich Härtle handelte, einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter Alfred Rosenbergs. Während des Nationalsozialismus hatte Härtle bereits verschiedene politisch-ideologische Schriften im Zentralverlag der NSDAP veröffentlicht. Sein Buch von 1955 stellte im Prinzip eine Neuauflage seines bereits 1944 erschienenen Werkes Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Bolschewismus, Marxismus, Leninismus, Stalinismus dar, das er nur in einigen, das NS-Regime verherrlichenden Passagen überarbeitet hatte. Versehen mit einer Einleitung Rosenbergs wurde darin der „völkisch-rassische Realismus“ als Abwehr gegen den Kommunismus propagiert, weil er der „arteigenen natürlichen Totalitätsidee des Nationalsozialismus“ entspreche.”
Rosenbergs geistige Erben
"1955 kam es zu einem Skandal, über den auch im Deutschen Bundestag diskutiert wurde. [Der Historiker Hans] Koch hatte dem Buch Marxismus, Leninismus, Stalinismus. Der geistige Angriff des Ostens, erschienen in München beim Hoheneichen-Verlag, eine offizielle Empfehlung gegeben. Bei näherer Untersuchung stellte sich aber heraus, dass es sich bei dem Namen des Autors, Helmut Steinberg, um ein Pseudonym von Heinrich Härtle handelte, einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter Alfred Rosenbergs. Während des Nationalsozialismus hatte Härtle bereits verschiedene politisch-ideologische Schriften im Zentralverlag der NSDAP veröffentlicht. Sein Buch von 1955 stellte im Prinzip eine Neuauflage seines bereits 1944 erschienenen Werkes Die ideologischen Grundlagen des Bolschewismus, Marxismus, Leninismus, Stalinismus dar, das er nur in einigen, das NS-Regime verherrlichenden Passagen überarbeitet hatte. Versehen mit einer Einleitung Rosenbergs wurde darin der „völkisch-rassische Realismus“ als Abwehr gegen den Kommunismus propagiert, weil er der „arteigenen natürlichen Totalitätsidee des Nationalsozialismus“ entspreche.”
Aus Wikipedia, zitiert auf
Rosenbergs geistige Väter
Zu Rosenbergs geistigen Vätern ist sicherlich der Eugeniker und Antisemit Lothrop Stoddard zu rechnen, Begründer der Theorie vom bolschewistischen Untermenschen und Theorie vom bolschewistischen Untermenschen und überhaupt des Begriffes "Untermensch" ("Under Man").
Mit seinem Buch "The new world of Islam" (1921) nahm Stoddard auch schon das Fabulieren ueber Islam und Eugenik vorweg, das rd. 90 Jahre spaeter wieder in rechtsextremen Kreisen, in der Bloggerszene des "Counter-Jihad" und - durch Thilo Sarrazin, sein norwegisches Aequivalent Ole Jorgen Anfindsen und andere - auch in der Mitte der Gesellschaft wieder populaer wurde.
Siehe auf diesem Blog z.B.
Siehe auf diesem Blog z.B.
Die Arbeit der Nordischen Gesellschaft, ueber die u.a. auch der Historiker Wilhelm Mommsen publizierte, duerfte auch in Nachkriegs-Deutschland Spuren hinterlassen haben.
Siehe z.B.
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Mommsen (Marburg / L.)
Kriegführung und Politik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
(Deutsches Volksbildungswerk in Verbindung mit Nordische Gesellschaft, Kurhessen-Kontor
und Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft)
(Deutsches Volksbildungswerk in Verbindung mit Nordische Gesellschaft, Kurhessen-Kontor
und Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft)
Historiker-Dynastie Mommsen:
Historiker-Dynastie Mommsen:
Wilhelm Mommsen (*
25. Januar 1892
in Berlin; † 1. Mai 1966 in Marburg) war ein deutscher Historiker, ebenso wie sein Großvater Theodor und seine Söhne Wolfgang und Hans Mommsen. [...]
A 400 page, long-lost, handwritten diary, belonging to a confidant of Adolf Hitler has been recovered from the home of a Lewiston man, Herbert Richardson of Center St. [...]
AntwortenLöschenRichardson, 81, is a developer, a religious studies professor-turned-publisher and founder and publisher of Edwin Mellen Press at 140 Portage Road in Lewiston. Mellen Press publishes books "intended to be read by scholars."
Rosenberg (1893-1946), a major figure in Holocaust history, was a high-ranking Nazi who played a central role in the extermination of millions of Jews and others during World War II. He directed the Nazi looting of Jewish art, cultural and religious property throughout Europe and was convicted of crimes against humanity and was one of a dozen senior Nazi officials executed in October 1946.
