Gedankengut dieser Verschwörungstheorie beeinflusste, auch über personelle Kontinuitäten, u.a. die Verfolgung sogenannter "unamerikanischer Umtriebe" während der Mc Carthy Ära (ca. 1947 bis 1956) und wirkt bis in unsere Zeit hinein nach.
Die Karrikaturen Kursells spiegeln die Vorstellung, eine Neigung zum Kommunismus sei durch eine minderwertige genetische Ausstattung bedingt, und diese zeige sich in "Rassenmerkmalen". Auffällig ist, dass Kursell neben der klischeehaften Darstellung einer besonders hervortretenden "jüdischen Nase" (z.B. rechts unten, Schreider) bei einigen Porträts (s. Mitte links, Bela Kuhn) die Darstellung von "Negrescence" in den Vordergrund stellte und bei weiteren eine Kombination aus beiden "Nasentypen" versuchte. Damit visualisierte er die von John Beddoe formulierte Überzeugung, dass menschliche Gruppen als genetisch umso unterentwickelter einzustufen seien, je "negerhafter" sie seien, und dass die Juden auf dem von ihm entwickelten "Index" den "Negern" näherständen als den "Weißen".
Aus dem gleichen Zeitgeist heraus schrieb Francis Galton, der Begründer der Eugenik-Lehre, den im heutigen Namibia angetroffenen Nachfahren afrikanischer Mütter und europäischer Väter "felon faces", also "Verbrechergesichter" zu. Der deutsche führende "Rassenforscher" Eugen Fischer entwickelte später u.a. anhand von Schädelvermessungen an der gleichen Volksgruppe, den sogenannten "Rehoboth Bastards", eine Theorie über deren vermeintliche Minderwertigkeit (und überhaupt die Minderwertigkeit von aus "Rassenkreuzungen" hervorgegangenen Menschen).
Die Assoziation "Kommunismus", "Juden" und "rassische Minderwertigkeit" findet sich bis heute, z.B. in Schriften und Reden von William Lind, auf die auch in der "Counterjihad"-Szene verwiesen wird - und das trotz der angeblich Israel-freundlichen Grundtendenz typischer "Counterjihad"-Blogs.(siehe auf diesem Blog
"On March 4, 1919 ... Colonel Bermondt made the Maltese cross breast badge the emblem of his SOSJ army and enameled it black in memory of General Graf Keller. High level German nationalists backed this re-establishment of the Russian Sovereign Imperial Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Among them was General Ludendorff who had been Chief of Staff of the German Army during WWI. His chief intelligence officer Major Walter Nicholai was also involved. The Protector of the Order was the legitimate heir to the Russian throne, Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich. Grand Duke Cyril continued to finance the SOSJ venture with the help of the American Grand Priory. Prince Awaloff and Grand Duke Cyril planned to join with German forces to drive the Bolsheviks out of the Baltic. This idea to cooperate with Germany was unique to these Knights of St. John who believed that Russian-German cooperation was the only way to rid the world of the Bolsheviks. ... In 1919 Colonel Prince Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt, supported by the Johanniter Orden, the Romanoff Pretender Grand Duke Cyril, and American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr., OSJ, became Commander in chief of the Russian Imperial Army. He led the SOSJ ... plan, financed through attorney W. N. Cromwell, OSJ, American Grand Prior, to clear the Bolsheviks from the Baltic and to set up a pro-German government. Most of the officials of what became known in the Fall of 1919 as the West Russian Government were members of the OSJ. Prince Awaloff recorded much of this information in his memoirs which he wrote in 1925 in Hamburg, Germany. ... In New York City alone there were reportedly three thousand former White Russian military officers organizing for counter-revolution. The SOSJ was an important participant in counter-revolutionary engagement in Eastern Europe throughout the 20th century. It engaged in small unit warfare in the regions controlled by the Communists. Cherep Spiridovich was personally presented to J. Edgar Hoover by the US Ambassador to Romania, T. Tileston Wells, and was supported by Grand Duke Cyril’s U.S. representative, Boris Brasol, OSJ, by U.S. Treasury Secretary, Robert McAdoo and of course by the Chicago Crane family. … Presented as a private alternative to the League of Nations, the A-L-S (Anglo-Latino-Slavic) League, which was the remnant of the SOSJ in Eastern Europe, had been a bulwark against the spread of Islam. It now was promoted as a force against the new menace of Bolshevism. This A-L-S League was soon being called the Anti-Bolshevist League. ... At this time, the “Little Entente” was created by the Balkan countries as a mutual protection pact, and the American “societies of friends” allowed for civilian “access” in the fledgling efforts to contain the Bolsheviks. The Order gathered intelligence on the international revolutionary movements. The SOSJ ... engaged in psychological warfare operations including the distribution of anti-Bolshevist information such as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” This document allegedly details a plot by elite Jews to control the world through finance, and it has been the cause of political and social unrest during the past one hundred years."
