Da mein Blog in letzter Zeit wieder öfter
mal aus Norwegen angeklickt wurde, kommt hier eine – zugegeben, etwas ungewöhnliche
– Hommage an Blog-Besucher aus Norwegen. Ich bin zuversichtlich, sie verstehen
es nicht als Beleidigung, sondern als Würdigung ihres Interesses. Ich habe ein paar
Sachen zusammen gestellt, die ich mit
Suchwort „Norwegen“
auf meinem Blog und in meinen Notizen gefunden habe.
Die meisten Textauszüge sind in
deutscher oder englischer Sprache geschrieben. Aus Zeitgründen und wegen
mangelnder Beherrschung der norwegischen Sprache muss ich es leider dabei
Mit den Suchworten „Breivik“ und "Fjordman" ist auf
dem Blog noch erheblich mehr zu finden; in dieser Zusammenstellung erwähne ich
Breivik und moderne Ideengeber für sein Pamphlet nur im Zusammenhang mit möglichen ideengeschichtlichen Kontinuitäten.
Auch zum Thema „Lebensborn“ (und Norwegen) gibt es auf dem Blog mehr Hinweise
und Quellenangaben, als in dieser Zusammenstellung erscheinen.
Jon Alfred Mjøen - wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen
internationalen und deutschen (NS) Rassenideologen
Alfred Rosenberg, John Alfred Mjöen, Alexander Jason u.a.: Der Bolschewismus als Aktion einer fremden Rasse; Rassenhygiene in den nordischen Ländern; Weltanschauung im Film u.a. -Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte Heft 67 / 1935
Antiquarisches Buchangebot, gefunden über Amazon
Dieser Fund ist ein interessanter Hinweis auf die ideologische Nähe zwischen Alfred Rosenberg und dem norwegischen Rassenideologen Jon Alfred Mjøen (in übersetzten Publikationen z.t. mit anderer Schreibweise, John Alfred Mjöen oder Mjoen). Mjøen publizierte auch im “Journal of Heredity” (s. Stichworte “Reinöhl”, “Pioneer Fund” auf diesem Blog).
Der spätere
NSDAP-Ideologe Alfred Rosenberg (1946 als einer der Hauptkriegsverbrecher
hingerichtet) hatte einflussreiche Publikationen verfasst, in denen er Bolschewismus
mit Judentum gleichsetzte. Eine davon, das
Hass-Pamphlet "Die Totengräber Rußlands“, erschien 1921 im Hoheneichen-Verlag, den der
Hitler-Mentor Dietrich Eckart gegründet hatte. Zusammen mit Rosenberg und dem
Karikaturisten Otto von Kursell war Dietrich auch Mitautor des besagten
Pamphlets. Eine US-Ausgabe erschien um 1923 in Hollywood unter dem Titel "The
Grave diggers of Russia".
Ein Exemplar der Hollywood-Ausgabe
habe ich antiquarisch erworben. Die Rückseite des Pamphlets ist bedruckt mit
Werbung für ein weiteres, ähnliches Pamphlet (THE SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT OR
"THE HIDDEN HAND" by Maj .-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich).
Zu diesem
antiquarischen Fund und weiteren Recherchen dazu siehe http://guttmensch.blogspot.com/2011/08/bolschewisten-gesichter-das.html
Rosenberg war während der NS-Zeit Schirmherr der „Nordischen Gesellschaft“.
Dietrich Eckart (1868-1923) war Bühnenautor, bevor er Verleger wurde. Sein großer
Erfolg, der ihm als solcher den Durchbruch brachte, war eine völkische
Nachdichtung von Henrik Ibsens „Peer Gynt“, uraufgeführt in Berlin 1914.
Siehe auch
Suchworte „Rosenberg“ und “Eckart“ sowie Label „Nordischer Gedanke“ auf diesem
Erste Informationen zu Mjøen fand ich in:
A brief history of the European and American eugenics movements of the 1930s: Excerpts from "A History of the American Eugenics Movement," University of Illinois,
Ph.D. Thesis, 1988 by Barry Mehler)
The American
Eugenics Society was initially organized as the Eugenics Committee of the
United States by the Executive Committee of the Second International Congress
of Eugenics. The energy, momentum, and emotional tone of the Congress were
instrumental in the creation of the Society, and the Society's original
orientation and program reflected the concerns expressed by the international
leaders at the conference. Two men epitomized this leadership. Georges Vacher
de Lapouge (1854-1936) and Jon Alfred Mjoen (1860-1939). Mjoen introduced the
resolution which called for the formation of the Eugenics Committee (later to
become the AES) …
Like Lapouge, Mjoen
was much more highly regarded in America than he was in his native Norway.
Osborn introduced him as "the leader in the vigorous movement of race hygience
in Scandinavia." This, despite the fact that no Norwegian geneticists
worked with Mjoen or contributed to his journal Den Nordiske Rase. Mjoen did
find important supporters in Sweden and Denmark, however, including the
internationally renowned geneticists Hermann Nilsson-Ehle and Wilhelm
Mjoen was
particularly concerned with the pernicious consequences of the race mixing.