His diary, once held by Nuremberg prosecutors as evidence, vanished after the trial. A Nuremberg prosecutor, Robert Kempner, was suspected by U.S. officials of smuggling the diary back to the United States.
When Kempner died in 1993 at age 93, legal disputes about his papers went on for nearly a decade between his children, his former secretary, Margot Lipton, a local debris removal contractor and the Holocaust museum.
Kempner specified in his will that his papers and letters be given to his two sons -- Lucien who lives in Unterhaching, Germany, and Adrien, who has since died -- and that the papers he preserved at the Holocaust museum.
Kempner's children agreed to give their father's papers to the Holocaust museum, but when officials arrived to retrieve them from his home in Philadelphia in 1999, they discovered that thousands of pages were missing.
The FBI opened a criminal investigation into the missing documents in 1999. No charges were filed in the case.
The Holocaust museum went on to recover in 1999 more than 150,000 pages of documents, including letters and records detailing 60 years of Holocaust history including behind-the-scenes notes about the Nuremberg trials that were held by Kempner's former secretary, Lipton, who had moved near Richardson's Lewiston home.
In mid-1998, Richardson gained power of attorney for Lipton, who was Kempner's legal secretary for more than 40 years.
Richardson encouraged Lipton to move into an assisted living home and allow him to move the files into a private home neighboring Richardson's publishing company in Lewiston.
The Rosenberg diary, however, was not among the documents recovered in 1999.
Early this year, the Holocaust museum and an agent from Homeland Security Investigation tried to locate the missing diary pages. They tracked the diary to Richardson and have now recovered it. [...]
The long lost diary of the high-ranking and influential Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg has been discovered and transferred to the United States Holocaust Museum. John Morton, one of the federal agents responsible for the diary's recovery, has called the case "one of the great detective stories of our time."
AntwortenLöschenAlthough Rosenberg was hanged after the Nuremburg Trials, his diary went missing, likely smuggled out of Germany by US prosecutor Robert Kempner. Seventy years later, an anonymous tip led federal investigators to Lewiston, New York, a small suburb of Buffalo. There, in the home of Herbert Richardson, they found and siezed the diary.
Herbert Richardson is no stranger to controversy or legal wrangling. He is the publisher of Edwin Mellen Press, a small academic publishing house that prints a wide range of scholarly titles. Earlier this year, Richarson made waves when he sued former University of Utah librarian and blogger Dale Askey for libel after Askey criticized the quality of Mellen's titles in a blog post -- a measure that most in the academic community have condemned as gross overreach.
Richardson has also courted scrutiny by founding and operating Edwin Mellen University, an institution accredited in the Turks and Caicos islands. The University did not offer classes, instead conferred Ph.D.s on the basis of written dissertations and life experience. Edwin Mellen University operated for over a decade but has since closed. Richardson's University was part of the reason he was eventually fired from his last teaching post; that firing is itself remarkable given that he was dismissed in spite of having tenure.
Now he's back in the news for illegally hiding Rosenberg's Nazi diary. News reports have yet to identify how Richardson came into possession of the diary, but after a lengthy legal process, he has lost his claim to the book.
Rosenberg and his diary are of historical interest because of the role Rosenberg played in the rise and administration of the Nazi Party. Rosenberg began his career as a radical right wing journalist and later became the head of the Nazi Party's foreign affairs department. He also played an important role in organizing Nazi looting of cultural artifacts and developed the idea of a racial "ladder" that heirarchically ranked different races.
The Holocaust Museum has now put selections from the diary online for public view. The diary entries show in-party bickering and jealousy among top Nazi officials and reflect Rosenberg's frustration with his position among Hitler's top aides. However, this negativity and doubt is never directed at Nazism per se. The diaries reveal Rosenberg as an unrepentent true believer who never wavered from his deep anti-semitism.
Verbindung Rosenberg - Fleischhauer - Edmonson
AntwortenLöschenEdmonson, Veranstalter einer "pan-arischen Konferenz"
Robert Edward Edmondson - Wikipedia
Robert Edward Edmondson (1872 in Dayton, Ohio – 1959) was an anti-Jewish pamphleteer and a defendant in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944. He was an organizer of the Pan-Aryan Conference.[1]
Edmondson had a 40-year career as a reporter, editor, author and publisher on economics. ...
While in New York he became aware of what he came to believe was the Jewish manipulation of America’s economy and started an independent financial news outlet, the Edmondson Economic Service.[2] At this time he also became friendly with Nazi propagandist Ulrich Fleischhauer and was a participant in the latter's Welt-Dienst/World-Service anti-Jewish news service.