Der Name „Avalov“ ist hier „Awaloff“ geschrieben („Prince Awaloff“ bzw. "Colonel Prince Pavel Awaloff-Bermondt"). - Der Text enthält eine Reihe von Namen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung des eugenisch-antisemitisch geprägten Anti-Bolschewismus von Bedeutung sind, darunter Colonel A. Cherep Spiridovich, Alfred Rosenberg, Madison Grant, Boris Brasol und Henry Ford.
„A man shall come from the North to save civilization“
Da auf der Rückseite des Pamphlets von Eckart/ Rosenberg/ Kursell ein weiteres Produkt der Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association“ angepriesen wird, THE SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT OR "THE HIDDEN HAND" von Maj .-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich, habe ich im Internet nach mehr Information darüber gesucht und bin fündig geworden.
Wenn auch nur ein Teil der Verlagswerbung zutrifft, scheint dieser anti-semitische Schinken eines größenwahnsinnigen Verschwörungstheoretikers ein Bestseller gewesen zu sein und über Ländergrenzen hinweg viele Personen des öffentlichen Lebens zutiefst beeindruckt zu haben.
Was mir besonders auffiel:
Auch hier wieder, wie bei Henry Ford (siehe Post über sein Pamphlet „Der Internationale Jude), die Behauptung, man sei judenkritisch, aber nicht judenfeindlich („This book is mostly about Jews ; it is not against the Jews“). Die Juden werden unter einen „Generalverdacht“ gestellt. Aus dieser Position heraus werden sie aufgerufen, sich an der „Reinigung der Gesellschaft von ihren Feinden“ zu beteiligen, ob diese Feinde nun „jüdische Verschwörer oder nicht-jüdische Komplizen“ seien („may join hands in purging society of its enemies, be they Jewish plotters or Gentile participants)“. Es fehlt auch nicht der Anspruch, wissenschaftlich zu sein („scientific“).
Erinnert an Teile der „Islamkritik“, die sich „sachlich“ geben, aber tatsächlich hasserfüllt sind.
Die „Weltverschwörung“, geht von Angehörigen der vermeintlich minderwertigen und gefährlichen „Rasse“ aus (hier: den Juden, von denen die Juden „mongolischer“ Abstammung besonders schlimm seien), aber zu „reinigen“ ist die Gesellschaft nicht nur von ihnen, sondern auch von ihren naiven oder mitverschwörerischen Steigbügelhaltern aus der eigenen „Rasse“. (Erinnert an den Wahn des Norwegen-Attentäters Anders Breivik, seinen Hass auf „liberals“ und an einige der Texte aus „islamkritischen“ Blogs, auf die er sich berief.)
Berufung auf die Bibel einerseits (auf Stellen, die angeblich Jesu Christi zu wenig beachtete Warnung vor den Juden zum Ausdruck bringen) und auf den Talmud andererseits (der Verachtung gegenüber Nicht-Juden predigen würde, was ein Beweis für die Niederträchtigkeit der Talmud-Gläubigen sei; der Talmud müsse verboten werden.) - Tatsächlich gibt es Stellen, die Verachtung gegenüber „Ungläubigen“ predigen und zum Kampf gegen sie aufrufen, in den heiligen Schriften aller Weltreligionen. Solche Stellen im Talmud waren und sind Stoff für „Judenkritiker“, die damit Hass säten und dies immer noch tun; solche Stellen im Koran sind Stoff für „Islamkritiker“, die ebenfalls Hass säen - aber auch die Bibel ist keineswegs frei davon. Atheisten (etwa im Gefolge von Dawkins) nehmen dies zum Anlass, alle Religionen zu verdammen - und nicht selten dazu, alles zu hassen, was mit Religion und Glauben zu tun. Was auch nicht gerade vom Hass befreit.
Interessant auch die Erwähnung von „ Lord Alfred Douglas, Editor of 'Plain English' “.
„Plain English“ als Titel einer Zeitschrift, das erinnert an Dietrich Eckarts Zeitschriften-Titel „Auf gut Deutsch“. Dietrich Eckart war ja Mitverfasser des oben vorgestellten Pamphlets, und ein Mentor und früher Förderer Adolf Hitlers (der dankbar in „Mein Kampf“ erwähnt wird.)