At the Conference
he gave a lecture entitled "Harmonic and Disharmonic Racecrossings."
The lecture dealt with the pernicious effects of crossing the Norwegians with
Lapps. The Americans were facinated to learn
that Norwegian/Lapp mixes produced the same kinds of disharmonies found in
American mulattoes. In America Mjoen's polemic against miscegenation seemed
especially objective and scientific.
Mjoen's interest in
eugenics had been stimulated in Germany where, in 1897, he met and became
acquainted with Alfred Ploetz, the father of German eugenics. Like Galton, Mjoen was a man of substantial means, and in
1906, he established the Vinderen Biological Laboratory, a private research
institution for the study of eugenics. He was especially
interested in mental properties, and his studies in musical ability were quoted
in Erwin Bauer's classic text, Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre.
In 1908 Mjoen gave
a talk before the Norwegian Medica Society at the University of Oslo in which
he sketched the "Norwegian Program for Race Hygiene," later
incorporated into the AES agenda. According to Mjoen, modern industrial life
and social welfare legislation endangered the welfare of the race. Modern
social policy aimed at improving conditions for the poor, neglected biological
heredity. The natural "cleansing processes" had been upset by social
intervention. "The present social services may increase the health of the
individual, but as a rule it lowers that of the race - the nation."
While Mjoen was not
opposed to social welfare legislation, he believed that it must have a eugenic
rather than a dysgenic thrust.
From 1915 on a
group of Norwegian biologists led by Otto Mohr denounced Mjoen for his
scientific incompetence. Nevertheless, Mjoen, an active member of the governing Liberal Party, found considerable
support for his eugenic ideas among government officials.
By 1915, the party platform included a call for the study of practical methods
for treating folk-disease - "fokesykdommer." Mjoen was also able to
convince the Parliament to create the
Institute for Genetics at the University of Oslo in 1916. Ragnar Vogt, founder
of Norwegian psychiatry, was placed in charge of it. Vogt's work was considered
more scientific than Mjoen's and his outlook more conservative. Still, he
opposed miscegination as well as the franchise for "lower races."
Alf Amble - "Vår kamp"
Ich sehe gerade, wir haben auf dieser Seite schon
zwei Buch- bzw. Zeitschriftentitel mit "Kampf" - kurz bevor Hitler
kam mit "Mein Kampf":
"Vår kamp" - "Unser Kampf" von
dem norwegischen Antisemiten Alf Amble und "Im Kampf gegen den
Bolschewismus" von einem gewissen "Prinz Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt",
auch Avalov geschrieben. Awaloff-Bermondt war 1919 Kommandant einer
anti-bolschewistischen Koalition von (para-)militärischen Einheiten im
Baltikum, an der deutsche Freikorps wesentlich beteiligt waren.
Quisling – „entdeckt“ von Thilo von Trotha, Mitarbeiter
Alfred Rosenbergs
That summer, the
head of the northern section of Rosenberg's foreign policy office, the romantic
poet Thilo von Trotha, had made a trip to Norway and later reported at length
on the NS and its Forer. Quisling, he told Rosenberg, was a man of great
ability who, given the right circumstances, could one day become the Man in
Quisling: A Study in Treachery, Hans Fredrik Dahl - Page 112 - Google Books Result
Rosenberg - von
Mende - Espeseth - Quisling
von Mende was an
enthusiastic Nazi, who was Alfred Rosenberg's specialist on minorities in the
Soviet Union. ... von Mende married Karo Espeseth, a Norwegian author ...
("Quisling: a study in treachery", Hans Fredrik Dahl)
-„A man shall come from the North to save civilization“
Die Befürchtung, dass es zu einem Zweiten
Weltkrieg kommen werde, war in den 1920er Jahren bereits greifbar. „Count“
Cherep-Spiridovich [in seinem 1926 erschienenen Buch THE SECRET WORLD
GOVERNMENT OR "THE HIDDEN HAND"] machte eine jüdische
Weltverschwörung für den Ersten und im Vorgriff auch gleich für den Zweiten
Weltkrieg verantwortlich - und lieferte damit "Rechtfertigungen" für
Krieg und Völkermord, angezettelt im Wahn einer Verschwörungstheorie.
Auch hier wieder der „nordische Gedanke“, Berufung
auf die eugenischen Ideen von Madison Grant und Lothrop Stoddard (in einer
anderen Quelle las ich, dass Stoddard noch 1940 Nazi-Deutschland besuchte) und
auf die Mythologie, dass alles Gute aus dem Norden kommt. Cherep-Spiridovich
wird als ein Mann mit prophetischen, geradezu magischen Fähigkeiten vorgestellt
– und als ein Mann aus dem Norden, mit Wurzeln in Norwegen. Ist er der ersehnte
Retter der Zivilisation? Der Verfasser der Vorworts, Herjulf Vikingsom, zitiert
Tolstoi: „A man shall come from the North to save civilization“. …
Google erkennt keinen "Herjulf
Vikingsom", außer im Zusammenhang mit der von Cherep-Spiridovich
verbreiteten antisemitischen Verschwörungstheorie. Gut möglich, dass es sich um
ein Pseudonym gehandelt hat. In der Liste der "aufrechten
Persönlichkeiten", die am Schluss des Buches gewürdigt werden, wird neben
Henry Ford, "Dr. H. Kraeger", "Th. Frisch" und einer langen
Reihe weiterer Namen auch "M. Sylten" von der "Nationalt
Tidsskrift", Oslo, aufgeführt.