Edmondson believed President Franklin D. Roosevelt to be Jewish and published the flier Roosevelt’s Jewish Ancestry to make his case. His attacks on Roosevelt during the 1936 election campaign suggested that the President was under the control of Jews such as Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter and Louis Brandeis.[3]
In a series of essays called American Vigilante Bulletins which eventually
numbered over 400,[4] Edmondson in the 1930s and 1940s documented what he saw as the Jewish control of America in banking, the press and the media. His research[1] was the forerunner to Who Rules America? written and distributed decades later by Dr. William L. Pierce. In 1953 he republished some of his bulletins in a book, I Testify.
Edmondson was also a strong anti-communist and much of his writing centered around the idea that fluoride in water was part of a communist conspiracy, as well as other plots attributed to communists.[5] ...
On June 11, 1936 Edmondson was indicted by a Grand Jury in New York City and charged with "libeling all persons of the Jewish Religion." In preparing his defense Edmondson subpoenaed some of the most prominent Jews of the time, including: Bernard Buruch, Henry Morganthau, Rabbi Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman.
In response, the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court to drop the charges against Edmondson. On May 10, 1938 the judge dismissed all indictments, ruling that there is no group libel law.
In the early 1940s Edmondson was again indicted for his anti-Semitism along with 29 others on charges of sedition. The Great Sedition Trial of 1944, as it became known, was eventually declared a mistrial and the charges were later dismissed.
He was widely believed by U.S. intelligence to have been an agent for Nazi Germany.[6] ...
The following quote expresses his ideology:
I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as
individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e., the bankers] is actively
anti-American, is attempting to jettison the American political philosophy and take over the Country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the offender any other than the Jewish minority, my attitude would be precisely the same. This problem is the biggest and most acute thing in the world today...
Knowing that pitiless publicity is the only cure for public evils, in 1934 I
started on a campaign to expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic Communism which has been called the "Code of Hell": a "Rabbi Racket" that victimizes its own followers; an international "Satanic System" subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.][8] ...
John Trevor, “Gentleman-Faschist” und Vertreter der anti-semitischen Organisation „American Coalition of Patriotic Societies“
Löschen(siehe auch Stichwort "Trevor" im Abschnitt ueber den "Shickshinny" Johanniterorden im Post)
Investigate Martin Dies!
The Case for a Grand Jury Investigation of Martin Dies
Submitted to the Department of Justice on August 6, 1942
By the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
On January 27, 1939, Dies and Hart were the chief speakers at a meeting of the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies, held at the Carlton Hotel in Washington. The Coalition is an anti-Semitic organization headed by John Trevor, socialite, millionaire and gentleman fascist, and by James True, publisher of the notorious Industrial Control Reports.
On November 29, 1939, Dies was the principal speaker at the Mass Meeting for America held in Madison Square Garden. Merwin K. Hart presided, and one of the other speakers was Col. George U. Harvey, a staunch defender of Christian Fronters and Borough President of Queens until his defeat in the 1941 elections.
The sponsors of the rally included
Robert Appleton, President of the American Defense Society
Mrs. Grace L. H. Brossean, Member of the Board of Governors of the Coughlinite Emergency Council to Keep America Out of Foreign Wars
Mrs. Ralph M. Easley, widow of the late Ralph M. Easley, guiding figure in the National Civic Federation
Ogden H. Hammond. decorated by Franco
Robert K. Harriss, Coughlin's broker
John Snow, of the League for Constitutional Government, which distributes the anti-Semitic literature of Harry A. Jung, and a member of the Paul Reveres
John B. Trevor, gentleman fascist, and representative of the
American Coalition of Patriotic Societies
Trevor war auch dem Pioneer Fund verbunden; siehe den Post ueber Hassrede.
LöschenToday in History: 27 March 1935: Adolf Hitler and Anthony Eden Talk About War and Peace
AntwortenLöschenAdolf Hitler and Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, meet in the British embassy to talk peace.
During lunch, the two discover that in World War I, the two of them lay in
trenches directly opposite of each other exactly 18 years of ago today.
Auf dem Bild muss auch Konstantin von Neurath zu sehen sein; also nochmal genauer hinsehen.
AntwortenLöschenDer Tag des Treffens muss der 27. oder 28.3.1935 gewesen sein.
Google Suche ergibt u.a. diesen Snippet (Zugang zu dem Artkel selbst ist kostenpflichtig):
27 Mar 1935 - THE FIRST DAY.
... the tightly closed doors of the room wherein Herren Hitler and Ribbentrop and Baron von Neurath are engaged with the British Ministers, Sir John Simon and Mr. Anthony Eden.