Waren beides antisemitische Blätter im „Klartext“-Gestus, wäre es möglich, dass sich Eckart und Lord Douglas gegenseitig inspiriert haben? Mal sehen, ob sich ein „Plain English“ Exemplar bei Gelegenheit antiquarisch auftreiben lässt.
Die Befürchtung, dass es zu einem Zweiten Weltkrieg kommen werde, war in den 1920er Jahren bereits greifbar. Cherep-Spiridovich machte eine jüdische Weltverschwörung für den Ersten und im Vorgriff auch gleich für den Zweiten Weltkrieg verantwortlich - und lieferte damit "Rechtfertigungen" für Krieg und Völkermord, angezettelt im Wahn einer Verschwörungstheorie.
Auch hier wieder der „nordische Gedanke“, Berufung auf die eugenischen Ideen von Madison Grant und Lothrop Stoddard (in einer anderen Quelle las ich, dass Stoddard noch 1940 Nazi-Deutschland besuchte) und auf die Mythologie, dass alles Gute aus dem Norden kommt. Cherep-Spiridovich wird als ein Mann mit prophetischen, geradezu magischen Fähigkeiten vorgestellt – und als ein Mann aus dem Norden, mit Wurzeln in Norwegen. Ist er der ersehnte Retter der Zivilisation? Der Verfasser der Vorworts, Herjulf Vikingsom, zitiert Tolstoi: „A man shall come from the North to save civilization“.
Maj .-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich
The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association
General Cherep-Spiridovich Extolled as Prophet
Aus der Werbung des Verlags (bei Erscheinen des Buches 1926)
"Spiridovich is the Slav Pope - Spiridovich is the Slav Bismarck" - acknowledged the "Russkoye Slovo," Russia's greatest paper.
"Nothing has happened, nothing was told since 1914, that General Spiridovich did not foresee, foretell and repeat a hundred times with the fiery, passionate stubbornnesss, which is the distinguishing quality of the seers and prophets," ("L'Information," in Paris, on December 27, 1915) .
"So Count Spiridovich prophesied exactly ten years ago. Few prophets have been more thoroughly justified than he . Today is the tenth anniversary of an astounding prophecy of his, which appeared on our pages, Dec . 19, 1908," (The Editor of the "Daily Graphic" on Dec . 19, 1918) .
"General Cherep-Spiridovich has the credentials as a successful PROPHET" (the Editor of the "Financial News," on January 24, 1919) .
"The XXth Century Prophet," a "PROPHETIC GENIUS," ("The Christian Commonwealth" in February, 1919).
"Count Spiridovich has a more intimate knowledge of the Russian problem than almost anyone who has visited this country. He has very definite ideas about what should be done to save the world from Bolshevism . The General should be consulted by those in authority . His profound and intimate knowledge should be at their service. His book, ''Towards Disaster," published in 1913, predicted what would happen in Russia in the event of a European War and this, like his other predictions, has shown that he possesses an uncanny intuition," (the Editor of the "Daily Chronicle," the famous Mr . Robert Donald, President of the British Empire's Press, in his own "The Yorkshire Observer," on April 25th, 1919) .
"The accurate fulfilment of all the forecasts of Gen . Spiridovich gives to his advice a great weight . His foresight approaches the MIRACULOUS . His detailed knowledge of affairs and men would not be sufficient to explain this gift ." (M.Urbain Gohier, the brilliant Editor of '' La Vieille France," Paris, July 29, 1920) .
"Count Spiridovich may justly claim to be the possessor of a faculty for foreseeing events in the political world, which entitles him to be called a PROPHET in all seriousness . His book, "Towards Disaster ; Dangers and Remedies" (1913), proved him to be possessed of a PRETERNATURAL intuition," (Lord Alfred Douglas, Editor of "Plain English" on Sept 25th, 1920). ...
The late Ambassador of Italy, Baron Mayor de Planches, gave an interview in New York in April, 1907, when in "The New York Times," on April 17, 1907, appeared the General's letter (foretelling the 2 Balkan and the World Wars): "The United States had its Washington, the Italian Kingdoms were joined by Garibaldi ; Bismarck gave lasting unity to the German people, and now the Slav nations may have their hero . The appearance of a Slav Bismarck is imminent. The prediction is on every Slav tongue . But the conditions which such a liberator must fulfill are very difficult . Such a leader must answer six requirements .The only man who can meet all the six conditions is General, Count Spiridovich ."(The Town Topics, April, 1907) .
„The General's writings bear evidence of a faculty of prevision which amounts to PROPHETIC GENIUS, entitles his utterances to the weightiest consideration," (the Editor of the "Asiatic Review" in Feb., 1919) .