Mikal Sylten,
Swastika-Symbol und “Who's Who in the Jewish World",
Der norwegische Hass-Schreiber Mikal Sylten
verwendete das Swastika-Symbol bereits 1917, drei Jahre vor Hitler.
"... Nationalt
Tidsskrift ... was staunchly anti-semitic, and Sylten took up the swastika as a
symbol in 1917, three years before Adolf Hitler chose to do so... He also
published a pamphlet called Hvem er hvem i jødeverdenen, "Who's Who in the
Jewish World", in 1925... Because of his interest in Jewish affairs,
Sylten was used as a consultant for the national socialist authorities during
the German occupation of Norway... He had some contact with other anti-Semitic
publishers, such as Alf Amble who ran the periodical Vår kamp." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalt_Tidsskrift
[Anm.: Noch vor Mikael Sylten – ab 1912 - hatte
bereits Baden Powell, der Gruender der Pfadfinder-Bewegung, der dem NS-Regime
in Deutschland anfangs keineswegs abgeneigt war, das Swastika-Symbol verwendet]
Maggen Blom, Quisling-Verehrerin, Ehefrau von
„Rassenpapst“ Hans F.K. Guenther
Beim Herstellen von Verbindungen zu norwegischen NS-Sympathisierern um Vidkun Quisling halfen Rosenbergs Mitarbeiter Thilo von Trotha und der deutsche „Rasse-Papst“ Hans F. K. Günther mit seiner norwegischen Ehefrau Maggen Blom.
Hans Fredrik Dahl - 1999 - Biography & Autobiography
Maggen Blom, the
sister of Cecilie, had been corresponding with Quisling ever since ... Thanks
to these two couples, then, Quisling and von Trotha came to meet ...
Hans Friedrich Karl
Gunther, who was also known as the Race Gunther or Race Pope for his believe in
the superiority of the German race […]
His 1904 book
"The Principles of Human Heredity of Race Hygiene" used US sources as
references to depict the African children as both mentally and physically
inferior stock than Germans. Along with various revisions and reprints, this
book was gaining popularity … By … the spring of 1923, [he moved] to Skien in
Telemark, Norway, where he married Maggen Blom that summer. […] Back in 1922,
Uppsala University at Uppsala, Sweden, had founded the Race Biology Institute
under heredity and race director Hermann Lundborg (1868 - 1943) who invited
Hans to give lectures on race here in the spring of 1924, where he would move
with his family by the autumn of 1925. In a year, Hans moved his family to
Lidingo in Stockholm, Sweden, where his "Ethnology of Europe" (1926)
was a popular book. And why not? This book claimed, without any scientific
data, that unlike Norwegians, the Swedes had the purest Nordic race, especially
around Lake Vattern in central Sweden and several other related places where
the people were 80% Nordic.[…] Had he said that all Scandinavians were pure
Nordic, the book may have proved popular enough, but because he didn't, he had
to bring his family that included daughter Ingrid born in 1926 back to Germany
by the summer of 1928 while he commuted back and forth between the two
(Anm.: Guenther publizierte auch nach 1945 munter
weiter und erfreute sich weiterhin eines gewissen „wissenschaftlichen“
Ansehens; seine Werke werden z.T. noch von Schreibern sowohl der
traditionell-rechtsextremen NPD als auch der „Neuen Rechten“ ehrfurchtsvoll
Peder Jensen („Fjordman“) und Ole Anfindsen – ihre
Schreibereien inspirierten “Norwegen-Attentäter” Anders Breivik
"Fjordman", im bürgerlichen Leben Peder
Are Nøstvold Jensen, hat seine Identität preisgegeben. Er hat schon einen
Eintrag bei Wikipedia (englisch). Nach meinem Eindruck ist dieser zumindest zu
einem beträchtlichen Teil (z.B. Abschnitt "Views") von seiner
Fangemeinde verfasst mit selektiver, diskret werbender Wiedergabe der von ihm
vertretenen Auffassungen.- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fjordman#cite_ref-14
Interessant die bei Wikipedia erwähnte zeitweise
Zusammenarbeit mit Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, Autor des 2010, einige Monate vor
"Deutschland schafft sich ab", erschienenen Buches "Selvmordsparadigmet" (Selbstmordparadigma).
"Der Gründer der einwanderungskritischen
Internetplattform „Honest Thinking“, Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, kündigte ... an, er
werde seine Worte künftig sorgfältiger abwägen und alle bisher veröffentlichten
Beiträge daraufhin untersuchen, ob sie als Aufforderung zur Gewaltanwendung
verstanden werden könnten. Anfindsen hatte die Einwanderung aus muslimischen
Ländern als „äußerst reale Gefahr für Norwegens Kultur“ bezeichnet."