"R. A. Eden and Sir A. C. Phipps drove to the Chancellery this morning, and were greeted by Herr Hitler, who was accompanied by Baron von Neurath and Herr ..."
(auch dieser Artikel ist kostenpflichtig)
Alfred Rosenberg und der von ihm mitgepraegte Begriff des "positiven Christentums" - vgl. Dietrich Eckart und seine Berufung auf das "Christentum" als Grundlage der NS Ideologie
AntwortenLöschen"Alfred Rosenberg (12 January 1893 - 16 October 1946) was an early and intellectually influential member of the Nazi Party. Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart; he later held several important posts in the Nazi government. He is considered one of the main authors of key Nazi ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to "degenerate" modern art. He is also known for his rejection of Christianity, having played an important role in the development of Positive Christianity, which he intended to be transitional to a new Nazi faith. At Nuremberg he was tried, sentenced to death and executed by hanging as a war criminal."
Aus einer Verlagsbesprechung zu einer kommentierten Neuauflage von Rosenbergs "Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts" in der englischen Uebersetzung "Myth of the Twentieth Century"
Title The Myth of the Twentieth Century: An Evaluation of the Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age
Author Alfred Rosenberg
Publisher Invictus Books, 2011
Dazu passende Zitate aus NS Literatur
Löschen"Wir fordern die Freiheit aller religiösen Bekenntnisse im Staat, soweit sie nicht dessen Bestand gefährden oder gegen das Sittlichkeits- und Moral-Gefühl der germanischen Rasse verstoßen. Die 'Partei als solche vertritt den Standpunkt eines positiven Christentums, ohne sich konfessionell an ein bestimmtes Bekenntnis zu binden. Sie bekämpft den jüdisch-materialistischen Geist in und außer uns und ist überzeugt, daß eine dauernde Genesung unseres Volkes nur erfolgen kann, von innen heraus..."
"Sie wird die Fundamente wahren und verteidigen, auf denen die Kraft unserer Nation beruht. Sie wird das Christentum als Basis unserer gesamten Moral, die Familie als Keimzelle unseres Volks-und Staatskörpers in ihren festen Schutz nehmen."
Title Jenaplan-Pädagogik im Nationalsozialismus: ein Beitrag zum Ende der Eindeutigkeit
Volume 4 of Pädagogik und Zeitgeschehen
Author Robert Döpp
Publisher LIT Verlag Münster, 2003
Gefunden mit Google-Suche zu "Massenwahn bei Jugendlichen"
LöschenISIS als eine Form des Massenwahns bei Jugendlichen?
Yahoo-Meldung heute:
Drei weibliche Teenager aus London Richtung Syrien unterwegs, um sich ISIS anzuschliessen - ihre Familien beschwoeren sie, zurueck zu kommen
Families of London girls bound
for Syria beg them to come home
The families of three London girls believed to be traveling to join the Islamic State have issued desperate pleas for their children to return. The flight of the missing teens, who left for Turkey Tuesday, have heightened concerns about young Europeans leaving to join radical causes. ...
Rosenberg, Alfred (Herausgeber):
AntwortenLöschenNationalsozialistische Monatshefte. Zentrale politische und kulturelle Zeitschrift der NSDAP / 8.Jahrgang 1937 (Heft 88 Juli 1937 - Heft 90 September 1937)
München, Zentralverlag der NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf. München, 1938.