"General Count Cherep-Spiridovich was thoroughly well acquainted in the most intimate manner with all the undercurrents and intrigues of European politics," (the "New York Staats Zeitung" on April 29, 1921) .
... "General Spiridovich is the most inspired and fearless man alive today . And he has behind him the terrible record of prophetic warnings in the past, fulfilled,"(the famous homeopath, Dr . John H . Clarke, Vice-Pres . of "The Britons," London) . "
Aus dem Vorwort von Herjulf Vikingsom, Chicago, 1925
"This book is mostly about Jews ; it is not against the Jews ….The results are presented to the thinking public to enlarge its intelligence, not its prejudice . The book should appeal to Jew and Gentile alike, that they may join hands in purging society of its enemies, be they Jewish plotters or Gentile participants ; each group more contemptible than the other according to the point of contemplation .
The Jews should bring to bay the "satanists," who corrupt the countries in which they have found asylum ; the Gentiles should make harmless every Judas, who accepts the bribes of the Jews. ...
Count Cherep-Spiridovich springs from Norse gentility. His remotest ancestor on record was prince Rurik, who, being one of the "Worthies" of his time, was in 862 called by the Slavic people to Novgorod, where he founded a dynasty and gave Russia its name.
Nordic tradition, coupled with exceptional education and training, have given to general Spiridovich the spiritual ardor, … but it devolves upon the individual reader to make practical application of it, by refusingto participate in the practices, which engage "Enemies of Humanity."
A Chicago Rabbi recently said "We have been told, long enough : 'You cannot change Human Nature ; but, I say to you : Human Nature can be changed ; and, what is more :Human Nature must be changed ." And, how may it be changed? A Danish philosopher has given the formula. "... it is upon inequality as a basis, that equality must be reared ..."
These are the jewels of thought of a century ; they blind the evil eye of bolshevism ; may each reader set them, firmly, in the diadem of his deeds . Count Tolstoy prophesied 'A. man shall come from the North to save civilization ."
Is that man Cherep-Spiridovich? Who knows?-Read his book and the world will never again seem the same to you. "
Aus dem Text des Buches
" "Will our civilization survive?," Mr. J. D . Rockefeller Jr . and others anxiously ask. It will, if this book is read and its message spread. It surely will not, if this book is trampled upon!
Count Okuma, the farsighted and clever statesman of Japan,, affirmed this war will lead to the death of Aryan civilization. Though he knows how it will be destroyed, he, as a Mongol, did not reveal it. Therefore, I shall do it.
Why did a score of the best British (among them the famous President of the British Empire's Press, Mr Robert Donald) French, Slav and other editors call me "Prophetic Genius" or "Prophet" with "astounding," "marvelous," "preter-natural," a "miraculous" foresight and intuition? ...
Why have I been so successful in all my predictions?
Only because I most humbly agreed with the warnings of OUR SAVIOUR (St . John VIII, 44, St . Matthew XXIII, 15 etc .). ... Because CHRIST said clearly that there is a "Satan's lust of murder and that the Jews - his sons - will do it." And History, as we shall see, daily confirms this OUR SAVIOUR'S warning which means : "Gentiles, keep far away from the Jews!"
The Talmud is today preached in every synagogue! It teaches "Thou (Jew) shalt smite the other nations, which the Lord delivers in your (Jewish) hands" . . ."kill the best goym" (gentiles.) ...
Edouard Rothschild V-th in Paris and the 300 Judeo-Mongols, who are composing the World Government (the Hidden Hand), made 100 billions out of this First World War. Of course, not mounting their "lust of murder," they are willing to stage a Second World War. They are preparing it against rich America …
Not only do we not execute the commands of our SAVIOUR, but nearly all our Aryan so-called ruling class, and even clergy, seem to believe that HE was "wrong" and that they "are wiser ." They think that they must not be as full of "racial hatred" and "religious prejudice" as they imagine HE was (St . Johns VIII, 44) when HE condemned the scribes, whose criminal books called the Talmud are being followed by an entire race, which is killing us!
Out of each 100 gentiles 99 will surely shout "CHRIST ordered us to love even our worst foes ."
Precisely ; that is why we are obliged to prevent the Jews from"doing their lust of murder."* The more we love somebody, the more must we endeavor to cure his criminality. ...
My book is not religious, but purely scientific …
We are witnessing a political earthquake in Russia … The reason why so many persons are being killed is not because of their counter-revolutionary activity, but is nothing more or less than the deliberate murder of the intelligent Aryan classes in order to substitute the Asiatics ...