Aus: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ),
Online-Ausgabe, 28. Juli 2011
Anfindsen ist Herausgeber und - zusammen u.a. mit
dem Blogger "Fjordman", aus dessen Texten sich der Attentäter von
Norwegen in seinem Bekenner-Manifest ausgiebig bediente - Mitautor des
2010 erschienenen Buches "Selvsmordparadigmet" (Selbstmordparadigma).
"Selvsmordparadigmet" kann wohl mit einiger Berechtigung als
norwegisches Äquivalent zu Sarrazins "Deutschland schafft sich ab"
betrachtet werden.
Anders Breivik - „Zuchtprojekte mit Norwegern in
Reservaten“, Denkeinfluesse des NS „Rassenpapstes“ Günther
Wenn man der Ideengeschichte der Vorstellungen
nachgeht, die der Norwegen-Attentäter Anders Behring Breivik in seinem
Bekenner-Pamphlet und in Gesprächen mit psychiatrischen Gutachtern preisgab,
stößt man – trotz Breiviks Verehrung für Winston Churchill, die im Gegensatz zu
(NPD-)Riegers Hitler-Verehrung steht - auch hier auf den Nazi-“Rassenpapst“
Hans F. K. Günther mit seiner „nordischen Bewegung“ und der Idee von den
rassisch-genetisch korrekten „bäuerlichen Freisassen“. Breivik verstand sich
als ein Aktivist des Widerstands gegen „Kulturmarxismus“, „Multikulturalismus“
und „brainwashed liberals“ („hirngewaschene Gutmenschen“) und schwadronierte
von „Zuchtprojekten mit Norwegern in Reservaten“.
„Rasse-Günther“, Wiking-Jugend, Tietjen/ Tietgen
(Lebensborn Norwegen)
[Jürgen] Rieger vertrat Rassenkunde in der Tradition von
Hans F. K. Günther, war Vorsitzender der völkisch-neuheidnischen
Artgemeinschaft und als Hauptorganisator des Rudolf-Heß-Gedenkmarsches bekannt.
Rieger verfügte über ein beträchtliches Vermögen,
das er aus Erbschaften von verstorbenen Gesinnungsgenossen und aus Aktien- und
Immobiliengeschäften gewinnen konnte. So war er Testamentsvollstrecker des
verstorbenen Wilhelm Tietjen (geschätztes Vermögen: mehr als eine Million Euro)
.... Den Nachlass verstorbener "Kameraden" verwaltete Rieger unter dem
Deckmantel der Briefkastenfirma Wilhelm-Tietjen-Stiftung für Fertilisation. ...
1969 hielt Rieger auf dem Jahrestreffen der
Northern League im englischen Brighton eine Ansprache in der er sich auf die
rassenkundliche Tradition Hans F. K. Günthers berief. Auch im Folgejahr nahm er
an der Tagung teil und forderte ein "Teutonische Föderation" aufgrund
gemeinsamen "Erbes" und "Rassenursprungs". ...
1970 war er Mitbegründer eines CSU-Freundeskreises
(außerhalb Bayerns). 1972 wurde er Vorstandsmitglied im Nordischen Ring,
Vorsitzender der Gesellschaft für biologische Anthropologie, Eugenik und
Verhaltensforschung (bis 1972: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erbgesundheitspflege)
... und - bis zu seinem Tod - Herausgeber deren Zeitschrift Neue Anthropologie.
Des Weiteren übernahm Rieger Funktionen in der
NPD, der seit 1994 verbotenen Organisation Wiking-Jugend und der 1995
verbotenen FAP. 1989 stieg er zum Hauptfunktionär und Vorsitzenden der
völkisch-neuheidnischen „Artgemeinschaft“ und Schriftleiter von deren Organ,
der Nordischen Zeitung, auf. Ferner war er verantwortlich für die Mitteilungen
des „Deutschen Rechtsschutzkreises/Deutsche Rechtsschutzkasse“ (DRSK) sowie
führendes Mitglied im Norddeutschen Ring und der Northern League. …
Rieger stützte wiederholt die NPD mit Darlehen und
Krediten, bedachte die NPD allerdings nicht direkt in seinem Testament.
Stattdessen tritt die Gesellschaft für biologische Anthropologie, Eugenik und
Verhaltensforschung (GfbAEV), ein rechtsextremer eingetragener Verein mit Sitz
in Ellerau, das Erbe Jürgen Riegers und der Wilhelm-Tietjen-Stiftung für
Fertilisation an. …
Seit 1992 war er Mitglied des bestehenden und von
der Hamburger Anwältin Gisela Pahl geleiteten Deutschen Rechtsbüros, einer
Vernetzung rechtsextremer Anwälte. …
Rieger erwarb in der Vergangenheit immer wieder
Immobilien, die als Tagungs- und Versammlungszentren für Treffen der
Rechtsextremisten und Neonazis dienen sollten. Die Herkunft der Gelder ist
nicht geklärt. Er selbst sprach in einem Interview 2005 von „Grundstücksspekulationen“,
ein anderer Teil des Kapitals stamme aus Hinterlassenschaften von Altnazis, die
wollten, „dass ihr Vermögen der Bewegung“ zugute komme...