Mit Beiträgen wie z.B.: Eberhard Achterberg, Germanenkunde - Hans Bajer: das Lied der SA. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Bewegung - Bermos: Zur bolschewistischen Volkszählung vom 6. Januar 1937 - Dr.jur. E.H. Brockhoff (Generalsekretär der antikommunistischen Juristenliga): Aktive Jurisprudenz gegen den Bolschewismus und seine bürgerlichen Helfershelfer / Der Bolschewismus als Rechtsproblem - Prof.Dr. Karl Böhmer: Destruktive Kräfte in der Weltpresse - Wilhelm Brachmann: Das demokratische Antlitz der Weltkirchenbewegung / Zur weltanschaulichen Lage - Anton Deindl: Mönchstum und Zölibat. Ein Wort zu den Sittlichkeitsprozessen - Dr. A. Dressler: Die Juden in Italien - Kurt Eggers: Die Freiheitsidee des Ulrich von Hutten - Dr. Herbert Gerigk: Deutsches Musikleben / Aus dem Musikleben - Dr. Herbert Grabert: Zwischen völkischer und konfessioneller Geschichtsbetrachtung - Dr. Walter Gruber: Schrifttum über den Faschismus (Buchbesprechung) - Dr. Hadlich: Das neue deutsche Lesebuch - Waldemar Hartmann: Erlebte Gestaltung des Mythus. Zur Wilhelm-Petersen-Ausstellung der Nordischen Gesellschaft und NS.-Kulturgemeinde / Die Tierkunstausstellung der NS.-Kulturgemeinde / Die französische Kunst der Gegenwart / Der Tag der deutschen Kunst. Zur "Großen Deutschen Kunstausstellung" in München (mit Bildbeilage) / Entartete Kunst. Ausstellung unter den Arkaden in München / Des Führers Aquarelle / Dr. Janko Janeff: Der Untergang des Panslawismus - Dr. Alexander Jason : Bücher zur Judenfrage (Buchbesprechung) - Hans Klein: Aus der Bewegung - Prof.Dr. Franz Koch: Heinrich von Kleist - Dr. Georg Leibbrandt: Die Entwicklung des Bolschewismus / Alfred Rosenberg vor 15 Jahren über die bolschewistische Pest / Moskau und die katholischen Verbände / Weltbolschewismus / "Pest in Russland". Eine Schrift Alfred Rosenbergs in Neuauflage / Rassisch-völkische Bedingtheit der bolschewistischen Revolution - Hans-Joachim Lemme: Shakespeares Frauen und Mädchen in lebenskundlicher Betrachtung / Vererbung und sittliche Freiheit. Ein romkirchlicher Vorstoß gegen die Vererbungslehre - Hellmut Merzdorf: Otto Paust, ein Dichter der Kameradschaft - Dr.-Ing. Reichsminister Ohnesorge: Von der Bestimmung der Deutschen Reichspost - Günther Pacyna: Theodor von Bernhardy, Vorkämpfer einer volksgebundenen Wirtschaftsführung - Dr. Bernhard Payr: Schrifttumsdiktatur oder Schrifttumsforderung? - Dr. Manfred Pechau: Nationalsozialismus und deutsche Sprache - K. Reiß: Sudetendeutschtum (Buchbesprechung) - Karl Rosenfelder: Die Gegenreformation von heute in den Ländern des Weltprotestantismus - Karlheinz Rüdiger: Aus der Bewegung - Dr. Karl Rupprecht: Nationalsozialistische oder liberale Volkskunde? / Deutsches Volkstum und konfessionelle Volkskunde - Prof.Dr. Bruno Schier: Der deutsche Einfluss auf den Hausbau Osteuropas -
Prof.Dr. Hermann Schwarz: Wille und Rassenseele - Dr. Hans Strobel: Brauchtum der Fasnächte (mit Bildbeilage und Textzeichnungen) - Otto Wilhelm von Vacano: Ionien und Hellas. Ein Beitrag zur Rassengeschichte der Griechen (mit Bildbeilage) - Dr. Karl Viererbl: Kulturbolschewismus in der Tschechoslowakei / Weltanschauliche Gestaltungskräfte im europäischen Volkstumskampf / Sudetendeutschtum / Der Kampf um Oberschlesien. Das Schicksal eines deutschen Grenzlandes seit dem Kriege / Auslandsdeutsche Rundschau - Dr. Rolf Wagenführ: Die Wirtschaftsnot der Sudetendeutschen in der Tschechoslowakei - Eberhard Wiegand: Konfessionelle Bevölkerungsstatistik und Volksgemeinschaft - Dr. Matthes Ziegler: Wilhelm Stapel und die Judenfrage / Der "Parteitag der Arbeit" im Spiegel der konfessionellen Presse / Deutsche Volkskunde - Dr. Hellmuth Langenbucher: Die Dichtung der Frauen (Agnes Miegel, Lulu von Strauß und Torney, Helene Voigt-Diederichs).
Alexander Jason, moeglicher Kontakt zu William Dudley Pelley in Hollywood?
LöschenIn Anlehnung an die Angabe einer Statistik im „Handbuch der Judenfrage“ war Filmstatistiker Alexander Jason ebenfalls davon überzeugt, dass sich in Deutschland Filmherstellung und Filmverleih bis zu 90% in den Händen von Juden befänden. Alexander Jason, Der Film unter jüdischer Herrschaft, in: Süddeutsche Monatshefte Film, Januar 1936,
München 1936, S. 202
Der Internationale Filmkongress Berlin 1935 - OPUS 4
Artikel von Alexander Jason erschienen auch in Rosenbergs Nationalsozialistischen Monatsheften; s.o.