"The problems of unrest must be solved, if the Republic is to be preserved" (Mr . Arthur Hobson Quinn, the Dean of the University of Pennsylvania). Yes! But to solve the "problems of unrest," and thus to save the White Race, we must know that the World Unrest is caused by the "lust of murder" of the Judeo-Mongols and their firm desire to smash the Aryans and to overthrow everything Christian.
This is well understood by Mr . Madison Grant, who wrote in the introduction to Mr. Lothrop Stoddard's "Rising Tide of Color": "Now Asia, in the guise of Bolshevism with Semitic leadership and Chinese executioners, is organizing an assault upon western Europe ."
The assault of Asia is not to be upon Europe only, but upon the Aryan Race as a whole, especially upon wealthy America .
The wild Bolshevist meetings in New York prove that the same"earthquake" that is destroying Russia, the former Eastern guardian of Christian civilization, is beginning in America. Few Americans paid attention to the fact that all the speakers were Asiatics* (*History proves, and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the so-called "German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews" are Mongols, who accepted the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses . The Talmud seems more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by the so-called "Jews .".)
Why are the Aryans so stupidly blind? …
And do we not see the mass-madness of the Aryans in the question of the "League of Nations," "World Court," "War on War," and so forth? Indeed, millions of well-meaning persons in every
Aryan country are working hopelessly, as if pouring water into bottomless barrels, or like squirrels turning their endless wheels. … They all ignore CHRIST'S warnings. Only by checking the Jews' lusts could peace be kept.
Among others things the Talmud teaches : "The best Gentiles must be destroyed," and similar commands . However, many politicians have the effrontery to declare that this "religion" ought also to be "respected," while it ought to be exposed in the Courts, as inciting to murder ..."
Aus einem Artikel von 1907 in der New York Times, Hinweise auf weitere NYT Artikel:
Russian General Entertains at St. Regis, Eulogizing Czar in a Speech.
„Count A. de Jcherep-Spiridovitch [sic], a Major General in the Russian Army, and President of the Slavonic Society of Russia and also of the Latino-Slavic League of Paris and Rome, gave a luncheon yesterday at the St. Regis to a number of guests, among whom were Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain,) Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Gen. Grant Wilson, Russian Consul Baron Schilling and Baroness Schilling. ..
Count Jcherep-Spiridovitch ... said: ".. the Czar ... has already immortalized himself in history first by declaring against wars in the world outside and bringing about the creation of The Hague conference, and in the second place by granting to his people a Constitution regardless of dangers and obstacles. … The Constitution has been definitely introduced, but necessarily half a thousand politically trained men to work in the Parliament cannot be produced in a day. We must wait a generation. Andrew Carnegie, one of your best men, has already materialized the idea of the Czar by building a Temple of Peace in The Hague. … The Russian people remember that the American Nation is formed from the cream of the best European peoples, and Russia is infinitely more proud of every expression of American sympathy than of all other expressions." … The other guests were Mrs. James Roosevelt, Miss Virginia Roosevelt, John Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. Whitridge, Baron de Fersen, Gen. Cinus, Hayne Davis, Prince Henri de Croy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts, Miss Alice Hassell, Miss Purrington, W. H. Brown, Mrs. Daniel Butterfield, Mrs. James E. Martin, Mrs. Warren Goddard, Mrs. Chickering, Mrs. Westervelt, Mrs. Jordan Smyth, Miss Tucker, Jennie Pomerene, Mrs. Marcus Daly, Mrs. James W. Gerard, W. H. Bliss, Prof. Michael Pupin, William Sloane, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander.“
„Note: Arthur Cherep Spiridovitch (also spelled as "Spiridovich" in various news articles) died on October 22, 1926 at age 75. He was found dead in his hotel room ... His death was believed to be a suicide. He died on the eve of a convention he had planned for uniting the Slav nations. The New York Times on October 23, 1926 reported, "Count Cherep-Spiridovich was a strange figure who spent considerable time traveling between Europe and America on his self-appointed misson of uniting the 200,000,000 Slaves into one organization." The Count had sent out thousands of circulars request money for membership in his organization and he had the ability to garner press attention with such activities as awarding President Theodore Roosevelt a silver cup in 1907 for his role in ending the Russo-Japanese War. According to the same New York Times article of October 23, 1926, "St. Petersburg said that while the Count was of a good family he had been made a noble by the Vatican, not by Russia" ...."
In a series of articles over the next week The New York Times continued to probe into the life of Count Cherep-Spiridovich. … According to an adopted son, Howard Victor von Broens-Trupp, the Count died penniless and the burial expenses were defrayed by charity. ...“
- Barbara Schmidt