1995 erwarb er in der Nähe von Mariestad in
Südschweden für etwa 1,6 Millionen Euro das Anwesen „Sveneby Säteri“, ein
burgähnliches Herrenhaus mit 650 Hektar Land. Angeblich sind wegen der dort
angesiedelten ökologischen Schweinezucht, die Rieger mit übernommen hatte,
trotz Protesten der schwedischen und deutschen Regierung, EU-Gelder in Höhe von
jährlich 300.000 Mark an ihn geflossen. Mit Anzeigen versuchte Rieger,
„reinrassige“ Deutsche zur Umsiedlung dorthin zu bewegen, die fernab von
vermeintlich schädlichen Einflüssen „germanische Nachkommen“ großziehen
sollten. Dieses Projekt ist bislang nicht erfolgreich ... Stattdessen wurde im
Herbst 2003 bekannt, dass sich schwedische Neonazis in der Gegend des Anwesens
konzentrierten, nachdem der führende schwedische Rechtsextremist Klas Lund ein
weiteres Gelände von 650 Hektar in unmittelbarer Nähe des Gutes Sveneby
erworben hatte. Bis November 2003 waren mindestens vier Personen aus dem
Führungskreis der „Schwedischen Widerstandsbewegung“ (SMR) dort eingezogen,
einer Nachfolgeorganisation der antisemitischen Gruppe Weißer Arischer
Widerstand, eines schwedischen Ablegers der amerikanischen Vereinigung White
Aryan Resistance ...
(aus Wikipedia)
Die Suchmaschine hat “j” für “g” gelten lassen und
fand “Tietjen” auf der gefundenen Seite in der Wortfolge “Wilhelm-Tietjen-Stiftung
für Fertilisation” (der Name des Stifters Wilhelm Tietjen kommt auch auf dieser
Seite vor; s.o.). Die anderen Stichworte kamen in anderen Posts auf der
gleichen Seite vor. Der einzige andere Treffer mit dieser Suchwort-kombination,
den Google heute bieten konnte, ist eine norwegische Webseite über die
Geschichte des “Lebensborn” in Norwegen:
"Lebensbornsjef I Norge var først
SS-Sturmbannführer Tietgen som senere ble avløst av SS-Sturmbannführer
Ragaller." http://www.norgesdokumentasjon.no/rapporter/7-LEBEN_A.PDF
Demnach war, wenn ich den norwegischen
Textausschnitt richtig verstehe, während der deutschen Besatzung zuerst
SS-Sturmbannführer Tietgen für den Aufbau des “Lebensborn” in Norwegen
zuständig; er wurde später abgelöst durch Sturmbannführer Ragaller. - Es
erscheint nicht abwegig, dass die Suchmaschine “Recht” haben könnte – wenn der
Name nach Gehör aufgeschrieben wurde, könnte der “Tietgen” genannte Offizier
auch “Tietjen” geheißen haben. Dann wäre die Verbindung zwischen der
“Lebensborn” Initiative der Nazi-Zeit und der “Wilhelm-Tietjen-Stiftung für
Fertilisation” möglicherweise nicht nur ideeller Art. Ist es tatsächlich möglich, dass Tietjen der
"Tietgen" vom Lebensborn Norwegen war, und das wäre bis heute nicht
bekannt gewesen?
Einiges aus Tietjens Biografie ist bekannt
(NSDAP-Mitgliedschaft, Luftwaffe; siehe z.B. Wikipedia) - es würde passen, nur
dass die Station "Norwegen" oder eine Tätigkeit für den
"Lebensborn" nicht erwähnt wird
Er habe zeitlebens von einem neuen
"Lebensborn" geträumt, sagte dieser Quelle zufolge eine Nichte des
Strategien der extremen Rechten:
Hintergründe-Analysen-Antworten, von Stephan Braun, Alexander Geisler, Martin
Gerster (Hg.) (http://books.google.com/books?id=gTYRWkZ_-r0C&pg=PA248&lpg=PA248&dq=%22wilhelm+tietjen%22+lebensborn&source=bl&ots=xFKkKuMfh5&sig=_8oqE7dbkiHd_LV3ykVU6CgJMow&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ScvwTofnKoTjrAf-grDUDw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22wilhelm%20tietjen%22%20lebensborn&f=false)
Ich denke, man kann mit an Sicherheit grenzender
Wahrscheinlichkeit davon ausgehen, dass "Wilhem Tietgen" und
"Wilhelm Tietjen" ein und dieselbe Person sind.
über den norwegischen “Rassenhygieniker” Jon Alfred Mjøen (engl.)
about Mjøen
Moving the Social . 48 (2012) S. 133–156
Social Movements in the Nordic Countries since 1900
David Redvaldsen
Eugenics as a Science and as a Social Movement
The Cases of Denmark and Norway 1900–1950
The article compares Danish and Norwegian eugenics
in the first half of the twentieth century. It especially investigates
sterilisation and racism, both of which are associated with the doctrine.