"Mit der Ernennung von Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg zum Reichsminister für die besetzten Ostgebiete tritt ein Mann an die Spitze einer entscheidenden Schicksalsaufgabe unseres Volkes, der seit den ersten Tagen der Bewegung in unablässiger Folgerichtigkeit die politischen und geistigen Hintergründe des bolschewistischen Weltfeindes dem deutschen Volk vor Augen geführt hat. Diesen Kampf konnte Alfred Rosenberg umso berechtigter führen, als er aus persönlicher Anschauung das Wesen des Bolschewismus kannte. Mit intuitiver Sicherheit erkannte er frühzeitig hinter der planmäßigen Vernichtung aller schöpferischen Kraft durch den Bolschewismus den Weltplan des Judentums, das diese anarchistische Revolution ausnutzte, um alle positiven Gestaltungskräfte der Welt zu gefährden. In seinem ersten öffentlichen Vortrag im Saal der "Schwarzhäupter" des Revaler Stadthauses am 30.November 1918 sprach Rosenberg über "Marxismus und Judentum". Damals nahmen an dieser Versammlung zahlreiche Juden -darunter der Besitzer eines großen jüdischen Warenhauses aus Reval - teil. Als Rosenberg auf die bolschewistische Anarchie und jüdische Zersetzungstätigkeit zu sprechen kam und den Versammelten darstellte, daß nicht deutsche Arbeiter, sondern jüdischem Meuterer die rote Fahne auf dem Schloss der Hohenzollern in Berlin gehisst haben, da erhoben sich die Juden unter der Führung dieses Warenhausbesitzers und verließen den Saal. Es ist wie eine symbolische Handlung, die eindringlich den Bolschewismus als jüdisches Machtmittel gekennzeichnet, wenn nach 23 Jahren, als die Bolschewiken 1940 die Stadt Reval besetzten, der Sohn eben dieses jüdischen Warenhausbesitzers als erster die rote Fahne auf dem Stadthaus zu Reval hißte."
AntwortenLöschenNationalsozialistische Monatshefte. Zentrale politische und kulturelle Zeitschrift der NSDAP / Heft 141 Dezember 1941
Rosenberg, Alfred (Herausgeber):
Zentralverlag der NSDAP Franz Eher Nachf. München, 1941
Auch interessant (aus der Inhaltsangabe zu dem o.g. Heft): "Europäischer Schriftstellerverband"/ Hans Carossa
LöschenHauptschriftleiter: Dr.Eberhard Achterberg / Berlin. Seiten 963 - 1032 ... - Aus dem Inhalt: ...Karl-Heinz Rüdiger: Der Kampf zwischen Chaos und Gestalt. Zur Ernennung des Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg zum Reichsminister für die besetzten Ostgebiete - Thilo Scheller: Der toten Soldaten Heimkehr (Gedicht) - Dr.Bernhard Kummer: Der Sieg des Glaubens in den mütterlichen Nächten - Dr. Karl von Spieß: Die Weihnachtszeit und ihre Gestalten - Dr. Edmund Mudrak: Volkstümliche Überlieferung und deutsche Erziehung - Thilo Scheller: Die Heimholung des Feuers - Weihnachtszeit macht die Herzen weit (Weihnachtsdichtung von Hans Baumann, Hans Hahn und Thilo Scheller) - Dr.Alfred Klemmt: Weltanschauung statt Philosophie? (Zum Aufsatz von Heinrich Härtle "Nationalsozialistische Philosophie?") - Kritik der Zeit. Karl-Heinz Rüdiger, Politisches Tagebuch. Über den Lebensstil Osteuropas / Der Jude Waitzmann fordert die Ausdehnung der jüdischen Macht über Palästina hinaus / Die Bindungen der interventionistischen Kreise in USA an England - Curt Tiltack: Paul de Lagarde, zu seinem 50. Todestag am 22. Dezember - Dr.Nausicaa Fischer: Lustspiele in Berliner Theatern / Kunstausstellung des Hilfswerks für deutsche bildende Künste in der NSV - Filmschau - Herbstausstellung der preußischen Akademie der Künste - Dr. Bernhard Payr: Schrifttumsschau (u.a. Deutsches Dichtertreffen in Weimar / Gründung des Europäischen Schriftstellerverbandes mit Vorsitz von Hans Carossa / Clausewitz-Preis der Reichsstiftung für deutsche Ostforschung an den Dichter Erhard Wittek und den Ritterkreuzträger SS-Sturmmann Fritz Christen / Kulturpreis des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren an den Schriftsteller Karl Franz Leppa / Hamburger Dietrich-Eckart-Preis an den Lyriker Hans Baumann und den Literarhistoriker Professor Adolf Bartels
[Judenhass von heute]
AntwortenLöschenI. Kapitel: Antisemitismus nach dem Weltkrieg
Auszüge aus dem 1935 im Paneuropa-Verlag in Wien und Zürich erschienenen Buch von R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. Wenn hier vom Weltkrieg die Rede ist, ist also der I. Weltkrieg gemeint.