[…] Similarities between the Danish
and Norwegian versions outweighed differences. But in Denmark there was a
greater focus on the pernicious societal effects of “feeblemindedness” than in
Norway. Conversely, Norwegian eugenics was more racist than Danish. […]
From its inception, the system of thought known as eugenics had a dual
nature: it was both a field of scientific endeavour and an ideology. Francis
Galton (1822–1911), its British originator, advocated eugenics being brought
into the national consciousness as a new religion. He also conducted careful
statistical investigations underpinning racial improvement as a science. The
doctrine was global in its reach, as exemplified by the 1912 International
Congress of Eugenics held in London and its follow-up in 1921 in New York. […]
Norway had no popular eugenics organisation either, only the
Consultative Committee on Eugenics, which was set up after 1913. The founder
was Jon Alfred Mjøen, who acted as its secretary, and its other early members
were Professor Nordal Wille, a biologist, Dr Alfred Eriksen, a clergyman and
former Labour parliamentarian, Professor Marius Hægstad, a philologist, Haakon
Haakon Løken, Governor of Oslo, and Dr Wilhelm Keilhau, an economist and
historian. These organisations were cabals of influential people more than they
were actual societies. The officers of these clubs [in Denmark and Norway], Dr
Hansen and Dr Mjøen, were among the institutors of eugenics in Scandinavia.
Søren Hansen (1857–1946) [...] wrote a number of anthropological books, which
would also have advanced “racial hygiene”. Jon Alfred Mjøen (1866–1939) shared
many of the attributes of Hansen. Because he belonged to the Eugenics Education
Society in Britain, he had a higher profile in English-speaking countries and
is the more well-known of the two. Mjøen studied pharmaceutics in Norway and
chemistry in Germany. Like Hansen, he received several state scholarships, but did
not attain an academic career. Instead, in 1906, he founded the private Vinderen
Laboratory, located at his home. […]
In Norway the eugenic infrastructure also consisted
of the Institute of Heredity at the University of Oslo, set up in 1916 with
partial funding from the Rockefeller Trust. Its chair was held by the cytologist
Kristine Bonnevie, the first Norwegian woman to be a professor. Bonnevie was
scathing about Mjøen’s popularisation attempt […] Mjøen considered that he had
launched eugenics in his home country through a paper he gave to the Medical
Society (Medicinerforeningen) in 1908. This organisation was a possible outlet
for scientists interested in eugenics, as were the Hereditarian Society
(Arvelighetsforeningen) after 1919 and the Norwegian Medical Association (Den norske
lægeforening). […] The Danish case did not entirely match the Norwegian. Its
Institute of Heredity was not founded at the University of Copenhagen until
1938, but again with Rockefeller money. […]
Mjøen portrayed his Vinderen Laboratory as a
private institution which the government had commissioned to investigate
various scientific matters. It is true that Mjøen had been appointed to carry
out work into the classification of alcoholic beverages. He probably sought a
similar standing for his eugenic projects as the Anthropological Committee
enjoyed in Denmark. His Consultative Committee has been described as little
more than headed notepaper, but it did belong to the International Federation
of Eugenic Societies. […]
Mjøen represented a popularising strand to
Norwegian eugenics. In 1914 and 1915 he tried to convince the Liberals, of
which he was a member, to adopt policies aiming at race improvement. These were
taken from his Norwegian Programme for Racial Hygiene, presented in May 1908.
It was divided into negative, positive, and prophylactic eugenics (combating
racial poisons). […] In 1914 he also published a book called Racehygiene, which
was intended for the general reader. […]
the [Danish] Institute [of Heredity] gained
prestige after the Second World War when it took over the Bureau of Human
Heredity, a records office of scientific data, from the Galton Laboratory at
University College London. […]
One of the stated aims of the Eugenics Education
Society in Britain was to create a eugenic consciousness. Ultimately, however,
it is through legislation that an ideology influences society. As mentioned,
the British eugenists failed to get sterilisation onto the statute book, while
the Danes and Norwegians succeeded. […]
Not only was sterilisation in Norway influenced by
developments in Denmark, but its actual implementation followed parallel lines.
In 1927 a Penal Commission had recommended sterilisation but not castration. It
had been set up in response to demands for better protection against sexual
offenders. One of its members was the female physician Ingeborg Aas, who, in an
appendix to its report, not only argued forcefully for sterilisation but also
for the castration of sexual offenders. Under the auspices of the National
Council of Norwegian Women (Norske Kvinners Nasjonalråd), Aas published a book
in 1931 entitled “How can society protect itself against the feebleminded and
sexual transgressors?” This linkage was damning to the mentally deficient, as
few would be interested in protecting their rights if it were imagined that
they were potentially dangerous to women and children. Aas argued on eugenic
grounds, making rudimentary calculations
about how much the public purse could save by these medical interventions. The
presentation was hardly fair, but it was effective. A unanimous resolution of
the National Council, meeting in Bergen in January 1932, urged Parliament to
implement the report’s suggestion. […]
Mjøen’s Consultative Committee on Eugenics wrote to
the Ministry of Justice in August 1931 detailing the principles it thought
should be incorporated in such a bill. It later wrote a draft bill (including
castration). In January 1932 the socialist physician Johan Scharffenberg gave proposals
for a eugenic law on sterilisation in Arbeiderbladet, the main Labour daily. His
suggestions included a greater degree of coercion. […]
The Norwegian sterilisation law of 1934 allowed
voluntary sterilisation of men and women over the age of 21 who could give a
valid reason for wishing the procedure to be undertaken. There were also
provisions for the sterilisation of people of unsound mind, mental defectives,
or individuals below the age of 21. These additionally required written consent
from the individual’s doctor or warden. Lastly, persons regarded as permanently
insane or of very severe mental retardation could be sterilised with the
approval of their warden or guardian, the initial application coming from them,
the police or institutional authorities. It was not revised until 1977, but in
1942 the Quisling government decreed a new law for the protection of the
national race. This law allowed any person in authority to initiate
sterilisation on a subject who lived locally. Such sterilisation would be
compulsory, and there were even guidelines on the use of physical force. It
remained valid until the end of the war. […]
The eugenics of the Nordic countries in general had
a very strong racial component to it. At the International Congress of Eugenics
in New York in 1921, Mjøen made his name with a warning against miscegenation,
and he succeeded in having a committee set up to look specifically at immigration.
All the eugenists who served on it were Scandinavians, except the American Charles
Davenport. In 1928 the International Federation of Eugenic Societies
established a committee to examine miscegenation. Half the members were
Scandinavians. Mjøen was an arch-racist of such proportions that he may rightly
be labelled as a proto-Nazi. He ended his popular book on eugenics with a
eulogy of Northern Europeans:
The Germanic people stand today without doubt at
the helm of the modern Aryan ship of culture. No new and uncounted Aryan races
of culture stand ready to take over if the power of the Germanic people should
fail. […] No, the race which has the best, the victorious potential in its germ
plasm, is the ‘immortal’ one, which has the future in its grasp. It is the race
which in England fostered a Shakespeare, a Darwin, which in Germany made
Goethe, Kant, Lessing, Nietzsche and Wagner. It is the race, which corporal
display of power and mental production in philosophy, music and especially
science, the history of the world has not witnessed equal.
Much of his work consisted of investigations
purporting to show that race mixture was harmful. He tried to prove this in
rabbits by referring to the way their ears hung down or stood up when different
breeds were mated. He referenced but ignored the work of the anthropologist
Eugen Fischer, who had studied intermarriage between white colonisers and
so-called Hottentots in South-West Africa. […]
His studies of intermarriage between Norwegians and the Sami people of Northern
Norway became increasingly hysterical. Initially, he merely voiced his
scepticism about “the purifying effects of blood mixture”. Then he began to postulate
that tuberculosis, other diseases and crime were often caused by race-mixture. Later,
he wrote that he was becoming more and more convinced that the inmates of asylums
and prisons were to a large extent recruited from this mixed population. In the
Eugenics Review in 1931 he reviewed the book Die Rassenmischung beim Menschen
(Race Mixture in Humans) by Herman Lundborg, Director of the Institute of Race
Biology at Uppsala University in Sweden. It concluded: “Herman Lundborg has in
this and other works given his countrymen a warning. We […] are in great debt
to him for his courageous campaign to preserve the Nordic race from race-mixing
and destruction”. […]
Bartels and Brun came to the conclusion that Roma
were not a threat to the Danish race. […]
The contrast is striking also to Scharffenberg,
supposedly a reform eugenist, who wrote that Roma were a lower race who could
not be assimilated to the Norwegian population. There were too many imbeciles,
schizophrenics, dipsomaniacs, work-shy, criminal vagrants and beggars among
them. In his proposed sterilisation law, travellers were singled out as a
special category for the operation.90 His was not an isolated opinion. Ingeborg
Aas was in favour of the sterilisation of travellers. She wrote that a large percentage
of them were defective and feebleminded. She thought that there would not be
great resistance to ending this “plague of the nation”. Ragnar Vogt, a
psychiatrist, was another leader of eugenic opinion in Norway. He was a clear
racist too: in his introduction to the theme, he wrote about “worthy” and
“unworthy” races, opining that the suffrage should not be conceded to “the
lower races” […]
There were racist opinions also in some of the Danish eugenic
literature, such as the popular works of Jonathan Leunbach and Knud Hansen of
1925 and 1929 respectively. Both wrote about the inferiority of coloured people
and threats to the white race’s supremacy. Søren Hansen criticised the first
book in a letter written to the periodical of the Danish Medical Association. The
difference is that Leunbach and Knud Hansen had nothing like the stature in Danish
eugenics which Mjøen, Scharffenberg, Aas and Vogt had on the Norwegian scene. Hansen
was an unknown figure. Leunbach was a Jewish communist who was sentenced to
three months’ imprisonment in 1936 for carrying out illegal abortions. Mjøen
may not have been universally appreciated, but he was a Norwegian delegate to
the International Congress of Eugenics in 1921. He was the most well-known of
Norwegian eugenists abroad. Aas, a deputy delegate to the League of Nations,
served on the committee which considered sterilisation, as did Vogt. The latter
has been described as “the founder of modern psychiatry in Norway”. Scharffenberg
was a leading writer on a wide range of matters, as well as one of Norway’s
most famous doctors. He was consistent in his belief in eugenics, only willing
to eliminate certain ethnic minority groups, based on a family history of
criminality or social problems. Thus he called for Norway to accept 5,000 Jewish
refugees from Germany, as they were an exemplary race, an attitude for which he
was strongly condemned by a letter writer in Fritt Folk, the newspaper of
Quisling’s party. […]
Immigration was a highly contentious issue in
Norway during the interwar period. As in the United States, eugenics found a
rich field of application here. In 1927 the police and the central passport
authorities were given wide powers to deport immigrants. Those migrants had to
have a residence permit before they were allowed to enter the country. Roma and
other travellers were prohibited in toto. In 1932 deportation was made even easier
and the residence permit was only granted subject to passing a physical examination.