3. Teil:
Bolschewismus und Antisemitismus
Der Sieg des Bolschewismus in Russland und sein Versuch, Europa zu erobern, hat dem Antisemitismus neue Argumente von größter Schlagkraft gegeben.
Denn sowohl unter den Führern des russischen Bolschewismus als auch unter den Vorkämpfern des Kommunismus in Europa war die Zahl der Juden verhältnismäßig groß. Dies gilt vor allem auch von den Führern der Räteregierungen in Ungarn und Bayern.
Die Ursachen dieser Tatsache sind vielfältig. Für jeden, der die Unterdrückung und Verfolgung der Juden im vorrevolutionären Russland kennt, bedarf es keinerlei Erklärung, dass das Gros der russischen Juden erbitterte Feinde des Zarismus war und dass sich ihre intellektuellen Führer der radikalsten Opposition gegen dieses antisemitische Regierungssystem anschlößen. ...
[Judenhass von heute]
LöschenI. Kapitel: Antisemitismus nach dem Weltkrieg
Auszüge aus dem 1935 im Paneuropa-Verlag in Wien und Zürich erschienenen Buch von R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. Wenn hier vom Weltkrieg die Rede ist, ist also der I. Weltkrieg gemeint.
2. Teil:
Westwanderung der Ostjuden
Die Massenwanderung russischer und polnischer Juden nach Amerika und Mitteleuropa hat im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert den Antisemitismus in den Vereinigten Staaten entzündet und in Mitteleuropa verstärkt.
Die Massenwanderung nach Amerika war eine Folge der russischen Revolution und Gegenrevolution in den Jahren 1904/05. ...
Mit dem Weltkrieg, der Polen in einen Hauptkriegsschauplatz verwandelt hat, setzte die zweite große Welle ostjüdischer Auswanderung ein. Diese Welle richtete sich infolge der Blockade der Mittelmächte hauptsächlich nach Mitteleuropa, nach Deutschland und Österreich. Hunderttausende polnischer Juden wanderten nach Wien und Berlin: Kinder einer fremden Kultur, mit einem fremden Jargon, fremden Sitten und fremden Auffassungen. Sie kamen meist als Flüchtlinge, verarmt und gezwungen, auf jede Weise ihr Leben zu fristen. Wo die legitimen Wege zu ihrer Ernährung und der Erhaltung ihrer Familie versperrt waren, mussten sie sich illegitime Wege suchen. Einigen dieser Ostjuden gelang es, rasch reich zu werden. ... während die wenigen Ost Juden, die wohlhabend und reich geworden waren, ihren Reichtum mit der Naivität von Parvenüs und primitiven Menschen oft geschmacklos zur Schau trugen, verschwand die Million jüdischer Flüchtlinge aus Polen und Russland, die durch den Krieg alles verloren hatte und bettelarm geworden war, aus dem Gesichtskreis der öffentlichen Meinung. Ein großer Teil derselben wanderte nach dem Kriege zurück.
Diese ostjüdische Einwanderung nach Mitteleuropa schuf eine neue Assimilationskrise. Während den Westjuden im Laufe eines Jahrhunderts eine weitgehende Assimilierung gelungen war, schuf die ostjüdische Welle von neuem eine tiefe Kluft zwischen diesem fremden Element und den Mitteleuropäern. Die Westjuden standen kulturell und geistig den Nicht-Juden, die sie umgeben, ungleich näher als den Ostjuden, die auch ihnen wesensfremd waren. Aber der Antisemitismus nahm auf diesen Gegensatz keine Rücksicht: er sah im Judentum eine große Einheit, eine große Gemeinschaft und übersah teils aus Unkenntnis, teils aus Absicht den kulturellen Gegensatz zwischen West- und Ostjuden. So drängte er das gesamte Judentum Mitteleuropas in eine gemeinsame Defensivstellung. ...
Zu der Verbindung Pichel-Hanfstaengl siehe auch
AntwortenLöschenOld Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party
von Russ Bellant
Queen Elizabeth's Nazi Salute Is a Reminder How Close Britain Sailed to the Fascist Wind
AntwortenLöschenThe Sun paints Nazi sympathizer and then-Prince of Wales Edward as the villain responsible for the embarrassing reel, but the truth is more complicated.