Especially the Agrarian Party was hostile to immigration. In 1920, in its founding
programme, there was a declaration that it wanted to defend “Norwegian family
life and the character of the people” from “less desirable elements”. Hence
there could be no immigration. At this stage, the justification given was
purely emotional, but when eugenists supported the party line, the Agrarians
were delighted. Halfdan Bryn, a Trondheim-based physician and eugenist, gave
“scientific” credence to what the party was claiming in a speech in 1931. Bryn
was of a similar cast of mind to Mjøen, and worked on the Scandinavian
Committee on Racial Matters. […]
It is conspicuous how influential eugenics was on
debates relating to immigration. Writing a general history of early twentieth-century
Norway, Knut Kjeldstadli quotes from contemporary opinion. Immigrants were
regarded as “scum” and “trash”, whose “bad heredity” risked diluting the
desirable Nordic race.
To be sure, Danish bourgeois opinion also worried
about “Jewish and leftist” agitators who came to the country as immigrants. The
economist and eugenist Knud Asbjørn Wieth Knudsen gave a speech in Copenhagen
in 1937 about Germany, in which he said criticism of that country for
persecuting Jews was “misguided”. He also stated that Russia would regain its
stature as soon as it was run by “Russians and not a Jewish clique”. […]
No research has yet shown that Denmark sterilised
anyone on the basis of ethnicity, but in Norway there were strong tendencies
for the “Romany” people to be singled out for this measure. Estimates of the
number of “Romany” sterilised range from 128 to at least 500, in the entire
period when the sterilisation law was in force (1934–1977). […]
Mjøen studied the Sami people of Northern Norway,
and he either came to it or went away from it with grave prejudices against this
group. He was especially worried about those who were mixed Norwegian and Sami,
starting from a boyhood memory of being driven in a reindeer sledge by one such
individual. One of his contributions to eugenics was the argument that healthy
individuals of good stock could nevertheless produce disharmonious children if
they mated with someone of a different race. Søren Hansen […] [described] the
Inuits of Greenland […] as being of “the lowest stage of the entire species”. But
crucially perhaps, he thought the offspring of Danes and Inuits were an
intermediate race, superior to the unmixed Inuits. […] In the period which this
article covers, there was accordingly a significant difference in racial
attitudes between Mjøen and Hansen. Because the former had a profound influence
on Norwegian eugenics, the doctrine as understood in that country was liable to
be racist too. Then there is the existence of the Agrarians. They were the only
mainstream Norwegian party to focus on immigration in their manifestos, but it
resonated with a part of the population, including politicians of other
parties. There was even a connection with Mjøen, as the Agrarian movement
(Norges Bondelag) appointed a genealogical committee in 1937 and named him as a
consultant to it. […]
Sterilisation and questions of race are the most
obvious topics within Scandinavian eugenics, given that it was known as “racial
hygiene”. Especially the first has been investigated at some length, while the
recent acceptance of multiculturalism in those countries creates a demand to
examine the past with reference to racial attitudes. A conclusion of this
article is that Norwegian eugenics had a greater racial component to it than
Danish. […]
The sources do not leave in doubt that Mjøen was an
arch-racist, while they and secondary literature indicate strongly that these
attitudes were shared, to a lesser extent, by other Norwegian eugenists. The
scientific racism inherent in the Norwegian version might have been the basis
for a popularisation of eugenics. That it came to nothing was probably by
reason of a still relatively homogeneous population. The areas where ethnic
minorities had a visible presence (especially Northern Norway) were sparsely
populated, limiting the opportunities for communication. On the other hand, it
is clear that Danish eugenics was more deeply engrossed in the international
discourse about the menace of the feebleminded. […]
If, as seems likely, Norwegian eugenics was more
racist and Danish eugenics was more hostile to the “feebleminded” than the
other, what can be learned from that? It shows who was considered “the enemy” in
each national context. Retaining the purity of the race is probably about not
sharing opportunities and resources with outsiders. […]
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