Anshel Pfeffer |
Jul 18, 2015
... the woman in the photograph is the late Queen Elizabeth, Britain's beloved Queen Mother who passed away thirteen years ago and the daughter, aged about seven in the 17-second clip, would one day become Britain's reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. The man in the pictures is their uncle, Prince Edward, who is trying to get the younger sister, his niece Princess Margaret to give the salute as well.
The film was made in the grounds of Balmoral Castle in Scotland, most likely in the summer of 1933. ...
Edward was hardly unique in his sympathy for the new regime in Germany. There's a reason why the Royal Family has not released its archives from that period - not all of Britain's nobility were Hitler's fans, as he was, but it wasn't a rare trait either. Fuelled by their fear of the communists who had only two decades earlier butchered the Russian royal family, lingering anti-Semitism and a respect for the sense of law and order the Nazis had restored to Germany, where many of Britain's senior aristocrats had relations and other connections, the early years of the Third Reich seemed like quite a good thing.
Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, has admitted that during those years there was "a lot of enthusiasm for the Nazis at the time, the economy was good, we were anti-communist and who knew what was going to happen to the regime?" and that in his sphere there were "inhibitions about the Jews" and "jealousy of their success." ...
Also the narrative that The Sun presents as if once the bad king was gone, the Royal Family got behind the struggle against fascism is selective at best. George VI and his wife who were key supporters of Appeasement, along with much of the British press and public, invited Neville Chamberlain to the palace to congratulate him when he got back from meeting Hitler in Munich and allowing him to tear Czechoslovakia apart in September 1938. King George continued to support those who were in favor of an early exit from the war and was aghast at the replacement of Chamberlain by Winston Churchill in May 1940. He preferred Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax who advocated coming to an accommodation with Hitler. ...
Britain's Sun newspaper released the 17 second video on their website and put a still on their front cover on Saturday, July 17, 2015. "Their Royal Heilnesses" blared the headline, above a picture of Britain's smiling royal family performing Nazi salutes.
LöschenThis embarrassing footage comes ahead of more potential humiliation for the Windsors, as Britain's Channel 4 announces plans for a forthcoming documentary about the Queen's husband Prince Philip and his family's Nazi links. His parents, Prince Andrew and Princess Alice of Greece, were early admirers of Hitler, entertaining him at their flat. Although the couple eventually turned against Nazism (Alice even rescued a Jewish family in Greece, hiding them in her home during World War II), three of Prince Philip's sisters married Nazis, and various other members of Britain's extended royal family expressed sympathy for Nazism throughout the 1930s. ...
Shockingly, the Nazi ideology of the one-armed salute that's so embarrassed Queen Elizabeth is alive and well and gaining adherents throughout Europe.
Throughout Europe, neo-Nazi parties are on the rise. In Hungary, the openly neo-Nazi Jobbik political party gained 20% of the vote in general elections in 2014; its leaders sport Nazi-style black uniforms and have called Jews a "national security risk" for Hungary and advocated setting up detention camps for Gypsies. Greece's fascist party Golden Dawn became that nation's third largest party in elections in January 2015. Nine different fascist parties from various European countries sit in the European Parliament, democratically elected and spreading their foul ideology throughout Europe and beyond.
The Nazi salute is spreading unofficially, too. Although the traditional Nazi salute is banned in many European countries, the "Quennelle" - a sort of inverted Nazi arm signal popularized by the virulently anti-Semitic French entertainer and activist Dieudonne M'bala M'bala - has become a ubiquitous symbol, performed by public figures and ordinary people alike. ...
Some historians have gone even further in their depictions of Edward VIII’s sympathies for the Nazis. In a book published earlier this year, the German historian Karina Urbach claims that Edward VIII was a severe anti-Semite who blamed the Jews for the outbreak of the war and hoped that Germany would ultimately beat Britain into submission. Her suggestions come as part of a broader study she undertook into the role European aristocrats played in keeping Hitler in power.
LöschenThe extent of Edward VIII’s sympathy for fascist ideology, or his relationship with Hitler, are impossible to truly know. What is clear however, is that his support for fascism was far from exceptional in 1930s Britain. The British Union of Fascists, led by Oswald Mosley, was a serious political force in Britain in the decade, until it was disbanded in May 1940. Up until 1934 it had enjoyed support from national newspapers, including the Daily Mail. At the time, and since, accusations have frequently been made that the BUF received support from Hitler’s Nazi party, although this has never been proved.
Of course, as a seven year old, Queen Elizabeth would have had no idea about the meaning of the gesture she is seen performing in the video. Nevertheless, the release of the video raises important questions, not just about the extent of fascist sympathies in the royal family in the 1930s, but in British society as a whole.